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Item #09 Approval of Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Grant and Resolution
01 acaee florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: August 4, 2015 Item # I Reviewed By. Contact Name: Jeffrey Hayes Department Director: Contact Number: 407 - 877 -5803 City Manager: Subject: Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) nt and Resolution No. Background Summary: This is a request for City Commission approval to submit a grant application to the State of Florida under the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) program for funding of $50,000 to construct improvements that would include a multiuse ball field for baseball, soccer, softball, and football, playground facilities, picnic facilities, off street parking facility, and related infrastructure for the Montgomery Road Park. The Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Years 2013 -2014 and 2014 -2015 has included funding for the development of facilities for the Park. The FRDAP program is administered by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and is a competitive grant program which provides grants to local governments for acquisition and development of land for public outdoor recreation use to a maximum of $200,000. The FRDAP program provides a graduated match ratio, as follows: Total Project Cost State FRDAP Share City Share $50,000 or less 100% 0% $50,001 to $150,000 75% 25% $150,001 to $400,000 50% 50% Following the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) scoring and prioritization, funding of this program is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Florida Legislature. Therefore, following submission of the proposed grant funding request, approval will not be known until the summer of 2016, following the legislative session. The open grant cycle for the submittal of 2016 -2017 FRDAP applications begins August 3, 2015, and will conclude with all applications due on August 14, 2015. The Governor signed the 2015 -2016 budget that provided $5,491,500.00 for the FRDAP grants. However funding was only provided for all Small Development category applications, those projects $50,000.00 or less for a second year in a row. There were 110 small development projects that received funding in the 2015 -2016 budget. Issue: Should the City Commission approve the attached resolution to submit a grant proposal to the FRDAP program in the amount of $50,000 for the development of the Montgomery Road Park? Recommendations Staff respectfully requests the City Commission's approval of the attached resolution to submit a grant proposal to the FRDAP program in the amount of $50,000 for the development of the Montgomery Road Park. Attachments: Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Grant Application Package. Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Combined Applicant Priority List. Resolution No. Financial Impact: If awarded, this grant would provide $50,000 toward this project. The Capital Improvements Program identifies improvements for the Montgomery Road Park that include construction improvements to the Park for Fiscal Years 2013 -2014 and 2014 -2015 totaling $20,000, with an available balance of $18,594.00. Type of Item: (please mark with an 'Y) Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by Q 2 For Clerk's Dent Use: _ Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda N/A N/A N/A RESOLUTION NO. 2015- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ( FRDAP) GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (FDEP) FOR THE 2016 -2017 PROGRAM YEAR. WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee desires to submit an application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection that requests grant funding from the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program ( FRDAP) for the benefit of local residents; and WHEREAS, there is a present and growing need for outdoor recreational opportunities among persons of all ages within the City of Ocoee, Florida and among those visiting the area; and WHEREAS, meeting the increasing demand for recreational opportunities can best be met with outdoor recreation improvements to Montgomery Road Park which is located in the City of Ocoee, Florida, as detailed in the FY 2016 -2017 FRDAP grant application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authoritv. The City of Ocoee hereby authorizes the filing of an application for FRDAP grant funding; and SECTION 2. That the Mayor, or the City Manager on his behalf, is hereby authorized to execute all documents required in connection with the filing of said application. SECTION 3. Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 4. Effective Date. immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this _ day of , 20 SHUFFIELD, LOWMAN & WILSON, P.A. By: City Attorney This Resolution shall become effective day of , 20_ APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION ON THE ABOVE DATE UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant Application Montgomery Road Park Florida Department of Environmental Protection Instructions for Completing Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant Application Process (DRP -106) FACTS ABOUT FRDAP WHAT IS FRDAP AND HOW IS IT ADMINISTERED? The Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program ( FRDAP) is a competitive program which provides grants to local governmental entities for acquisition and development of land for public outdoor recreation use or to construct recreational trails. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Office of Operations, Land and Recreation Grants Section administers FRDAP. The FRDAP Administrative Rule can be downloaded at www.dev.state.fl.us /Darks /oirs. WHO MAY APPLY FOR FRDAP FUNDS? Municipal and county governments or other legally constituted entities with the legal responsibility to provide public outdoor recreation. WHAT IS THE GENERAL APPLICATION INFORMATION? A proposed FRDAP project must be for one of the three following categories: acquisition of land for public outdoor recreational purposes, development and/or renovation of land for public outdoor recreational purposes, or construction and/or renovation of a public recreational trail. If an acquisition project receives a FRDAP grant, the applicant must develop the acquired site for public outdoor recreation use within three (3) years. HOW DO I APPLY? Applicants must submit a completed FRDAP Grant Application during an announced submission period. Applicants may submit up to two applications during the submission period. Each agency may only have a total of three (3) active projects, including any applications being submitted. Applications must involve only one project site except for acquisition or development of salt water beach access. DEP evaluates applications on the basis of the information provided by the applicants, except where such data is superseded by official DEP information. Failure by an applicant to present all required application information and documentation may result in the application being declared ineligible for funding consideration, or may result in a loss of points from the applicant's competitive score. Application will be evaluated and scored based on the information submitted by the end of the submission period.. Applicants must submit three copies (1 original and 2 copies) of the completed application and all supporting documents during the announced submission period of (August 3 - 14, 2015 lease tab Please use a soft covered binder, no HARD 3 -ring binders. To facilitate review and scoring, p all exhibits. ANY APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITHOUT EXHIBITS BEING TABBED, WILL BE SENT BACK TO THE APPLICANT AND ASKED TO BE TABBED OR `,VILL BE CONSIDERED INELIGIBLE. Applications must be postmarked NO LATER THAN August 14, 2015 , and submitted to: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OFFICE OF OPERATIONS LAND AND RECREATION GRANTS SECTION 3900 COMMONWEALTH BOULEVARD, MAIL STATION 585 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 -3000 DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 1 of 1 If you plan to prepare this document by retyping or downloading it to your computer, the language and format used must exactly match this application. You may request an electronic application by e- mailing: Angie.BrisbtOdep.state.f7.us & Tamika.Bass wden.state.fl.us visit our web site at: wivw.deD.state.fl.us /narks /oirs., WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM GRANT AMOUNT? Maximum grant funds an applicant may apply for is $200,000 GRANT MATCH RATIOS: (Based on the grant cap of $200,000) Projecf'Cost State,Slare Grantee Share $50,000 or less 100% 0% $50,001 to $150,000 75% 25% $150,001 up to $400,000 50% 50% Project Cost = State Share + Grantee Share Refer to Chapter 62D- 5.055(4), F.A.C. for complete information on match requirements and match types. WHAT CAN I USE TO MATCH A FRDAP GRANT? *Cash *Land value of undeveloped land owned by applicant (subject to conditions) *In -kind services HOW ARE FRDAP GRANTS AWARDED? Each application is reviewed to determine eligibility. The Office of Operations, Land and Recreation Grants Section evaluates each eligible application according to Florida Administrative Code and assigns a fmal score. Based on the scores, DEP prepares and submits a recommended priority list to the Florida Legislature for funding consideration. The Department's performance and obligation to award program grants is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Florida Legislature. Should the project receive funding, the grantee will have un to three (3) vears from the start of the state's fiscal vear in which funds are auDrouriated to complete the nroiect or funds will revert. If questions arise while preparing the application, please contact the Land and Recreation Grants Section at 850 - 245 -2501. DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 2 of 6 APPLICATION CHECKLIST Use this list to make sure that all applicable and all required documentation is included. To facilitate review and scoring, please tab all exhibits. ANY APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITHOUT EXHIBITS BEING TABBED, WILL BE SENT BACK TO THE APPLICANT AND ASKED TO BE TABBED AS REQUESTED BELOW OR WILL BE CONSIDERED INELIGIBLE. Attach sunnortin2 documents at the end of the application in alohabetical order as follows; When asked to submit multiple documents application will not receive points if all documents are not submitted. Application Item - If Applicable NOTE: Three (3) copies of the completed and signed application and all supporting documents must be postmarked no later than August 14, 2015 (1 original and 2 copies). A. l) A letter from the agency's chief administrator certifying the five year capital improvement schedule is officially adopted and the date adopted and 2) a copy of the Capital improvements schedule OR 1) a copy of a fully executed resolution amending the existing schedule to include the proposed project. Designate proposed project by name, date and year. B. SCORP objectives support documentation Written response to Part II, Item 2A on page 10 of this application. Include a brief narrative explaining how the project implements one or more of the outdoor recreation goals and objectives as listed in the 2008 SCORP. Provide quotations or other appropriate references with explanation to justify the correlation. Development & Trails Projects ❑N X IN Acquisition Projects Tab as Exhibit Use a soft covered binder. (No Hard 3 -ring binders) A DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 3 of 6 Application Item - If Applicable C. Public participation documentation: 1. Copy of public meeting advertisement for SOLE PURPOSE of discussing the project. Advertisement must state where and when advertised. 2. Minutes of REGULARLY SCHEDULED advisory board meeting. 3. Documentation of presentation to community groups ( minutes, letter of thanks from organization, etc.). OR.... A copy of the survey and summary of the results as they relate to the proposed project. (Support letters are not acceptable for points.) Application Item - Required D. Documentation of ability to support programming and maintenance of project site. Provide a copy of an agency organizational chart AND an explanation of ability to provide development, programming and maintenance. E. Copy of cooperative agreement or letter between applicant and a private or public nonprofit entity with the applicant holding the lead managing responsibility. F. Excerpts of the Recreation/Open Space element of the local comprehensive plan identifying needed acreage. Provide and highlight excerpt which indicates needed number of acres and provide how much acreage local government already controls. Development Acquisition & Trails Projects Tab as Exhibit Protects a � Cl n C2 C3 Development Acquisition Projects Projects Tab as Eirhibit El R D F1 E F DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 4 of 6 Application Item - Required G. Conceptual site plan for development of the project area: Submit a conceptual site plan displaying the areas and facilities to be developed as proposed in the scope of the application. The site plan must correlate with the project area identified in the project boundary map and cost estimate. The site plan must CLEARLY DELINEATE between facilities /opportunities currently existing, facilities proposed for funding in this application and facilities planned for future development. Color code your site plan to indicate facilities that are existing, proposed for funding and planned for future development (not in this project). Also identify FRDAP & LWCF phases. If acquisition project, also submit a timeline for the development of the project H. Excerpts of the Florida Greenways and Trails System Plan 2013 -2017. 