HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held October 20, 2015 MINUTES October 20,2015 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMI'SSION MEETING REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER ♦7:21 PM Mayor Grogan called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Reverend Scott Fleming gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Johnson. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Mayor Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Johnson (absent), and Commissioner Keller. B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS♦7:22 PM Proclamations—October 2015. (Mayor Grogan) ➢ Pastoral Care Week — October 18th — 24th , Accepted by Reverend Scott Fleming, Pastoral Care Supervisor from Health Central Hospital, read by Commissioner Keller ➢ Red Ribbon Week—October 23rd—31St, read by Mayor Grogan Announcement by Detective Michelle Grogan Regarding Fundraiser Event for Officer Trista Blake Ocoee Police Department Detective Michelle Grogan announced that Frank's Place will be hosting a fundraiser event on October 27, 2015, from 5:00 pm— 9:00pm for Officer Trista Blake who has been diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. The event will have entertainment, food, and 50/50 raffle. All proceeds will go to Officer Trista Blake in her fight against cancer. All are invited to support Trista in her fight. Lt. Steve McCosker added that there is a GOFUNDME account for Officer Trista Blake so those that cannot attend the fundraiser event may also donate to that account. He briefly spoke about Officer Trista Blake who started with the City of Ocoee as a Police Explorer at the age of 14 years old. C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC -None D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW,7:32 PM City Manager Frank advised they have an Emergency Item - Agreement of Sale of Property to Charter Schools Development Group. City Attorney Cookson explained that on September 1, 2015, following an advertised public hearing, the City Commission approved an Agreement for Sale with Charter Schools Development Group (Buyer) for the purchase of the 12 acre property located in the northeast quadrant of Clarke Road and AD Mims Road. The Inspection Period in the Agreement for Sale expired on October 16, 2015. The Developer has asked for an extension of the Inspection Period so they may request a Special Exception to allow the use of a Charter School on the property. The proposed First Amendment to the Agreement of Sale will extend the Inspection Period until a date no later than November 3, 2015. Regular City Commission October 20,2015 Commissioner Keller inquired if they vote "No" on the extension and the motion fails would that also end the request for the Special Exception. City Attorney Cookson advised that if they do not approve the extension of the contract then the applicant no longer has the right to purchase the property and would have been out of contract as of last Friday. ♦7:35 PM Motion: Commissioner Wilsen moved to enter into the amendment to the contract to extend the due diligence period under the contract to November 3rd. Motion dies for lack of second. Cheryl King, 2024 Switchgrass Circle, who is in opposition of the Charter School addressed the Commission and shared her concerns as a resident who lives in that district. ♦7:45 PM RECESS 47:53 PM Item # 14 CSUSA Charter School — Special Exception for School Use (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 8,2015) (City Planner Rumer) Mayor Grogan advised that this item was pulled from the agenda indefinitely at the request of the applicant. E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS♦7:54 PM Commissioner Wilsen — announced the Ocoee's Lions Club will be hosting its 4th Annual Texas Hold'em Fundraiser this Saturday, October 24th at the Tom Ison Center on Adair Street. A suggested $50 donation is requested per player. Additionally, they are asking attendees to please bring in any used eye glasses to donate. Commissioner Keller- Reminded everyone that Founder's Day will be held on Nov. 13-14; explained all of the events associated with Founder's Day. Mayor Grogan- 1) City Engineer David Wheeler announced that the Annual Founder's Day Golf Tournament is November 6th at the Forest Lake Golf Course; explained registration and sponsorship to participant. As budgeted every year, they have a City team and were inquiring if that should be offered to City employees or if the Commission wanted to provide names. Consensus was to open it up to City Employees. 2) announced the Lion's Club Annual Turkey Shoot on October 17th, November 7th, November 21st, and December 12th next door to the West Orange Girls Club; explained the age requirement and the prizes associated with placing. 3) reminded everyone about the Fundraiser Event for Officer Trista Blake at Frank's Place on October 27th F. CONSENT AGENDA ♦8:00 PM Consent Agenda Items #1 — 10 Motion: Moved by Commissioner Keller, Commissioner Wilsen seconded. Motion passed 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held October 6, 2015. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 2IPage Regular City Commission October 20,2015 2. Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department(3-year terms). (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve three-year terms. The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen(15)members. The Board currently has nine (9)members. One application has been received to serve on the Board from Adrian J.Hill. Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 3. Reappointments to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board serve two-year terms. The Ordinance provides that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board membership shall consist of nine (9) members and whenever possible, appointments to the Board may include one member from each of the following organizations: Ocoee Little League, Ocoee Youth Soccer League (OYSL), Ocoee Bulldog Pop Warner Football, and West Orange Senior Citizens Association. Currently the board has seven(7)members and no applications on file. The two-year terms of Gordon Applegate,Mary Barber, Sandra Hudson and Wendell Singrey ended October 1, 2015. Members Applegate,Barber, and Singrey have indicated they are willing to serve another two-year term, if reappointed. Member Hudson has declined reappointment. Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 4. Reappointments to the Violations Hearing Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry) The Violations Hearing Board is to be made up of seven (7) members of which two must be members of the Citizens Advisory Council of the Ocoee Police Department (the "CACOPD"). Additional members of the Violations Hearing Board may also be members of the CACOPD.All members of the Violations Hearing Board must be residents of the City of Ocoee, own real property in Ocoee, or be an owner of a businesses located in Ocoee. The two members appointed from among the membership of the CACOPD were David Ball and Jerry Zielinski; Member Laney was appointed by the Mayor while Member Lopez-Anderson was appointed by Commissioner Wilsen. All members have declared interest in serving another 2-year term. Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 5. Approval of Final Payments for Entertainment, for the 2015 Founders' Day Celebration. (Parks and Recreation Director Hayes) The entertainment for the 2015 Founders' Day Celebration as previously reported by the Founders' Day Committee,will include the headline acts of.38 Special on Friday,November 13th and Gary Allen on Saturday, November 14th. Additional entertainers have also been retained,and will include Jan Pardi,Brothers Osbourne, and Asleep at the Wheel. Final payments for the entertainment will need to be made the day of each respective entertainer's performance or as otherwise agreed. The cost of the final payments for these groups will total $77,500.There is a current balance of$72,654.08 for the 2015 Founders' Day Celebration;however, additional revenues are anticipated through donations and merchandise sales. Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 6. Approval to Renew Microsoft Enterprise License Agreement. (Operations Manager- IT/GIS Dillingham) On November 6, 2012, the Mayor and City Commission approved a three-year Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft through Software House International (SHI), which is a state contract provider. The term of the agreement is set to expire. The City has the option to update its agreement for another three years. The cost of renewing the agreement will not exceed$50,000 this fiscal year. Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 7. Approval of the Renewal of the EMT/Paramedic Student Affiliation Agreement between the City of Ocoee and Valencia College. (Fire Chief Miller) The City Commission originally approved for the Ocoee Fire Department to enter into an agreement with Valencia College to provide supervised learning experiences for the college's emergency medical services students on August 5, 2008. That agreement was approved for renewal on November 2, 2010 and again on 3IPage Regular City Commission October 20,2015 November 19,2013.The current agreement is set to expire on December 31,2015. The Ocoee Fire Department would like to renew the agreement for another two year period from January 1,2016 to December 31,2017. Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 8. Approval of the Renewal of the Radio Services Agreement with Motorola, Inc. (Police Chief Brown) In November 1995, the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorized the purchase of the Motorola 800 MHz Radio system, which is still being utilized by the City in conjunction with Orange County's radio system. Also purchased with the radio system was a service maintenance agreement. The agreement is required for equipment that is no longer under factory warranty. Included in the agreement is all covered radio equipment currently owned by the City of Ocoee with the exception of the radio equipment purchased by the City for the fire department. The proposed agreement takes effect October 1,2015 and runs through September 30, 2016. The cost of the service agreement for the next 12 months is $23,022.48 (payable in monthly payments of $1,918.54). Funds are allocated in the FY 2015-2016 budget for Equipment Maintenance Contracts. Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 9. Approval of Workers' Compensation Appellate Fee Settlement. (Human Resources Director Williford) As discussed at the October 6, 2015, Executive Session, an employee in the Police Department has a worker's compensation claim against the City. This is the first step in settling this claim. By paying the Appellate Fee amount, the City can move forward with settlement of the employee's claim and associated attorney fees. This will minimize and contain future costs to the City. Due to the medical and confidentiality issues involved, associated documents of the settlement are not included with this item. Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 10. Approval of Resolution, Customer Application, and Customer Agreement for Septic Tank Pump Out Services. (Utilities Director Smith) The Utilities Department wishes to offer contracted septic pump out services to Utilities customers with residential, on-site septic tanks to help maintain the vitality of their tanks, and to protect the environment from contamination. The City Commission voted to approve the Award of B 15-07 Septic Tank Pumping and Hauling Services Program on September 1, 2015. This approval allows the City to contract with septic haulers for routine residential septic tank pump out services. The customer will subscribe to a three (3) year Agreement with a one-time, initial registration fee of$60.00, and $7.00 per month for thirty-six (36) months, invoiced on the customer's monthly Ocoee Utility Bill. The City will coordinate the pumping of the enrolled customers' septic tanks one (1)time during the initial six (6) months of their term. Passed on Consent. Motion carried 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 4IPage Regular City Commission October 20,2015 G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE—PUBLIC HEARINGS 11. Second Reading of Ordinance - Crystal Investments Assisted Living Facility (ALF). (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 8, 2015.) (Principal Planner Fabre) The Crystal Investments ALF property is located on the northwest corner of Silver Star Road and Ridgefield Avenue. The subject site is approximately 1.73 acres in size and is currently vacant, undeveloped and sparsely covered on the north side with a mixture of Cherry, Pines and Oaks. The property is currently zoned Neighborhood Shopping(C-1). The Future Land Use designation for the site is"Commercial,"which allows for a Floor Area Ratio of 3.0. The Applicant is requesting a "Planned Unit Development" (PUD) zoning in order to allow for a 60 Bed Assisted Living/Memory Care Facility(ALF). The Land Use Plan proposes the eventual construction of a one-story building with a total building floor area of 20,664 square feet. Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning&Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the PUD Rezoning and Land Use Plan for Crystal Investments ALF,subject to resolving any remaining staff comments. •8:01 PM City Planner Rumer gave a brief summary of the Crystal Investments ALF property located on the northwest corner of Silver Star Road and Ridgefield Avenue. The Applicant is requesting a "Planned Unit Development" (PUD) zoning in order to allow for a 60 Bed Assisted Living/Memory Care Facility(ALF). Tuan Huynh, Regional Consulting Engineers, advised the current ALF project is much better than the proposed commercial retail project 6 years ago. It will have less traffic impact, less height impact, and overall less impact to the surrounding areas. Commissioner Wilsen confirmed the number of beds, parking spaces, and that there would also be assisted living with memory care. Mr. Huynh addressed all her questions. Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the ALF project that was slated for Clarke Road. City Planner Rumer answered that the ALF project for that property is no longer being considered and the property owner stopped finalizing the site plan. Commissioner Wilsen advised she has not received any negative responses from residents regarding the proposed project. Mayor Grogan opened the Public Hearing. Liz Merdock, 1843 Sparkling Water Circle, verified the location of the project. Mayor Grogan closed the Public Hearing. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Rezoning ordinance. a. Rezoning to Planned Unit Development(PUD)/Land Use Plan (LUP) ♦8:10 PM Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 2015-025 approving the rezoning of Crystal Investments Assisted Living Facility (ALF), per staff recommendations. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, Seconded by Commissioner Keller. Motion passed 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. The ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title. CASE NO.RZ-14-06-04:CRYSTAL INVESTMENTS ASSISTED LIVING FACLITY(ALF) ORDINANCE NO.2015-025 5IPage Regular City Commission October 20,2015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM OCOEE NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING (C-1) TO OCOEE PUD, "PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT," ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1.73 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SILVER STAR ROAD AND RIDGEFIELD AVENUE,PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER; FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. b. Development Agreement (not a public hearing) ♦5:10 PM Motion: Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, Seconded by Commissioner Keller. Approve per staff recommendation. Motion passed 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. 