HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-2015 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held June 4th, 2015
HRBD meeting was called to order by Chair Dawkins at 7:10 pm in Room 109 at Ocoee City Hall located
at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida.
Agenda Item I: A: Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection:
Chair Dawkins asked Chair Elect Calloway to lead the board in the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag;
followed by Chair Dawkins asking that we each take a moment for personal reflection.
Agenda Item I: B: Roll Call and Determination of Quorum:
Chairman Dawkins preformed roll call and determined that a quorum was not present (4 of 11).
In attendance at the time meeting was called to order and roll call taken were: Chair Dawkins, Chair -
elect Calloway, Member Briggs, Member Ruiz. C�►nm KeI
Absent were Members: Member Daily (AU), Member Foster (AE), Member Freeman (AE), Member
Hopkins (AE), Member Maxwell (AE), Member Padilla (AU).
Agenda Item II: A: Comments from Citizens /Public:
Chair Dawkins invited Public Comments: No citizens or members of the public present.
Agenda Item I: C: Review Agenda for Tonight Meeting:
Chair Dawkins reviewed the agenda for the night. However stated there was not a quorum and the
agenda items would be continued.
Agenda Item I: D: Review of Minutes from March 5th:
Discussion of minutes for month of February, March, and May will be done at the July meeting
Budget Report:
Member Wright reported that the Board had a current fund balance of $15,319.19 with no pending
items & the majority of MLK expenses taken care of.
Pastor Brian Stamper visited with the Board to discuss taking the lead of the events celebrating the
memorial. He agreed to do so, but felt that there was not a concesus amongst the Board of where the
permanent resting spot should be. Discussion ensued amongst the Board of possible locations and
history of the decisions that have been made up to that point. Past Stamper will be called upon again
once this decision is made by the Board and the City.
International Cultural Exposition Day:
Deferred until July meeting.
Other Business:
Chairman Dawkins requested that an email be sent out to members asking for them to let the Board
know about their attendance for the July meeting. It would be important for the vote of the new Chair -
Elect and sharing options for Key note speaker.
Rev. Martin Luther King. Jr. Celebration: Keynote Speaker:
Deferred to next meeting.
Set Next Agenda:
Chair Dawkins, along with input from the board, set the agenda for the next meeting, which will be held
on July 9th, 2015, said Agenda was established as listed below:
A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection
B. Roll CaII and Determination of Quorum
C. Review Agenda for Tonight's Meeting
D. Review of Minutes for March 5 meeting in April), & May 7 2015, June 4
A. Comments from Citizens /Public
B. Budget Report
C. Cemetery
D. International Cultural Exposition Day
E. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration; Keynote Speaker
F. Set Next Agenda; Thursday, July 9th, 2015
Bring Ideas for Keynote Speakers
Chair Dawkins declared meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20 pm.
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