HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #11 Consideration to Waive the Residency Requirement for Reappointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board t J
Meeting Date: Sept. 1, 2015
Item # j
Reviewed By:
Contact Name: Kathy Heard Department Director: Beth Eikenber
Contact Number: Ext. 1023 City Manager: Robert F;rt '
Subject: Consideration to Waive the Residency Requirement for Reapp• ntment to the Human
Relations Diversity Board (3-year terms)
Background Summary:
Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve three-year terms. Currently the Human Relations Diversity Board
has ten (10) members, and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than thirteen (13)
An application has been submitted by Barbara Anne Boudokhane who is no longer a resident of Ocoee; however, per the
Board's Bylaws, the City Commission can waive the foregoing membership qualifications when the City Commission
deems it appropriate. Ms. Boudokhane has expressed an interest in being reappointed to the Human Relations Diversity
Board for a term ending May 2018.
On August 4, 2015, the Commission asked the HRDB to change their bylaws in a manner that would indicate when they
think a waiver of residency should be granted. Amended bylaws were presented to the Commission and approved by
resolution on August 18, 2015. Ms. Boudokhane submitted the attached email stating why she feels she fits all the criteria
for waiving the residency requirement.
Should the honorable Mayor and City Commission waive the residency requirement and reappoint
Ms. Boudokhane to the Human Relations Diversity Board with a term ending May 2018?
Staff recommends that the City Commission consider waiving the residency requirement and reappoint
Ms. Boudokhane to the Human Relations Diversity Board with a term ending May 2018.
Board List
Board Application
Board Attendance
Email from Applicant
Financial Impact:
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x")
Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use:
Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda
Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing
Resolution X Regular Agenda
X Commission Approval
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Created by Res.#2003-21 on 9/16/2003
Res.#2003-21 amended by Res.#2004-11 changing quorum to 50%plus(1)one; amended by 2010-10
(residency for membership); amended by 2013-07 changing terms to 3 years and membership to 13.
No less than 7 members,no more than 13 members-(3 year terms)
1. Billie Jean Daily 4 407-325-1735 (C) May 2017
5037 Water Wheel Court
2. Valerie Odom 4 407-461-8060(H) May 2018
2462 Grand Poplar Street Vodom@pomls.com
3. Ira Calloway n/a 407-295-1418 (H) May 2017
1306 Weston Wood Blvd i.calloway@att.net
Orlando,FL 32818
4. Nichole Dawkins 4 407-860-0639 (H) May 2017
1326 Plumgrass Circle 407-296-0002 (W)
5. Sandria Foster 1 407-296-5263(H) May 2016
3343 Atmore Terrace Fosteres3@yahoo.com
6. Sarah"Beth"Freeman n/a 407-656-5572 (H) May 2016
535 Woodson Avenue 407-656-4397 ext. 114 (W)
407-448-0387 (C)
bethf @cortezinc.net
7. Jennifer Hopkins 2 407-293-4159 (H) May 2016
2391 Alclobe Circle 407-375-5041 (C)
8. William Maxwell 2 407-656-0054(H) May 2016
558 Woodson Avenue 407-447-3117(W)
407-694-5905 (C)
407-447-4746 (F)
wemaxcom @aol.com
9. Sujeily Ruiz 1 407-342-3371 (C) May 2017
2005 Lauren Beth Ave. sujeily_rz @yahoo.com
10. Nathaniel Briggs 4 407-488-6188 (H) May 2018
1317 Glenleigh Drive Nathaniel.Briggs @outlook.com
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Joy Wright City Manager 407-905-3100 ext. 9-1530
Community Relations Manager joy.wright @ci.ocoee.fl.us
Joel Keller Commission 407-905-3100 ext. 9-1040
Commissioner 4 JKeller @ci.ocoee.fl.us
407-656-5572 (H)
Beth Freeman 407-656-4397 ext. 114(W)
bethf @cortezinc.net
Al Butler,Director Support 407-905-3100,ext. 9-1543
Services AButler @ci.ocoee.fl.us
Doug Gaines,Assistant Director Support 407-905-3100,ext. 9-1503
Services dgaines @ocoee.org
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VJun. 15. 2015 5:24PM Q No 3241 P. 1 a./4--‘1- NtKi 6Arbq 143 -
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• Ocoee
Ilwid ■
This Applicant Won-nation Form,when completed and filed with the City Clerk's Office,
• is a PUBLIC RECORD under Chapter 119,Florida Statutes,and therefore,is open to
public inspection by any persons.
