HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #08 Eng. Services for reclaimed water main construction in Reflections and Reserve Sub.
Meeting Date: September 19, 2006
Item # 8
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
David Wheeler
407 -905-3100 ext. 1504
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
Subject: Engineering services for reclaimed water main construction in Reflections and Reserve
Background Summary:
The City Commission authorized an expenditure of up to $53,989.80 for the firm of Miller Legg, Inc. (nee
Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc.) to perform engineering design and related services for the construction of
reclaimed water lines in The Reserve and Reflections subdivisions at its regularly scheduled meeting of
June 15, 1999. That work was suspended after all but $15,453.59 of the authorized amount had been
expended. The remaining funds were not encumbered at that time and, even if they had been, would
have lapsed after three years of inactivity. The funds were returned to the bond proceeds account.
City Commission authorization is required to reallocate the $15,453.59 remaining from 1999 and
authorize an additional $11,097.41 to encumber the total funding required of $26,551 for the work to be
completed by Miller Legg. City Commission authorization is required because the total amount exceeds
the City Manager's authorization limit of $25,000 and Miller Legg is not one of the engineering firms with
which the City has a continuing relationship; however, they are the engineer of record. Construction
plans will need to be updated to reflect changes since the project was suspended in 1999 and to
complete the preparation of design bidding plans and specifications.
Previously approved funds expired due to reclaimed water main construction suspension. City
Commission reauthorization is required to complete the engineering work.
Contract with the firm of Miller Legg, the original design firm, to complete the engineering work on this
Proposal dated June 29, 2006 from Miller Legg
Financial Impact:
Sufficient funds appear to remain in the 1997 Utility Bond Fund to pay for the engineering services, so
there should be no need to find an offsetting expenditure. It is possible that the cost of the work will be
reduced if new aerial surveys are not required to update the plans.
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x')
Public Hearing
_ Ordinance First Reading
_ Ordinance Second Reading
~ Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deot Use:
_____ Consent Agenda
_____ Public Hearing
~ Regular Agenda
~ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
_ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by ( )
City Manae:er
Robert Frank
Gary Hood. District 1
Scott Anderson. District 2
Rusty Johnson. District 3
Joel Keller. District 4
S. Scott Vandere:rift
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
David A. Wheeler, P.E.
City Engineer
September 11, 2006
Approval of Purchase Order and Contract with Miller Legg, Inc. for engineering services
associated with construction of reclaimed water mains in the Reflections and Reserve
The City proposes to install reclaimed water mains in the Reflections and Reserve subdivisions in accordance
with a general plan of system expansion that was suspended in 1999. Outside engineering services are required
to prepare final plans and specifications for the bid process and to help supervise the selected contractor's work.
The City Commission originally authorized an expenditure of up to $53,989.80 for the firm of Miller Legg, Inc.
(nee Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc.) to perform engineering design and related services for the construction of
reclaimed water lines in the Reserve and Reflections subdivisions at its regularly scheduled meeting of June 15,
1999. That work was suspended in 1999 after all but $15,453.59 of the authorized amount had been expended.
The remaining funds were not encumbered at that time, and even if they had been, would have lapsed after three
years of inactivity. Therefore, the current work proposed to be done by Miller Legg cannot be paid using the
1999 authorization and implementing purchase order.
We estimate that the plans from 1999 are at a level of 60% completion. The proposed contract with Miller Legg
provides that the price of the work may be reduced if it is found that data presently available are sufficient to
provide information on any changed conditions within the construction area since the original engineering work
was done. The authorized work consists of professional services to complete the construction plans ($25,051)
and bidding phase services on an as-needed basis ($1,500). Funding would corne from a new authorization for
$11,097.41 and reauthorization of the balance remaining from 1999. City staffwill provide primary bidding
phase and all construction phase services.
