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Item #06 Request the Fees to be Waived- Rotary Club of Ocoee
ocoee florlda AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: May 5, 2015 Item # Reviewed By: Contact Name: Jeffrey Hayes Department Director: Contact Number: 407 - 877 -5803 City Manager: 1 ; Subject: Request from the Rotary Club of Ocoee to have the fees waived for use the Tom Ison Seniors and Veterans Center for a Texas Hold'em fundraising event on May 29, 2015. Background Summary: The City of Ocoee, Parks and Recreation Department, has received a Facility Use Permit application from the Rotary Club of Ocoee requesting the use of the Tom Ison Seniors & Veterans Center for a fundraising event to take place on Friday, May 29, 2015. The Rotary Club of Ocoee has requested to have the rental fees associated with the use of the Tom Ison Seniors & Veterans Center be waived for this event. Staff has prepared a list of the fees associated with this permit, which are typically paid three weeks prior to the occurrence of the event; these fees include: • Facility Use Fee, based upon six (6) hours totaling $560.00. • 6.5% Sales Tax ($36.40). • $100.00 Alcohol Convenience Fee. The amount for the aforementioned fees is $696.40. In addition to these fees each renter is required to pay a Security Deposit of $250, which is refundable if there is no damage to the facility. The total costs associated with the event will be $946.40. In the past, the City Commission has waived the user fees for civic and community based organizations. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve waiving the fees associated with the use of the Tom Ison Seniors & Veterans Center for the Rotary Club of Ocoee to conduct a fundraising event on May 29, 2015? Recommendations Staff is seeking the City Commission's direction on this item. Attachments: Facility Use Permit Application. Financial Impact: Waiver of revenue totaling $946.40. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading X Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda Commission Approval X Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by 0 N/A 2 J (( ``��I(., i C)1 ° if'Y OF OCOEE, FiL,ORiK.JA ` t, �, P ark and facility Use Permit ` t, /.7 -``, Ocoee Parks & Recreation Department O 1) ( -) ( - ' 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761 0( . 0( -) (-" 407 - 877 - 5803 " �,' Fred ul,, )s.� Af,..iwp, it,,,..:6A fihr .c Lit 0 Sir�dilrldrass;G .. q !i./ .. 4 � .__ -1 .10 cifyisfala 0 (G- , zrp 3 7 76 Qp c / 4 9 , ;( a rt . IS 7 1 _ . ,.___Ce11: � a1 33a - 3 1 ra. ,Fag:__ • ..._� — ' f!-mail Atidrbsz 4 (�)( 1.....116 l'lC A 1 �1 _._ PlneleorGlTrfu't � " aril. 0 . 'prt ftn i/1 eot IJ"e%ti _ Weis p rEvenf: S' A 7 7s Pad,Re i'yl T $0N PavillonRrgnesled;- / 1" .Sto T+ncflify /O 2ebo Ttcqueaed: -- -- FIvId Requesreil: .— - • • . -- HHours ofEvenl: Dm_ ._� '/p t t• • •7 ? ,.lg, Sc l opThuc o[Et•cnl: __ -- , .{!I4.- d .. -___ _ _ I fsr al: down Time: Ptu),ovprEveal :_ ta..1 i_ '144 4" t - :to v: ...._JO I" — — • , Esihi n(Ct1 A IICattinivw.___............ 1 Strad Addrass:_ V`o - I - ,'E S q(41� 111 ata. `' Ca Z11> 1 • Phone :_ . -. ......._,Celt: Pas : ..._._.....— 13-nmlf /lddress: Conlnclldntnb; -- -- ' Snvcl Addrrss: .•._ _ CV/Stahl _ --, zip__ Phnnc;.._....._'..--- CcJI; ._.. _.. .._ — - Pox: : _,__ — ..— _ E -mail Address; _ . a YPR OF EVJ 1 T; C7 Penk3 /Pa rly 0 Wedding / Reception 17 Meeting /Seminar f Tournament /Competition 1= ❑ Txlilbit /Show n Carnival /Fair /Festival T Cl Other; INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR EVENT Please marls "yes" or "no" for each statement, ( If "yes" Is oheolced you may be retluired to obtain n special even) permit Ihrougll lite .13041 big Dfvlskln,) The event will extend beyond unrmal park hours (7:00 am. In 11 :00 pm,), 1't No D The event will regrif're exclusive use of lhe)idl'lt. 1''d Ho 0 The event will be open to the general public, Ye X10 0 , Admission to the event will fie