HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-2015 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board Regular Meeting Held January 8, 2015 Chair Dawkins called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm in Room 109 of the Ocoee City Hall, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Following the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag and a moment of personal reflection, Support Services Director Butler as Acting Secretary called the roll and determined that a quorum was present. At the meeting at the time of roll call were Chair Dawkins, Chair -elect Calloway, Past Chair Hopkins, and Members Maxwell, Boudekhane, Foster, Freeman, , Padilla, Ruiz, and Wright. Members Daily, Keller, and Prater were absent. No members of the public were present. Minutes of the December 4, 2014 meeting were accepted without modification. The current HRDB Bylaws adopted by the Ocoee City Commission give the duty to appoint a Secretary to the City Clerk, who notified the Board in November that her office would no longer provide a staff member for this purpose. Motion passed 9 For and 0 Against to recommend that the City Commission modify the Bylaws so the office of Secretary as one to be filled by election from the Board. Motion: "Modify the existing Bylaws to elect the Board's Secretary from among the Members with the duty to prepare the agenda package, call roll at the start of each meeting, keep attendance records, determine the presence of a quorum, and draft the minutes of each regular and special meeting!' Director Butler indicated he would convey this guidance to the City Clerk with a recommendation to implement this decision by asking the City Commission to remove the existing Bylaws language that gives the duty to provide a Secretary to the City Clerk and to substitute language making this a Board position to be filled by election from the Members. In a separate action, the Board voted 4 to 3 to recommend that the City Clerk appoint Member Freeman as the Board's Secretary until such time as the Board may directly make its own selection under the revised Bylaws. Director Butler indicated he would convey this guidance to the City Clerk by asking her to appoint Member Freeman to the post of Secretary. Member Wright reported that the Board had a current fund balance of $20,200.41. Member Wright reported on the planning and actions taken regarding the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Parade and Celebration. Members volunteered for various activities during the event, which will be held on Monday, January 19 with a route along Clarke Road. Director Butler reported on the African - American cemetery monument. The monument will be ordered as soon as the final shipping cost quote is provided to the city. There was some subsequent discussion regarding the language on the monument; no changes were made. Member Wright reported on the Black History Month Essay Contest. Members volunteered to deliver contest announcements to each of the involved schools. A due date of February 10 was established for essays to be submitted as contest entrees. On a vote of 9 For and 0 Against, the February HRDB meeting was delayed one week to February 12 in order to craft a plan for and begin the essay judging process. It is anticipated that the Members will call a special meeting of the Board for February 18 in order to select the winners. City staff was asked to select a time and place for the award ceremony, with February 25 at the City Commission Chambers space in City Hall being the optimal choice. Member Maxwell reported on International Cultural Exposition Day planning efforts. The dates and location for planning subcommittee meetings through June were announced. The agenda for the next meeting, which will be held on February 12, 2015, was established as: I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum C. Review Agenda for Tonight's Meeting D. Review of Minutes for January 8, 2015 II. BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION A. Comments from Citizens /Public B. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Debriefing C. Implementing Bylaws Changes Related to the Office of Secretary D. Budget Report E. Cemetery F. International Cultural Exposition Day G. Black History Month Essay Contest H. Set Next Agenda III. QUESTIONS /COMMENTS IV. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 pm. AUTHENTICATION: These are the official minutes of the Ocoee Human Relations Diversity Board, as accepted by the Board at a meeting held on the date shown below. Any amendments to the minutes as originally prepared by the Secretary . e indicated a • • e. 4434 0 A A aozoi Presidin: Offic; Date