June 29,2006
Mr. David Wheeler, P.E
City of Ocoee Utilitres Department
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, FL 34761
Re: Reserve and Reflections Subdivisions Reuse Watermain (the "Project")
Additional Services No.1
Miller Legg Proposal No. 06-P6858
Dear Mr. Wheeler:
Pursuant to our meeting, MHfer Legg is pleased to present the attached Scope of
Services and Fees for completion of the above-referenced Project. This proposal is for
additional services as a result of inflation from the pornt the project stopped in 1999 to
start the project again in 2006. The original authorization under the Continuing Services
Agreement with Ivey Harris and Walls, Inc. (IHW) assigned to Miller Legg has approval
for $25,172.45 (see attached). The total contract cost is currently $40,689.00. An
Additional Services Agreement for a maximum of $15,516.55 is requested. As
discussed, please present this Additional Services Agreement to your City Council on
July 18, 2006.
Should you be in agreement with the attached proposal, please sign and initial the two
(2) attached Agreements where indicated, and return both originals for Miller Legg's
execution. A completed original will be mailed to you for your file.
We appreciate the opportuni1y to present this proposal and deve!op a successful
worklng relationship with the City of Deeee. Should you have any questions regarding
this matter, please do not hesi1ate to contact our office.
Mlchael F. Schwartz, P.E.
Associate, Engineering
V:\Proposal\2006\06-P685B City of Ocoee Water Systems Retrofit\06'P6858 Agreement.doc
Central Florida Office: 631 S Orlando Avenue . Suite 200 . Winter Park, Ronda' 32789-7122
(4ro) 629-8880 . Fax: (407) 629.7883
City of Ocoee Utilities Department
Client Contact:
David Wheeler, P.E.
Utilities Director
Address: 150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Fl 34761
Add ress:
June 29, 2006
Proposal No. 06-P6858 T:
Project Name and Location: Reserve and Reflections Subdivisions Reuse Water Mairl- the .Projecr
Additional Service NO.1
Description of Services to be Provided: See Exhibit A Pages 1 - 4
Lump Sum of $13,516.55
Hourly NoHo-Exceed (NTE)
Retai ner:
(Payable upon execution of this Agreement)
Special Conditions: NJA
The undersigned agree to the attached General Conditions and Special Provisions which are
incorporated and made a part of this Agreement dated Februarv 16, 1999. Any additional requested
services will be addressed in a separate agreement.
Miller, Legg & Assocfatas, Inc. d/b/a Miller Legg
(Consu Itant)
City of Ocoee Utilities Department (Client)
Dan A. TintnerNice President, Engineering
Printed NamefTitle
David Wheeler, P.E.IUWities Director
Printed NamefTitle
AUachments: General Conditions/Special Provisions
Client 8i11ing Instructions
Rate Schedule/Exhib~t A and B
V:\Proposafl2OO6\06.P6858\06.P6858 AjJ reementdoc
Page I of7
Tl1e~e general cQndition~ are attached and made panof proposals and agreements for ~en'i<:es b)' Miller Legg, the Consullant.
1.0 Standard of Care f) Retainer shall be paid to Consultant by Client prior 10
Consuhanl, pro\'iding services under the Agreemenl, will endeavor to commencement of ser.'ices. This retainer shall be applied to the final
perform in a manner con~istent with the degree of care and skill in\'oice for sen'ices flrol'ided under this Agreement.
exercised by members of the same profession under similar current
circlJ m stan ces,
2.0 Basi<: S en-ices
Co~sultant shall provide the mutually agreed-upon sel\'ices outlined
in the Agreement. Any sen'ices ~ot specifically outlined in the
,-'\greemel1t are specificall}' excluded from lhe scope of Consultant's
sen'ices. Consultant assumes no responsibility to perform any
sen'ices not specifically addressed in the Agreement.