1. Letter from the Office of Greenways & Trails documenting project is located on or connects with a designated State of Florida Greenway or Trail. J. Copy of Regional or Local Governmental adopted Greenway Plan. K. Boundary map of the project area: Submit a boundary map of the project area. The map must provide a description and sketch of the project area boundaries, display known easements and be legally sufficient to identify the project area. Plat maps may be accepted if the above criteria are identified. L. Photographs of the project area: Submit color, on -site photographs sufficient to depict the physical characteristics of the project area. Provide color photographs for all three copies of your application. Aerial photographs are requested, but not required. Mark an approximate boundary of the project site and note major roads and/or landmarks on the aerial photo. (Note this is not the boundary map.) Development Projects Identify different funding phases Trails Only Trails Only Trails Only X Acquisition Projects E Need site plan for the development after acquisition is completed along with a timeline for development X IN G H L Tab as Exhibit DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 5 of 6 Development Acquisition Application Item - Required Tab as Exhibit Projects Pr``ojects M. Location map and directions: Submit a detailed street, road or highway map precisely locating the project site. Also, provide clear and concise written driving instructions from the nearest federal or state highway. NOTE: Confirm that street names listed in the written directions are the same as those posted on street signs in the area. Do not use Map Quest or any other computer mapping program for this. N. Site Control (e.g., deed, lease): 1) Submit a copy of the site control documents (e.g., deed, lease, etc,). 2) If only have a Quit Claim Deed, submit the deed and also a 30 year title search by the grantee's attorney proving the grantee owns the property. Site control must be effective by the close of the submission period ( ) O. Request for Match Waiver/REDI Form: If eligible for the Rural Economic Development Initiative Match Waiver, submit Request for Match Waiver. P. Description of the Physical Characteristics of the Project: Provide a written response to Part 1, Item 2F (1 &2) on page 4. Describe the project site including existing and future uses, existing natural or historical resources, public access, etc. a 0 ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ M N z P DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 6 of 6 FLOR A Florida Department of Environmental Protection FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION PACKAGE Required Signatures: Adobe Signature PART I — GENERAL INFORMATION 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Name of Applicant: Citv of Ocoee (DEP USE ONLY) Received: Postmarked: Application Number: B. Federal Employer Identification Number:** 59- 6019764 **(This number must be registered at bly orida N(arket Place with the address the warrant will be forwarded) C. Population: 39,697 D. Current Operating Budget: $55,949,500 (This is the operating budget for the city, county or special district, and not just the department budget) E. Contact Person: Jeffrev Haves Title: Parks and Recreation Director (The contact person is someone who will be in direct contact with DEP and be responsible for administering this grant if awarded) F. Mailing Address: 150 North Lakeshore Drive City /State: Ocoee / Florida Telephone :(407) 877 -5803 FAX: 407 - 877 -5801 Zip Code: 34761 E -mail: ihaves a,ci.ocoee.fl.us I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of the applicant. Signature of City or County Manager /Title Date DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 1 of 28 2. PROJECT INFORMATION A. Name of Project: Montizomery Road Park B. Project Type (Check One): Project cannot be a combination of acquisition and development Acquisition: ,J� Development: I—XI ROn land owned by applicant On land currently under site control by applicant Date site control expires: Trail Construction: F-1 On land owned by applicant On land currently under site control by applicant Date site control expires: Development projects must be under site control (owned by deed, or leased or dedicated for minimum of 30 years from the date of application) by the close of the submission period ( AuLyust 14, 2015 ). • School board property is ineligible either by lease or ownership. • Include a copy of the site control documents (e.g., deed, lease, etc.). If providing a Quit Claim Deed, please attach a copy of a 30 year title search or title opinion. (Tab as Exhibit "N ") DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 2 of 28 C. PROJECT LOCATION: Street Address: 703 California Avenue City: Ocoee County: Orange Zip Code: 34761 -_2223 GIS Coordinates: Latitude: 81 031'43.653 "W Longitude: 28 033'37.813 "N 1. Submit a boundary map of the project area providing a description and sketch of the project area boundaries, display known easements and be legally sufficient to identify the project area. Aerial photographs are accepted as boundary maps, as long as the boundaries are identified (Visit website for example). (Tab as Exhibit "K ") 2. Submit color, on -site photographs for all three copies of your application, sufficient to depict the physical characteristics of the project area. (Tab as Exhibit "L ") 3. Location map and directions: Submit a detailed road map precisely locating the project site along with clear written driving instructions from the nearest federal or state highway. NOTE: Confirm that street names listed are the same as those posted on street signs in the area. Please do not use Map Quest or any other computer mapping program for this. (Tab as Exhibit "M ") D. LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS IN WHICH THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED: This should be the Florida Senate and Florida House district in which the proposed project site is located. If you are not sure of the district, contact your local office of the Supervisor of Elections. (There is only one each.) State Senator: Garaldine Thomason State Representative: Randolph Bracy Senate District Number: 12 House District Number: 45 E. TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES BEING ACQUIRED OR TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES BEING DEVELOPED: 4.51 Acres DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 3 of 28 F. DESCRIBE THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROJECT. 1) For Develoument Proiects: (a) Provide a description of the proposed project which includes existing and future uses, existing and proposed physical improvements, natural and historical resources, any proposed resource protection/conservation and any existing buildings on site. The Montgomery Road Park is a 4.51 acre neighborhood park that is centrally located within the city. The site is bordered by existing residential developments on all sides. This park has a mix of cleared open space and wooded area. The eastern half of the park was recently cleared of nuisance trees and has sufficient space for the development of a multi -use ball field for baseball, soccer, softball, football activities. The western half of the park has mature stands of Live Oak and Laurel Oak that provide shade for passive activities such as picnicking. This area also provides opportunities for future development that would include a restroom, playground, off - street parking, off -leash pet area, and security lighting. (b) Indicate if a natural spring is located on project site: Yes _Lx 1 No (e) Indicate if there is public access to the park either through an existing street or easement: RX Yes _ONO Describe Public Access: There is access to the park from two locations; there is access along the eastern side of the park off of Montgomery Road, and along the western side of the park off of California Avenue. (If additional room needed - Tab as Exhibit "P") 2) For Acauisition Proiects: (in addition to the above information) (a) If the proposed project consists of acquiring multiple parcels or from multiple owners, identify specific order in which the parcels will be acquired to ensure that in the event that all parcels cannot be acquired, the purposes of the project can be achieved. Also address the ability to have public access to the park either through an existing street or easement. (If additional room needed - Tab as Exhibit "P") DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 4 of 28 3. FINANCIAL INFORMATION GRANT MATCH RATIOS: (Based on the grant cap of $200,000) Project Cost State Share I Grantee Share $50,000 or less 100% 10% $50,001 to $150,000 175% 125% $150,001 up to $400,000 150% 150% Project Cost = State Share + Grantee Share Refer to Chapter 62D- 5.055(4), F.A.C. for complete information on match requirements and match types. The Total Project Cost (Line F) must equal the grant request (Line A) plus the total local match (Line E). This figure (Line F) should not total more than $400,000 for the purpose of this application. A. FRDAP Funds Requested (State Share) Line A $ 50,000 B. Local Funds Available: (Grantee Share) 1. Cash: Line B $ 2. In -Kind: Line C $ 3. Land Value: Line D $ If property is developed, land value CANNOT be used as a match. Total Local Match: C. Total Cost of Proposed Project: Line E $ 0.00 Sum of lines B, C and D Line F $ 50,000 Sum of Lines A and E (Should not total more than $400,000) (If approved for REDI Match Waiver, fill out REDI Waiver Form located under FRDAP Administrative Forms at www.den.state.fl.us /narks /OIRS) (Tab as Exhibit "O ") DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 5 of 28 D. PROJECT WORK PLAN (COMPLETE FOR ALL PROJECTS, DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITION): On page 7 & 8 as attachment 1, list the project Work Plan for the elements for this application. The, Project elements are listed with the related tasks and deliverables. Primary elements and support elements should be listed separately. Use as many project elements and tasks needed to complete the proj ect. Remember to include each element in your conceptual site plan. Submit a conceptual site plan displaying the areas and facilities to be developed as proposed on page 7 &8 of this application. The site plan must correlate with the project boundary map and work plan elements. The site plan must CLEARLY DELINEATE using color codes between facilities /opportunities currently existing, facilities proposed for funding (page 7 & 8) in this application and facilities planned for future development. If project is an acquisition project, be sure to submit on the site plan the proposed elements to be developed as listed on page 17 of this application. Also identify different FRDAP nhases on the site elan and anv LWCF chases. DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS: PRIMARY RECREATION AREAS AND FACILITIES: Primary facilities include all recreation facilities and opportunities. Primary cost must be equal to or greater than fiftv percent (50% ) of the total cost. Primary examples are: beach access, picnic facilities, fishing piers, ball fields, tennis courts, trails, trailheads, shade structures for recreational facilities, etc. Enclosed structures are not eligible costs. Costs of planning and site preparation should be included within the cost of each element. If land value is used as match, it should be included under primary cost. If this is a trail project, list the uses or types of trails. If developing one trail for multi - purposes state multi - purpose trail, but if doing several different trails list separately with each use (example: walking trail or bike trail). SUPPORT FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS: Support facilities are facilities which cannot stand alone, or which would have little or no public outdoor recreational value without the primary facility. No enclosed structures are eligible except restrooms, bathhouses or restroom/concession stands. Other support examples are: parking, landscaping, and security lighting. Amenities such as benches, or bike racks will receive no points when being scored. The enclosed structures listed above cannot be phased and must be completed with one grant. ACQUISITION PROJECTS: If acquisition project, on page 7 & 8, list the project work plan for the acquisition phase of the project. (Tab as Exhibit "H ") DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 6 of 28 ATTACHMENT 1 FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FRDAP) DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WORK PLAN Project Name: Monteomery Road Park Grantee Name: Citv of Ocoee ,he project reimbursement is limited to one (1) invoice upon completion of all Project Elements listed below and ubmittal of all Deliverables and required documentation identified in the table below. Completion Documentation equired prior to Reimbursement Request. 