HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11 Discussion re: Mosquito Control. ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Contact Name: Contact Number: Bob Zaitooni 6002 Meeting Date: February 1,2005 Item # ~ Reviewed By: # ...r- $"/ ~ Department Director: ~ ~. City Manager: ~---.... Subject: DiscussionM Mosquito Control Background Summary: The community and the City Commission had requested staff to evaluate the potential and the feasibility of implementing a mosquito control program within the City limits. Staff contacted Clarke Mosquito Control to provide a feasible program to address the issues in the City. Clarke has provided a proposal for consideration by the City, which is attached to this staff report. Issue: Consider a mosquito control program and provide direction for staff. Recommendations Staff is requesting City Commission to consider a mosquito control program and direct staff on implementation. Attachments: Proposal from Clarke Mosquito Control Financial Impact: A mosquito control program will cost between $76,000 to $150,000 annually depending on services requested. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution o Commission Approval ~ Discussion & Direction For Clerk's OeO( Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) I8J NI A I8J N/ A o N/A City Manager Robert Frank Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Bob Zaitooni, Director of Public Works DATE: January 25, 2005 RE: Discussion- Mosquito Control Program ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission consider and discuss a mosquito control program and provide direction to staffwith implementation of the program? BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The citizens of Ocoee and the City Commission had requested staff to investigate the potential and the feasibility of implementing a mosquito control program within the City limits. Staff contacted Clarke Mosquito Control to provide a feasible program to address the issues in the City of Ocoee. Clarke Mosquito Control is a private company who is the industry leader in this activity and is performing similar programs for many municipalities in Florida and nationally. Clarke has provided valuable educational and effective management programs currently under practice. An effective program typically includes surveillance and monitoring, larval control, and adult control. The most common method of application is an Ultra Low Volume (UL V) performed by truck or ATV. Based on staff request, Clarke Mosquito Control has provided a proposal for an Adult Mosquito Management program for this fiscal year (April through October) at a total cost of $76,000 with each additional application at $5,000. RECOMMENDA nON Staff respectfully requests the City Commission to consider and discuss a mosquito control program and provide direction to staff for implementation. CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT, INC. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OUTLINE FOR THE 2005 CITY OF OCOEE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT (EMM) PROGRAM Phase I. GENERAL SERVICES The 2005 Environmental Mosquito Management Program includes the following services: A Educational Brochures B. Mosquito Hotline Citizen Response - (800) 443-2034 C. Comprehensive Insurance Coverage D. Program Consulting and Quality Control Services Phase II. ADULT MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT The program includes the following services: A Adult applications will consist of thirteen (13) separate applications from April through September of 2005. Each application will consist of an Ultra Low Volume (UL V) performed by truck or A TV. 1. Ultra Low Volume applications will utilize a truck or A TV that will spray Anvil or synthetic pyrethroid. It will be driven on all streets listed on the current map throughout the city. B. An arbovirus surveillance and monitoring program will consist of two (2) Adult Mosquito Light Traps. The pair of light traps will be set weekly from April through September, for a total of twenty six (26) times. 1. The two Adult Light Traps will be strategically located through out the city to monitor the overall mosquito population as well as the species associated with each trap. CLARKE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT, INC. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OUTLINE FOR THE 2005 CITY OF OCOEE ENVIRONMENTAL MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT (EMM) PROGRAM PAGE TWO I. Service Guarantee. Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. is committed to providing The City of Ocoee with environmentally sound services. Clarke will respond to and resolve all verbal or written concerns from community officals and residents over program effectiveness. II. Program Payment Plan. For Parts I and" as specified in the 2005 Professional Services Outline, the 2005 program price is $75,585.00. Payments for services will be billed on a monthly basis according to the schedule below. (Purchase orders can be cut for quarterly or annual payment if desired by the city.) Billed in 6 monthly installments of $11,905.00 due on: 4/1/2005 5/112005 6/1/2005 $12,597.50 $12,597.50 $12,597.50 7/1/2005 8/1/2005 9/1/2005 $12,597.50 $12,597.50 $12,597.50 III. Approved Contract Period and Agreement. (x) 2005 Season If further UL V applications are needed, inside the contract period, each additional application will be: UL V treatments $5,175.00 Call Pete Deglomine to schedule each additional application outside of the original contract. City of Ocoee Name: Title: Date: Signature: For Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. Name: Pete Deolomine Title: Control Consultant Date: 1/5/05