3.0 Additional Senices
If mutuaU)' agreed to in wriling by 'ne parlies, in ad\'ance, Consllllallt
wlll pro.'ide additional sen'ices, which shall be documente.:! and
appended hereto, Addilional services are not included as part of the
b ask scope of serv'ices and sh all be paid fo r b)' C I ie nl in addi tion [.0
the payment for basic se......ices. Payment for additional se.....' ices shall
be in accordance with Consultant's Rate Schedule, as provided for in
S~ction 5.0, Comp~nsaEion, or as otherwlse mutually agree.:! to by the
4.0 Client RespoJ1.!iibiUties
Cl ienl shall design ate in wri ting, a person to act as hislher
r~flresentati".e with respect w the sen'ices to be rendered under the
A greemen t. C Ii e nt shall pro". ide all criteri a and inform ation required
for Consultanl to perform sen'ic~s under the Agreement. Client shall
provide for access to and make all pro".isions for Consultant to enter
upon pub[ic arrd pri vare property as required to pe rform s en'ices
under the Agreemerrl.
5.0 Compensation
a) Morrthly progress invoices for bastc services and additional
se rv ice s will be su bmi ned to Client by Cons ullant based on pe rcen t
complete for each projecl tas", HOllrly sen'ices shall be invoiced
bllsed on applicable hourly rates in accordance witn lhe Rate
S ched u Ie wh ich is subjec t to annual adj ustment.
b} These. in voice s are due upon p resen lation and shall tl e con sidered
past due if not paid within thirty (30) calendar da)'s.
c) In orde r to provide u ninterru pted seT\'ice by Cons ullant, Client is
rcquired to promptly pay submitted lm-oices. Client shall ha.'e II
fourteen (l~) day re.'iew period to request clarification or additional
information regarding an invoice. If no request is made durirrg the
rcvie'" period, the in.'oice is deemed appro\'ed and payment will be
made in the full amount of the invoice. If pa)'ment in full is not
received by Consultant within thirty (30) calendar days, all past due
amounts shall bear interest at orre and one-half (15) percent per
month from said thirtieth (30th) day,
d) If Client fails to make payments when due or otherwise breaches
the Agreem~nt, Consultant may susp~nd performance of se......{ces
with 5el'ell (7) days writ/en notice to Client. Consultant shall ha\'e 110
liabHily whalsoe.'er to Client for an)' costs or damages wnatsoe.'er as
a result of such suspension caused by any breach of the Agreement b)'
Client. Upon payment in full by Client, Consullan! may, uflon
w ritte n agree m e nt of both p arti es, resu m e servi ces under the
Agreement and me. time schedule and compensation shall be
~quilably adjllsted to compensate for the period of suspension plus
any ofher reasonable time and expense necessary for Consultant to
resume performance.
c) Pa~'ment ofin\'oices is in no case subject to unilateral di~counting
or se toffs by Client and p a)'m e ~t ~s du e rega rdless of suspension 0 r
Ie rm in atio n of the A greemen t by either part)'.
Proposall\'o: (I6.P6858
6.0 Permit., "'gene)" and Application Fees
Cli~nt shall be responsible for and pay all project-related fees
including. tlut not limited to, permitting, filing, recording. inspection,
plan review, DRI. PUD. rezoning and impact fees, Any mUlually
agreed-upon project-related fee up to 5500 may be paid by Consultant
and i nmiced as a rei mburs able ex pense b~' C lie nt.
7.0 Collection Costs
In the e vent that an~' in.o ice or ponion th ereof re mai n s u npai d for
more than thirt)' (30) days follo....ing the invofc~ date, Consultant may
initiate l~gal action to enforce me compensation pro\'ision of the
Agreement. Consultant is entitled to collect any judgme~t or
settlemenl sums due, n:asonab!e attorn e)' fees. court costs, inlerest
and expens~s incurred by Consllltant in connection wilh the
collection of an}' amounl due under the Agreemenl.
8.1) R~imbursab]es
Project-related expenses such as travel, lodging, per diem, long
distance communicalions. postage, shipplng. reproduclions, approved
su bcontracted se.....' ices and ome r necessary and custo mal)' costs shall
be paid to Consultant by Client. These reimbursables shall be
compe nsated at:
. Unir prices per Consultant's Rate Sche.:!ule.