'roiect Tasks. Deliverables and Required Documentation Task 91: Amount of Costs Amount of Costs I> qUy ';� Day unp�e tatipn To Development to be Paid with to be Paid with of. Mont2omery Road Park Grant Funds Grantee Match Aigtd e i tau ement 6n Be A,OO (List each Primary project Provide Budget Provide Budget element) Detail Detail Project ConipletioU Certification, Multi -use Ball Field (Baseball, Softball, Final as -built site plan Football, Soccer) $10,000 Florida iecreaiio and Parks Picnic Facilities $25,000 Inventory Form Color Photographs of Project Notico of Limitation of Use Boundary Survey DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 7 of 28 (List each Sutmort Droiect element) Walkway $10,000 Parking Area $ 5,000 TOTALS: $ 50,000 $ Performance Standard: Approval of deliverables is based upon review for compliance with the requirements for funding under the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP); approved plans and application approved for funding. DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 8 of 28 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PROJECT WORK PLAN: DELIVERABLES/ELEMENTS/WORK TO BE COMPLETED: Identify ALL elements that will be completed under this Agreement. DELIVERABLE/ELEMENT BUDGET AMOUNT FOR REIMBURSEMENT: Must provide a budget for each element and identify the expense category and budget detail. Provide description of the costs as follows: Salaries: identify the position title/hourly rate /# of hours to complete the deliverable; Fringe benefits: identify the % used to calculate the fringe benefits; Contractual Services: identify what service will be paid for under the contract for services; Equipment: the purchase of equipment is not allowed under this Agreement, the rental of equipment is the only costs allowed that are associated with equipment; Supplies and Materials: identify what supplies /materials will be purchased; Other costs: identify what other costs are being requested (such as printing costs, other costs that do not fit into the other established cost categories (salaries, fringe benefits, equipment, supplies, indirect, contractual services); Indirect Costs: identify the percentage that is used for the indirect being claimed for reimbursement (cannot exceed 15% unless prior approval has been obtained by the Department).. MATCH AMOUNT TO BE CLAIMED: The same level of detail must be provided for match as for reimbursement. DOCUMENTATION/DELIVERABLES TO BE SUBMITTED UPON COMPLETION: All of these deliverables must be submitted before final reimbursement can be processed. Completion Documentation required prior to Reimbursement DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 9 of 28 PART II — EVALUATION CRITERIA GENERAL CRITERIA 1. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN A. Is the proposed project identified, in whole or in part, in the applicant's capital improvement plan or schedule during the current or next three (3) fiscal years? Provide: 1) A letter from the agency's city or county manager certifying the five year capital improvement schedule is officially adopted and date adopted. Project will not receive points if letter is not submitted and does not state the date CIP was adopted. -AND- 2) A copy of the five -year capital improvement schedule included in the applicant's adopted Local Comprehensive Plan, stating project by name, amount and year (County or City budgets are not the same as capital improvement schedules) Please highlight project name, amount and year. (20 points) FX ]Yes No 22U/7 M B. Is the proposed project identified as part of the plan through an adopted resolution committing the applicant to amend their capital improvement plan or schedule and complete the project should it receive program funds? Provide: a copy of a fully executed resolution amending the existing schedule to include the proposed project. The resolution must clearly indicate the proposed project by name, amount and year and cannot he older than 3 vears. 0— (10 points) Yes o (Tab as Exhibit "A ") 2. STATE COMPREHENSIVE OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN A. Explain how the proposed project would address one or more of the issues or goals identified in the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Use the OUTDOOR RECREATION IN FLORIDA - 2008 (Chapter 6 & 7). Provide quotations or other appropriate references with explanations to justify the correlation. To receive points, must Qive a detailed exb_ lanation as to how the proiect meets the coals, cannot only list the izoals. (Tab as Exhibit "B ") (4 points) DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 10 of 28 B. 2008 Relative Need Index by Region The proposed project provides for a priority resource or facility need in the applicant's planning region identified in the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Locate the applicant's region and circle each priority resource /facility need as proposed in the project cost on page 7 & 8 of this application: n (7 points) I Saltwater Beach Activities* Baseball or Softball * Picnicking *Football Outdoor Swimming Pool Use * Saltwater Non -Boat Fishing * Golf RV / Trailer Camping * Freshwater Boat Ramp Use * Soccer or Rugby �II Saltwater Beach Activities * Nature Study * Historical or Archeological Sites Baseball or Softball * Picnicking * Freshwater Boat Ramp Use * Football Hunting * Horseback Riding * Outdoor Swimming Pool Use �LI1I Football * Picnicking * Nature Study * Soccer or Rugby * Baseball or Softball Horseback Riding * Outdoor Basketball * RV / Trailer Camping Freshwater Boat Ramp Use * Bicycle Riding — Unpaved Trails F-1 IV Historical or Archeological Sites * Baseball or Softball * Football Saltwater Beach Activities * Picnicking * Outdoor Swimming Pool Use * Outdoor Basketball * Nature Study * Golf * Soccer or Rugby FIV Picnicking * Football * RV / Trailer Camping * Nature Study * Baseball or Softball Bicycle Riding - Unpaved Trails * Outdoor Basketball * Soccer or Rugby n Horseback Riding * Outdoor Swimming Pool Use 1 VI Picnicking * RV / Trailer Camping * Football * Baseball or Softball Outdoor Swimming Pool Use * Nature Study * Historical or Archeological Sites Outdoor Basketball * Saltwater Beach Activities * Soccer or Rugby FVII RV / Trailer Camping * Picnicking * Baseball or Softball * Outdoor Swimming Pool Use Nature Study * Freshwater Boat Ramp Use * Football * Golf * Horseback Riding n Outdoor Basketball VIII Picnicking * RV / Trailer Camping * Baseball or Softball * Football * Outdoor Swimming Pool Use Saltwater Beach Activities * Golf * Outdoor Basketball * Outdoor Tennis * Soccer or Rugby FIX Picnicking * RV / Trailer Camping * Saltwater Beach Activities * Outdoor Swimming Pool Use Golf * Football * Nature Study * Baseball or Softball * Outdoor Tennis Historical or Archaeological Sites FIX Football * Golf * Baseball or Softball * Outdoor Swimming Pool Use * Picnicking Outdoor Tennis Saltwater Beach Activities * Outdoor Basketball * RV / Trailer Camping * Soccer or Rugby DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 11 of 28 I XI Outdoor Swimming Pool Use * Picnicking * Football * Baseball or Softball * Saltwater Beach Activities * Outdoor Tennis * Golf * Outdoor Basketball * Saltwater Non -Boat Fishing * RV / Trailer Camping SANM �L5 II NOSA � �RSOH NOGI GADNEN / j N "SSAV =rJWN P MAOJ �A'tifli ' BAS � 1E0'+ - 1 ueEF�r Y �T BREA /u:• "� 1 'MAilR1A U VANNEE s IV ' MriOR � r 4U3 F9AN[W '�� tr -AY t SL p �Jewi FUQER LIE' MAAF V VI 5 u�c swmtE fRN W p0 ORANGE PAWO SBGRQl10• OS:FOL"A F01/ Vlll VIIN MM r UANAEE olAN05 EUOE DES-D SARASOY r/ MA" N a•'JtCE DR, PALM KE :EE IXG: l — RROw PO < * P� nA:,E XI DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 12 of 28 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Indicate which of the following apply (Check ALL that apply): (To receive points for this section any meetings, presentations, or surveys must be held in the current year or within the nrevious 3 vears of application and each of the three meetings must be held senarately to receive each set of points. Meetings also must he held nrior to the apnlication submittal.) _aA. A pre- advertised public meeting was held solely for the purpose of discussing the proposed project. Attach a copy of ad and proof of publication for the advertisement. Advertisement needs to state where and when advertised. If submitting 2 applications, must hold separate meeting for each project (unless they are phased projects of the same park). If not advertised in a newspaper, need a written explanation as to how, when and where advertised, along with a copy of notice /advertisement. (Tab as Exhibit "C -111) (10 points) _aB. The project was discussed at a regularlXscheduled meeting of the applicant's advisory board responsible for park, recreation or leisure service activities. Provide a conv of the minutes of the advisory board meeting(s) where this project was discussed. The board must be an appointed group of citizens, such as a parks and recreation advisory board, who would normally review projects similar to the proposed grant application. Planning and zoning or similar boards may be used if a parks and recreation advisory board does not exist. CITY OR COUNTY COMMISSIONS ARE NOT CONSIDERED ADVISORY BOARDS. (Tab as Exhibit "C -2 ") (7 points) C. Public input on the proposed project was obtained through presentations to community organizations, neighborhood associations and/or a written opinion survey. Provide documentation (minutes from the meeting which the nroiect was discussed with date or thank -you letter from an organization, association, etc.) showing that presentations regarding this project were made to community organizations or groups OR provide a conv of the survev. who surveved and summary of the results. Letters of sun_ n_ ort are not accen_ table to receive points. (Tab as Exhibit "C -3 ") (4 points) DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 13 of 28 4. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Capability to develop, operate and maintain the project site: (Check ONLY one): Provide a brief description of how development, programming and maintenance will be provided and a cogv of an a enev or¢an,iZational chart. Must provide both to receive points. _aThe applicant has a full -time recreation or park department staffed to provide facility development, programming and maintenance. (Tab as Exhibit "D ") (6 points) _aThe applicant has demonstrated the existence of a full -time ability to provide facility development, programming and maintenance. (Tab as Exhibit "D ") (4 points) _nThe applicant has other means of providing facility development, programming and maintenance. (Tab as Exhibit "D ") (2 points) 5. PARK PARTNERSHIP The proposed project is supported through a fully executed written cooperative agreement between the applicant and a private or public entity (within the current or past 3 years) in which said entity agrees to furnish 10% or more of the total project costs in cash, land, or labor services for the develonment /construction of this project with the applicant holding the leading management responsibility. The written agreement must be executed by the end of the submission period and quantify the donation in monetary units. This can be a cooperative agreement between either parties or a letter from the entity agreeing to furnish 10% of the total project costs in cash, materials, land, or labor services. (A management or maintenance agreement is not acceptable.) —ayes _allo (Tab as Exhibit "E ") (3 points) 6. TRAIL CONNECTIVITY The project provides for increased trail access by connecting an existing, publicly owned and designated recreational trail which is outside the nroiect boundarv. Indicate on the site plan the project trail/connection and name and locatiop of existing trail(s) outside the boundaries. Yes Xallo (Tab as Exhibit "G ") (5 points) DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 14 of 28 DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA (COMPLETE ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS) 1. NEW DEVELOPMENT List the existing facilities /improvements on the project site. Include improvements such as baseball fields, basketball courts, trails, boat ramps, etc. (Bullet lists are encouraged) (If undeveloped, state None). The site plan must clearly delineate between facilities /opportunities currently existing, facilities proposed for funding in this application and facilities planned for future development. Identifv and color code different funding nhases from the existing facilities. (Tab as Exhibit "G ") (5 points, if undeveloped) None. 2. INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT FACILITY NEEDS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA A) List the facilities which are addressed on page 7 & 8 of this application which are identified in the priority ranked index clusters of outdoor facilities needs for renovation and/or new construction identified within the applicant's population density as set forth in the Department's study