1. Name: Q A ft Q. - ANNIE IN b b gA EE-mail Address: 10Q51n i 6vla:49 e.,c n1ai l•40/4
2. Home Address: +! Home Phone: ..--
City,State,Zip: ,,3-,,a•k 4- G,■r Atm . Pi.. A 4-!$1
3. Business: pifiaar0ari•4at' Business Phone: -- '
Business Address_]
4. Brief Summary of Qualifications and Experience: 'Vc
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S. Are you a U.S'citizen? Yes:_/ No: ask- date sou
Are you a registered voter? j, pO Ye : d No: District#:
6. Resident of the Ci�iy for 6 months or longger7�4 a Yes: t/ No:
7. Do you hold public office? 4•0 W t^li-ar e:6.w No: J
8. Are you employed by the City?.44 elf .kiwi• diss►1•i 1,ty Yes: No: ,/
9. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes: ,/ No:
10. Please attach any i isDDAA nformation that•would assist CommissIon in making appointments.
*Code Enforcement Board ` Human Relations Diversity Board
*Board of Adjustment Parks&Recreation Advisory Board
Community G-ant Review Board Personnel Board
Citizen Advisory Council of Fire *Planning&Zoning Commission
Citizen Advi#ory Council of Police *Police Officers'and Firefighters'
Department(CACOPD) Retirement Trust Fund Board of
*General Employees'Retirement OTHER:
Trust Fund Board of Trustees
By my signature below, I attest that the information provided herein is true and correct and I
acknowledge and agree that a background check may be required when duties include contact with
children. .
Note: (1)Application effective for ONE YEAR from data of completion. It can be faxed to(407)905-3168. .
(2)If you have arty questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. `� '
City of Ocoee• 150 N.Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee,Florida 34761
Phone:(407)905-3100•Fax: (407)905-3168•Website: www_ocoee.org
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Eikenberry, Beth
From: Bashiba Bing <bashibabing @gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 12:41 PM
To: Eikenberry, Beth; Butler,Al
Subject: Beth, Al - so sorry due to being at a Dr.s apt...missed yesterday's deadline.
Thanking you in advance Beth-forgive me-I am too scared to remove the highlight underlining I had not noticed in my
mad rush and typing.\
If it is too late to be put on the agenda....perhaps a copy of this email could be forwarded to the Acting Mayor,
Commissoners, and the Chairperson for HRDB, as well as to all HRDB board members
1. Representation of an ethic or cultural group not present on the Board;
Disabled, Racially and Ethnically diverse children.
Their respective fathers/Mourad, now 21 yrs old and having converted to Islam 4yrs ago. His dad was-Arabic,from
Tunisia (North Africa). He had three nationalities& passports :Tunisian, Italian & Belgian. Contrary to Mourad and his
entire family in both Tunisia and Belgium). My husband, Khelil Boudokhane, was a non-practicing Muslim. My exposure
to the Arabic as well as Islam has opened my"spiritual views" and tolerance, despite my personal Christian based
Catholicism up-bringing and profound beliefs. He passed away September 1996 in Brussels, Belgium-The Capitol of
Jackson, Christian but no longer Catholic, is now 17yrs old. His dad,Samuel Downer, is 63 yrs old and we never stayed
together or were married,since my mid-pregnancy back in 1997.This is the year when I first returned to the United
States-(19 years away 8 years in Paris followed by 11 years in Brussels... Most those years, I was thinking I might never
even see the good old U.S.A. ever again...Samuel Downer, my youngest son's dad, (with whom Jackson has lived
primarily since age 13), is from Montego Bay,Jamaica.After 27 years of living in the States, he became a U.S.citizen and
is a Christian Seventh Day Adventist.
2. Skills or perspectives not presently available from Board members; and/or
I believe I am the only Board member to be on permanent disability.
After 3 years...since being appointed as a new Board member of the Human Relations Diversity Board, early on as the
Chairperson in charge of facilitating the Black History Month essay Contest sponsored shortly after the MLK Parade,that
my service for the City of Ocoee-has seemingly been demonstrated,be it recognized by all or not...
Being bipolar but with a life time of being pharmaceutically and medically compliant it can easily be noticed that I am
usually perceived a being a masjor contributor to society even in the capacity a contributing and pro-active member not
only of HRDB in previous responsibilties of government level involvement in legislation and lobbying via the Catholic
Generaly sepaking, I am perceived as an extremely "together" positive role-model. These contributions, as a volunteer
have only been possible thanks to my long years of therapy of various sorts and mostly, my learning how to be managing
my life-long bipolarity since age 23 till recently-July 24th, I turned 57 years of age. This mental illnes, i feel I actually
have been blessed with(it has given me a wide scope of informatuion, allowed my intellectual and cultural enhancement
and most of all led to my creativity as an artistic photographer.
Even my photograph of a rising sun light on Starke Lake in 2012,was recognized and printed in The West orange Time,
sub sequent to my winning the First Prize of Excellence (n,Founders Day in 2012.
I believe I am appreciated,for the most part-by ex-Mayor Scott Vandergrift, most HRD Board members and many of the
employees of The City of Ocoee...especially so in my personal collaboration with Joy Wright, our Liaison Manager
between HRDB and the City staff.
Despite a clear cut mentally disabled diagnosis,and the fact that I am also known to be too long-winded or descriptive, (a
bit too much for some and interestingly so for others)I have even been encouraged to improve myself at the City HRDB
Board monthly meetings. I have been asked to abridge my discussions or bringing forth of suggestions(all deeply felt
with great personal drive and a passion for equality and social justice), specifically by Ex-Chairman William Maxwell and
yet"have stood corrected" and learned from such specific requests.
Furthering my situation, I am now pretty much suffering elso from being "physically disabled" - leading to a further
understanding of the status of being disabled. In the last 2 years I have been afflicted with really bad knees,a sciatica and
on-going back problems. hence I have now experienced both the advantages and disadvantages to living in society at
large,disabled and unable to work, at times difficulties to get around.
By far I have received consequently more help and respect/or empathy-during this temporary physically disabled part
of my life, in contrast with the non-assistance and judgementalism I have had to "deal with" for the past 34 years of being
diagnosed at fully bipolar and ADHD too. The greater stigmatism even in the United States is still mental illness in 2015,
sadly so for society at large.
3. Strong links to groups with a similar mission or tangible support of Board activities.
I grew up with The Kennedy,Martin Luther King, post "hippy" era and was not allowed "to be a flower child",per say.
None-the-less, I was greatly impacted with the notions of social justice and the fight against any sort of discrimination.
The messages,that impacted me, forever,were transmitted by King and Kennedy respectively in the "I have a Dream"
speech as well as "Ask not what your country can do for you,but rather what you can do for your country".
These words and the meanings I have grown to define over and over again in my adult life,trying to deal with the lack of
concrete change still present in much of society at large,nation and well as globally speaking....
In conclusion, I hope my "out of residentcy" re-application to remain a board member of HRDB will be considered as an
acceptance of even more tolerance and the acceptance for change. Sadly so,be I re-appointed or not, many
midjudgements of my character and integrity have unfairly been put forth in an accusatory manner leaving me nothing but
humiliation and a broken/contrite heart seeking yet to still "make a difference and perhaps,regain my "dignity".
Lastly,the stigmatism of mental illness can only be added to the still present racism-from the late 50's until the present
situation world-wide(peace and un ity seemingly hopeless causes in today's turmoil and troubled times), still in 2015.
Todays lack of adaptating to realistic situations -and most certainly not exclusive to the City of Ocoee... are exemplified
.in society trying endlessy in to claim equality and adaption to a growingly ethnically diverse citizenship presence...but
concretly still leaving much to be desired.
Being an active member of HRDB has helped me, still traumaticized from my upper wealthy but racist up-bringing...to
deal with my parents'past never-ending racism and elitism, I could not bear or deal with this unjustice and lost hope for
social justice as early on as at 5 yrs of age. Michael Jackson, an enigma as time passed, but none the less, in my eyes the
greatest Pop/Rock star since Elvis Pressly also impacted my life and has led to my youngest son Jackson's name.Mourad,
named by his Tunisian dad, is an arabic name that means "he who has been desired.
Barbara-Anne Boudokhane/ HRDB Board member up for re-appointment as an "out of city" re-joining board member-
Member Boudokhane.