· Out-of-pocket expenses billed at a multiplier of 1.15 to
cover processing costs,
9..1 Tans
Any go\'emment-imposed taxes or fees shall be added to tne invoke
and paid by Client to Consultant for services under me Agn:emenl.
lO.l} Indemnifkation
a) Clien I agrees, to the fullest ex tent flerm i tted by 1 a"', to indem nif y
and hold hannless Con~ultant, its offi cers, di rectors, e mp 1 oye.es and
in depen dent su hconsultants agai nst all damages, liab ilitie s or costs
including reasonable attorneys fees and defense costs. arising Ollt of,
or connected with, the Agreement or perfonnance b)' an)' of the
parties al){we named of the senices under the Agreement. excepl
th ose da mages, liabilities or costs altributed to the negligent act s or
negligent failure 10 acl b)' Consullant.
b) Client agrees that as Client's sole and exclush'e remedy, any
cl aim. de mand or sui I sh all be di recled arrd/or asserted only again Sl
Cons ultant, a F Jorida corporalion, an d no, again st an)' 0 r Consu ltarlt' s
indlvidual emplo)'ees, officers or direclors.
c) CHent agrees [0 indemnify Consultanl, its officers, directors.
employees and independent subconsultants against all damages.
liabilities or costs arising out of, or in any way connected wilh. the
Agreement or the performance b)' any of the parties abov'e-named of
the services under the Agreemenl by any Ihird pan)'.
11.0 Limitation i1r LiabiJit}"
In recogn tl io n uf the relati ve ri sks and bene fits 0 f th e project to bOlh
Cl ien I and Consu ltam, C !lent agrees to th e fu Il e st e xtenl pe rmilted b~'
la",. to I im it th e liab ility of C onsu llan t and/o r its emp loyees, 0 mcers,
di re.c to rs, partners, agents andtor re presentati ve s to Client and/or all Y
person and/or entity claiming by and/or tbrough Cliem for any and all
claims. losses, costs, damages or claim's e."penses from an)' cause or
causes. including, but /lot limiEed to, attorney fees and costs n:sulting
from Consultant's negligent acts, errors andlor omlssions, Tile total
liability ofConsullant to Client shall in no e\'enE e;o;ceed S 100,000.
2 on
Initial: l'.'1L:_ Client:_ '0/
l2.U IoslrulDfDts oCSenke Ownership
a) All reports, plans, spe<:Hkatioru;. electronic files. field data. notes and
otber documents and instruments prepared by Consultant as tbe
A.greement's instrumenls of service shall remain the propen)' of
Consultant. Consultant shall retain all common lawT statutory atld other
n:sep..ed rights, including the copyright thereto,
b) Instruments of sef\,ice by Consultant are for the sole use of Client
and are no( to be copied or distributed, in an)' manner, to a third party.
",ithout tbe express .....ritten permission of Consultant. EleclIonic
[n formation or files are for in formational pu rposes only. II is the
resporu;i bHity of Client to veri fy the accuraq of the i nformalion therd n
and to hold Consu(tanl harmless for any damages that may result from
the use of !he infonnation. CHent at his own cost shall be responsible
fOT vaJidati ng any and all ele{;tron; c infonnation pro.'ided,
1.3.0 Governing Law
Client and Consu[tanl agree that tlte Agreemenl and any legal aClions
concerning said Agreement shall be gon~med by the la\lo'5 of the State of
14.0 ~1edialionslDispl1te Resolution
a) To resolve any conflicts wbich mighl arise during me perfonnance
of Consul tant's sel'o'ices under tlte Agree ment, or duri ng the construction
of the Project, and/or fo!lol,l,ing the completion of tbe project, Clienl and
COfisul!ant agree tbat all disputes, pertaining to tbe perfonnance of
se......kes by Consul!.an!, shall be first submitted to non-binding
mooiation. Failure by an)' part)' to fLllly comply ""ilh the pre-suit
mediation provision shall, upon finding by acourt and/or jury, wnslitute
a waiver of this conditLon precedent. The fees amVor costs of mediation
sl1all be equally borne b~' the parties to the Agreement,
h) r n the e.'em of Ii tigation, disputes shall be resol ved in lhe circuit
court of the Rorida cOLlnty in which the Project is located under lbe
Agreement. The prevai Ii ng party in such litigati on sl1all be enILtled to
reco.'er from tbe non-prevai Ii ng party all reasonable attorney fees,
ta.xable COLlrt costs, expert wi mess fees and costs, dernof1stratl>'e
n-idence costs, and such o!her reasonable fees and/or costs generally
associaled ""itb lhe litigation of such maners, as determined upon
hearing, post-tn al. b)' the COUI1,
c) hrespecth'e of any contrnct provlslon or obligation of either part)'
here under pursuant to contract or agreement wi lh person(s) Mdlor
entity(ies) not spedfLc.'lll)' named herein, ConsulUlnt shall nol be
obligated to panicipate in. nor be a named part)' in, any arbitration
j}roceedi ng withouLthe express writlen consent of Consultant.