entitled "Infrastructure Assessment of Local Government Recreation and Park Department Facility Needs in the State of Florida" effective December 1995. (See attached Dates 22 -26 for Priority Ranked Index Clusters. A project facility not listed in the priority ranked indexes will receive a score of a similar facility included in the indexes, as determined by the Department staff.) (If developing trails, must have separate trails to receive separate points. (Maximum 30 points) Renovation /Construction Facilitv Cluster Points Construction Baseball Field 1 6 Construction Softball Field II 5 Construction Football Field III 4 Construction Soccer Field 1 6 Construction Picnic Facilities 111 4 DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 15 of 28 B) Does the proposed project, in whole or in part, address the highest priority of infrastructure funding needs for the applicant's population density as set forth in the study titled "1995 INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT FACILITY NEEDS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ". Use the table below to determine in which priority funding need ranking the project falls. (Check ONLY one): El--Highest Priority Funding Need F-1 Second Highest Priority Funding Need Population Density 1— Population Under 10,000 Population Density 2 — Population 10,000 to 24,999 Population Density 3 — Population 25,000 to 49,999 Population Density 4 — Population 50,000 to 99,999 Population Density 5 — Population 100,000 and Over Rank 1 Construction Rank 2 Renovation Rank 1 Renovation Rank 2 Construction Rank 1 Construction Rank 2 Renovation Rank 1 Construction Rank 2 Renovation Rank 1 Renovation Rank 2 Construction (13 points) (8 points) Source: The 1995 Infrastructure Assessment of Local Government Recreation and Park Department Facility Needs in the State of Florida DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 16 of 28 ACQUISITION CRITERIA (COMPLETE ONLY FOR ACQUISITION PROJECTS) 1. INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT FACILITY NEEDS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA List all the facilities that will be developed for this project. Only facilities identified in the top three priority ranked index clusters of outdoor facilities needs for new construction identified within the applicant's population density as set forth in the Department's study entitled "Infrastructure Assessment of Local Government Recreation and Park Department Facility Needs in the State of Florida ", effective December 1995, will receive these points. (Priority ranked index clusters are attached as panes 22 -26.) (15 points) 2. NEEDED RECREATIONAL ACREAGE Describe how the project provides for identified need(s) for additional park acreage pursuant to the applicant's adopted local comprehensive plan. Provide the following: A. ONeeded acres/Person and DTotal Acreage Under Local Control B. Provide excerpts of the applicant's local comprehensive plan as supporting back -up documentation and highlight the information that pertains to this section. (Tab as Exhibit "F ") (15 points) DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 17 of 28 3. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN A) Is the proposed develonment of the property identified in the applicant's capital improvement plan (CIP) or schedule during the current or next three (3) fiscal years? 1). Provide: a letter from the agency's city or county manager certifying the five year capital improvement schedule is officially adopted and date adopted. Project will not receive points if letter is not submitted and does not state the date CIP was adopted. - AND- 2). Provide: a copy of the five -year capital improvement schedule included in the applicant's adopted Local Comprehensive Plan, stating project by name, amount and year (County or City budgets are not the same as capital improvement schedules). Highlight project name, amount and year. (6 points) Yes f ___No !ffiIRM B) Is the proposed development of the property included as part of the plan through an adopted resolution committing the applicant to amend their CIP and develop the property should it receive program funds? Provide: a copy of a fully executed resolution amending the existing schedule to include the development of the proposed project. The resolution must clearly indicate the development of the proposed project by name, year and amount and cannot he older than 3 vears. F-1 (3 points) Yes [:J__�No (Tab as Exhibit "A ") DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 18 of 28 TRAIL CONSTRUCTION CRITERIA (COMPLETE ONLY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TRAIL PROJECTS) 1. NEW DEVELOPMENT List the existing facilities /improvements on the project site. Include improvements such as trails, trailheads, ball fields, basketball courts, etc. (Bullet lists are encouraged. If undeveloped, state None.) The site plan must clearly delineate between facilities /opportunities currently existing, facilities proposed for funding in this application and facilities planned for future development. Identify and color code different fundiniZ phases from the existing facilities. (Tab as Exhibit "G ") (5 points, if undeveloped) 2. STATE GREENWAYS AND TRAILS PLAN Explain how the proposed project would address one or more issues or goals as identified in the Florida Greenways and Trails System Plan. Use "Florida Greenways and Trails System Plan — 2013- 2017'. Provide quotations or other appropriate references to justify the correlation. Use a separate sheet if necessary. (Tab as Exhibit "H ") (6 points) DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 19 of 28 3. STATE OF FLORIDA DESIGNATED RECREATIONAL GREENWAY OR TRAIL The project is located on or connects with a State of Florida designated greenway or trail. Provide a map and documentation (letter from Office of Greenways and Trails) indicating connectivity. Designation Agreements must be fully executed by the end of submission period. Yes =No (Tab as Exhibit "I ") (3 points) 4. REGIONAL OR LOCAL GREENWAYS AND TRAILS PLAN Explain how the proposed project would implement a Greenway and Trail Plan adopted by either a regional or local governmental entity. Provide quotations or appropriate references with explanations to justify correlation. Enclose a copy of the regional or local governmental adopted Greenway Plan. (Tab as Exhibit "J ") (4 points) DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 20 of 28 5. MIXED USE OR SINGLE USE TRAILS Does the specific trail design demonstrate that the project will support: Mixed use recreational trail opportunities, either motorized or non - motorized, or both? Yes No (8 points) 1' Single use recreational trail opportunities? Yes No (6 points) 6. INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT FACILITY NEEDS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA Does the proposed project, in whole or in part, address the highest priority of infrastructure funding needs for the applicant's population density as set forth in the study titled "1995 INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECREATION AND PARK DEPARTMENT FACILITY NEEDS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ". Use the table below to determine in which priority funding need ranking the project falls. (Check ONLY one): F1 Highest Priority Funding Need (13 points) F-1 Second Highest Priority Funding Need Population Density 1– Population Under 10,000 Rank 1 Construction Rank 2 Renovation Population Density 2 – Population 10,000 to 24,999 Rank 1 Renovation Rank 2 Construction Population Density 3 – Population 25,000 to 49,999 Rank 1 Construction Rank 2 Renovation Population Density 4 – Population 50,000 to 99,999 Rank 1 Construction Rank 2 Renovation Population Density 5 – Population 100,000 and Over Rank 1 Renovation Rank 2 Construction (8 points) Source: The 1995 Infrastructure Assessment of Local Government Recreation and Park Department Facility Needs in the State of Florida DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 21 of 28 Part III — Supporting Documents POPULATION DENSITIES Outdoor Facility Needs Ranked by Priority Index: Population Density 1 Rank Renovation Construction Population Density 1 - Population Under 10,000 DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 22 of 28 Facility Points Facility Points 1 Plnvvrrnmrlc 6 RacPhnll FiPlrlc 6 CWyter 1 2 Support Facilities 5 Softball Fields 5 3 Tennis Courts 5 Playgrounds 5 Cluster II 4 Rest Rooms 5 Rest Rooms 5 5 Picnic Facilities 4 Support Facilities 4 6 Baseball Fields 4 Soccer Fields 4 7 Basketball Courts 4 Basketball Courts 4 Cluster III 8 Softball Fields 4 Bike Trails 4 9 Swimming Pools 4 Swimming Pools 4 10 Boating Facilities 4 Tennis Courts 4 11 Fishing Piers 3 Picnic Facilities 3 12 Camping 3 Handball Courts 3 13 Handball Courts 3 Fishing Piers 3 Cluster IV 14 Football Fields 3 Football Fields 3 15 Soccer Fields 3 Boating Facilities 3 16 Beach Access 2 Exercise Trails 2 17 Historical Facilities 2 Camping 2 18 Shuffleboard Courts 2 Beach Access 2 Cluster V 19 Nature Trails 2 Historical Facilities 2 20 Other 2 Shuffleboard Courts 2 21 Golf Courses 2 Nature Trails 2 22 Bike Trails 1 Golf Courses 1 23 Exercise Trails 1 Hiking Trails 1 Cluster VI 24 Hiking Trails 1 Horse Trails 1 25 Horse Trails 1 Other 1 Population Density 1 - Population Under 10,000 DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 22 of 28 Outdoor Facility Needs Ranked by Priority Index: Population Density 2 Rank Renovation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Construction Facilitv Points Facility Points Rest Rooms 6 Sunnort Facilities 6 fluster I Support Facilities 6 Rest Rooms 6 Playgrounds 6 Playgrounds 6 Baseball Fields 5 Softball Fields 5 Tennis Courts 5 Soccer Fields 5 Cluster II Softball Fields 5 Baseball Fields 5 Basketball Courts 4 Basketball Courts 4 Boating Facilities 4 Picric Facilities 4 Cluster III Swimming Pools 4 Swimming Pools 4 Picnic Facilities 4 Football Fields 4 Soccer Fields 4 Tennis Courts 4 Exercise Trails 3 Handball Courts 3 Football Fields 3 Nature Trails 3 Cluster IV Shuffleboard Courts 3 Bike Trails 3 Handball Courts 2 Boating Facilities 2 Beach Access 2 Other 2 Fishing Piers 2 Exercise Trails 2 Camping 2 Golf Courses 2 Cluster V Bike Trails 2 Hiking Trails 2 Nature Trails 2 Fishing Piers 2 Other 2 Camping 2 Golf Courses 1 Beach Access 1 Hiking Trails 1 Historical Facilities 1 Historical Facilities 1 Horse Trails 1 Cluster VI Horse Trails 1 Shuffleboard Courts 1 Population Density 2 - Population From 10,000 to 24,999 DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 23 of 28 Outdoor Facility Needs Ranked by Priority Index: Population Density 3 Rank Renovation Construction Population Density 3 - Population From 25,000 to 49,999 DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 24 of 28 Facility Points Facility Points 1 Rest Rnnms 6 Rasehall Fields 6 Chicter i 2 Playgrounds 6 Soccer Fields 6 3 Support Facilities 5 Support Facilities 5 4 Tennis Courts 5 Softball Fields 5 Cluster II 5 Baseball Fields 5 Playgrounds 5 6 Basketball Courts 5 Boating Facilities 5 7 Beach Access 4 Football Fields 4 8 Swimming Pools 4 Tennis Courts 4 Cluster III 9 Soccer Fields 4 Rest Rooms 4 10 Picnic Facilities 4 Picnic Facilities 4 11 Football Fields 3 Basketball Courts 3 12 Softball Fields 3 Other 3 Cluster IV 13 Boating Facilities 3 Exercise Trails 3 14 Exercise Trails 2 Bike Trails 2 15 Handball Courts 2 Nature Trails 2 16 Other 2 Camping 2 17 Golf Courses 2 Handball Courts 2 18 Shuffleboard Courts 2 Historical Facilities 2 Cluster V 19 Fishing Piers 2 Swimming Pools 2 20 Bike Trails 2 Hiking Trails 2 21 Hiking Trails 2 Golf Courses 2 22 Nature Trails 2 Beach Access 2 23 Camping 2 Fishing Piers 2 24 Historical Facilities 1 Horse Trails 1 Cluster VI 25 Horse Trails 1 Shuffleboard Courts 1 Population Density 3 - Population From 25,000 to 49,999 DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 24 of 28 Outdoor Facility Needs Ranked by Priority Index: Population Density 4 Rank Renovation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Construction Facility cility Points Facility Points Plavarnnnrle h Rnrrer FiPltic h C'h1RiPr i Rest Rooms 5 Playgrounds 5 Support Facilities 5 Picnic Facilities 5 Cluster II Tennis Courts 5 Baseball Fields 5 Soccer Fields 5 Support Facilities 5 Baseball Fields 5 Swimming Pools 5 Swimming Pools 4 Softball Fields 4 Exercise Trails 4 Basketball Courts 4 Cluster III Softball Fields 4 Rest Rooms 4 Basketball Courts 4 Other 4 Handball Courts 3 Exercise Trails 3 Cluster IV Picnic Facilities 3 Golf Courses 3 Boating Facilities 2 Tennis Courts 2 Beach Access 2 Boating Facilities 2 Fishing Piers 2 Fishing Piers 2 Shuffleboard Courts 2 Football Fields 2 Football Fields 2 Handball Courts 2 Golf Courses 2 Bike Trails 2 Cluster V Nature Trails 2 Nature Trails 2 Other 2 Hiking Trails 2 Bike Trails 2 Horse Trails 2 Camping 2 Beach Access 2 Hiking Trails 2 Camping 2 Historical Facilities 1 Historical Facilities 1 Cluster VI Horse Trails 1 Shuffleboard Courts 1 Population Density 4 - Population From 50,000 to 99,999 DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 25 of 28 Outdoor Facility Needs Ranked by Priority Index: Population Density 5 Rank Renovation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Construction Facilitv Points Facilitv Points Runnort Facilities F Runnort Facilities 6 Cju.