12. Second Reading of Ordinance - Ocoee Landings Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD), Land Use Plan (LUP) and Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP). (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 8, 2015.) (Principal Planner Fabre) The Ocoee Landings property is located on the northeast corner of Silver Star Road and Lake Johio Drive, which is approximately 20 acres in size and currently vacant. The property is currently zoned Community Commercial(C-2). The Future Land Use designation for the site is "Commercial," which allows for a Floor Area Ratio of 3.0. The rezoning to PUD is required to introduce the residential density. The Ocoee Landings Planned Unit Development (PUD)will consist of a mixed-use development consisting of 9.15 acres of residential and 6.89 acres of commercial. The residential portion of the project is proposed at a maximum of fifty (50) dwelling units. The typical lot size proposed is 50' x 110' (5,500 sq. ft.). There are three passive recreation areas with two tot-lots proposed on the LUP/PSP. The subdivision will be un-gated with public streets. As shown on the plans,the four(4)commercial lots will have access on Silver Star Road and Lake Johio Drive.The commercial portion will consist of 6.89 acres of C-2 uses with certain uses excluded. There are three (3)waivers from the Land Development Code that are currently requested. First, the Applicant has requested a waiver from Table 5-1 Permitted Use Regulations to allow drive-in restaurants within two hundred(200) feet of residential property. The second waiver requested is for the commercial building setback of 50 feet against residential use to be reduced to 25 feet on Lots 3 and 4 only. The third and final waiver requested is reducing the PUD 25 feet minimum building setbacks for the residential portion of the PUD. •8:11 PM City Planner Rumer gave a brief summary of the Ocoee Landings property located on the northeast corner of Silver Star Road and Lake Johio Drive, which is approximately 20 acres in size and currently vacant. The property is currently zoned Community Commercial (C-2). The Ocoee Landings Planned Unit Development (PUD) will consist of a mixed-use development consisting of 9.15 acres of residential and 6.89 acres of commercial. The residential portion of the project is proposed at a maximum of fifty (50) dwelling units. The Applicant has requested a waiver from Table 5-1 Permitted Use Regulations to allow drive- in restaurants within two hundred (200) feet of residential property which is one of three (3) waivers from the Land Development Code that they are requesting. City Planner Rumer further explained the traffic analysis that was done for the site. 6IPage Regular City Commission October 20,2015 Dave Schmitt, Dave Schmitt Engineering, said they agree with staff and their recommendations and will be available to answer questions. Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the access from Clarke Road and Silver Star Road. City Planner Rumer advised they have heard discussion in the past from Publix that they are seeking to have a left turn lane constructed and working with FDOT on that. With regards to this project, they are not looking to put a turn lane. Mayor Grogan thanked the applicant for providing single family homes and asked that they please let any potential buyers know that they have a waiver that allows drive-in restaurants within two hundred (200) feet of residential property. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Rezoning ordinance. Mayor Grogan opened the Public Hearing. Ken Lassetter, 2510 Johio Shores Road inquired about the buffer requirement on the north edge of the development. City Planner Rumer explained there are no buffer requirements for locating single family residential adjacent to single family residential. Mr. Lassetter inquired if there would be a wall on the east end of the property. City Planner Rumer answered in the affirmative. Mr. Lassetter inquired about an existing road and what would become of it. The City Planner addressed his question. Mayor Grogan closed the Public Hearing. ♦8:24 PM Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 2015-026 approving Ocoee Landings Rezoning to Planned Unit Development (PUD), Land Use Plan (LUP) and Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP). Moved by Commissioner Keller, Seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion passed 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. The ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO.2015-026 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM OCOEE COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (C-2) TO OCOEE PUD, "PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT," ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 20 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SILVER STAR ROAD AND LAKE JOHIO DRIVE, PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER; FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Wage Regular City Commission October 20,2015 13. Second Reading of Ordinance — Homes in Partnership, 348 13th Avenue Property Annexation and Rezoning. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 8,2015 and Thursday, October 15,2015.) (City Planner Rumer) The subject property is vacant and located on the south side of 13th Avenue, on the corner of 13th Avenue and Peters Street. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits on the east side.The annexation is consistent with the Future Land Use Element Policy 2.5. City staff has requested a City of Ocoee zoning designation of R-1 (Single-Family Dwelling), which is consistent with the zoning of the adjacent Orange County properties.According to the Land Development Code,the R-1 zoning designation is intended for areas shown on the Future Land Use Map as"Low Density Residential."The R-1 zoning designation is consistent with the adopted future land use designation of Low Density Residential, as shown on the City of Ocoee and Orange County Joint Planning Area future land use map. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations. ♦8:24 PM City Planner Rumer gave a brief summary of the annexation and rezoning case on a single family residential home. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Annexation ordinance. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Rezoning ordinance. Mayor Grogan opened the Public Hearing, no one wished to speak. a. Annexation Ordinance♦8:26 PM Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 2015-023 approving the annexation of Homes in Partnership, 348 13th Avenue Property. Moved by Commissioner Keller, Seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Approve per staff recommendation. Motion passed 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. The ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO.2015-023 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ANNEXING INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.26 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 13TH AVENUE,ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 13TH AVENUE AND PETERS AVENUE, PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, FINDING SAID ANNEXATION TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES;PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 8IPage Regular City Commission October 20,2015 b. Rezoning Ordinance•8:27 PM Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 2015-024 approving the rezoning of Homes in Partnership, 348 13th Avenue Property. Moved by Commissioner Keller, Seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Approve per staff recommendation. Motion passed 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. The ordinance as adopted on second reading carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO.2015-024 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM ORANGE COUNTY R-2, "Low Density Residential" TO OCOEE R-1, "SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING," ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.26 ACRES LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 13TH AVENUE, ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 13TH AVENUE AND PETERS AVENUE; PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY;PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. H. PUBLIC HEARINGS 14. CSUSA Charter School — Special Exception for School Use (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 8,2015) (City Planner Rumer) The proposed CSUSA Charter School is located in Tract C of the Prairie Lake PUD. Prairie Lake PUD is a 278 acre development originally approved in 1991. Within the PUD, Tract C was reserved for 120,000 sq. ft. of commercial use. The subject site is vacant and contains 11.99 acres. The uses permitted in Tract C must comply with the C-2 (Community Commercial) zoning designation. The existing land use designation for the property is"Commercial". The applicant is maintaining one (1) commercial out parcel along Clarke Road. The proposed CSUSA Charter School consists of a two story 68,000 sq.ft.PreK-8th grade charter school for 1,145 students. The proposed campus will utilize a single school building with associated recreational field and tot lot. The recreation field will not be lighted. Stormwater retention will be located on the property. Access to the site will be provided via two entrances, one located on Clarke Road and a second on Ocoee Vista Parkway. Staff finds that the request for a Special Exception for a school use is compatible with the surrounding land uses and is consistent with the seven criteria for approving a Special Exception. Therefore, staff supports the request for Special Exception from CSUSA Charter School. ♦7:53 PM Mayor Grogan previously announced that this item was pulled from the agenda indefinitely at the request of the applicant. 