HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22-15MINUTES OF THE CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL OF THE OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT MEETING HELD JANUARY 22, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Chairman McKey called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairman McKey let the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and Vice -Chair Laney led the invocation, the roll was called, and a quorum was declared. PRESENT: Member Santana, Member Ball, Vice -Chair Laney, Chairman McKey, Member Zilenski, Member Titus, and Member Clark. Also present were Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi and Recording Clerk Garza. ABSENT: Member Alcuri (excused). Recording Clerk Garza informed the board of Member Yost's resignation earlier in the day, and of Member Mullan's resignation in November 2, 2014. Approval of Minutes from the October 23, 2014 Meeting Vice -Chair Lanev made a motion to approve the minutes from October 23, 2014, seconded by Member Santana. Motion passed unanimouslv. Election of Chairperson for 2015 A consensus of the Board was made to select Vice -Chair Lanev as the Chairperson and the motion carried unanimouslv. Election of Vice - Chairperson for 2015 Chairperson Lanev made a motion to nominate Member Santana for Vice - Chairperson, seconded by Member Clark. Motion passed unanimouslv. Election of Treasurer for 2015 Member McKey volunteers for Treasurer, seconded by Member Santana. Motion passed unanimouslv. BudLyet Update Member Santana states the budget as of October 2014 is $1000.00. Update on Gun Safetv Class, and S.A.F.E. Chairperson Laney tells the board members there is a very good article on the West Orange Times & Observer concerning the S.A.F.E. class and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying a reporter from the West Orange Times & Observer contacted Ofc. Patera Scott to conduct an interview for the Newspaper. Chairperson Laney adds she is clipping the article to post at her church and she also encourages other board members to post the article for promotional purposes at any place they frequent; the next class in scheduled for January 28, 2015. Vice -Chair Santana asks if the S.A.F.E. class is only open to Ocoee residents and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies it is open to everyone but Ocoee residents are given preference. Member Clark asks what is the age range to attend the class to which Staff Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies it is for fifteen years of age and older. Chairperson Laney adds the class will CACOPD Meeting January 22, 2015 take place at the Ocoee Police Department on January 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney also asks Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi to provide information on the Gun Safety Class to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies tentatively the next class will take place Saturday, February 14 and there is availability. Member McKey asks what the age range is and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states she believes the youngest is twelve years of age. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice Member McKey states he serves as a volunteer in this program and Ofc. Patera Scott is the Officer in charge of the program; also, there are people from the Ninth Judicial District Court that supervise the meetings and administer the sanctions such as letters of apology, community service hours, corrective classes and other measures. He continues by saying volunteers are always needed; any information can be obtained from Ofc. Scott or himself. Anti- Bullving Campaign /Children's Expo Chairperson Laney tells the board members about the great turnout for the Children's Expo that took place back in November at the West Oaks Mall. She continues by saying she appreciates the Police Department's participation and adds there were bicycles and helmets given away as well as identification cards; people came in from Clermont and Kissimmee too and it provided an opportunity to showcase Ocoee as a safe place. Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney also adds she saw a presentation of a classroom door barricade that she thinks could be useful in our schools. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she will present the idea to Orange County Public Schools who ultimately make the decisions. Discussions ensued. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit Chairperson Laney tells the board members she attended a Homeowner's Association Convention last week where she took an Homeowners Certification Course and her idea is to host an event and have an attorney explain the process as well as what services the City of Ocoee has to offer, including Code Enforcement, house checks, security cameras and similar. Update on Communitv Picnic Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members this event is tentatively scheduled for May 16 2015 at Central Park from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Chairperson Laney greets and welcomes two visitors and explains there is an allotted time for questions or comments. Member McKey states he attended the event and there was a good turnout of people; there was free food and several tents with banks and associations offering assistance to families. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds Sysco Foods donated most of the food and the rest was purchased by the Police Department. Member McKey asks if The Home Depot or Lowes was present with crafts but Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replied they cancelled last minute. Discussions ensued. Volunteer Program Chairperson Laney asks board members to encourage people to volunteer; she continues by saying that years earlier the C.A.C.O.P.D used to participate in the Martin Luther King Parade in a car and expresses her wish to be able to participate in parades representing the C.A.C.O.P.D. Discussions ensued. CACOPD Meeting January 22, 2015 Update on Poker Run Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members the Poker Run took place on November 1St and it was a very successful event. The event raised over $4,000 and had over 100 participants. Most donations were received before the event and as the result of letters sent to local businesses requesting sponsorship of the event. The money raised was used for the Toys for Kids in Need program. Member McKey asks how many miles do the participants ride in total and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies about 80 miles. She continues by saying each child registered for the toy program received between four to five toys. Member McKey asks if these funds also help sponsor the Shop with a Cop Program to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies it is a different program but some of the money is used to purchase the gift cards for the Officers to buy the toys with the children. She adds that this year the Ocoee Police Department also participated in the Operation Santa program sponsored by the Ocoee Fire Department, and she, together with Ofc. Jason Strange, handed out toys. Discussions ensued. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi also informs the board members of the Public Safety Academy that begins on February 25 which takes the place of the Citizens Police Academy, and is held jointly with the Fire Department. The program lasts for ten weeks and Ofc. Patera Scott is the contact person for any additional information. Chairperson Laney reminds the board members attendance for members is expected when first joining the C.A.C.O.P.D. Discussions ensued on the information and knowledge gained from attending the Academy. Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. Video Chairperson Laney tells the board members it will be a good idea to contact the filmmaker from Full Sail University to have the video available to present at the end of the Public Safety Academy as a promotional tool. Member McKey requested the board members be invited to the graduation and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she will and adds it will take place at the new Lakeshore Center. Discussions ensued on the promotional video. Update on Founder's Dav Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi informs the board members that the event was a success and the Police Department also participated with a tent. Sgt. Bacon, one of the Ocoee Police Department's Sergeants, was selling food items with bacon; all proceeds go to benefit the Toys for Kids in Need program and this year he raised $1,200. Member McKey asks about the C.A.C.O.P.D. tent used every year for Founders' Day and how this year it was not there, nor was there an Ocoee Police Department Tent. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explained the Ocoee Police Explorers were present helping with traffic and parking, and Police Officers are there working the event. Chairperson Laney continues by saying it will be done for the next Founders' Day. Member McKey asks for the date to the Safety Spring Fling event and continued by saying the Police Explorers help fingerprinting children, handing out bicycle helmets, and also providing safety information. Discussions ensued on bike helmets and children riding bicycles without them. Member McKey thinks it a good idea for the board to sponsor helmets for children and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies the Police Department has a large number of helmets. Discussions ensued. Comments and Ouestions from the Public, Samuel Bieberle states he lives in the Coventry subdivision in Ocoee and wants to know what is being done to prevent crime and what can he do to help prevent crime. Chairperson Laney replies the Public Safety Academy is one option, and also the Teen Police Academy held every summer. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds both of these academies will provide a very good 3 CACOPD Meeting January 22, 2015 insight into police work and crime prevention, and she continues by saying the Ocoee Police Department does look at crime trends, and although it may seem there is a lot of crime, there is not; she also encourages Samuel to call the Ocoee Police Department any time he sees something strange. Member McKey asks Samuel if Coventry has a Neighborhood Watch Program because it will actually help the Police Department in crime prevention. Discussions ensued on the Neighborhood Watch Program. Chairperson Laney thanks Samuel for his comments and participation. Ouarterly Award for Officer Chairperson Laney asks the board members to take some time to read the eight nominations. Member McKey asks what a sovereign citizen is and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies these are people who believe the government laws and rules do not apply to them. Discussions ensued on the meaning of a sovereign citizen. Member McKey asks if the winner of the Officer of The Quarter is automatically included in the Nominations for Officer of the Year and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies all winners of the Officer of the Quarter for 2014 will be included. Member Zielinski made a motion to select the Officer in Nomination 43 for the Officer of the Fourth Ouarter 2014 Award, seconded by Member Clark., Member McKev made a motion to select the Officer in Nomination 45 for the Officer of the Fourth Ouarter 2014 Award, seconded by Member Ball and Vice -Chair Santana., Member Zielinski likes the Officer in Nomination # 3 because he believes what he did is something out of the ordinary and it is important to the citizen's quality of life and safety. He went out of his way to make a difference. Member Clark adds it makes her feel safer. Chairperson Laney agrees. Discussions ensued on this nomination. Member McKey likes the Officer in Nomination #5 because he helped a man save himself from committing suicide, and Chairperson Laney adds she likes this officer too because he was able to keep a calm head that prevented a tragedy. Discussions ensued on this nomination. Chairperson Laney reminded the board members that one of the criteria for the selections is the nominee going above and beyond, and asks Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi for her comments to which she replies the panhandling nomination is different; however, it does not undermine the officer in nomination #5 who shows diversity. A vote was called and the motion to select the Officer in Nomination 43 for the Officer of the Fourth Ouarter 2014 Award passed 4 -3 with Vice -Chair Santana, Member McKev and Member Titus votinz for the Officer in Nomination 45.. Yearlv Award for Officer Chairperson Laney asks the board members to take a minute to read the nominations for the Officer of the Year 2014 Award. Staff - Liaison Iannuzzi tells the board members the winner of the Officer of the Fourth Quarter 2014 Award is now Nomination 45 for the Officer of the Year 2014 Award. Member Zielinski would like to nominate the Officer in Nomination #3. Member McKey would like to nominate the Officer in Nomination #4. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members that nominations for previously selected Officers of the Quarter have updates included in the new nominations and further explains an Officer can be nominated for Officer of the Year without winning the Officer of the Quarter Award. Member 2 CACOPD Meeting January 22, 2015 Zielinski says he likes the Officer in Nomination #3 because the Officer cared enough and helped a woman from becoming a victim of human trafficking. A motion was made by Member Zielinski to select the Officer in Nomination 43 for the Officer of the Year 2014 Award, seconded by Member Clark., A motion was made by Member McKev to select the Officer in Nomination # 4 for the Officer of the Year 2014 Award seconded by Vice -Chair Santana. A motion was made by Member McKev to select the Officer in Nomination #5 for the Officer of the Year 2014 Award, seconded by Member Zielinski., Member McKey likes the Officer in Nomination #4 because he was one of the first officers on scene when the Windermere Police Officer was shot, risking his life to help him. Vice -Chair Santana likes the Officer in Nomination #4 because the officer and his K -9 helped find drugs on the streets of Ocoee. Discussions ensued on the Officer in Nomination #4 and the incident in Windermere. Chairperson Laney also likes the fact he went above and beyond when he took care of the little girl whose parents had been arrested. A vote was called and the motion to select the Officer in Nomination 44 for the Officer of the Year 2014 Award vassed 5 -2, with Member Clark and Member Zielinski votink for Nomination #3. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi revealed the name of the Officer of the Fourth Quarter 2014, Nomination #5 for Officer of the Year 2014, as Officer Matthew Serrao and the Officer of the Year 2014 is K -9 Officer Daniel Schilling. Discussions ensued. Volunteer of the Year Award A motion was made by Member Zielinski to select the volunteer in Nomination # 1 for the Volunteer of the Year 2014 Award, seconded by Member Clark.. Member McKey likes nomination #2. A vote was called to select the Volunteer in Nomination 41 for the Volunteer of the Year 2014 Award. The motion vassed unanimouslv. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi revealed the name of the Volunteer of the Year 2014 as Auxiliary Sergeant Bob Chadwick. Civilian of the Year Award A motion was made by Member McKev to nominate the civilian in Nomination #1 for the Civilian of the Year 2014 Award seconded by Member Clark. A motion was made by member Zielinski to nominate the civilian in Nomination # 2 for the Civilian of the Year 2014 Award, seconded by member McKev. 5 CACOPD Meeting January 22, 2015 A vote was called and the motion to select the civilian in Nomination #1 for the Civilian of the Year 2014 Award passed 6 -1 with Chairperson Lanev voting for the civilian in Nomination #2. Staff - Liaison Iannuzzi revealed the name of the Civilian of the Year 2014 as Madeleine Garza, and also revealed the name of the civilian in Nomination #2 as Jaswantie Decaul, Chief Brown's Administrative Assistant. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying the Officers voted Officer of the Quarter and Officer of the Year are entered into the Orlando Magic Local Hometown Hero program for law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, and military personnel from which a person is chosen randomly. Ofc. Brandon Kerr, who was voted Officer of the Third Quarter 2014, was chosen as the Local Hometown Hero; he went to a Magic home game with VIP sitting, food and many other perks. Any Officer selected will be entered into this program. Discussions ensued on this program. Chairperson Laney tells the board members if another Ocoee Officer gets selected as the Local Hometown Hero she will try to make arrangements to have access to a booth and have the C.A.C.O.P.D go to the same game as the officer selected. Activitv Report Staff - Liaison Iannuzzi reminded the board members she did not bring any information this time due to the long meeting including the Quarterly and Yearly Awards. Set Next Agenda A. Ofc. Ogletree — 2015 National Bullying Conference B. Budget Update C. Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E. D. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice E. Update on Anti - Bullying Campaign/Children's Expo F. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit G. Update on Plans for Community Picnic H. Update on Safety Spring Fling I. Update on Kicks for Guns J. Causes to Support K. Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video L. Officer of the Quarter Award M. Activity Report N. Set Next Agenda Vice -Chair Santana asks if the board members will be notified when the award presentations take place and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she will let the board members know; it will probably take place on February 17 Member McKey states the Spring Fling will take place before the next C.A.C.O.P.D. meeting and requests Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi email the board members with information for volunteering that day. Discussions ensued. Meeting Adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Madeleiq , R ecording Clerk ? � � C;, �-� Victoria Laney, Chairperson R