Member Vaughn conducted the meeting and called the meeting to order at 7:03pm in the Station 25 Training
Room located at 563 South Bluford Avenue.
The Pledge of Allegiance was performed
Recording Secretary Hall called roll and declared a quorum was present.
PRESENT: Members: Chairman Vaughn, Titus, Channell, Lawrie, Hodge and Acting Fire Chief Hoover
ABSENT: Commissioner Johnson and Member Carbone and Member Richardson were excused.
GUEST (S) None
Approval of Minutes: November 13, 2014 minutes were approved.
Motion by Channell seconded by Titus carried 5 -0.
Old Business: - Chairman Vaughn discussed the Citizens Public Safety Academy and if anyone wanted to
sign up for it. The program lasts ten weeks and you can get the application on line and turn it in at the police
or fire departments. Member Titus shared some of the items that take place in this program.
Chairman Vaughn discussed the ride -a long none of the members had the opportunity to do this at this time.
Chairman Vaughn discussed the operation Santa program and what a success it was other than the flat tire
that they had. Chief Hoover stated that maybe we could put a route out for next year so citizens know where
we will be going.
New Business -
Chairman Vaughn discussed Spring Fling on March 14 and Member Lawrie and Titus said that they would
volunteer to be there and help hand out flyers.
Chairman Vaughn discussed the Volunteer Dinner that will be held on April 30, 2015 at the Ocoee Lakeshore
Center between 6:30 and 8:30pm.
Chairman Vaughn discussed the open house and he would like to see if we want to have another one and if so
having it at Station 25 and when would be a good time maybe October.
Chairman Vaughn discussed the Firefighter of the Year instead of firefighter of the quarter. Member Titus
asked how they would pick a firefighter of the year and there is a criteria that has to be met. Chief Hoover
stated that the VFW and Elks also ask for the Firefighter of the Year too.
Chairman Vaughn also discussed the retirement of three of the Lieutenant's, Lt. Fulmer of 25 years, Lt.
Greenhill for 30 years and Lt. Trimble for 25 years. Member Titus asked if they don't have a party how do
they get there statues to them.
Other —
Minutes of Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department
February 12, 2015
Chief Hoover thanked everyone for supporting him in being the Acting Fire Chief and he made the decision
to not interview for the Chief's position. There will be a new Fire Chief he will be stepping back to Deputy
Chief and Tom back to EMS /Training Officer. Also we hired two new firefighters, one is a paramedic and
the other is an EMT in paramedic school. The Fire Inspector's position was re- posted also. The Engine has
been ordered and the Woods Truck is being finalized to be ordered. We will also be looking at replacing the
air station. The budget is right on schedule except for our overtime. Talked about the new station being built
within the next five years. Chief also discussed some of the development going on within the city.
Member Titus thanked Chief Hoover for everything he has done.
Date will be May 14, 2015 at 7:OOpm
A. Old Business — Spring Ring and Volunteer Dinner
B. New Business- Welcome New Fire Chief
C. Other Business - None.
Adjournment: 8:05 pm - Motion by Channell seconded by Hodge carried 5 -0
Attest: Approved:
Tim Hoover, Acting Fire Chief Way j Vau; hn, Chairman