HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held February 3, 2015 MINUTES February 3, 2015, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Grogan. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Johnson, and Commissioner Keller. B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation — February 2015 - Black History Month Mayor Vandergrift read his proclamation and proclaimed February as Black History Month. Proclamation - Crossing Guard Appreciation Week — February 6 — February 13 Mayor Vandergrift read his proclamation and proclaimed February 6 — 13 as Crossing Guard Appreciation Week. Presentation of Check to BASE Camp from the Ocoee Professional Fire Fighters Local 3623 BASE Camp Representative Cindy Whittaker explained their organization is a local children's cancer foundation which helps many children in the community. The organization does a lot of commuting and wonderful things such as hot lunch deliveries to the hospitals for the families and overnight camp night for the children. She further explained that for the last five years the Ocoee Professional Firefighters has done a lot for them and have been a great supporter of their organization. Information for their organization can be found on their website basecamp.org. Fire Lt. James Kelley presented a check to BASE Camp Foundation in the amount of $3250 which they had fundraised by hosting a golf tournament. Presentation for 2014 Ocoee Tennis Players of the Year Jack Vinson recognized and presented awards to Luke Lence as the 2014 Male Ocoee Tennis Player of the Year and Madison Fitch as 2014 Female Ocoee Tennis Player of the Year. Presentation of Financial Report for Founders' Day Event and Awarding of Certificates to Founders' Day Event Volunteers - Cancelled until the next meeting. C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS /PUBLIC Vania Colina, Rotary Club of Ocoee Member, had two requests to ask of the Commission 1) if the Rotary Club of Ocoee could continue to use the Withers - Maguire House as their permanent meeting location every Wednesday and 2) if they could turn in their grant application this week which would be after the January 30 deadline. They had some confusion in their club as to who was going to prepare the grant application which is why they missed the deadline. Commissioner Wilsen said she believes in the past they have allowed other organizations to turn them in late so she does not have an issue with accepting their application. Discussion ensued regarding the grant application process for both grant programs [MVP Grant and Regular Commission Meeting February 3, 2015 Community Grant Program] the City offers. After their discussion the consensus was that an extension be granted to accept grant applications for both grant programs [MVP Grant and Community Grant Program] until 5 p.m. Friday, February 6, 2015, for anyone who wants to be considered; however, the initial timely applicants are to be reviewed first. Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to allow for an extension until 5 p.m. February 6 for both grant programs [MVP Grant and Community Grant Program] to anyone who wants to be considered after the initial timely applications are reviewed. Motion carried 5 -0. Discussion ensued regarding the use of the Withers - Maguire House by the Rotary Club of Ocoee which was initially for a temporary basis; however, they have had a positive interaction with the City and would like to continue to use the facility Wednesday mornings for their meetings. Commissioner Johnson said he would like to suggest allowing use of the building on a fiscal basis [until September 301 Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Johnosn, moved to allow the Rotary Club of Ocoee to continue to use the Wither - Maguire House for their Wednesday meeting until September 30 Motion carried 5 -0. D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW - None E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Grogan — 1) announced the Lake Apopka Wildlife Festival and Birdapolooza will take place at the Orange County Magnolia Park on Lake Apopka on Saturday, February 7 at 9am -4 pm. This is a free event with many activities including a bus tour ride around the lake, tree give away, food truck, and air boat ride on the lake. 2) The Woman's Club of Ocoee would like to hold the candidate forum on Wednesday, February 25th at 6:00 p.m. They are requesting use of the City Commission Chambers and that the event is televised and rebroadcast in the usual manner. Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the use of the City Commission Chambers for the Political Forum being hosted by The Woman's Club of Ocoee on Wednesday, February 25 at 6 p.m. and also have the event televised and rebroadcasted. Motion carried 5 -0. Commissioner Wilsen — 1) announced the Parks and Recreation Department will be hosting its monthly Food Truck Friday event on Friday, February 20th, from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. on Lakeshore Drive, in Bill Breeze Park. Food trucks will be offering gourmet food and delectable treats, and the movie "Maleficent" will be shown during the event; the movie will start at 7:OOp.m. So come out and enjoy a dinner and a movie in the park. 2) announced the 10 Annual Spring Fling event will be March 14 at the Bill Breeze Park. This is a free event to educate the community which includes free food, door prizes, and fun! Brief discussion ensued on how the Spring Fling event came to be and how it has grown each year. 21Pagc Regular Commission Meeting February 3, 2015 Commissioner Keller — announced the City of Ocoee treatment personnel received, Wednesday Jan 29th, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection "FDEP" WWTP Operation Excellence Award for 2014. The award is for outstanding operation of the Ocoee Wastewater Plant. Ocoee is the only facility awarded this year in the central district. Utilities Director Smith briefly explained the efforts his department took with the support of the Commission to get this recognition. Commissioner Johnson — shared that two of his granddaughters received awards for their perfect attendances and being on the honor roll. F. CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen, moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items #1 through #5. Motion carried 5 -0. 1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting Held January 20, 2015. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 - 0. 2 Approval of Reappointment to the Community Grant Review Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Community Grant Review Board serve two -year terms. Keith Carrington has a term expiring March 2015 and has stated his interest in being reappointed for another term ending March 2017. There are currently no applications on file of interested persons for this board. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. 