HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION September 5, 2006 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson (absent), Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry. I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamations. (Mayor Vandergrift) . September 11th . Constitution Week - September 17th - September 23rd Presentation - Ocoee High School Issue. (Commissioner Johnson) Presentation - First Baptist Church of Central Florida - Senior Pastor Clayton Cloer. (Mayor Vandergrift) Pastor Cloer of the First Baptist Church, 700 Good Holmes Road, gave a presentation and displayed photos with the Cross superimposed to show what it will look like from various angles and locations. Senator Daniel Webster spoke in favor of allowing the cross to be placed in the center of the church property. He stated that crosses and other religious symbols are being removed from all public structures, but government should not go so far as to deny churches that right. Several Commissioners commented that they were not previously aware that the cross would be in the middle of the property rather than close to the road. Commissioner Anderson said he would like to not only rescind the letter opposing the cross, but write a letter in support. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved rescind the previous letter send to Oranae County opposina the installation of the 199' cross, on the property of the First Baptist Church of Central Florida and to send a new letter in support of the cross. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Hood added that he would like a staff member to be present when the letter is given to the County. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like staff to look into our ordinance, should a similar issue come up in Ocoee. Presentation-Contribution to Founder's Day by Brian Cirillo from Centex Homes - Brian Cirillo from Centex Homes presented the City with a check in the amount of $2,500 to be used to help fund the Founder's Day event. I Co COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Frances Watts, 43 shell Key Court, 1) thanked the Fire Department's "Fully Involved" Program for the 14 people who responded to her home to cut down dangerous tree limbs and helped to clean up the area around her mobile home, 2) said the dedication at the new Ison Veteran's and Senior Center was very well done. She added that a larger sign should be placed on Adair Street City Commission Regular September 5, 2006 for the Center so people can find it, 3) said the Christian Service Center does a great job making boxed lunches for 100-150 people, five days a week, and 4) asked permission for her group of seniors to continue meeting at the Community Center. Consensus of the Commission was to allow the West Oranae Seniors to continue to meet at the Community Center rather than the new Ison Center. Chuck Kramer, Vice President, and other members of the FF A advised they received a three- star award and would like assistance to get to the National Convention in Indianapolis to receive the award. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to arant the FFA $500 from the Commission Continaency Fund, with the condition that some students from the club do volunteer work at Founder's Day. Motion carried 5-0. Henry Morgan, 304 S. Lakeshore Drive, 1) said he feels the City made an expedient move to place stormwater and garbage on the tax roll without fully researching the effects of doing so, and feels the City should sent a certificate to Orange County to remove all residents from the tax roll except those 200-300 who would otherwise not pay for any services, 2) said he thinks that advertisements should be placed in the West Orange Times instead of the Orlando Sentinel, 3) asked if we look into making LaserFiche more user friendly for retrieval and to find out why the minutes appear blurry when opened on LaserFiche. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the decision to place the stormwater and garbage on the tax roll. Assistant Public Works Director Elliott advised that the Special Meeting on September 13, 2006, is to Certify the Data being sent to the Property Appraiser's Office to be placed on the tax roll. She advised vacant properties are not being charged for solid waste services, only residential customers. Residents can call if they feel they are being charged improperly, and staff will research it and make the adjustment if they are not subject to the fee under the terms of the ordinance. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that if the Commission is proceeding on the assumption that they have the discretion of not certifying this data for the Tax Collector, he needs to research the implications of that, because this is a ministerial act that comes after the Commission has already adopted the resolution at an advertised public hearing, and included it in the tax notices. He said he previously advised if they wished to rescind their actions on this issue, it should be done by resolution at an advertised Public Hearing. He said last time this was discussed, the Commission decided to address the opt-out provision for the next fiscal year, and not pursue the idea of rescinding the original actions. The opt-out provision was researched and included in the ordinance that was subsequently adopted. He advised he will bring back information at the September 13, 2006, Special Session as to the implications of not signing the tax roll certification. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Hood 1) announced Hispanic Heritage Event on Sept 16, 2006 at 10 a.m. being put on by the HRDB Board., 2) said Ocoee High School football team won last week 3-0, and we play against Freedom High School Friday, 3) asked about the Ingram Road closing; Engineer Wheeler distributed a diagram of the new road closure that was worked out with the developer Page 2 of 10 City Commission Regular September 5, 2006 that will still allow two lanes of traffic to flow throughout the construction, and it will be enforced by Ocoee PD. The detour should go into effect in approximately a month. Commissioner Anderson 1) read an email from Patricia Thursby which said she would like to see some type of recognition be done for Edwin Pounds, Cliff Freeman, Delmar Fields, and Ben Griffin. She advised in addition to building homes and shopping centers, they built a Little League Field instead of more homes so that Ocoee could have a place for the kids. He said he will discuss a tribute at the end of the meeting. Commissioner Johnson-none Commissioner Keller- none Mayor Vandergrift - 1) read letter from Ocoee Historical Commission acknowledging receipt of our application for Founder's Day Arts and Crafts Show on Saturday, October 21,2006. I E. CONSENT AGENDA Approved on Consent, motion carried 5-0. A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was advertised with the intention of soliciting statements of qualifications from qualified security systems providers to provide installation, maintenance, and monitoring services for the City of Ocoee Water Treatment Plants. The City Commission short-listed four (4) service providers for proposals at the June 6, 2006, City Commission meeting. The Police Department has advised they will be evaluating the overall security needs of all City properties. Therefore, it would be in the best interest of the City to include the security systems at the water treatment plants in that plan. Approved on Consent. motion carried 5-0. ua . OrblridoAveriil . The City intended to award a contract for the Intersection Improvements for Bluford Avenue at Orlando Avenue. This project was re-bid and came in approximately 56% over the budgeted amount of $450,000.00. Staff intends to add the work contemplated by this project to the proposed Bluford Avenue Phase II Project. Approved on Consent, motion carried 5-0. 4. AwafdBi Communi The Engineering Department and Finance Department have reviewed all bids. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Young's Communications Co., Inc. as the most responsive and responsible bidder per recommendation from David Wheeler, City Engineer. The total bid amount for the Silver Glen project is $19,946.05 above the original project budget. Staff additionally recommends that this amount be allocated to the Silver Glen project from budget currently allocated to the Reserve/Reflections reclaimed water distribution system project, which is still under design. Approved on Consent, motion carried 5-0. On June 21, 2005, the City Commission approved the expense of funds in the current and subsequent budgets for the Document Management project to R&S Integrated as the most responsive vendor. The City has worked Page 3 of 10 City Commission Regular September 5, 2006 with R&S Integrated for the last 12 months for the initial installation of the document imaging system. Now, as the project moves towards records retention, staff would like to contract with MCCi which specializes in working with City Clerk Offices. Approved on Consent, motion carried 5-0. The Community Merit Awards (CMA) Board met on August 2, 2006, to discuss the 13 applications received during the April 2006 grant application cycle. The CMA Board expressed that they would like to award various amounts to the 13 organizations. The amounts total the $5,000 allocated for the Community Merit Awards. Approved on Consent, motion carried 5-0. :Buge The City Commission approved the FY2005/06 budget of the City Clerk which included a capital outlay item for the Commission Chambers digital recording system in the amount of $5,000. After seeking estimates from the two companies providing this service, the estimate in the amount of$8,069 for the DCR Express system was found to be best suited to the needs of the City. A slightly different configuration of the DCR System from BIS Digital and the FTR Gold system required the purchase of a laptop and would have cost more once that cost was figured in. Approved on Consent, motion carried 5-0. I F. PUBLIC HEARINGS On July 26, 2006, a work session was held to review potential sites for the new Police Headquarters. Four sites were reviewed for possible acquisition. The four sites were: (1) the Roper property at the comer of Maguire and Story Roads; price: $392,749/acre (2) the Certi-Fine & Crittenden properties at the comer of