charged, Yes 0 No Tea,porary stage /s or srrt:Mire /s ivfll lie used. Yes 0 No ' • The event Is n "sale" or ilrsplay of products (rummage sale, lent sale, efo,), Yes 0 No 1 (Oontinuud tin bade) 1 • IPIIMBIIIATIDl;IARO(Pf` WRIT? SV13147'. Con l( n ucll Plpeserngrk" vqs 'ror "nU " for cac11 statement, (1f" yes" is checkedy '4Uluny required toobialn t1speelcl event permit illrgn;blha 6Uifding DTI'lsion) Event will be ndyerlized, (Newspaper, Posters, Radio, T1, BIc.) • Ye N.0 . .. Sound amplification will bo feed, • . Yc NO p ' MIT PqrfOnmulce (musical, theatre, c!rcns.bronp) will ha portof tiro event,. Yes Cl :11X Tents, canopies, ofl3Z-tlps will bo used, Yes 0 (,ro Pyrotechnics (firolwoti o) WI 11 bo Used, Yes p . No kropanegas (e,g, B;3Q',o) Wil.1 begs °rd fo.r cooking /heating, Yes 0 14 Conipresped eydindats (helium)', )Ii bo used, Yes D ' loo Opel flaws (e,g, eptidles, slen10 caJii,■f)ro pits, gt`ilis) tvili bp used, ' ' ;Yes q:, No Bonfire oroci emop(al type Ifni lO be used, Yes L7 s No; BlechfapQMI ' Orgent;talols1VJIt be. required, Yes 13. Ng Additional tables, 614'4, Iraqi conigipers will be used, Ypo 0 No Signs,' Nippers, dcporntions, or speeJal Ilghling )s11.1 be used, • Yes No' Vchlvlcs will be parked oh Unpaved areas, ]'es 0 No ' Acliybty booths MI/ beset up (bouncanduse, duhk itinits, rock climbing, elo.), y'es 0 no , A circus, o aril h' al, or pthusement rJdes PI? part of111ggvent Yes N. 4 Anhnalo Will be part ofibe even! (patting zoo, KVrides,Pfc.). 1'esl0 No 1+ PaodwiII ha cooked or ptepared al the event (BAQ, chill•coolc -off, ele,). Ycs 11 N. k Food or beverages will be served or sold to lhcgenernl 'subtle, ties , No 0 Alcohol will bo served and /or sold 11I I ho event. Yes 14o 0. Helicopter or hot air bnlloon part oflbaevent, Yco No ' EfQLD T ARM EES AGI•I EJ J NT I cer14 that] have read Ihts epptionlion and (hat ail tuforntallen contained in ihis applleniiob IS ono and cbriect, By filing tills npplientfon, 1, and the argenisnllon on whose bejtaffl 11)01(0 this nppllcnlion, con tmui and agrea that wo wlil and severally ludcnurify and hold the Cily 4100N; its ofliolals, of [leers, and employees harmless agninsl liability, including court oosls and nflornoy's files for Irlal nod oat eppcjI, for any mid all claims for (tomato lo property or ',duly to, or dcalh of persons arising out Of Or resulting from tho lssuanco of the permit nt'the amine dte activity or any - its parli Ipouls, cc �_- y'rin f�NantoofReprescnto o Sign niurc �ep resen to dye Date Departmental Use Cnty • Deposit Payment Dale: / / Renlal Payrnent Date; / ) • • Amount Received; Amount PeceJved; Ste initial: Staff Initial: CbetA # Ch @cl; tf M/o # M/o ii , • • . General Rules ds Regulations 1, Applioant will pay a separate security deposit of $250.00 for each event if required. The security deposit is to be returned to applicant after the event, provided the facility is left in the same condition in which it was found Le., paper items, Gans, bottles, all decorations and floors damp mopped, chairs and tables wiped down, folded and returned to proper location; kitchen areas cleaned; equipment or personal belongings of applicant removed immediately following event. Premises will be inspected by City Employee immediately thereafter. 2. Applicant is solely responsible for damages for any and all accidents or Injuries to persons or property resulting from applicant's use of the building. Applicant shall pay all costs resulting from said accidents or injuries. Applicant shall Indemnify and hold harmless the City of Ocoee, its employees, agents, officials and contractors, harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, causes of action, loss damage, injury, liability cost or expense, Including without limitation, attorneys fees arising from the applicant's use of the facility, 3. Groups composed of minors will be approved only when adult requests such use and accepts the responsibility for supervising the minors throughout the period