&tPr i Rest Rooms 5 Baseball Fields 5 Cluster II Playgrounds 5 Playgrounds 5 Tennis Courts 4 Softball Fields 4 Swimming Pools 4 Rest Rooms 4 Cluster III Boating Facilities 4 Soccer Fields 4 Basketball Courts 4 Picnic Facilities 4 Golf Courses 3 Bike Trails 3 Softball Fields 3 Swimming Pools 3 Picnic Facilities 3 Exercise Trails 3 Historical Facilities 3 Hiking Trails 3 Cluster IV Baseball Fields 3 Other 3 Fishing Piers 3 Golf Courses 3 Exercise Trails 3 Camping 3 Soccer Fields 3 Beach Access 3 Handball Courts 2 Historical Facilities 2 Camping 2 Tennis Courts 2 Football Fields 2 Basketball Courts 2 Cluster V Nature Trails 2 Boating Facilities 2 Beach Access 2 Fishing Piers 2 Bike Trails 2 Football Fields 2 Other 2 Nature Trails 2 Hiking Trails 2 Handball Courts 2 Horse Trails 1 Horse Trails 1 Cluster VI Shuffleboard Courts 1 Shuffleboard Courts 1 Population Density 5 - Population From 100,000 & Over DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 26 of 28 CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Pne A. FRDAP Application Information & Help 850/245 -2501 B. FRDAP Administrative Rule 850/245 -2501 www.deD.state.fl.us /parks /oirs C. Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor 850/245 -3051 Recreation Plan (SCORP) www.dev.state.fl.us/i)arks/l)lanning, D. State Lands, Bureau of Appraisal 850/245 -2555 E. Recreation Accessibility and Safety Program 850/245 -3031 Manager, Florida Park Service F. Office of Greenways & Trails and the Florida 850/245 -2052 Statewide Greenways & Trails Plan DRP -1 06 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 27 of 28 ATTACHMENT 2 FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FRDAP) GRANT APPLICATION PACKET Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Legend Tamika Bass Tamika AaccQelae state .fl_�ra Angie Bright Program # 850 - 245 -2501 rr DRP -106 (Effective 06 -05 -2015) Page 28 of 28 N `r F S May 2015 MONTGOMERY ROAD PARK PROJECT EXHIBITS INDEX City Manager Letter / Capital Improvement Schedule / Resolution Authorizing Grant Submittal..... A SCORP Objective Support Documentation .................................................................. ............................... B Copy of Public Meeting Advertisement ....................................................................... ............................... C -1 Minutes of Regularly Schedule Advisory Board Meeting .......................................... ............................... C -2 Documentation of Presentation to Community Group ............................................. ............................... C -3 Documentation of Ability to Support Programming and Maintenance of Project ............................... D ConceptualSite Plan ...................................................................................................... ............................... G BoundaryMap of the Project Area .............................................................................. ............................... K Photographsof the Project Area ................................................................................. ............................... L LocationMap and Directions ....................................................................................... ............................... M SiteControl Documentation ........................................................................................ ............................... N Description of Physical Characteristics of Property .................................................. ............................... P EXHIBIT - A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN D ©coee florido City Manager RE: Five Year Capital Improvement Program Robert D. Frank Dear Ms. Bass, Enclosed, please find a copy of an excerpt of the City's 2014 -15 Five Year Capital Improvement Program, which covers fiscal years 2014 through 2019 that was officially adopted on September 17, 2014. The Montgomery Road Park project includes the development of a multiuse sport field for baseball, soccer, softball, and football, picnic facilities, off street parking facility, and a walkway for pedestrian access. Should you have any questions, please contact Jeffrey Hayes, Parks and Recreation Director, at 407 - 877 -5803. Sincerely, Robert Frank City Manageer Cc: Jeffrey Hayes, Parks and Recreation Director City of Ocoee • 150 N Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905 -3100 • vwvw.ocoee.org August 13, 2015 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift Commissioners John Grogan District 1 Tamika Bass, Community Assistance Consultant Rosemary Wilsen Office of Budget and Financial Services District 2 Department of Environmental Protection Rusty Johnson 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard District 3 Tallahassee, FL. 32399 -3000 Joel F. Keller District 4 City Manager RE: Five Year Capital Improvement Program Robert D. Frank Dear Ms. Bass, Enclosed, please find a copy of an excerpt of the City's 2014 -15 Five Year Capital Improvement Program, which covers fiscal years 2014 through 2019 that was officially adopted on September 17, 2014. The Montgomery Road Park project includes the development of a multiuse sport field for baseball, soccer, softball, and football, picnic facilities, off street parking facility, and a walkway for pedestrian access. Should you have any questions, please contact Jeffrey Hayes, Parks and Recreation Director, at 407 - 877 -5803. Sincerely, Robert Frank City Manageer Cc: Jeffrey Hayes, Parks and Recreation Director City of Ocoee • 150 N Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905 -3100 • vwvw.ocoee.org CAPITAL PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 2015 - 2019 Capital Investment Program Project List, September 30, 2014 Dept./ Project - - - -- -�— — Ma Description _ un _an_ _ ge Parks & Recreation Jim Beech Park Install soccer field concession stand 572 -10 P &R Storage Building 572 -10 P &R Make athletic field improvements (grading, Bermuda sod, irrigation upgrades, security fence, parking area expansion, signage, and backstops) 572 -10 P &R Skate park 572 -10 P &R Parkside /Coventry - Replace playground equipment and install safety surface_ 572 -10 1 P &R Install lights at tennis court 572 -10 P &R City Trail System 1 Build north - central segment (connects Lake Hackney, Prairie _ Lake, and Lake Meadow using mainly City owned property) 572 -10 P &R _Tiger Minor Park Install 4 -inch well and irrigation system 572 -10 1 P &R Construct Phase 2 of tennis courts and parking 572 -10 P &R Construct Phase 3 of tennis courts and parking 572 -10 P &R Rogers Property Develop recreational facility (Note: Funding has been allocated in I Total Need—LEY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 $110,0001 I $110,000 $50,0001 $50,0001 1 $150,000 $250,000 $75,000 $31,000 $2,500,000 $12,0001 $200,0001 $1,100,0001 ,each fiscal year 110 P &R $7,412,4651 Softball tournament -level complex (4 fields & parking) $3,500,0001 Extend Wurst Road (includes ROW_a_cquisition) $750,000 Extend water and sewer utilities $292,46511 I Construct basketball courts, playgrounds, trails, picnic shelters, and other inprovements (funds are required beyond the CIP Plan horizon to complete the project) $2,750,0001 Acquire additional property $120,0001 I $150,000 $625,000 1 $72,000 $200,000 $220,0001 $1,900,0001 $100,0001 $1,900,0001 $120,0001 Funding FY 20113 FY 2019 Source I A, F A A H A $31,000 A, F $625,000 $625,000 $625,000 H A A $1,100,0001 1 A I $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $2,292,465 A,C,D,F,H $1,500,0001 H (Wish List) $750,0001 $292,4651 $457,5351 $2,292,465 A (Wish List) Funding Source Codes: A = Current Operating Revenues; B = Road Impact Fees; C = Revenue Bonds; D = Grant; E = Developer Contributions; F = Other; G = Repair Replacement Funds; H = Other Impact Fees Prepared by Al Butler on 7/21/2015 Page 6 CAPITAL PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 2015 - 2019 Capital Investment Program Project List, September 30, 2014 Dept./ Project Funding Description Fund Manage- Need FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 Source Vigl tti Park Athletic field expansion & improvements to western area of park (drainage improvements, Bermuda sod, irrigation upgrades, security fence, parking area expansion, signage, backstops, and goals) 572 -10 P &R $280,000 $280,000 A Skateboard Park 572 -10 P &R $250,000 $250,000, A (Wish List) Install sport liqhting on multipurpose athletic fields 572 -10 P &R $200,000 1 $200,000 A Renovate softball field and spectator area 572 -10 P &R $200,000 $200,000 A Renovate parking area and service drive 572 -10 P &R $301000 $30,000 A Replace playground equipment 572 -10 P &R $75,000 $75,000 A Make general park improvements (replace property line fence, renovate basketball and handball courts, upgrade walkways and picnic area) 572 -10 P &R $300,000 $300,000 A Safety netting 572 -10 P &R $100,000 $100,000 A (Wish List) Multiple Parks Retrofit athletic facility lighting 572 -10 P &R $200,000 $100,000 $100,000 A, C, D, E, F, H Renovate tennis courts, restrooms, and concession stands 572 -10 P &R $250,000 $125,000 $125,000 A, C, D, E, F, H Central Park Make general park improvements (renovate walkways and pavilions, improve security lighting, renovate restrooms, improve signage, upgrade entrance sign, improve fence) 572 -10 P &R $200,000 $100,000 $100,000 A Upgrade sport field lighting � 572 -10 P &R $183,000 $183,0001 A (Wish List) Sorensen Park I A Renovate restrooms and concession building 572 -10 P &R $150,000 $150,000 Replace property line fence 572 -10 P &R $75,000 $75,000 A Renovate parking area and extend service drive; improve stormwater drainage and control erosion 572 -10 P &R $300,000 $300,000 A Montgomery Road Park Construct improvements 572 -10 P &R $10,000 $10,000 A Jamela Street Park Construct improvements 572 -10 P &R $40,000 $40,000 A, C, D, F, H Funding Source Codes: A = Current Operating Revenues; B = Road Impact Fees; C = Revenue Bonds; D = Grant; E = Developer Contributions; F = Other; G = Repair Replacement Funds; H = Other Impact Fees Prepared by Al Butler on 7/21/2015 Page 7 Capital Investment Program Project List, September 30, 2014 Descriotion Ocoee Cemetery improvements Construct improvements Removal of existing chain link fence and installation of ornamental fence with brick columns along the front of the cemetery I Bridge Enhancement (remove existing stucco finish and install new brick or stone veneer), Install new ornamental style gate to match ornamental fence, Install new security lights at the entrance and interior of Cemetery, and Enhance landscape within interior of Cemetery I Replace existing galvanized chain link fence with new black vinyl coated chain link fence Install irrigation system and Enhance landscape along the front of the j Cemetery and interior sections Install entrance sign, Enhance roadway bollards, and Enhance amenities i Total Funds Required for Parks & Recreation Projects I CAPITAL PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 2015 - 2019 Dept./ Project Fund Manager Total Need FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 539 -00 P &R $245,0001 $45,00011 ' I $50,0001 $50,000 I $14,978,4651 $858,0001 $3,792,000! $3,931,000 I Funding Source Codes: A = Current Operating Revenues; B = Road Impact Fees; C = Revenue Bonds; D = Grant; E = Developer Contributions; F = Other; G = Repair Replacement Funds; H = Other Impact Fees Funding FY 2018 FY 2019 Source A $50,000 I $50,000 $3,000,0001 $3,397,465 Prepared by At Butler on 7/21/2015 Page 8 CO'N ti8's o��D�pR Exhibit "B" STATEWIDE COMPREHENSIVE OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN (SCORP) 2008 The project is consistent with the following issues and goals outlined in the OUTDOOR RECREATION IN FLORIDA 2008 manual: Outdoor Recreation in Florida 2008. Imnlementine the Florida Outdoor Recreation Plan -, recognizes the importance of providing outdoor facilities and established goals to meet the need for outdoor recreation from the state down to the local levels. Goal 4, on page 7 -2, identifies the need to "provide additional opportunities for resource -based and user - oriented recreation in both urban and rural areas, with a wide range of facility development from primitive to the fully developed." The development of this park will meet the goal of providing "Resource -Based Outdoor Recreation" opportunities through the construction of picnicking areas that can be used by local residents and visitors to the city. This park provides several opportunities to develop passive picnic sites that provide both shaded and open locations, the construction of a small off - street parking area will provide individuals from outside of the bordering neighborhoods with the opportunity to enjoy a natural, passive setting for a family picnic. The development of the multi -use field in this park will also meet this goal of providing for "User - Oriented Recreation" by meeting the need to provide basebalUsoftball and footbalUsoccer opportunities for the residents of the city. Outdoor Recreation in Florida 2008, Imnlementin6 the Florida Outdoor Recreation Plan - recognizes the importance of providing outdoor recreation areas and