3. Approval of Reappointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Three members have terms expiring February 2015, and only two wish to be reappointed. Jim Sills and Don Marcotte have stated their interest in being reappointed for another term; however, Glenda Dunn declined reappointment, hence leaving one vacant position on the board. There are currently no applications on file of interested persons for this board. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. 4. Approval to Increase the Project Budget in Order to Implement Needed Equipment Purchases and Installation Services to Upgrade the City Commission Chambers Broadcast System. (Support Services Director Butler) The City Commission established a capital construction project to rebuild and upgrade the audiovisual and broadcast equipment in the City Commission Chambers, Job No. 30611, at its October 7, 2014, regular meeting with a budget of $30,000. The related agenda item also included a price proposal from Infinity AV & Security for replacement of the podium electronics and the addition of large HDTV monitors on the side walls of the Commission Chambers for viewing by City Commissioners and others on the dais. Toward that objective, the city issued a purchase order for $17,721.00 to the company that was subsequently increased by $1,423.72 to cover the cost of revisions to microphone wiring. With $19,144.72 encumbered to Infinity AV & Security, funding of $10,855.28 remains in the project budget for the balance of the work, which is to put the broadcast booth into a sustainable condition. 31Pagc Regular Commission Meeting February 3, 2015 Staff seeks City Commission authority to allocate up to $15,000 from Account No. 001 - 516 -00 -5235 (Computer Equipment /Software) for Job No. 30611 (Audiovisual Equipment for City Commission Chambers) and to accept the January 21, 2015, price proposal from Enlighten Digital (Quote No. BRIQ1181) in the amount of $23,352.60. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. 5. Approval of Fuel Monitoring System Upgrade. (Public Works Director Krug) The existing fuel monitoring system utilized by the City has been in use for over ten (10) years. The system is a necessary accounting auditing tool for tracking fuel deliveries and usage by Departments at the Public Works Complex and City Fire Stations. Public Works has been satisfied with the current TRAK Engineering system, however it utilizes obsolete technology and can no longer be supported by the manufacturer, nor the new IP phone system being implemented City wide. Public Works investigated the options available to upgrade the monitoring system and determined other vendors offer similar updated technology. Other vendors have provided estimates for over $100,000.00 to install their new systems. TRAK estimates the cost to install a totally new system would be $64,788.97; however TRAK can provide the upgrade for $33,707.00, a substantial savings due to having their proprietary infrastructure already in place. Public Works is requesting the City Commission waive the bid process and award the fuel monitoring system upgrade to TRAK Engineering, manufacturer of our current system, in order maintain a continuity of service at a substantial savings to the City. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5 -0. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 6. First Reading of Ordinance for Amendment to Article 1, Chapter 153 of the City of Ocoee Code, Relating to Access Provisions to Gated Communities. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for February 17, 2015, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 Am. or soon thereafter). (Police Chief Brown) The City of Ocoee desires to ensure the safety of the citizens and provided the most expedient and effective response to emergencies and calls for service in gated communities. This ordinance change is proposed to ensure that new subdivisions and those with existing emergency vehicle access system shall have those systems updated, modified, or replaced in light of changes in technology, policy, or change in equipment used by the police department or fire department for gated subdivision entry. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift announced the second reading and public hearing will be held on February 17, 2015, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None I. REGULAR AGENDA - None J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS - None K. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Wilsen — 1) said she spoke with residents on Lakewood about traffic issues from Ocoee Elementary School She wants input from everyone in that area before they take any action. There are about 7 homes from McKey to Lafayette that would be most affected; she sent out letters and is waiting to hear from the residents. Commissioner Grogan said he believes the police department is doing some things to handle that. Chief Brown noted that they are moving 41Pagc Regular Commission Meeting February 3, 2015 toward coming up with a solution without making traffic Bluford worse. Commissioner Johnson said they need to only let half the buses get out at a time. There was discussion about making Lafayette a one -way street. Further discussion on parking issues occurred; Chief Brown said he would look into those matters as well. Mayor Vandergrift noted that the school is overcrowded; it has maximum 1200 students and there are 1400 at this time. 2) said that the Commissioners have to go to ethics training; she wanted to remind everyone that there is a class coming up in Winter Park in May. You can get more information from the Tri- county League of Cities. The Mayor asked that the information be emailed to Tiffany so that it could be sent out to all of the Commission from the City Manager's Office. Commissioner Johnson — said that we have been working on a study with Winter Garden and Apopka regarding economic development. Representative Bracy got us $100,000 in grant money. He noted that Rep. Bracy does consultant work on his own for business development and he would like to see if the City Manager can look into hiring him on as a consultant for the city. He also noted that he moved into the City of Ocoee. He said Rep. Bracy has met with a top company in Orlando about doing some development in Ocoee. City Manager Frank noted that Rep. Bracy does seem to have the ear of the Governor; he has had a meeting with him at least once in Ocoee. He could probably assist with recruiting businesses on a regional and state basis. City Manager Frank said that Mr. Bracy approached him about working for the City and he is looking forward to do some of this work for the city. Commissioner Johnson said that he heard his meeting with the governor in Ocoee lasted three hours. Consensus of the Commission was to direct the City Manager to look into hiring Rep. Bracy as a business development consultant for the City for and make a proposal to the Commission. Commissioner Grogan — none Mayor Vandergrift — none ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 51Pagc