covered in the facility use application. There shall be one adult chaperone for each 15 minors. Chaperones shall remain on the premises until all minors have left the property, Renter and the chaperones shall bear the legal responsibility of the minors attending the event. At least two days prior to the use of the facilities, applicant shall provide the City a list of the chaperones by name, :addre and telephone number. Failure to provide the list two days In advance shall constitute a breach of the rentdl'applioatien, and the application shall be revoked. Any and all fees peld by the applicant shall be forfeited by the *applicant if this application has been breached by applicant or revoked for cause by the City of Ocoee. 4, Control of the lights, thermostats, and other equipment will be administered by an employee of the City of Ocoee. 5. At no time will applicant remove chairs, tables, or any other equipment from the facility G. The facility hours are from 8 :00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. ,(111 Functions and Glean -up must be complete within voursgfieciuled rental time, 7, All applicants holding any outside activities must inquire at the building department as to whether a 'Special Event Permit' and/or 'Tent Permit'.ts required. 8. No /Alcoholic J3everages are allowed on City Property. 9. Cancellation Fee for Facility Rental 125.00. 10. Cancellation Fee for Gazebo, Park Pavilion, Pool Party Pavillon and Field Rental $10,00 We understand that repairs for damages may be taken from the deposit and any additional amounts will be invoiced to us by the City_ My Organization /Group agrees to comply with the conditions set forth in the General Rules and Regulations Policy. A copy of said Policy has been given to me. and I have reviewed it, These) guidelines will serve to highlight the responsibilities on the part of both the City of Ocoee Parks 8, Recreation Department staff and the renter. Staff The City of Ocoee does provide staffing for all events; The primary function of the staff is to open and secure the facility, and provide the tables and chairs needed for the event (staff is not responsible for any set -up or take down), A staff member will remain on the premises for the duration of the event, The staff member will provide the renter with guidance for the use and cleaning of the center. They will also provide any clean -up materials, such as brooms, mops, soap and trash bags needed to clean the center Renter The renter bears the responsibility of leaving the center in the same condition as it was found and complying with the criteria noted on the front of this form.. The renter is responsible for vacating the premises by the time indicated on the recreation facility use application. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations for the use of the center may lead to the forfeiture of part or all of the renter's security deposit, i/ Signature of Representative Date • In order to ensurq q frill reimbursement of the security deposit, 10 renter inns, meet the following criteria; Clean F fold Hafted tables • Q Return >jlJ fablee & chairs to their oflgifial place All trash Nagged, remover) and placed In the designated dunlpsier Remove All decorations; tape or aclhearves t — Roi ova all signs and /or fadVerilsemenls put up by your organization Q AN items rhust be removed by the end of yotli' contracted 'rental lima f'Ibois arq swept and niopped or necessary), and restored Id the same condiflon at the start of the event 1Qtchen area clears 4 cleared of c(ny food or debris The undersigned has read and wit! observe rules stated above, t understand that any toss or'damage (o the center, or excessive cleaning as a result of this function will ba deducted from my deposit, and Thal 1 v'il1 he billed for foss which exceeds my deposit, I Iln9her understand that the serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages at this event Is prohibited and may result in a deduction from or • rte!