its connection to active and healthy living. It states on page 7 -7: "Public park and recreation agencies can help support healthy lifestyles by ensuring access to public lands and waters for people of all ages and abilities through a high quality system of parks, greenways and other natural areas. Recreation resources are vital not only to improving people's lives and promoting active, healthy living, but also to fostering a deeper appreciation for Florida's natural and cultural heritage." It further recommends on page 7 -8: Public park and recreation agencies should continue to work with local planning, growth management and greenway and trail programs to improve the ability of Floridians to walk and bicycle to work, school and other daily activities, and to provide public outdoor recreation opportunities. People commonly use parks and recreational facilities in ways that involve physical activity and contribute to their physical and mental health. The development of this park will meet the stated recommendations found in Chapter 7 by providing people of all ages an opportunity to participate in informal or formal games, such as baseball, softball, soccer or football. Furthermore, by investing in close -to -home, readily available facilities, it enhances the opportunities for people of all ages to participate in other forms of physical activity with health benefits, such as a father and son playing catch, friends throwing a Frisbee, or someone flying a kite. Ensuring adequate park access and close proximity to where citizens live and work will help in developing a healthy lifestyles and a healthy community. -ory -t SV YUB11C yRE -AD MEE'L�NG F� E -MAIL TRANSMISSION CITY OF OCOEE 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 (407) 905 -3100, extension 1023 Fax: (407) 905 -3168 July 17, 2015 West Orange Times CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 720 S. Dillard Street Winter Garden, Florida 34787 Acct: Orange SUBJECT: PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR AUGUST 6, 2015 FOR A PROPOSED FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FRDAP) GRANT To Whom it May Concern: Please run the attached advertisement according to the following directions: RUN DATE: Thursday, July 23, 2015 AD TITLE: PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR AUGUST 6, 2015 FOR A PROPOSED FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (FRDAP) GRANT SIZE: According to Content OTHER: Run in West Orange Times, Public Hearing Notice PROOF: Please fax (407- 905 -3168) proof prior to printing. If you have any questions, please contact Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk, at 407 - 905 -3100, extension 9 -1022. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR AUGUST 6, 2015 FOR A PROPOSED FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM GRANT A Public Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 6, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. at the Ocoee Lakeshore Center, 125 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida. The meeting is being held to obtain input on a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program grant for a proposed park project located at 703 California Avenue. A list of project elements will be reviewed at that time. All persons interested in this project are welcome to attend. Please contact Jeffrey Hayes, Parks and Recreation Director or Mark Johnson, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director at 407 - 877 -5803 if you would like additional information. Note: §286.0105, Florida Statutes, states that if a person decides to appeal any decision by a board, agency, or commission with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings and that, for such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if any person with a disability, as defined by the ADA, needs special accommodation to participate in this proceeding, then not later than two business days prior to the proceeding, he or she should contact the City Clerk's Office at 407 - 905 -3105. Beth Eikenberry, CMC City Clerk 1` N, v x w c� zW o c `� o'� 7� O �: r A d CITY OF OCOEE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Meeting Room Ocoee Lakeshore Center 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 July 20, 2015 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum B. Introduction of Visitors and Guests II. NEW BUSINESS A) Approval of Minutes of the March 16, 2015 meeting B) Recap of Spring Fling C) Arbor Day Recap D) Discuss Haunted House & Founder's Day E) Discussion of expending Parks and Recreation Board funds for the FY 2014 -2015 F) Discuss "Light -Up Ocoee" event G) FRDAP Grant for Montgomery Road Park H) Discussion with regard to converting tennis court/s for the purpose of playing pickelball III. OTHER BUSINESS IV. SET NEXT AGENDA V. QUESTIONS /COMMENTS VI. ADJOURNMENT ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE, OCOEE, FL 34761, (407) 905 -3105, 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. MORE THAN ONE COMMISSIONER MAY PARTICIPATE OR HEAR DISCUSSIONS REGARDING A MATTER WHICH WILL COME BEFORE THE COMMISSION FOR ACTION. , ticRl- -v ADV 1S�RY 1 .� �sl EX CONO �X�I$1T co c "A 003 rvo oroA 1 A��p1� EXHIBIT D POSITION DESCRIPTION ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Exhibit "D" Documentation of ability to support programming and maintenance of project site. The City of Ocoee Parks and Recreation Department is comprised of two separate divisions, a Park Division and a Recreation Division with a overall operating budget of $2,487,845. The Park Division consists of fifteen (15) full -time staff and four (4) part -time staff, and has a $1,057,165 operating budget. The Recreation Division consists of eight (8) full time staff and thirty four (34) part -time staff, and has a 1,430,680 budget. OCOEE PARKS AND RECREATION ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Parks and Recreation Director Senior Administrative I Assistant (1) FT Parks and Recreation Assistant Director (1) 11 f Recreation Division I Lakeshore Center Park Division 1 l J Division J I Recreation Recreation /Event Park Supervisor (1) FT Leader(l)FT Coordinators (2) FT f Recreation Event Aides Park Service Workers Leaders (6) FT (2) PPT (12) FT / (2) SPT Recreation Aides Park Ranger (11) PPT / (12) SPT (1) FT / (1) PPT Swimming Pool Y Recreation /Park Aide Lifeguards (9) SPT (1) PPT EXHIBIT - G CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN EXHIBIT "G" CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN The proposed project calls for the development of vacant city owned property into a neighborhood park. This will involve the construction of new park facilities that include a multi -use ball field area for the purpose of playing formal and informal games involving baseball, softball, soccer and football. In addition to this the project also includes the construction of picnic facilities, a walkway that will connect Montgomery Road and California Avenue entrances, and parking facilities to support these activities. Outdoor Facility Needs Ranked by Priority Index: Population Density 3. Renovation /Construction Facility Cluster Points Construction Baseball Field I 6 Construction Softball Field II 5 Construction Football Field III 4 Construction Soccer Field I 6 Construction Picnic Facilities III 4 Xm OPN 'a �pl WEST Hi O ; o°F F� F OCO P- r)-, MONTGOMERY PARK MASTER PLAN IMPROVEMENTS FM EXHIBIT - K PROJECT SITE BOUNDARY rs��c i ORLANDO STREET r RIGHT OF WAY PER PLAT ROOK A. PACES 100 -101 '� bx xrwm g L ga 'asg 5 a SBT47-COT 607.04 ' I I E ^I o VICININ MAP o I � NOi TO SCALE 1 g �I Yda way C, g € al sa a U- I FaW lllCglfH1 x ° >ti 6 .9 Nu°i, 83A a.u.n..w¢�.nw...��.,. — rnww.,,w.� L I gy7Y -mu�_r °' 13 3 s a x a- ew armK F � I I x rnr rnew n b w � r nnr srtuurrosar rwara rax rr,,unystmxxc'mwr y •wm r, � - v wn,trsseq� tN x� vN .v:wg .an rprwron wow �.n r+r .,.. y a n.rtn W + tur s mas , s , wnw.roneex trw. rmm� w rrn.rr w w wru r. wr T mr u _ = r- { 12 W�ni u. errb. nwn a r�yrn.r nb.e rw .r o � it ,. rww rw rnwr u.nrr rw. • r3MSro3tts, awe n��g rwn y mrw r rbbw + ur Mrti m not b rw. l a ewtir anr.n we.n .n wM .n rn.t ynr r wr uv .r uenr.mery .we e.m sov3¢'.¢t [nngq v.nwn�e N•^m tore u.rrw Rr. urr (rxrxk.n+. .1/uMOg wE�r.tpr • _ _ — — v ,— _ Wtiar 3s.r3WO� w rw.r ecFa rwpMY ° nrxn Iw Y' l GENEVA STREET 60 . ¢ x.n w �mx �rw m . <mn .. ena..� : r ",` lI{ ' RIGHT OF WAY PER PLAT ROOK A, PAGES 100 -101 i e Lisl 1 - . rn¢,. � , .xb. ruxwso,� ucorsm srmwEmn ulwm rmn,M1 Mmnrur .wn nr�.n u.rn. w rvxw.. w u..�w.YO. w nrw N .wow rn. ¢ .. •ro,nur crw4 rwn.dr w j tiAdcE �nbuuert r5 Mauw wwum �nrrw wwn arre.vn srwr. ws 1nF aer, our rrr. >rwrx°y t:s.roo, wnM y wr w >,nw. es, w.. 1#Y,idG w,llmu nut ` n uwav u�.rtwww.^w a° o M�nnlriw.. a wrw.w,e y rrw wnWnrd.wn w Wy me wrriwv.n 60988001 nx,x AuEacur ruruu M1 r..r.ry Mtn �+ •,. xr xynr w wm ewmr�w • M•nr•r y r:nr. fl�l �n°� u sww,s. r wrmmr rev b uw mra.I rm r "b uRUn..m rw. 1 OF 1 tr.u'� f nr•M n�iNte emu. Mn� a wi bnw y.une.rr v nm� w w. Wr wr...urt wm rmw .wm. i EXHIBIT - L ON -SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Exhibit "L" Photo Location and Directional View 1 inch = 80 feet Legend Photo Locations and Directional Views Exhibit 'T' Photographs of the Project Area Montgomery Road Park Photo #1: View of the multi -use ball field area from the southeast corner of the site looking northwest. L � r ] Photo #2: View of the multi -use ball field area from the east side of the site looking west. Page 1 of 8 Photo #3: View of the multi -use ball field area from the northeast corner of the site looking southwest. Page 2 of 8 Photo #4: View of proposed picnic area from the southern side of the property looking in a northwest direction. Page 3 of 8 Photo #5: View from the proposed picnic area, looking in a southerly direction toward the southern property line. A walkway is planned to extend from the picnic area and will extend to Montgomery Road on the eastern side of the park. Page 4 of 8 Photo #6: View of proposed picnic area and future playground area, looking in a northerly direction from the center of property to the northern property line and the proposed parking area. Page 5 of 8 Photo #7: View from the northern side of the property looking in a southerly direction toward the proposed picnic area and future playground area. Page 6 of 8 6 ,.ter •` - 'ry� , _,�,. � • • � y `. j' i e'•ij y .. ';� tit *. - "i�� ,• �Y: �p�,��t 6 , jt. ,��,� r � .,ryT,.,�st �,rg- :'�,c ` �� : �A'< '- ►� `> `� . ; � � �.�: ��' �k_ 'ins. �' cr;� , -'' � ���r, � i�YT �:. Gr-. r� �' Vii? \� •� :. VNO EXHIBIT - M LOCACTION MAP NA" DIRECTIONS Exhibit "M" Location Map L4 ESTARKE ® ®� (i® _ - -IO% FF 1 1 1 1 . 1111IIm® wF i ^� Park —_— - - E Location — — 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�, - � c 1 \\ LAKE BENNET 1 inch = 800 feet W Colonial Drive D a) O N � i 1 01 O H I 0 m r- I�� J L m l, Legend ,o011p00 o00o Q Park Location Q o Driving Direction to Montgomery Road Park 703 California Avenue, Ocoee, Florida, 34761 1. From the intersection of State Road 50 (W. Colonial Drive) and Blackwood Avenue head north on Blackwood Avenue; proceed 0.2 miles to Montgomery Avenue. 2. Turn right onto Montgomery Avenue; proceed 0.7 miles to Orlando Avenue /White Road. 3. Turn left onto Orlando Avenue /White Road; proceed 0.1 mile to California Avenue. 4. Turn Left onto California Avenue; proceed 0.2 miles to destination, property will be on the east (left) side of California Avenue. EXHIBIT - N SITE CONTROL DOCUMENTATION it I II`" 1, '1125211, ,iii',;' FEB 7 2t 11 3c 1'7� WARRANTY OEEO FE lit FROM CORPORATIo- ,.�.2�U.3 279 RAMCO FORM 33 Us Warranty Deed made and exeruted the )"I day of " A. D. 19 7.3 by ROSS BUILDERS, INC. a corporation existing under the laws of Florida and having its principal place of business at Orlando hereinafter called the grantor, to Prima Vista Utility Company, Inc. whose posloffice address is 1301 West Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida hereinafter called the grantee: tWh e.er sed herein the term. ^gran " and "e .tee" lude all the parties in thin itn' -sne.t and the hrits, 1,,l r,pres m.,jr and auiR of in Mduah, and the meee... and —ism of enrporatiom) Bitnesseth: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of S 10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the grantee, all that certain land situale in orange County, Florid., viz: 8/ � Lot 10, Block 7, TOWN OF OCOEE, according to plat Z97 thereof recorded in Plat Book "A ", Page 100 -101, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida. DD- UM ENT ARY S "r A "fw n,- F=LGRIl =1A� j:t7 S GJ R TAX= .00Ul,AE ITA ',Y, STAMP TA_ '1 FLORI A = i 1 Q c`i ti LEVI'. OF REVENUE rr ay�p�.PAF. a ` n 9. 