McKee and Kissimmee; price: $567,000/acre (3) the Silvestri property located at A.D. Mims and Clarke; price: $250,000/acre (4) property adjacent to the City owned property on Bluford between McKee and Oakland; price: unknown. The fourth site would require the City to purchase at least three separate parcels, possibly through the condemnation process. Staff recommended the approximately 14 acre site located at the comer of A.D. Mims and Clarke Road. This site is located next to the Fire Station on Clarke Road and is zoned commercially. In discussions with the owner of the property only 12 acres are currently available for purchase. The owner has expressed a desire to retain 2 acres for future development. The price for the 12 acres is $3.5 million or $291,667/acre. Based on the consensus of the Commission, staff has pursued this option. An outline of the purchase contract is attached. It is anticipated that the new Police facility will need approximately 4 acres of the 12 acres available. The City could use the remainder of the site for a park, city facility or other city need. Or the additional acreage could be sold at a later date to offset some of the facility costs. The property will be purchased through a combination of general fund dollars, impact fees, and bond funding. Assistant City Manager Croteau advised that staff proceeded with the Silvestri Property, at the comer of AD Mims and Clark Road per the Commission consensus at the August 21, 2006, workshop. The property is a 14 acre parcel, and the owner is asking to retain 2 acres of the site and sell 12 acres. The original cost was proposed at $250,000 per acre, but with the two acres removed it is approximately $292,000 per acre. The City will get back $445,000 in impact fee credits. Staff recommends moving forward with this purchase. The seller agreed to allow the City to select the 2 acres parcel that they will keep, as long as they have 2 feet Page 4 of 10 City Commission Regular September 5, 2006 along the Clarke Road frontage for every 1 foot off. It was reviewed with Community Development and it would still allow the City to have additional property that they could sell at a later date if they chose not to use it. City Attorney Rosenthal said that there are a few minor changes in the contract presented with the agenda, one of those is the provision which said it would be a two-to-one ratio of frontage to depth in terms of the configuration, but the purchase agreement has a provision which says that will be determined during the feasibility period, mutually agreed upon by the parties. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd, asked why we need a new station. Assistant City Manager Croteau said we have outgrown our current location which is 7,000 square feet, and we a study done in 2001 indicated we needed 32,000 square feet. There is also no real holding area for prisoners while they are being processed and it lacks other security features. Police Chief Reffett explained that many divisions of the Police Station are being forced to work out of Public Works, the Fire Departments, and other facilities. He also asked about the City owned property which Assistant City Manager Croteau explained would have required taking property from residents not interested in selling to get a large enough parcel, and the City did not want to do that. William Hodges, 1711 Sparkling Waters Circle, asked if there will be additional siren noises and traffic, or more criminals in the area. Police Chief Reffett explained that the sirens and traffic from Police vehicles will not be occurring around the station, but rather in their assigned zones. He said that arrested criminals will be brought in for processing on a regular basis, but they will be driven into the holding area and the doors closed before they are taken from the vehicle. Many other times arrestees are processed at the County facility. It is anticipated that the new Police facility will need approximately 4 acres of the 12 acres available. The City could use the remainder of the site for a park, city facility or other city need. Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Hood. seconded bv Commissioner Johnson. moved approve the purchase this 12 acre parcel. per staff recommendations at the corner of A.D. Mims and Clarke Road from Silvestri Investments of Florida, Inc. at a cost Qfj3.5 million dollars. to be partiallv used for the site of the Police Station Headquarters and will be purchased throuah a combination of aeneral fund dollars, impact fees, and bond fundina. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Anderson advised that there are citizens who were here to ask about the progress on Jay Street and Cardinal Street, they are now watching at home and he wanted to advise them that the application is in on the road tables. Public Works Director Krug said they will be addressing the Center Street issues, but it is now open. Assistant Public Works Director Elliott advised that the paving is completed but they are still working on this project. Page 5 of 10 City Commission Regular September 5, 2006 SECOND READING The Child Protection Recommendation Committee (CPRC - a citizen board authorized by the City Commission to make recommendations to help keep children in the community safe) is deeply concerned about recent occurrences in our state and elsewhere, whereby convicted sexual offenders and sexual predators who have been released from custody repeat the unlawful acts for which they had originally been convicted. The CPRC recommends City adoption of an ordinance that provides heightened protection of the lives and persons in the City of Ocoee and would prohibit sexual offenders and sexual predators from establishing a residence within two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet of certain locations within the City. The Child Protection Recommendation Committee recommends that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners adopt the proposed City Ordinance Chapter 136 - Sexual Offenders and Sexual Predators and that the City implement a background check application for people who volunteer for City boards and who help with City programs. The ordinance allows for a $1000.00 a day penalty for violations of the ordinance. As violations could result in imprisonment, the cases have to be heard by a criminal court judge. Nominal court fees may be assessed to the City if the violator is found "not guilty." This item was heard before Item #9. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance. Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to adopt Ordinance 2006-015, reaardina sexual offenders and sexual predators as recommended by the Child Protection Recommendation Committee. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson away from the dais. The ordinance as adopted carries the following title: ORDNINANCE NO. 2006-015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, PROHIBITING SEXUAL OFFENDERS AND SECUAL PREDATORS CONVICTED OF UNDER CERTAIN STATUTES OF FLORIDA OR OTHER JURISDICTIONS FROM LIVING WITHIN 2500 FEET OF SPECIFIED LOCATIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEE; PROHIBITING PERSONS FROM LETTING, RENTING OR OTHERWISE ALLOWING THE USE OF ANY REAL PROPERTY, PLACE, STRUCTURE, TRAILER OR OTHER CONVEYANCE, OR PART THEREOF, WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT IT WILL BE USED AS A PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TEMPORARY RESIDENCE OF A SEXUAL OFFENDER OR SEXUAL PREDATOR WITHIN 2500 FEET OF SPECIFIED LOCATIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF OCOEEj PROVIDING FOR PENALTIESj PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATIONj PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FIRST READING m In 2005, several members of the City Commission brought to staffs attention concerns regarding fence and front yard parking problems in residential areas. Staff researched these issues and conducted an inventory of the Land Development Code and City Code of Ordinances to determine if future amendments were necessary to correct these problems. On August 16, 2005, staff presented a summary of findings to the City Commission for recommended action. That presentation related to canopy covered parking structures, boats, RVs, and campers parked in front yards, parked vehicles overhanging sidewalks in residential neighborhoods, parallel street parking in the grassed easement between the street and sidewalk, the placement of mechanical equipment on comer lots, front yard parking, conversions of garages to living space, and fences in front and side yards. Staff has drafted an ordinance proposing amendments to the Land Development Code and the Code of Ordinances Page 6 of 10 City Commission Regular September 5, 2006 per the direction of the City Commission regarding issues of concern in residential areas. On August 8, 2006, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed amendments to the Land Development Code and City Code of Ordinances. City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the Ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson said he feels that this will not be fair to many residents, and he feels the issue needs to be discussed in more detail at a workshop. Community Development Director Wagner advised that many of the Commissions concerns at the workshop were addressed and incorporated into this ordinance. The ordinance also took into consideration the opinion of the P&Z Board and resident complaints. He said after the workshops, staff found additional conflicts in the Code that needed to be revised, and those were presented to the Planning and Zoning Board and are noted in the agenda packet. Community Development Director Wagner said he can review it by section, if the Commission would like. He said one issue we need to address is the open space requirements and how much enforcement will take place. The requirement that there cannot be more than 50% of the total lot having an impervious surface, includes stone which builds up over time and is considered impervious. There was discussion that this will also address homes with cars parked all over the yard. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson advised citizens that they should review the ordinance online, and inform Commission if they have any issues on the changes on or before the next Public Hearing on September 19,2006. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson opened the Public Hearing. There being no one wishing to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Anderson closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Pro Tem Anderson announced the second reading and Public Hearing will be held on September 19, 2006, at 7:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. I G. REGULARAGENDA Staff has been approached by Kim Crews, a City employee, regarding whether or not the City would be interested in purchasing her property located at 17 E. Oakland Avenue. This property is adjacent to the City property on Bluford between Mckey and Oakland. Map attached. The property would be purchased for future use due to its proximity to the City Hall complex. Ms. Crews is asking $330,000 for the property. She has also requested to remain on the property until July of 2007. Ms. Crews has an appraisal on the property from November of 2005 valuing the property at $280,000. In March, Public Works requested a new appraisal. This appraisal showed the value at $262,000. However, the square footage used for this appraisal is 300sf lower then the Property Appraisers data and the 2005 appraisal. Therefore, staff believes the $262,000 is much lower then the actual market value of the property. Using the Property Appraiser's square footage, and the square footage value from the most recent appraisal, would give a property value of approximately $312,561. Although the $330,000 asking price is higher then the calculated value, if the City waits to purchase the property or pursues the property through condemnation the cost would most likely be higher then the current value. Therefore, Staff recommends purchasing the property for $325,000 and allowing Ms. Crews to continue to occupy the property through the end of June 2006. Funds for the purchase could be assembled from a variety of general fund sources including the $98,000 set aside in this year's budget for the expansion of parking in downtown Ocoee. Assistant City Manager Croteau advised that a City employee approached them about purchasing her home on Oakland Avenue, which is contiguous to property that we already own. Her asking price is $330,000, but she is willing to accept $325,000. The estimated Page 7 of 10 City Commission Regular September 5, 2006 current value of the property is a little lower than what we are offering, however if we were to take the property at a later date, or go through condemnation it would cost much more, therefore staff is recommending the purchase of this property. The current owner has also asked to stay in the home through June 2007 and a lease agreement is included in the contract. Funds for the purchase could be assembled from a variety of general fund sources including the $98,000 set aside in this year's budget for the expansion of parking in downtown Ocoee. Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Anderson expressed that this would be a good acquisition for the City because it is located in the downtown area where we have been trying to purchase property. Commissioner Johnson, seconded bv Commissioner Hood, moved to approve the purchase of the Krews property at 17 East Oakland Avenue, in the amount 21-$325,000 per staff recommendations, and to authorize the Mavor to sian the contract papers as needed. Motion carried 4-0, with Mavor Vanderarift away from the dais. 12. ApproV 1{t1lg) a. City Wide Right-of-Way Mowing and General Mowing Contract with Groundtek. The City has terminated the mowing and landscape maintenance contract with the previous contractor due to nonperformance. Due to the emergency nature of securing reliable continued service, the mowing portion of the contract has been separated out for pricing by a contractor specializing in this type of maintenance. The contractor requested a one-year contract to provide the emergency work at the best possible price. The City will begin the re-bid process for this work in six months. This work is adequately funded in the 06/07 budget. b. Landscape Maintenance Contract with Valley Crest. The City has terminated the mowing and landscape maintenance contract with the previous contractor due to nonperformance. Due to the emergency nature of securing reliable continued service, the landscaping portion of the contract has been separated out for pricing by a contractor specializing in this type of high profile maintenance. The contractor requested a one-year contract to provide the emergency work at the best possible price. The City will begin the re-bid process for this work in six months. Part of this process will involve Public Works developing a competitive cost to perform the maintenance in house and determine if out sourcing is still the best option for the City. This work will be funded by the unfilled Public Works positions that were proposed for a landscape maintenance crew in the 06/07 budget. The positions will remain vacant until such time as it is determined that Public Works can provide the same or better services at a financial benefit to the City. Public Works Director Krug said that we terminated the previous landscape