] 5.0 DeIa)''S
a) In the e.'em the proj eet undertbe Agreement is delayed for a period
of more than fifteen (15) calendar days by any act or omission by Client
or any other causes beyond Consultant's exclusi ~'e control, Client agrees
(hat Cotlsultant is not responsible for an)' and all damages arising
directly or indLrectly from such delays. In addition, if the delays
resulting from any such causes increase the cost or time required by
Consultant to perform its se....,ices in an orderly and efficient manner,
Consultant shall be entitled to an equiUlble adjuslment in schedule
;mdlor comperu;aLion prior to re-commendng "'ork on the project.
h) CHent recognizes and agrees that factors both wlll1in and ""lthout
Consultant's control may delay tlte ",'Ork performance. permit issuance,
design and construction of the project CHent agrees lI1al it shall not be
entitled 10 any claim for damages due to hindrances or delays from any
caLIse whatsoever i nduding, bUI not limited to: lhe producILon of
com!'3Ct documents~ review of documents by any go~'emment agency:
issuance of penn its from an)' go,'emment agency; beginning or
co mplelion of
Proposal No: 06-P685S
construction; or perfoll1lance of any task of the won: pursuant to the
Agree ment: Perrnilti ng is a regulawry function and Con5u[13nt does nOI
guarantee issuance of an)' permit. Agency reviews and pennilting are
deemed' 'facton'" outside Consultant's controL
16.0 Termination
The Agreernetlt and lne obligation 10 pro,'ide furtber se....,ices under the
Agreemelll may be terminated by eLlber partj' upon seven (7) days
",Tilterr tlolice in tbe e~'eni of substantial failure by tlte other party to
perform in accordance v,ith the terms hereof through no fault of the
terminating pany. Consultant shall l1a.'e the right to terminate Ibis
Agreement for Consullant's convenience and .....ithoLlt cause upon giving
lhe Client seven (7) dajo's written notice. In the e\'elll of terrnina([on of
the Agreement b)' either party, Client sltan witltill fifteen (15) calendar
days of terminalion, pay Consultant for all sen.'ices rendered to date. all
reimbursable costs and tennill:ltion expenses incurrOO b~.. COllSultant up
[0 the date of termillation, in accordance wLth tne pa)' ment prOY'isi ons of
the Agree ment.
17.0 Reoegotiation or Fees
Consultant reserves the right to renegotiate fixed fees to reflect chaRges
in price indices and pa)' scales applicable to !he period when services are
18.1} COElstructiOD Phase
Consultant shall not, during an)' site visits or as a result of obsel'o'i ng
COlliractor's (s') work in progress, supervise. manage, direct or have
control over Conlractor's (s') work. Nor shall Consultant have an)'
authority or responsibililY for the means, methods, techniques.
sequences or procedures of construction selected by Contractor(s) for
safety precatltions and programs incident to !he work of Contrac1or(s) or
for any fallure of O:lIltractor(s) to comply ",ith laws, rules, regulations.
ordinances, codes or orders applicable Lo Conlractor(s) furnishillg and
performing its work, Consultant can neither guarantee the performance
of the construction contracts by Contrnctor(s) nor assume any
responsibility for Contractor's (s') failure to finish and perform its work
in acoordaoce .....itb the colltract documents.