70 += O 1, L l c o o9F1. FEB22'T4 F.2. Ilk FB. — FE622'14 IBSb3 S; •ri U] Rf F-a rl C O F O together �+ w wills ull the tenements, hereditamenls and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any - o .0 V 4 wise appertaining. � O 'To stave and to Rotd, the same in fee simple forever. W v] cd x O r-I And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that it is lawfully seized of said land in fee ad 0 r� O1 simple; that it has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that it hereby fully war- srants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; 0 1 and that said land is free of all encumbrances 4� 0 (CORPORATE SEAL) In Jffitne55 thereof the grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, by its toper officers thereunlo duly authorized, the day and year first above written. ./re ury ROSS.. BU LDF,RS.EINC. ATTEST:......... . S Sec o .._ .................. Signed, sealed and I, livered he rsenc By. ... .. ............... r _ erbert A. Ross President• � "- :.. ✓.......... STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Orange I HEREBY CERTIFY that nn thie day, before me, an offimr duly mnhnrized in the State and County ar.,_jd eo' ;mVit "kkmo kd+pnents'r,.'. I prrsonallyappeared Herbert A. Ross, -= In N' In r well ku,...n m me to be thr President a*X rapeet;.dy of the rurpotAtion mmed au; %rarilor• m n the fore gainy deed. and rhat they ewmlly acknawledq<d eaeewis>X the same in the pmunce of two mhscrib;nq ".usms f¢elr and rnh.f.';ly c9 4 N ' = Oro under authority duly vented in them by acid eurpontion and that, the, -1 aIii.,d thereto it the true corporate��ueal of mid�e,pontion. a to J '- S at in the Coumr �� yl;5tale iast'iloreraid this � day of �i.�a..v A. D. 19 "rRECO�IfE� $ R'ECt1�De'�Et;<IfhFU' /✓ 2 Z nt o t . In a `va i County Comptroller, Orange Co., Fa,. I.IJll ..... a prfpared by: 0 c m llrlflh73 r ... i WARRANTY DEED FROM CORPO RATION RAMCO FORM 33 INS Ifrranty Deed ivlade and executed the 3otf- day, of December A. D. )9 87 by Prima Vista utility Company, Inc- a corporation existing under the Iaun of Florida and having its principal place of business at 890 State Road 434, North, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 hereinafter called the grantor, to City of Ocoee, Florida, a municipal corporation whose postoffice address is C/O Teddy C. Ryan, Jr., City Manager, City of Ocoee, 150 Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 32761 hereinafter called the grantee: tWhe -ed herein the term+ "Kantor^ cad "Rra me" mdude an the parua m this imttvment and the heir, kq.1 rep —mtiva cad atdg. of )nder;dttah, —d the motzaon and anigm of ..P—di ) Ivitnesseth: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sutra of 5 10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by these presents does grant, bargain, sell. alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the grantee, all that certain rand situate in Orange County, Florida, vi:: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO • 24177020MNGE CO. FL. O's:49:20PtE 12131/87 Bee Fee $ 9 °° THOMAS H. LOCO% Add Bee $ f Orange County Doc Tax $� er d oc Comp �x � I �,� -°may S� oR3947 Fv0735 109CLf ff with all the tenements, hereditaments and appwtenances thereto belonging or in'any- wise appertaining. ��,/ `- . rTO__,J�&of dill 1V Hold du same - fee simple forever. 71Jtfl the grantor hereby covenants wz& said grantee that it is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that it has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said Land: that it hereby fully war- rants the title to said Land and will defend the same against tlae IarofuI claims of all persons mhornsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances except taxes for the year 1988 and subsequent years which are not yet due and payable_ l,' ^t S( Li ]n witness lokwf the grantor has caused these preserds to Y q : be executed in its name. and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed b'y its it: o &—i" proper officers thereunto duly audwri-.-ed, the day and year first above written. Prima Vista Utility Company, Inc. , Y �z �d'�mtan `sr�etu,{ a Florida orporation t"" sea the presence of: E O r o .• . .ViYl Vmry4jL- _ BY �- Q� Barry S- oodman c v Q d c STATE OF Florida .c OF Orange I IiE M CERTWY that ev this der, before me, an aftim dalr a=horiad iR the Sum cad Coemr afotetafd w use elf _kdpmeat; w : P—ur -PP—ld Barry S. Goodman and William J. Goodman hxj barr1,� 5 o f ccccdn fn t h r5 a i n *c.c.s• ra vin w roe w be de end Secretary teapeateir of the wp..&. tamed a pamor �^',� I iu the faeasaioS deed. and du the7 aeenay aekeewkdyed eatvtief the name m the prrseete o[ two mhatr+�iag vitaesn -5edr cad voimtarilr atinder authat;tr Wr voted u the— by aid aarpmadoe cad tha the ant aT—d tbetew a the aoe r.P -.ft neat of aid O0?t oar '+ svtrti= an hand aed af&mt rat m tht Camtr and Sm. tart afam:d this of December 87 z � �J dar ar a ass F c y = 'rim'• a a.? :Q' -a LU - o =�a z m to a This hnt urner&, Prepared %r K _ v - x 7$zf.Titstiurttmt Nataxyy tic . = :..• ~ �7 Vi f i m° a �PH)LUP R Ftt1�H Attorney a: taw My Commissioi� :. -... iie- + o ° Addrts nW Southeast Bank Building r�r c�YF a ? 201 E Pine Street DRS /D12 —T38 OAando Florida 32801 - °tit ER E I . 11 .I MIBIT *A" 'ARCELS 1 -5 PARCEL The Northeast k of the Southwest 3( of Section 5, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida. PARCEL 2 Tact A, Foxfire, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Hook 6, Page 49, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. PAR= 3 The East 3l of the West X of the Northwest 39 of Section 9, Township 22 South, Range 28 East and the Fast 4 of the Northwest % and that part of the Northeast 3( of the Southwest 3(, lying North of railway, all being in Section 9. 1tt�hip 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida. PARCEL 4 From the West 3( corner of Section 20, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; run along the South line of the Northwest % of said Section 20, S.88024116 "E. 2027.65 feet; thence N 01'24128112. 271.80 feet tq. the point of beginning; run thence further N. 01.24128 "E. 200 feet plus or minus to a point on the North line of Lot 6. Block 5, Map of Ocoee, as recorded in Plat Book A. Pages 100 and 101, Public Records of Orange Ommty, Florida. Run thence Easterly along said North line 534.7 feet plus or minus, thence S. 01.13148 "W. 200 feet plus or m3rn=s to a point S.88.37152"E. of the point of beginning; r%m thence N.88137152 "W. 535.37 feet to the point of beginning, being a portion of Lots 6 and 7, Block 5, of the aforesaid may of Ocoee. PARCEL Lot 10, Block 7, Town of Ocoee, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book A, Pages 100 -101, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. z OR3947 PU0736 LARGE ACQUISTION PROJECTS 1 Dora[, City of 2 Homestead, City of 3 Homestead, City of 4 Oak Hill, City of Large Acquistion Total: 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1J.A,RGE DEVELOPMENT PRp<I 95 Palm Beach County Welaka, Town of Miami Gardens, City of Lakeland, City of Indian Trail Improvement District Sanford, City of Oviedo, City of Parkland, City of Parkland, City of Wellington, Village of Fort Meade, City of Fellsmere, City of Hendry County Winter Springs, City of 1 Winter Springs, City of (Coconut Creek, City of Hilliard, Town of Cooper City , City of (Clearwater, City of 1 Clearwater, City of North Miami Beach, City of 1 Orlando, City of Pinecrest, Village of 1 Pinecrest, Village of 1 Satellite Beach, City of (Hilliard, Town of Palm Beach Gardens, City of Lakeland, City of 1 Miami Gardens, City of 1 Cooper City , City of (Boynton Beach, City of 1North Palm Beach, Village of Hendry County 15t. Marks, City of (Oviedo, City of Palm Springs, Village of Labelle, City of 11nterlachen, Town of (Green Cove Springs, City of (Marianna, City of Sunny Isles Beach, City of Sanford, City of Land and Recreation Grants Section Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) 2015 -2016 Combined Applicant Priority List Dora] Triangle Annex - Acquisition ILosner Park Acquisition Phase I Losner Park Acquisition Phase Il (Sunrise Park Acquisition IOkeeheelee Park (James E. King Jr. Recreational Trail IRolling Oak Nature Park ILake Cargo Park Phase II (Acreage Community Park (Coastline Park Round Lake Park Pine Trail Park Phase V Pine Trail Park Phase IV (Tennis Courts Complex Phase II Ioutdoor Recreation Area Phase I I HCJ Stormwater Park (Civic Park ICentral Winds Park Phase I ICentral Winds Park Phase 11 (Windmill Park (Town Hall Park Phase I I Cooper City Sport Complex ICountryside Sports Complex IMcMullen Tennis Complex (Washington Park Improvements I Lake Fairview Park, Renovations Phase I ISuniland Park Improvements (Coral Pine Park Improvements (Satellite Beach Sports Park (Oxford Street Park Phase IV ICity Park, Phase III ILake Cargo Park Phase I I Buccaneer Park ITed Ferone Park (Congress Avenue Barrier -Free Park (Anchorage Park Phase II I Labelle Sport Complex 1St. Marks Bike Trail Phase II 1Oviedo Sport Complex (OSC) (Village Center Complex Improvements 1 Labelle Sport Complex Phase I IHasting Park (Vera Francis Hall Park Phase V 1 Wynn Street Park (Gateway Park IFL Mellon Park Phase 11 1of6 (Miami -Dade Miami -Dade Miami -Dade IVolusia I I I (Palm Beach I Putnam (Miami -Dade (Polk (Palm Beach (Seminole (Seminole I Broward I Broward (Palm Beach (Polk IIndian River I Hendry 15eminole (Seminole 1 Broward (Nassau I Broward (Pinellas (Pinellas I Miami -Dade (Orange I Miami -Dade (Miami -Dade 18revard (Nassau (Palm Beach I Polk (Miami -Dade 1 Broward (Palm Beach IPalm Beach I Hendry IWakulla (Seminole (Palm Beach IHendry (Putnam (Clay (Jackson (Miami -Dade (Seminole $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $112,500 $712,500 $200,0001 $200,000 $200,000 $ 200,0001 $ 200,0001 $200,0001 $200,0001 $200,0001 $200,0001 $200,0001 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,0001 $ 200,0001 $200,0001 $200,0001 $200,000 $200,000 $200,0001 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $112,500 $200,0001 $200,0001 $200,000 $200,000 $112,500 $200,0001 $200,0001 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,0001 $200,0001 $200,000 $112,500 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 3 LA 102 0 LA 88 1 LA 88 2 LA 79 0 LD 111 0 LD 109 0 LD 106 1 LD 106 2 LD 1 106 3 LD 1 106 4 LD 1 105 0 LD 1 104 1 1 LD ( 104 1 2 LD 1 104 I 3 LD 104 4 LD 103 1 0 LD 102 1 1 LD 102 1 2 LD 102 3 LD 102 4 SD 102 5 LD 101 1 1 LD I 101 1 2 LD i 101 1 3 LD 1 101 4 LD 1 101 5 LD 1 101 1 6 LD 101 1 7 LD 101 1 8 LD 1 101 9 LD 101 10 LD 101 1 11 LD 101 1 12 LD 1 100 1 1 LD 1 100 1 2 LD 1 100 1 3 LD 100 1 4 LD 100 1 5 LD ( 99 1 1 LD 1 99 I 2 LD 99 ! 3 LD 99 i 4 LD 1 99 1 5 LID 99 6 LD 98 1 LD I 98 I 2 1 L �- allwmx Land and Recreation Grants Section Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) 2015 -2016 Combined Applicant Priority List 43 VlfFinia Gardens, Village of Virginia Gardens Athletic Complex Miami -Dade $112,500 LD 97 1 44 Wilton Manors, City of Mickel Field Park 18roward $200,000 LD 97 2 45 Sunrise, City of (Flamingo Park ]Broward I $200,000 LD 97 3 46 Dorai, City of INW 114th Avenue Park IMiami -Dade 1 $200,000 LD 96 1 47 Williston, City of ]Cornelius Williams Park Phase II (Levy $200,0001 LD 1 96 2 48 1Fellsmere, City of ] Little League Park I Indian River $112,5001 LD 95 I 1 49 Key West, City of (Truman Waterfront Park, Phase I (Monroe $200,0001 LD 95 + 2 50 Indian Trail Improvement District ]Hoefl Park ]Palm Beach 1 $112,5001 LD 94 1 51 Royal Palm Beach, Village of I Village Commons Parks Phase 11 I Palm Beach $200,0001 LD 1 94 I 2 52 ]Okeechobee County ISport Complex l (Okeechobee $200,0001 LD 1 94 1 3 53 Okeechobee County ]Sport Complex II (Okeechobee $200,000 LD 94 4 54 Port Orange, City of I RlVerwalk Park, Phase I ]VDlusia $200,0001 LD 1 94 ' S 55 Green Cove Springs, City of (Spring Park, Phase VI (Clay I $112,5001 LD 94 6 56 15t. Marks, City of 15t. Marks Bike Trail Phase I I Wakulla J $200,0001 LD 1 94 7 57 Labelle, City of (Civic Park Hendry $200,000 LD 93 1 58 Coconut Creek, City of IGerber Park Broward $200,0001 LD 93 I 2 59 1Caryville, Town of IE. A. Hodges Park Phase I Washington $200,0001 LD 1 92 + 1 60 1 Wellington, Village of ITennis Courts Complex Phase I Palm Beach 1 $200,0001 LD 92 2 61 1jupiter, Town of ]South Jupiter Community Park, Phase II Palm Beach I $200,0001 LD 91 1 62 1Palm Beach County IGramercy Park Development (Palm Beach 1 $200,0001 LD ' 91 2 63 Virginia Gardens, Village of IVirginia Gardens Athletic Complex Phase I (Miami -Dade $112,500 LD 90 j 1 64 Royal Palm Beach, Village of ]Village Commons Parks Phase III IPaim Beach $200,0001 LD i 90 II 2 65 ]Seminole, City of I Waterfront Park I Pinellas $200,0001 LD 1 90 3 66 ]Dixie County IYellow Jacket Landing (Dixie $200,0001 LD 1 90 4 67 Fort Meade, City of (Community Park Phase I ]Polk 1 $200,0001 LD 1 90 1 5 68 1Melbourne, City of I Riverview Park ]Brevard I $200,000] LD I 90 I 6 69 North Miami, City of 1Griffing Park Phase I (Miami -Dade $200,000 LD 1 89 I 1 70 Madeira Beach, City of I Municipal Complex - Sports Fields ]Pinellas $200,0001 LD 1 89 1 2 71 ]Kissimmee, City of (Shingle Creek Phase II ]Osceola $200,0001 LD 1 89 1 3 72 Bell, Town of ]Bell Park Phase III (Gilchrist 1 $200,000 LD 1 89 1 4 73 Bell, Town of 18ell Park Phase IV IGilchrist 1 $200,000 LD 1 89 5 74 Gulf County I Honeyville Park Phase III (Gulf i $200,000 LD 89 6 75 ]Gulf County (Dead Lake Park (Gulf $200,000 LD 89 7 76 1Kissimmee, City of ]Shingle Creek Phase I (Osceola , $200,000 LD 88 0 77 ]Palm Springs, Village of IDavis Road Park Palm Beach 1 $112,5001 LD 87 1 1 78 ]Palatka, City of IRiverfront Park Phase if Putnam 1 $200,0001 LD 1 87 1 2 79 North Palm Beach, Village of ]Community Center Park Palm Beach $112,500 LD 1 87 1 3 80 Martin County ]Phipps Park M artin $200,0001 LD 87 1 4 81 Pasco County I Sunwest