and mowing contract, and sought separate contracts to ensure better service. Both contractors have asked for a one-year contract. The mowing contract was included in the budget, and the landscape maintenance was going to be taken in-house, but we were not in a position to do that when this contract terminated. We will determine at a later time if it can be taken in house at a benefit to the City. Commissioner Johnson, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved to approve Item #A City Wide Riaht-of-Wav Mowina and General Mowina Contract with Groundtek and Item #B Landscape Maintenance Contract with Vallev Crest, per staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0, with Mavor Vanderarift away from the dais. Page 8 of 10 City Commission Regular September 5, 2006 1 Tabled until the next aaenda. I H. STAFF REPORTS - none I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Keller- 1) asked about adopting a pitbull ordinance. City Attorney Rosenthal said there is current legislation at the state level taking away municipal powers to ban pitbulls. They are still looking into other options, but adopting anything specifically against pitbulls has been taken out of our hands, 2) asked about the cable television issue, and City Attorney Rosenthal advised they have Special Counsel looking into that issue. Commissioner Johnson 1) asked Community Development Director Wagner about looking into doing a moratorium on the big box stores for the next 180 days until the CRA overlays are completed. Community Development Director Wagner explained that "Big Box" stores are often defined by square footage, some as low as 60,000 sq. ft. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that Orange County adopted a one-year moratorium on big boxes, and we can bring back an ordinance modeled on theirs, because theirs has not been challenged. They are doing some extensive studying now, and we may be able to piggy-back on some of the up-front costs. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to direct staff to brina back an ordinance creatina a one-year moratorium on Bia Box Stores over 80,000 sauare feet alona the Hiahway 50 corridor. Motion carried 5-0. 2) thanked the staff for the great job that was done on the dedication of the Ison Veteran's and Senior Center, 3) wished the Ocoee High School Football team more success this season. Commissioner Anderson- 1) received a phone call from Ms. Penderson, on Hawaii Drive about paving on Center Street, and said staff advised the paving would continue from Cardinal down to Orange Avenue next year. He didn't understand her question about the park, but he will call her after the meeting. 2) referred to the email he read earlier from Patricia Thursby which said she would like to see some type of recognition for Edwin Pounds, Cliff Freeman, Delmar Fields, and Ben Griffin, who built a Little League Field instead of more homes so that Ocoee could have a place for the kids. He asked that we think about some type of tribute to them on the Central Park property. Commissioner Hood 1) said the flag needs to be placed differently so that it can be seen from the minor field and the rookie field, and he suggested a flagpole and monument are placed in the retention pond by the concession stand, and possibly a memorial to the four men Ms. Thursby mentioned, 2) asked about the need for a park in the area of Ingram Estates. Community Development Director Wagner said the 35 acre parcel that we considered a few years ago for construction of a park and trailhead for West Orange Trail and Recreational Facilities at $35,000/acre and for some reason a decision was made not to pursue it. Today it is valued at $100,000/acre. He is negotiating with Beezer Homes to get a school site in Arden Park Homes (925 units); the School Board and developer have expressed an interest. 3) Community Development Director Wagner said they are negotiating with Centex Homes on the Coke Property to construct a park as part of their development, and we would pay for the construction, they have discussed costs of approximately $2,000,000 to build the park. If this project is Page 9 of 10 City Commission Regular September 5, 2006 successfully negotiated, it should begin in nine months to one year, 4) asked about the progress on the Jemela Tank, and Utilities Director Smith said it is scheduled for Monday, November 13,2006, unless they can do it sooner. Mayor Vandergrift 1) said that Ocoee Middle School FF A has an animal husbandry program, but the High School does not. He said he has been contacted by FF A and 4H. He said the School Board agreed to give the 4H Club five of the 60 acres of the property around Ocoee High School, and they are looking at potential sites. He said we still have agricultural roots in our community and maybe we could assist them in some way. Commissioner Anderson said we should look into the protected eagle area to see if the grounds could be used for animals/livestock. Consensus was that the City Manaaer, Mavor and School Principal could meet and discuss this issue. He urged anyone with good ideas to call him and advise. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Page 10 of 10