19.0 Hazardous Materials
Consultant's Scope of SeI\'iees does not j ndude all)' sen'ices related to
the presence of any hazardous or toxic materials induding, bul not
limited to asbe~tos, to....ic or hazardous waste, PCB's, combLlstible gases
and rnateria(s. petroleu m or radioactive material s, III the event any
baz.ardous or toxic materials are presenl on or about the job sile or any
adjacent areas tbat ma~' affect the performance of Consultant's services,
Consullarll maj', at its option and l,l,ithout Habn i I)' for consequential or
olher damages, suspend performance of tts services under lhe
Agreement until Client retaj f1& appropriate consultants or contractors to
identify and abate or remove the hazardous or toxic rnalerials in full
compl iance \~i th all applicable laws and regul at ions ,
2(W Sigoage
Client agrees to prO>'ide Consultant l,l,itb a location for Consultan l's
temporal)' construction signage on tbe projoct site before and duri ng
construction acti \,ities.
21.1} Successors and Assigns
Neither party to the Agreement shall transfer , sublet or assign any rights
U Ilder or i merest in the Agreement (i nc ludi ng, bu t without Ii mlUltion.
monies thai may become due or monies that are due) without the prior
written coment of the otner party. Subcontracting to suoconsullallts
normally contemplated oj' Consultant shall not be considered as an
assignmenl for purposes of the Agreement.
Inilial: ML:_Client:_ ~
These special provisions are attached hereto, and made a part of, this Agreement for Professional Services for
Reserve and Reflections Subdh'isions Reuse Water Main~ Proposal No. 06.P6858 - by Miller Legg. the
Con sultant.
l.0 This page intentionally left blank:.
Proposal No: 06-P6858
4 (}f 7
In[lial:ML:_Client:_ ~
The following billing information must be completed by the Client. Client must notify Consultant of
any changes to this information within one billing cycle.
Project Name:
Project Manager Name:
Phone Number:
Accounting/Billing Contact:
Accounting Check Run Dates:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Fax Number:
Original Invoice should be addressed as follows:
CHent/Company Name:
Billing Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Copies should be fOlWarded to:
Client/Company Name:
Attention :
Billing Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
If required, please check appropriate boxes and attach a sample invoice. Please note that addinonal fees
may be added for any of the following services:
Speciallllvoice Format 0
Special Wording 0
Special Submittal Date 0
Number of Invoice Copies
Service Work Order 0
Reimbursabre Back up 0
Consultant Back up 0
Timesheet Back up 0
Pmposal No; 06-P6S58
Jtlilial: ML:_Client:_ ~
Professional Services
Administrative Assistant
Project Administrator
Technical Assistant
CAD Operator
Senior Technician
Technical Speciafist
Senior Technical Specialist I
Senior Technical Specialist II
Senior Designer t
Senior Designer H
Construction Specialist
Senior Construction Specialist I
Senior Construction Specialist II
Engineer I
Engineer II
Engineer III
Senior Engineer
Biologist I
Biologist II
Project Biologist
Senior Biologist
Environmental Scientist
Senior Environmental Scientist
Landscape Des igne r I
Landscape Designer II
Senior landscape Designer I
Senior landscape Designer II
Landscape Architect II Planner I
Landscape Architect III Planner II
Project Landscape ArcMectIProject Plan ner
Senior Landscape ArchitectfSenior Planner
Surveyor I
Surveyor II
Surveyor III
Senior Surveyor
2-Person Survey Crew
3-Person Survey Crew
4-Person Survey Crew
2-Person Senior Survey Crew
3-Person Senior Survey Crew
GIS Specialist
Senior GIS Specialist I
Senior GIS Specialist II
Senior GIS Specialist III
GIS Coordinator
Senior Principal
Expert Witness
Proposal No; 06-P6858
Hourlv Rate
$ 55
$ 75
$ 50
$ 55
$ 70
$ 80
$ 90
$ 100
$ 110
$ 95
$ 110
$ 140
$ 95
$ 110
$ 140
$ 100
$ 125
$ 170
$ 195
$ 75
$ 90
$ 110
$ 140
$ 100
$ 150
$ 85
$ 90
$ 95
$ 100
$ 95
$ 100
$ 130
$ 160
$ 90
$ 100
$ 110
$ 130
$ 130
$ 160
$ 195
$ 140
$ 170
$ 95
$ 105
$ 120
$ 140
$ 160
$ 200
$ 230
$ 300
$ 300
lnil[al: ML:_Ctient:_ ~
In-house Reimbursable Excenses
Courier lone 1 (0 . 30 Miles)
Courjer lone 2 (31 - 60 Miles)
Courier Zone 3 {61 - 75 Miles}
Mrleage (per mile)
Cofor Copies (<8 1/2" X 11-) (per copy)
Cola r Copies (< 11- X 17") (per copy)
Blackline Prints (<24" X 36") (per sheet)
Mylars (<24" X 36") (per sheet)
Veltums (<24" X 36") (per sheet)
Official Record Docs (per page)
Fax Transmissions
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 60.00
$ 0.56
$ 1.00
$ 2.00
$ 2.20
$ 7.00
$ 5.50
$ 1.00
Out-of-Pocket EXPenses
Cost + 15%
'Charges for monthly copies, fax transmissions, postage. and long distance charges will be
the greater of 0.5% of invoice amount or $25.00.
NOTE: These rates are subject to change after July 1,2006
Prapos.al No: 06-P6858
7 on
lnitia1: ML:_ Cliem:_ ~
Proposal No. 06-P6858
The Project is generally described as the following: Consultant shall provide
engineering desrgn, bidding assistance, and construction phase services for
the construction 01 a reclaimed watermain (RWM) with services to serve the
lots of the Reflections and Reserve subdivisions.
The Project site is located on A.D. Mims Road, approximately % mile east of the
CIty of Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Plant.
2.1 City Of Ocoee Responsibilities:
· Provide assistance and data that wrll be of valuable use on this Project.
· Provide right-of-way (ROW) maps and copies of supporting plats/deeds
of the subd~visions. Maps and plats are to be in paper and electronic
(AutoCAD) format.
· Provide aerial photography of the subdivisions.
· Provide as-built records of air uWity construction within the subdivisions
and of the reclaimed watermain on Clarke Road. As-builts are to be in
paper and electronic (AutoCAD) format.
· Assist in utility company coordination to identify existing facilities and
establish relocation requirements (if any).
· Provide standard City of Ocoee construction details for reclaimed
watermains. Details are to be in paper and electronic (AutoCAD) format.
· Provide geotechnical services as necessary. Consultant will coordinate
any requests with the City and the City will coordinate with its
geotechnicaf engineer.
· Provide construction contract '1ront end" documents.
· Provide full-time constructlon inspection services.
· Obtain as-builts from the contractor that meets City of Ocoee and Florida
Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) requirements. City will
submit as-builts to Consultant for certificatton review only.
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Initial: ML:
Proposal No. D6-P68S8
· Bear sole responsibility for providing and participating in any public
a ware ness/participation programs necessary for this Project.
· Be responsible for coordination of bidding and advertlsement.
· Review as-builts of the constructed facilities.
· Certify the project to the necessary regulatory agencies at completion of
constructio n.
2.2 In order to ascertain the improvements constructed to date, aerfal
photography of the subdivisions wHl be required and provided by the
Consultant. Scope of work does not include a detailed boundary, ROW or
topographic survey.
2.3 Sixty percent plans have been compfeted and approved by the City for the
Reflect10ns Subdivision. Preliminary layout of the RWM was completed and
approved by the City for the Reserves Subdivision. This layout was
comp1eted prior to completion of the subdivision construction. and revisions
to this plan wHl be necessary to coordinate with current construction.
2.4 The City will provide the design hydraulic grade line at the point of
connection on Clarke Road.
2.5 The Project will be permitted under a General Permit from the FDEP. As
such, a formal pennit appHcation or approval is not necessary and not
included within this scope of work. No other permitting is required for the
construction of the RWM.