Beach Park Phase I Pasco $200,0001 LD 87 1 5 82 Ocala, City of I MLK Recreation Complex Marion 1 $200,000 LD 87 6 83 North Miami, City of Griffing Park Il Miami -Dade 1 $200,000 LD 87 l 7 84 1Pahokee, City of MLK Park Improvements Palm Beach I $200,000 LD ' 86 1 1 85 (Delray Beach, City of Veterans Park Playground Palm Beach 1 $133,7381 LD 1 86 1 2 86 ]Calhoun County Mossy Pond Park (Calhoun 1 $200,0001 LD 1 85 1 87 C Town of ] West E. A. Hodges Phase I I Washington 1 $200,000 LD 85 2 88 Dixie County ]Spurgeon Cheek Trailhead IDixle I $200,000 LD 85 1 3 89 Westville, Town of ]Fern Arnold Park Phase IV I Holmes $200,000 LD 85 4 90 1 Hollywood, City of 1Henry Graham Park )Brow ard ' $150,000 LD 84 , 1 91 Jupiter, Town of (South Jupiter Community Park Phase I IPaim Beach I $200,000 LD I 84 1 2 92 Palmetto Bay, Village of IPalmetto Bay Park Improvements (Miami Dade 1 $200,000 LD + 83 1 1 2of6 " i �7 _ FLOR 93 Moore Haven, City of 94 Moore Haven, City of 95 Leesburg, City of 96 Barefoot Bay Recreation District 97 Bay Harbor Islands, Town of 98 Jacksonville, City of 99 North Miami, City of 100 Wakulla County 101 1Seminole County 102 Palm Beach Gardens, City of 103 Miami Beach, City of 104 15anta Rosa County 105 Cutler Bay, Town of 106 St. Augustine Beach, City of 107 Palmetto Bay, Village of 108 West Miami, City of 109 Medley, Town of 110 Ormond Beach, City of 111 Lake Wales, City of 112 West Park, City of 113 Seawall Point, Town of 114 1Jacksonville, City of 115 1Putnam County 116 1Miami -Dade County 117 1Columbia County 118 1 Pinellas Park, City of 119 (Venice, City of 120 (Walton County 121 1 Ormond Beach, City of 122 Belleview, City of 123 1Apalachicola, City of 124 1Apalachicola, City of 125 Clay County 126 Leesburg, City of 127 1Coral Springs, City of 128 1Holmes Beach, City of 129 Charlotte County 130 Charlotte County 1 Large Development Total: 1 ILARGE TRAIL PROJECTS 1 Orlando, City of 2 Martin County 3 1 Pinellas County 4 1 Daytona Beach, City of 5 lWalton County Large Trail Total: 1 1SMALLACQUISITON PROJECTS 1 11-iberty County Land and Recreation Grants Section Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) 2015 -2016 Combined Applicant Priority List Moore Haven Marina Phase IV Susan Street Recreation Complex III (Community Park Phase II 198th Street Park Touchton Road Park Griffing Park Phase II Community Center Park Phase I Lake Monroe Wayside Park City Park, Phase IV (Polo Park Renovations 1Benny Russell Park 11-akes by the Bay Park Improvements 10cean Hammock Park 1Coral Reef Park Outdoor Swimming Pool West Miami Basketball Court (Danny Meehan Recreational Park Ormond Beach Sports Complex (Lake Wales Soccer Field Phase I IMcTyre Park Improvements ITown Park (William Sheffield Park (Georgetown Riverfront Park Phase I (Twin Lakes Park Westside Community Center Park I Helen Howarth Park Trail ILegacy Park ISouth Walton Sports Complex, Phase I INova Community Park - Tennis Court Lighting Belleview Splash Park Van W. Johnson Phase (Van W. Johnson Phase 11 Moody Avenue Park Kids Korner Community Park Betti Stradling Park Grassy Point Oyster Creek Park Improvements I5outh County Regional Park I I (Orlando Wetlands Park Delaphane Preserve Project Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail (Halifax River Greenway Trailhead IChoctawhatchee Park Canoe Trail IRock Bluff Park Acquisition 3of6 Glades Lake Brevard Dade Martin Miami -Dade Wakulla Seminole (Palm Beach IMiami -Dade ISanta Rosa IMiami -Dade 1St. Johns I Miami -Dade I Miami -Dade IMiami -Dade IVolusla (Polk I Broward I Martin I Duval I Putnam IMiami -Dade (Columbia I Pinellas (Sarasota 1 Walton �Volusia 1Marion Franklin (Franklin (Clay ILake I Broward I Manatee I Charlotte ICharlotte I I I (Orange IMartin I Pinellas IVDlusia (Walton (Liberty I $20QODD I $200,000 i $112,500 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $165,0001 $200,0001 $100,000 $128,628 1 $200,0001 $149,0001 $200,000 $115,000 $150,000 $100,000 1 $112,5001 1 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $82,5001 1 $61,7501 1 $90,9751 1 $200,0001 $112,500 $90,000 $125,000 $145,000 $100,000 $200,000 $120,000 $200,000 $130,000 $130,000 $23,329,0911 I I $200,0001 $68,5001 1 $200,000 1 $200,000 1 $200,0001 1 $868,5001 F I 1 $50,0001 Iri LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD LD 83 83 83 82 82 82 82 80 80 80 80 78 78 78 76 73 73 72 71 69 69 69 69 68 67 67 66 66 64 63 62 62 62 61 60 58 57 57 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 2 LT 1 97 1 1 LT 1 83 1 2 LT 80 1 3 LT 66 4 LT 1 56 5 SA 1 94 1 0 I- t'� y� s Land and Recreation Grants Section Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) 2015 -2016 Combined Applicant Priority List C) 4of6 SMALL DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 1 Taylor County Steinhatchee Community Center Park Naylor $50,000 SD 107 0 2 1Bushnell, City of IKenny Dixon Park ISumter $50,000 SD 101 1 3 1Chipley, City of I PALS Park Phase VI $50,0001 SD 101 2 4 IChipley, City of PALS Park Phase VII .[Washington Washington I $50,0001 SD 101 3 5 1Astatula, City of [Joe Swaffer Phase I [Lake i $50,0001 - SD 99 1 6 ]Hawthorne, City of [Hawthorne Athletic Park Phase II [Alachua $50;000 SD 99 2 7 Hawthorne, City of 'Bushnell, I Little Orange Creek Nature Park Phase I (Alachua $50,000 SD 99 3 8 City of ]MLK Park Sumter $50,000 SD 99 ' q 9 1Bonifay, City of ]Memorial Park (Holmes $50,0001 SD 99 5 10 ]Crescent City, City of ]Eva Lyons Park ]Putnam $50,0001 SD 99 6 11 (Key Biscayne, Village of ]Village Green IMiami -Dade $50,0001 SD 99 7 12 Callahan, Town of 'Cedar Ewing Park Phase III I Nassau $50,0001 SD 99 8 13 Key, City of ]City Park ILevy $50,0001 SD 97 I 0 14 Welaka, Town of ]Bryant Wharf Park Phase I (Putnam $50,0001 SD 96 0 15 ]Pomona Park, Town of [Morgan Park IPUtnam $50,0001 5D 95 1 0 16 15uwannee County I First Federal 5portsplex, Phase I (Suwannee 1 $50,0001 SD 1 94 1 17 1 Branford, City of I Hatch Park Ill I5uwannee 1 $50,0001 5D 1 94 ! 2 18 Bronson, Town of 1-lames H. Cobb Park Phase II [Levy 1 $50,0001 SD 94 1 3 19 ]Tamarac, City of [sunset Point Park Phase I IBroward 1 $50,0001 SD ' 93 1 1 20 ]Taylor County (Taylor County Sports Complex, Phase IV (Taylor $50,0001 SD 1 93 1 2 21 1Bonifay, City of IMiddlebrooks Park (Holmes I $50,0001 SD I 92 1 1 22 ]Umatilla, City of [Cadwell Park Phase I [Lake i $50,0001 SD I 92 1 2 23 ]Callahan, Town of IEwing Park Phase IV [Nassau 1 $50,0001 SD 1 92 3 24 1 Bronson, Town of (James H. Cobb Park Phase I (Levy $50,0001 SD 1 92 4 25 Suwannee County IFirst Federal Sportsplex, Phase 11 [Suwannee ' $50,0001 SD 1 91 1 26 Live Oak, City of [John Hale Park Phase 11 I5uwannee 1 $50,0001 SD 91 1 2 27 1Wildwood, City of I Oxford Park [Sumter 1 $50,0001 SD 91 3 28 1 Live Oak, City of (John Hale Park Phase I (Suwannee 1 $50,000 SD 90 I 0 29 IAstatula, City of ]Kirkwood Park Phase I (Lake 1 $50,000 SD 1 89 1 1 30 +Wausau, Town of ]George M. Rogers Complex Ill (Washington i $5D,0001 SD 1 89 1 2 31 ]Wausau, Town of ]Possum Palace Park (Washington . $50,0001 SD 1 89 1 3 32 ]Satellite Beach, City of (Cinnamon Park IBrevard $41,500 SD 1 89 1 4 33 IGraceville, City of [James Martin Sport Complex Phase III (Jackson 1 $50,000 SD 89 5 34 +Bradford County ISpeedville Park (Bradford 1 $50,000 SD , 89 6 35 [High Springs, City of (Catherine Taylor Park Phase I (Alachua 1 $50,000 5D 1 89 7 36 High Springs, City of ICivic Center Park Phase I (Alachua $50,000 5D 1 89 8 37 Gilchrist County IHart Springs Park Phase I +Gilchrist I $50,000 SD 89 9 38 Madison, City of ILanier Field Rec. Area, Phase IV (Madison 1 $50,000 SD 89 1 10 39 ]Madison, City of (Sumpter A. James Jr. Park Phase I (Madison 1 $50,000 SD 1 89 11 40 Cottondale, City of 'Orange ICottondale Recreation Area (Jackson $50,OOD SD 1 88 I 1 41 Park, Town of IOPAA Park (Clay + $50,000 SD 1 88 1 2 42 ]Coleman, City of IJL Rowe Park ISumter $50,0001 SD 1 87 1 1 43 Orange Park, Town of ]Orange Park Skateboard Park (Clay 1 $50,0001 SD 1 87 1 2 44 1lnterlachen, Town of [Jenkins Park Phase I [Putnam 1 $50,0001 SD i 87 3 45 ]Cedar Key, City of ICemetery Point Park 11-evy 1 $50,0001 SD 86 ' 1 46 ]Key Colony Beach, City of IEastside Park (Monroe 1 $50,0001 SD 86 1 2 47 ISanta Rosa County INavarre Park Improvements ISanta Rosa 1 $50,0001 SD 85 i 1 4of6 a +F40�sCGC:N Land and Recreation Grants Section tFlorida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) 2015 -2016 Combined Applicant Priority List FLQ ., , , ..- I. 0 0 48 Calhoun County Sam Atkins Park V Calhoun $50,000 SD 85 2 49 Lake Hamilton, City of Gunter Park Phase I Polk $50,000 SD 85 3 50 Lake Hamilton, City of Sample Park Phase I +Polk $50,000 SD 85 4 S1 Lee, Town of Ben Blair Park I Madison $50,000 SD 85 5 52 Williston, City of (Cornelius Williams Park Phase III ILevy $50,000 SD 85 6 53 Key Colony Beach, City of Waterfront Park I Monroe $50,000 SD 84 1 54 Graceville, City of Tiger Park Phase III (Jackson $50,0001 SD 84 2 55 Coleman, City of IDunklin Riser Park ]Sumter $50,0001 SD 83 1 56 (Ponce De Leon, Town of Danny Bird Ballfield Phase IV I Holmes $50;000 SD 83 ] 2 57 +Bowling Green, City of (Main Street Park ]Hardee ] $50,000 SD 83 3 58 Lawtey, City of Tatum Brothers Park ]Bradford $50,000 SD 83 4 59 ITrenton, City of ]Depot Park ]Gilchrist $50,000 SD 82 1 60 Trenton, City of INorth West Park (Gilchrist $50,0001 SD ] 82 2 61 White Springs, Town of I Willie G. Turner Park (Hamilton , $S0,0001 SD 1 82 3 62 jJuno Beach , City of (Pelican Lake Park ]Palm Beach $50,0001 SD 82 4 63 1Barefoot Bay Recreation District ]Community Park Phase I ] Brevard $50,000 SD 81 , 1 64 IZolfo Springs, Town of ICity Park ]Hardee $50,000 SD 81 2 65 Bowling Green, City of ICentantino Park 'Hardee $50,000 SD 81 3 66 (Lawtey, City of (East Side Park Ieradford $50,000, SD 81 4 67 (Waldo, City of (Waldo City Park Phase III (Alachua $50,0001 SD 80 1 68 Noma, Town of I Noma Town Park Holmes $50,0001 SD 8D 2 69 jArcher, City of (Green Courts Park 11 (Alachua $50,0001 SD , 79 1 70 1 Umatilla, City of ]Municipal Pool Park ]Lake $50,0001 SD 79 2 71 Zolfo Springs, Town of (Carmen Vasquez Park I Hardee $50,000 SD 78 1 72 Palatka, City of I Riverfront Park Phase I I Putnam $50,000 SD 78 2 73 Southwest Ranches, Town of ]Calusa Corners Park 18roward $50,000 SD 78 3 74 ' Bradford County (Lincoln Park Improvements (Bradford $50,0001 SD 78 4 75 West Palm Beach, City of I Bill Moss Hillcrest Paseo Rec. Improvements I Palm Beach $50,0001 SD 78 5 ! 76 [Lee, Town of I Louis Demotsis Park I Madison $50,0001 SD 78 6 77 1Noma, Town of I Noma Town Park Phase VII (Holmes $50,D00] SD 78 7 78 Carrabelle, City of Sands Park Phase 11 (Franklin $50,000] SD ' 77 0 79 !Keystone Heights, City of IK -Town Skate Park IClay $50,0001 SD 76 1 80 +Tamarac, City of ISunset Point Park I IBroward $50,0001 SD 76 2 81 Melbourne, City of IWellsPark IBrevard ' $50,0001 SD 1 75 1 0 82 Holly Hill, City of 17th Street Neighborhood Park IVOlusia $50,0001 SD 1 74 1 1 83 Carrabelle, City of ISands Park Phase III I Franklin $50,0001 SD 1 74 1 2 84 Cinco Bayou, Town of I Winn Davis Park IOkaloosa J $50,000 SD 74 3 85 Baldwin, Town of Train Depot Park IDuval I $50,0001 SD 74 4 86 Mulberry, City of 1Lake (Centennial Park Playground IPolk f $50,000 SD ] 74 S 87 Butler, City f Y IFletcherMyersPark ]Union $50,000 SD 1 73 � 0 88 Cape Canaveral, City of (Banana River Park Phase II IBrevard 1 $50,000 SD 71 0 89 Bunnell, City of (Bunnell Municipal Campus Park IFlagler $50,0001 SD 1 70 1 90 IGadsden County I5cottown Park (Gadsden $50,0001 SD I 70 2 91 ITequesta, Village of IConstitution Park IPalm Beach $50,001) SD 70 3 92 Milton, City of Lucille Johnson Park Renovation (Santa Rosa $50,000 SD 69 1 93 IMadeira Beach, City of 'Municipal Complex - Playground (Pinellas $50,0001 SD 69 ( 2 94 1Miami Springs, City of (Miami Springs Aquatic Center (Dade $50,0001 SD 68 1 95 l Waldo, City of ]Waldo City Park Phase 11 (Alachua $50,000 SD 68 1 2 96 1Howey in- the Hills, Town of ]Griffin Park (Lake I $50,000 SD 67 1 1 97 1South Miami, City of (Palmer Park Improvements Miami -Dade i $50,000 SD 67 1 2 5of6 Land and Recreation Grants Section Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) 2015 -2016 Combined Applicant Priority List AMOUNT I APPLICANT .. PROJECT � SCORE 98 Century, Town of Showalter Splash Park Escambia 1 $50,000 50 67 3 99 Cape Canaveral, City of Banana River Park Phase I Brevard $50,000 SD 66 0 100 Milton, City of Carpenter's Park Renovation Project Santa Rosa $50,000 SD 64 0 101 Mexico Beach, City of IMexico Beach Municipal Park Bay $50,000 SD I 63 0 102 1South Miami, City of JDantel Faceil Park Miami -Dade $50,000 SD 62 1 103 Brevard County Harry and Harriette Moore Park Brevard $50,000 SD 62 2 104 Defuniak Springs, City of Skate Park Improvements lWalton $50,000 SD 59 0 105 Gretna, City of South Avenue Park JGadsden $50,000 SD 58 0 106 Port St. Joe, City of Forest South Park Improvements J Gulf $50;000 SD 57 0 107 Union County 15arah's Park Phase it JUn ion $50,000 SD , 56 0 108 Mexico Beach, City of I Under the Palms Park 113ay $50,000 SD 55 0 109 Belle Glade, City of ]Torrey Island Marina - Observation Tower I Palm Beach $50,0001 SD 1 54 1 110 Fort Lauderdale, City of JSnyder Park Boardwalk 1eroward $50,0001 SD 1 54 1 2 Small Development Total: $5,491,500 Total Applications: 250 (k _k'1 J `� Katy Fenton Deputy Secretary Total Amount Requested: Date $ 30,451,591 6of6 t