Chairperson Laney called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Treasurer McKey let the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag and Chairperson Laney led the invocation, the roll was called, and a quorum was
PRESENT: Member Ball, Chairperson Laney, Treasurer McKey, Member Zielinski, and
Member Titus. Also present were Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi and Recording Clerk Garza.
ABSENT: Vice -Chair Santana (unexcused) Member Alcuri (unexcused), Member Clark
Approval of Minutes from the October 23, 2014 Meeting
Member McKey made a motion to approve the minutes from October 23, 2014, seconded by
Member Zielinski. Motion passed unanimouslv. (Due to a mistake in the Agenda for April 23,
2015, the minutes approved were from the January 22, 2015 Meeting. This will be corrected in
the record on the July 23, 2015 Meeting).
Ofc. Ogletree — 2015 National Bullvina Conference
Staff Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi informs the board members Ofc. Ogletree will not be able to attend
tonight's meeting because he is on light duty due to an injury.
Budget Update
Member McKey states the budget as of January 30, 2015 shows a balance of six hundred fifty
dollars after the purchase of gift cards for Officers of the Quarter, Officer of the Year, Volunteer
of the Year, and Civilian of the Year.
Update on Gun Safetv Class, and S.A.F.E.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members there is a Gun Safety Class taking place
this Saturday, April 25 at the North Sub - Station on West Road from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Chairperson Laney tells Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi if there is ever a time when a class is not
full to please inform the board members to help with attendance. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
continues by saying the Women's Safety Class is not yet scheduled but as soon as it is, she will
email the board members with the information.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Member McKey states the program is in need of more volunteers and the meetings take place
the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. This is a diversionary program for teenagers who
have made wrong decisions. Member Zielinski asks how does it work and where does it take
place, and Member McKey replies these are kids who have been sent by the District Nine Court
System to this program to fulfill sanctions in lieu of an arrest; it takes place at the Police
Department. Member Zielinski says he could volunteer only once a month since he travels
frequently and Member McKey thanks him and tells him he needs to let the members know in
advance if he is coming; discussions ensued.
CACOPD Meeting
April 23, 2015
Anti- Bullvine Campaign /Children's Expo
Chairperson Laney tells the board members she is not aware of any plan to hold the Children's
Expo in Ocoee this year. She continues to ask Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi about the door
barricades for the schools for which she provided information during the last meeting and Staff -
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she did get a chance to present the product to her sister -in -law who
is Orange County Public Schools' teacher of the year; she presented it to the Orange County
Public Schools' Board and their Law Enforcement but does not know the outcome yet.
O.C.P.S.'s Law Enforcement is working with Ocoee Police Department in another project called
A.L.I.C.E; this training is for active shooter situations and will take place in Ocoee sometime in
August. The program originated in Ohio and the trainers are flying in for this event.
Chairperson Laney asks if volunteers are needed and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she
will certainly need all the help she can get, and tentatively it will take place at Ocoee Middle
School. Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney continues by saying there is a movie called
The Cokeville Miracle based on a true story about a bomb in a school which she thinks is very
educational. Staff - Liaison Iannuzzi interjects to tell the board members A.L.I.C.E. stands for
Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate; she explains this is a very good program
because it teaches kids to run from danger. Discussions ensued on this program. Chairperson
Laney tells the board members Sgt. Randy Conyers is retiring form the Police Department after
30 years of service and she would like the C.A.C.O.P.D. to give him a card she brought for
everyone to sign.
Update on Neighborhood Safetv Summit
Chairperson Laney tells the board members she is still working on this and Member McKey
suggests it be held in conjunction with the Community Picnic but Chairperson Laney states the
Community Picnic is very close, May 16 and she will not be in town. She would like to have
the Summit after the Governor signs the legislature to get the most up -to -date information
available on homeowner association laws. She continues by saying once a date is picked the
board can invite all the homeowner associations in the City to participate. Member McKey
adds he thinks it a great idea to invite everyone, even if they do not belong to a homeowners
association. Discussions ensued.
Update on Communitv Picnic
Chairperson Laney thinks it a good idea to pass flyers out on May 15 at the Lakeshore Center
during the Wedding Expo. Staff - Liaison Iannuzzi states she will ask if it can be done.
Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney tells the board members volunteers are needed for the
Community Picnic and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds it will take place on May 16 and she
will need at least two members to attend. It will take place at Central Park from 11:00 a.m. until
2:00 p.m., and any volunteers will need to be there before and after to help with the setup and
cleanup. Chairperson Laney suggests that only one ticket be given per family for door prizes
instead of per person or get a system to coordinate this better. Member Titus and Member
McKey will be volunteering that day. Discussions ensued. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
reminds the board members of the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner to take place April 30 at the
Lakeshore Center from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Chairperson Laney asks if The Home Depot
will be at the Community Picnic and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies they are scheduled to
be there; also, there will be face painting, a DJ, and other vendors as well. Sysco is donating
some of the food and the rest will be purchased by the Police Department. She continues by
CACOPD Meeting
April 23, 2015
saying the Police Department has very active Social Media pages where all events are advertised,
and encourages the board members to like and share the pages. Discussions ensued.
Update on Safetv Sprine Fling
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states it was a successful event. The Police Department gave about
150 — 175 bike helmets in conjunction with other departments in the City; also, the flyers for the
Gun Safety Class, the S.A.F.E. Class, and the Open House were distributed that day.
Chairperson Laney shares she attended the Spring Fling and thought it a great event as well and
was able to talk to people about the C.A.C.O.P.D. Member McKey asks if there was
fingerprinting done to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies the Police Explorers took care
of the fingerprinting.
Update on Kicks for Guns
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members this event will not take place until August
and would like to take the opportunity to thank Chairperson Laney for coming to the Coffee
with a Cop event that took place in March at the Starbucks in Ocoee. This was the first time this
event was held and it was very successful; an average of 40 to 50 people attended, including
homeowner association presidents and board members. She continues by saying the Police
Department is hoping to hold this event quarterly, and the next one will tentatively take place
June 17 at the House Blend Cafd from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
stresses the fact that it was great that Chairperson Laney and Member Titus were there to help
answer questions. Discussions ensued. She continues by saying there is another new event
called Kicking it with the Cops that took place during Spring Break; it was a kickball game in
which the kids at the Jim Beech Center played with Police Officers. After the game everyone
there had pizza and it was a great opportunity to interact with the kids; it will probably take place
again during the summer. Chairperson Laney adds she thinks it a good idea to have
information from the consumer fraud unit at the next Coffee with a Cop since elderly people are
very vulnerable to such crimes. Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney will speak to Mr.
Morales form the Consumer Fraud Unit to attend the next Coffee with a Cop with information.
Causes to Support
Chairperson Laney asks if the Police Department does a press release for the Quarterly and
Yearly Award Winners to which Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies the information goes out to
all the contacts in the Police Department's Press Release List. Member McKey tells the board
members he has an idea for the causes to support. He continues by saying during certain
holidays, such as St. Patrick's Day, New Year's, and Cinco de Mayo, if Chief approves it, the
Police Department can help people get home if they have had too much to drink, just like AAA
does, to help prevent drunk people from driving. Member Zielinski disagrees because it would
mean taking police officers from their assigned duties to drive drunken people home; he
continues by saying taxis can take people home. Member McKey interjects and adds that if an
officer is not available maybe they can arrange for a taxi to drive the person home. Staff -
Liaison Iannuzzi says she thinks it a good idea but not for the Police Department, maybe
another department in the City, because it will take the officer away from his duties and
Member McKey adds the officers are already on the road and patrolling, and asks how many
officers are out on any given shift to which Staff - Liaison Iannuzzi replies it depends but what
happens is that the officer would not be able to respond to calls and thinks it needs a different
approach. Member McKey says Chief may have a better idea as to how to approach this since
the idea is to be proactive and preventive. Member Zielinski does not think it a good idea for
CACOPD Meeting
April 23, 2015
officers to give free rides to people drinking; if they have enough money to spend on alcohol
they can certainly afford a taxi home. Chairperson Laney believes the businesses serving the
alcohol may be interested in helping their patrons get home safely. (Member McKey left the
meeting at 7:57 p.m.) Member Zielinski apologizes if he was out of line but he feels very
strongly about this issue. Discussions ensued. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi says she will bring
ideas of causes to support for the next meeting. As an example, she continues, last moth they
had a softball charity event for Windermere Police Officer Robbie German to help raise funds
for a charity that pays for cadets to go through the police academy. Discussions ensued.
Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. Video
Chairperson Laney tells the board members Member McKey had requested an email be sent
out to the board members when the public safety academy graduation is to take place so the
board members can attend. Chairperson Laney says this is a great opportunity to explain to
attendees what the C.A.C.O.P.D. does. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members the
dinner for the Public Safety Graduation will take place on June 10th from 6:00 -8:00 p.m. at the
Lakeshore Center. The promotional video will be discussed during the next meeting.
Ouarterlv Award for Officer
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board members she also has statistics for each of the
officers nominated should the board members want to know.
Member Titus made a motion to select the Officer in Nomination 41 for Officer of the First
Ouarter 2015, seconded by Member Ball.
Member Zielinski likes the officer in Nomination 43 for Officer of the First Quarter 2015, and
Chairperson Laney likes the officer in Nomination #2. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi reminds
the board members she has the statistics for each of the officers nominated. She continues by
saying the officer in Nomination #1 is a detective and has no traffic stops or citations but he has
written at least three warrants this year. The officer in Nomination 42 has approximately 24
offense reports, 24 citations 39 traffic stops, and a total of four arrests; this person works the day
shift. The officer in Nomination #3 has nine offense reports, nine citations, 46 traffic stops, and
nine arrests; she works the midnight shift and her numbers are not as high because she had a
trainee who gets all the calls. The officer in Nomination 44 is a School Resource Officer and
will not have as many calls as a patrol officer but this officer has 13 offense reports, seven
citations, 13 traffic stops, and five arrests.
A vote was called and the motion to select the Officer in Nomination 91 for Officer of the First
Ouarter 2015 passed unanimouslv.
Activitv Report
Staff - Liaison Iannuzzi tells the board members the statistics are compiled by the Crime
Analyst, Ella Wisecup, on a monthly basis and this is the information she brings to the meetings.
She continues by saying that, so far this year, there have been no homicides; for the month of
January there is a total of 11 violent crimes, 17 for the month February, and 18 for the month of
March. There were 10 D.U.I. arrests in the month of January, 11 in the month of February, and
six in the month of March. Chairperson Laney asks Staff - Liaison Sgt. lannuzzi if the two rapes
shown in the statistics have not been solved because the statistics do not show arrests in these
cases. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies it really depends on the specifics of the case and it
CACOPD Meeting
April 23, 2015
could mean there is no physical arrest but there is warrant for the person. Cases such as these
take time to investigate. She continues by saying this past Saturday the Ocoee Police Department
participated in the Walk like MADD event that took place in Baldwin Park and raised a total of
nine hundred dollars. Member Zielinski states that according to the statistics, the non - violent
crimes have gone down but the violent crimes have exploded to which Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi replies that the incident in February at the movie theater in the West Oaks Mall
happened in conjunction with other related crimes in the area which made the numbers go up
substantially. Discussions ensued. Member Zielinski asks what was the motivation for all
those kids at the movie theater and Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she is not sure why but
the incident was handled very professionally and because of the large crowd, other agencies were
involved, including Winter Garden Police Department. Discussions ensued on this incident. She
continues by saying since then, Chief Brown has met with Mall Officials to discuss the events
and how to work together. Discussions ensued. She also provided the board members with the
calls for service by day and explained how there are peak hours and days. Discussions ensued.
Set Next Agenda
A. Welcome new Member Renee Watson
B. Budget Update
C. Update on Gun Safety Class, and S.A.F.E.
D. Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
E. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
F. Update on Community Picnic
G. Update on Coffee with a Cop
H. Update on Kicks for Guns
I. Update on the Citizen's Public Safety Academy
J. Causes to Support
K. Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video
L. Officer of the Quarter Award
M. Activity Report
N. Set Next Agenda
Chairperson Laney also suggests the C.A.C.O.P.D. gives cards to police officers who are
retiring or are getting an award. Staff - Liaison Iannuzzi tells the board members Deputy Chief
Silberstein will be retiring in October and there may be others in the near future. She continues
by telling the board members of Ofc. Daniel Schilling's selection for the ASIS K -9 Award as
well as for Hero Day at Orlando Baptist Church. Member Ball asks about the Ocoee Police
Department hiring a Reserve Officer that was fired from another agency and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi replies she will not elaborate but will say he is her husband who previously worked at
the Ocoee Police Department. Discussions ensued. She continues by saying a Reserve Officer
works for 20 hours a month without pay; they receive all mandatory training required to keep
their certification active. Discussions ensued.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Respectfull4arza, mitted, q�
Ma leine ecord ing Clerk Victoria Laney, Chaiyperson