2.6 Consultant's field visits during the design phase of the Project will be solely
for the purpose of identifying significant above ground deviations from the
record drawings. Consultant is not responsible for any undiscovered
deviations in underground utilities or conditions, or other deviatfons not
discovered in Consultant's field visits.
2.7 This Project will be designed and constructed in one (1) phase.
2.8 It is anticipated that the construction phase services portion of this scope of
work will begin within six (6) months of notice to proceed and be completed
within four (4) months of notice to proceed. The contractfee is based on 12-
months of service. Should the completion of the Project extend beyond 12-
months, additional services may apply.
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Initial: ML:
Cl[e nt:
Proposal No. 06-P6858
The Project will be performed in the foHowing three (3) tasks:
Task 1.
Task 2.
Task 3.
Construction Contract Plans - Based on the current approved plans
provided by Ivey, Harris and Walls (IHW), dated June 24, 1999. Consultant
shall prepare finaf engineering plans that will include cover sheet, key sheet,
plan sheets, special conflict details (as determined necessary) and RWM
details. Consuftant shall submit six (6) sets of plans for the 90% and 100%
reviews. Plans will be produced using AutoCAD 2004, complete with
estimates and supporting data suitable for Client use in securing construction
bids to perform the instaUations.
One (1) copy of the Technical Specffications will be provided at each review.
Consultant shall also perform one (1) fieJd visit to review the existing site
conditions and one (1) meeting with City representatives prior to
commencement of 90% design plans.
FEE: Lump Sum of $25,051.00.
Bidding Phase Services - Consultant shall provide one (1) set of white
paper reproducible plans and specificatlons for bidding by the City.
Consultant shall provide assistance to the City in responding to Requests for
Information (RFl's), evaluating substitute materials, and preparation of
addenda {maximum of two [2}). Consultant shall review all bids submitted for
this Project and provide a written recommendation regarding the award of
the Project based on the bids. -
FEE: Lump Sum of $3,375.00.
Construction Phase Services - During the construction administration
phase of the Project. Consultant shall assist City of Ocoee staff with the
foUowing elements:
1. Attending the preconstruction conference to be conducted by the City
with selected contractor and others. The City shall coordinate the
meeting, Consultant shall provide minutes to the meeting.
2. Assisting the City in evaluating Requests for Proposed Changes in the
design that will result in contract change orders. Consultant shall
evaluate and advise the City on any change order requests and provide
its evaluation in memorandum format to the City. The City shall prepare
and provide any formal change orders to the Contractor.
3. Attendance at one (1) substantial completion rnspection and one (1) final
completion inspection.
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Inilial: ML
Proposal No. 06-P6858
4. Review of all test reports to ensure that the work has been completed
substantially in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.
FEE: Lump Sum of $10,263.00.
Reimbursable fees (printing, travel, federal express or couriers) incurred will be invoiced
upon completion of the work without mark-up. They are estimated not to exceed (NTE)
FEE: Budget Not To Exceed (NTE) Fee of $2,000.00.
Task 1 Construction Contract Plans $25,051.00 .. $25,051.00
Task 2 Bidding Phase SelVices $ 3,375.00 -- $ 3,375.00
Task 3 Construction Phase Services $10,263.00 n $10,263.00
Reimbursable Fees -- $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00
TOTAL FEE $38,689.00 $2,000.00 $40,689.00
Previously Approved $25,172.45 - -
Additional Services $15,516.55 - --
The lump sum portions of this contract will be invoiced monthly based on percentage
completed through the biHing period. For City review and information, estimated man-hour
efforts are provided herewith for the Project. As noted, reimbursable portions of the scope
will be invoiced upon completion of the work without mark-up.
It is anticipated that design services under this Project will be completed, within four (4)
months from written notice to proceed, dependent on length of City reviews. Construction
phase s9IVices wilt be completed as the contractor progresses.
V:\Proposal\2006\05-PGB58 City of Ocaee Water Syslems Relrofit\06-P6858 Reserve and Reflections Soope.doc
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lnitial: ML: _ Client _