9IPage Regular City Commission October 20,2015 I. REGULAR AGENDA 15. Approval of Purchase of Services from the Omega Group (Required for Converting Data from CTS America's CAD/RMS for use by Omega Group's Crime View Products). (Lt. Steve McCosker) The City of Ocoee currently owns the Omega Group's Crime View software. Crime View offers the police department's crime analyst a simple interface that allows for advanced analyses such as Hot Spot mapping and Repeat Calls reporting. The City's Computer Aided Dispatch(CAD)and Records Management Systems(RMS)data can be automatically imported into a mapping platform which allows end users to visualize crime activity geographically. This will allow for improved directed patrol and enforcement activities. When the City of Ocoee contracted dispatch services through the City of Apopka, computer connectivity did not allow for the City of Ocoee to have the direct connection needed to pull the crime data required for the utilization of Crime View. Now the upgraded CAD and RMS,made possible by contracting with the City of Winter Garden, allows the City of Ocoee to access crime data. In order to utilize the Crime View, the Omega Group will have to write a script to pull the data from the CAD and RMS.Once the data is pulled from the RMS and CAD, it can also be used by the Omega Group's Crimemapping.com. This product is the Web face of the Crime View Enterprise platform, which reaches and informs interested community members with timely, accurate crime and incident information, resources and alerts via a map. This product will allow community members access to view and monitor criminal activity, raising awareness and assisting law enforcement in prevention. It is recommended that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners authorize the Police Department to spend no more than $10,000 for the purchase of the Crimemapping.com and the interface to pull the data from our current RMS/CAD. •8:27 PM Lt. Steve McCosker gave a presentation that included the benefits they are receiving from the software CTS America's CAD/RMS. Lt. McCosker explained the benefits included will be: to eliminate redundancy into several different information systems, shared information among many area Police Departments that are using the same software, tracking of neighborhood watches, mapping of officers locations, officers self-dispatching for specified patrols. In order to utilize the Crime View, the Omega Group will have to write a script to pull the data from the CAD and RMS. Once the data is pulled from the RMS and CAD, it can also be used by the Omega Group's Crimemapping.com. This product will allow community members access to view and monitor criminal activity, raising awareness and assisting law enforcement in prevention. Motion: Authorize the Police Department to spend no more than $10,000 for the purchase of the Crimemapping.com and the interface to pull the data from our current RMS/CAD. Moved by Commissioner Keller, Seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Approve per staff recommendation. Motion passed 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. Mayor Grogan also inquired about the "Next Door" crime free multi-housing information network. Lt. McCosker said it is moving along well as a voluntary program at this time. 10IPage Regular City Commission October 20,2015 16. Designation of Voting Delegate — National League of Cities, Inc. Annual Business Meeting. (City Clerk Eikenberry) The National League of Cities (NLC) is holding their Annual Business Meeting in Nashville, TN, on Saturday, November 7,2015 at the conclusion of the Congress of the Cities and Exposition. The NLC is requesting that City of Ocoee's Voting Delegate,as well as two alternates,are designated and received by October 30,2015. ♦8:44 PM Motion: Appoint Mayor Grogan as the voting delegate and Commissioner Johnson as 1st alternate and Commissioner Keller as the 2nd alternate. Moved by Commissioner Keller, Seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion passed 3-0 with Commissioner Johnson absent. J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS♦8:45 PM None K. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS♦8:45 PM Commissioner Wilsen— 1) said she would like to ensure that $4,000 is left in the travel expense out of the $30,000 so she can go to a conference at the end of the year since that is the only travel money she uses. The commission consented. 2) announced she would like a professional to come in and handle a Charter Review after March. City Manager Frank advised that staff can get a proposal for what it cost Winter Garden. 3) announced the city has a lot going on so please check out the City's website and get involved in the community. Rita Risig, 981 Shimmering Sand Drive, asked for clarification on what elections are upcoming. Mayor Grogan and Commissioner Keller explained the October and March elections. Commissioner Wilsen advised it would be a lesser cost since they are piggybacking off the Presidential Primary Election. Commissioner Keller— 1) said a few meetings ago he was asked to ask the HRDB Board about leaving the monument on the hallowed ground; however, the HRDB Board has not had a quorum for the last two meetings but the members have all separately stated they do not have an issue with the monument staying on the cemetery property. 2) regarding property at 5032 Timber Ridge Road, asked that Doug Gaines look into Code issues with this property. 3) please go out and vote on October 27, 2015; added that we only 7.5% voter turnout the March election for District 4. Mayor Grogan- announced please go to Ocoee website to see everything happening in the city, and to the Ocoee PD Facebook site. ADJOURNMENT ♦8:56 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk John Grogan, Mayor 11 ( Page