HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 New Appointment to the CACOPD 4.01••■ Ocoee florid° AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: October 20, 2015 Item # Z Reviewed By: Contact Name: Kathy Heard Department Director: Beth E er Contact Number: Ext. 1023 City Manager: Rob Frank Subject: New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Po ice Department (3- year terms) Background Summary: Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve three -year terms. The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. The Board currently has nine (9) members. One application has been received to serve on the Board from Adrian J. Hill. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint Adrian J. Hill to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD)? Recommendations One application has been recently submitted for appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD); therefore, staff recommends the City Commission consider appointing Adrian J. Hill to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department with a term ending January 1, 2018. Attachments: Board Application Board List Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading X Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. N/A Reviewed by 0 N/A 4 OCOP Honda APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS This Applicant Information Form, when completed and filed with the City Clerk's Office, is a PUBLIC RECORD under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and therefore, is open to public inspection by any persons. 1. Name: hc r '' J , \-\ t E -mail Address: 1-} \ J @ .C-Orrk 2. Home Address: C1' Z- k . Horne Phone: City, State, Zip: Uc -roc. , (( z( '1 t 3. Business: Business Phone: Business Address: 4. Brief Summary mary of Qualifications and Experience: 1 h ,�c. G� e e.- c, t r ; r v O ✓' c 1 v c C. ■ 1-o G *7 v ' dGDe ■Y Nn ./ \5 aN c, Or) ) I 5. Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes: V No: Are you a registered voter? Yes: ✓ No: District #: aZ 6. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes: ✓ No: 7. Do you hold public office? Yes: No: ✓ 8. Are you employed by the City? Yes: No: ✓ 9. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes: No: V✓ 10. Please attach any information that would assist Commission in making appointments. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU BY INDICATING YOUR FIRST AND SECOND CHOICE ( #1, #2). *Code Enforcement Board Human Relations Diversity Board *Board of Adjustment Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Community Grant Review Board Personnel Board Citizen Advisory Council of Fire *Planning & Zoning Commission Department (CACOFD) Citizen Advisory Council of Police *Police Officers' and Firefighters' Department (CACOPD) Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees *General Employees' Retirement OTHER: Trust Fund Board of Trustees *FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT By my signature below, I attest that the information provided herein is true and correct and I acknowledge and agree that a background check may be required when duties include contact with children. SIGNATURE: DATE: q_ so- a 01 S Note: (1) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. It can be faxed to (407) 905 -3168. (2) If you have any questions, please call the City Clerk's office at (407) 905 -3105. City of Ocoee • 150 N. Lakeshore Drive • Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905 -3100 • Fax: (407) 905 -3168 • Website: www.ocoee.org CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Created by Res. #88 -06 on 2 /16 /88(Amended by Res. #91 -09, 92 -07, 96 -20, 2003 -19 & 2006 -006, 2010 -006) 3 yr. terms (15- member board) Member District Phone Number Term Expires 1. Timothy Alcuri 4 407/276 -0354 (H) January 1, 2016 2113 Ancient Oak Drive 407/836 -4202 (W) timalcuri @hotmail.com 2. David Ball 1 407/877 -8468 (H) January 1, 2018 1906 Jimson Avenue davidba1134761(cr�yahoo.com dleeball @gmail.com 3. Victoria Laney 2 407/294 -1651 (H) January 1, 2016 830 Hammocks Drive victoria.laney @gmail.com 4. Jose Santana Jr. 2 407 -504 -6270 (H) January 1, 2018 74 Shipyard Court Jose.santana@zenetex.com 5. Jerry Zielinski 400 Bridge Creek Blvd. 3 321 - 231 -1234 (H) January 1, 2017 407 - 447 -2397 (W) Zielinskijerry@gmail.com 6. Amy Clark 4 321- 377 -4329 (H) January 1, 2017 2489 Twisting Sweetgum Way 407 - 299 -2100 (W) albclark2@gmail.com 7. Terry L. Titus 2 407 - 656 -5454 (H) January 1, 2017 1100 Malcom Road TLTRelics @aol.com 8. V. Renee Watson 4 407 - 298 -4484 January 1, 2018 2443 Johio Bay Drive dwatson29 @cfl.rr.com 9. Adam Seebeck 4 407 - 619 -8042 January 1, 2018 1784 Fritwell Ct. adam@aclarninc.com 10. Vacant 11. Vacant 2 Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department Revised 9/30/15 12. Vacant 13. Vacant 14. Vacant 15. Vacant Ex- Officio Member John Grogan, Commissioner 3 407/905 -3100 x 1041 Charlie Brown, Police Chief 407/905 -3100 x 3021 Staff Liaison Mireya Iannuzzi, Sergeant 407/905 -3100 x 3015 miainnuzzi @ci.ocoee.fl.us Back -Up Staff Liaison (in the absence of Iannuzzi) Officer Lee Stephens 407/905 -3100 x 3379 ltephens@ci.ocoee.fl.us Recording Clerk Madeleine Garza, Recording Clerk madeleine.garza(a ci.ocoee.fl.us