(ure ofrimy d - osi1, Amara � . 4 °2 ( ' Signature of Reprosenta(fve 15A1e nnnnn nnnnllnn nnlluiulnn uuun nu nnnnl,nnunnnllnnnnnn nnllnnuunuuul,llunnil nnnnun nunnnnnnun n ununnnnclun jinn CO'cial Use Oiily Special Event Permit Required Yes , Mo .,..,,__ Department Approved; • nnnflnun nnn nunnunnlynn nu0ununnnnnnnnnuunuunnnnnnnnnn nnn a nnnuununnnuunnunuuuuuuunnnunuunnnnnn :3ecuri(y ,Deposit Refund Information; Facility Inspected byi . Estimated Attendance: Rehtal Details; T _ . Refund Authorized: Date; , Amount of Refund: $, plreplprsApproval r ® DATE(MMIDD/YYYY) .a CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 2/26/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED , REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, sub)eot to , the terms and conditions of the pollcy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER LOCKTON COMPANIES,LLC -K CHICAGO co DT Locicton Companies 525 W. Monroe, Suite 600 ( P p H !c D . " N Ext). 1- 800 -921 -3172 ',WC. NO 1-312-681-6769 CHICAGO )L 60661 E -MAIL (312) 669 -6900 ADDRESS: Rotary @lockton.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL N INSURER A: Westchester Fire Insurance Company ` 10030 INSURED All Active US Rotary Clubs & Districts INSURER 8: f Attn: Risk Management Department INSURER C : 1560 Sherman Ave. INsunEn 0: Evanston, IL 60201 -3698 INSURER E : • INSURERF: - COVERAGES ROTINOI CERTIFICATE N UMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDLSUSR' POLICYEFF POLICYEXP LIMITS LTR INSD WYD POLICY NUMBER JMM /DDNYYY, (,MM/DD/YYYY) !1 A x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PMI G23861355 006 7/1/2014 7/1/2015 DAMpETORENTED . I CLAIMS -MADE nOCCUR PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ .500,000 X Liquor Liability MED EX! (Any one parson) $ XXXXXXX Included PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 10,000.00 POLICY I I JEC L. J LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGO $ 4,000.000 OTHER: $ A AUT OMOBILE LIABILITY C tlED SINGLE OMIT $ 1,000,000 ' ANY AUTO PMI G23861355 006 7/1/2014 7/1/2015 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ XXXXXXX , ALL OWNED _ SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Peraoddenf $ XXXXXXX X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ XXXXXXX HIRED AUTOS X AU705 IPar arr,IdenQ $. XXXXXXX UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR NOT APPLICABLE EACH OCCURRENCE $ XXXXXXX EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ XXXX3�XX DED I j RETENTION$ $ XXXXXXX WORKERS COMPENSATION N APPLICABLE ! IER Y AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY V ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE (- NIA E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ XXXXXXX OFFICEFUMEMBER EXCLUDED? ' (Mandatory Fri NH) E.L. DISEASE- EA EMPLOYEE $ XXXXXXX It yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE. PODGY LIMIT $ CX DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS /LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 181, Additional Remarks Sohodule, may be attached it more space Is required) • ■ The Certificate Holder is included as Additional Insured where required by written and signed contract or permit subject to the terns and conditions of the General Liability policy, but only to the extent bodily injury or property damage is caused in whole or in part by the acts or omissions of the insured. • CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION f I CITY OF OCOEE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 150 N Lakeshore Dr, THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Ocoee, FL 34761 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. EVENT DESCRIPTION: Rotary Club of Ocoee's 9th Annual AUTHORIZED REPRERE — 7 7 7 Texas Hold'em Fundraiser // _ / 1 - f May 29th, 2015 at the Thomas Ison Center located at 1701 Adair St. Ocoee, FL / a �f r ) -} ©1088 -26 4 ACORD CORPORATION All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD