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Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held August 6, 2015
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HRBD meeting was called to order by Chair Calloway at 7:02 pm in Room 109 at Ocoee City Hall located
at 150 North Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee, Florida.
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection:
Past Chair Dawkins led the board in the pledge of allegiance to the U.S.flag;followed by Chair Calloway
asking that we each take a moment for personal reflection.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum:
Secretary Washington performed roll call at 7:04. In attendance at the time meeting was called to order
and roll call taken were: Chair Calloway, Member Dawkins, Member Freeman, Member Maxwell, and
Member Odom. Also present: Commissioner Keller,Al Butler, Support Services Director,and Joy
Wright, Community Relations Manager.Absent were Members: Member Crown (AE), Member Ruiz-(AE).
Member Foster arrived at 7:05 pm and a quorum was established. Member Briggs arrived at 7:07 pm.
Review Agenda for Tonight Meeting:
Chair Calloway reviewed the agenda for the night.
Review of Minutes:
Minutes of the June 4, 2015 were modified to include the attendance of Commissioner Keller. Minutes
of the July 9, 2015 were accepted without modification.
Comments from Citizens/Public:
No citizens or members of the public present.
Chair Calloway stated that Ms.Jennifer Hopkins has resigned from the Board.
Budget Report:
Member Wright reported that as of August 2015 the Board had a current fund balance of$14,478.54,
which does not include the business cards and name tags with a few other outstanding expenditures.
Member Dailey arrived at 7:24 pm.
Rev. Martin Luther King,Jr.Celebration; Keynote Speaker:
Member Briggs will contact Reverend Nelson Pender. Commissioner Keller suggested Sheriff Jerry L.
Demings. Chair Calloway to contact Sheriff Demings. Member Dawkins suggested Choir Director Dr.
Jeffrey Redding. Member Maxwell stated that he would get in touch with Dr. Redding to discuss his
schedule. Member Dawkins also suggested Delaine Bender,the principal of Citrus Elementary. Chair
Calloway to contact Ms. Bender. Contact Member Wright with names by the middle of August.
Director Butler met with the City Attorney and City Manager and was advised to have Quality Vaults
move the monument onto the parcel of land and to open the gate on the fence and to place the
monument on a concrete slab,which will be poured by Public Works. The city will not add any other
improvements to this property,other than mowing the area.
The City said that they would be open to relocating the monument. Discussion ensued regarding the
possibility of alternative locations for the monument. Commissioner Keller suggested that the
monument be moved near the Veterans Memorial. Other locations suggested were the Ocoee
Cemetery or a church cemetery. Member Maxwell made a motion to have the monument moved to a
location near the Veterans Memorial. Seconded by Member Odom. Board unanimously agreed to this
motion. Director Butler to bring it to the next Commission Meeting.
International Cultural Exposition Day:
Member Maxwell stated that 18 individuals have talked to him about volunteering. He has a meeting
scheduled for August 11, 2015 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Fire Station 25 where they will finalize the
assignment of staffing of the positions, individual and group photos to be taken and work on a draft
press release. They have chair people for all committees except for Dance/Pageantry,and Member
Maxwell would like to break this up into subcommittees-music, dance, art and pageantry.They will also
be discussing a new name for the exposition and the domain name.
Member Maxwell discussed getting donations from other companies and he will also go to the
commission for more financial support. Director Butler said that the budget from City is$7,000.00.
Member Maxwell says that he will be coming to the budget meeting to ask for one-half of the line item
from the Community Grant Program predicated that he can match this amount with donations. Director
Butler to talk to the Finance Department about the donations.
Also discussed the need for a rental fee waiver of the Lakeshore Center. Director Butler will talk to the
Commission regarding this item.
All letters and press releases to Chair Calloway for approval and final review,who will forward them to
Member Wright and then for approval by the City Manager.
Non-Resident Membership:
The Commission voted 2-2 (undecided) on the reappointment of Barbara Anne Boudekhane who is no
longer a resident of the City. The commission asked what the conditions are that we can appoint from
volunteers outside of the city. Board discussed residents, property owners,or business owners vs. non-
residents. Board would like to limit the number of non-residents(2 at large with a guideline)and the
other 11 need to be residents, property owners or a business owner.
Chair Calloway and Director Butler to come up with a guideline regarding residents vs. non-residents
and to bring before the Commission.
Other Business:
Discussion regarding letters that were received by board members regarding discrimination at Police
Member Dawkins stated that Member Freeman,who was absent and nominated for Chair-Elect at the
July meeting, requested that she be given time to consider this nomination and will let the Board know
by next meeting.
Set Next Agenda:
Chair Calloway,along with input from the board,set the agenda for the next meeting, which will be held
on September 3, 2015; said Agenda was established as:
A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection
B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
C. Review Agenda for Tonight's Meeting
D. Review of Minutes for August 6,2015.
A. Comments from Citizens/Public
B. Budget Report
C. Cemetery
D. International Cultural Exposition Day
E. Rev. Martin Luther King,Jr.Celebration; Keynote Speaker
F. Set Next Agenda; October 1, 2015
Chair Calloway declared meeting adjourned at approximately 8:41 pm.
Member Wright awarded a plaque to Member Dawkins as Past Chair.
These are the official minutes of the Ocoee Human Relations Diversity Board, as accepted by the Board
at a meeting hell n the •ate shown below. Any amendments to the minutes as originally prepared by
the Secretary ar indica •'d a•.'lye.
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Presiding Officer Date