HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held November 17, 2015 MINUTES
November 17, 2015 at 7 :15 P.M.
Mayor Grogan called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag, led by Commissioner Johnson. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a
quorum present.
Roll Call: Mayor Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Johnson, Commissioner
Presentation bv the Citizens Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD)
Officer of the Quarter Award: Sergeant Mireva Iannuzzi
CACOPD Chair Laney gave a summary of programs and events that led to the Board's
decision and awarding of Officer of the 3 Quarter to Sergeant Mireya Iannuzzi.
Presentation bv Chief Brown Recoanizina the Promotion of Scott Nvlander to Lieutenant
Police Chief Brown announced the promotion of Scott Nylander to Lieutenant. A brief bio was
given on Lt. Nylander prior to his pinning by a family member.
7:31 PM Aleida Verdasco, 1711 Sparkling Water Circle, briefly shared her concerns regarding the
City's method of communication to residents and pushed for a better source of communication.
Further discussion ensued. Additionally, she shared that she reached out to several departments
in the City and had not received any acknowledgment back from City staff that they have
received her e- mails. Assistant City Manager Shadrix responded to her concerns about her emails
not being answered.
7:47 PM Tim Alcuri, 2113 Ancient Oak Drive, President for Remington Oaks, discussed the hours
of operation for Hackney Prairie Park. People loitering in the park until well after dark, there is
no reason for them to be there. 7:51 PM Parks and Recreation Director Hayes said that park
closes at 9pm; it would require an ordinance change to go with dusk closing. Discussion ensued
regarding an ordinance change on the park hours. Police Chief Brown advised that it is hard to
enforce dusk to dawn hours, because it is different every day; however, there is a statute on
headlights that they might be able to mimic for this situation. Additionally, they need to look at
the lit parks versus the non -lit parks. Police Chief Brown and Parks and Recreation Director
Hayes said they would meet to discuss the best way to set park hours and bring that back to the
7:55 PM Martha Lopez - Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, said that she is before the Commission
because after a public records request on the City Manager's performance evaluation she was
surprised that there are no evaluations of the City Manager when the charter states they should be
done. Lengthy discussion ensued on the performance evaluation of the City Manager as well as
the strategic plan for the City.
8:11 PM Michelle Greco, 1896 Compass Flower Way, inquired why the street lights on Ocoee
Vista Parkway down to Clarke Road were on their HOA meters. City Planner Rumer
confirmed this was a public road and advised that typically the developer puts in the street lights
and they pay the capital costs until the subdivision is completed and then the meters are
Regular City Commission
November 17, 2015
transferred over. Currently the City is looking into when this meter should have been turned
Ms. Greco shared her opinions on the City Manager and further voiced that the Commission
needs to do an evaluation on the City Manager. Lengthy discussion ensued on the performance
evaluation of the City Manager as well as Mayor Form of Government and City Manager Form
of Government.
Commissioner Keller- None
Commissioner Johnson- None
Commissioner Wilsen 1) Oct 21 Ocoee Lion's Club Turkey Shoot 2) Operation Santa will be
starting soon; toys will be collected for the Ocoee PD Toys for Children in Need Program 3) Dec
5 Ocoee Christmas Parade at 9am and Holiday Tree Lighting that same night.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented by staff.
Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried
1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held November 3, 2015.
(City Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 - 0.
2. Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police
Department (3 -year terms). (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve three -year terms. The Resolution
creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. The Board currently has ten (10) members. One
application has been received to serve on the Board from Carol Heard.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0.
3. Approval of Reappointments to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire
Department (3 -year terms). (City Clerk Eikenberry)
The terms of Members Glenn Richardson and Wayne Vaughn expire November 2015. Both members have
indicated an interest in being considered for reappointment. The CACOFD Board meets quarterly and the
following reflects the attendance of the board members: Glenn Richardson attended 2 of 3 meetings; Wayne
Vaughn attended 3 of 3 meetings. There are no applications currently on file.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0.
Regular City Commission
November 17, 2015
4. Approval of Oasis at Lake Bennett Apartments at Ocoee Town Center. (City Attorney
On June 16, 2015, the Ocoee City Commission approved the First Amendment to Development Agreement
(Amendment) for Ocoee Town Center. As a part of the Amendment, the Owner and the City agreed to exchange
similar tracts or parcels so that the City would acquire right -of -way for Richmond Avenue, south of Maine
Street (Tract F), and the Owner would acquire property on the north boundary line that abuts Maine Street
(Tract H). In the context of the engineering and design for the area, the City Engineer determined that to finish
Maine Street adjacent to the Oasis project, another small tract would be needed from the Owner at the corner of
Maine Street and Bluford Avenue (Tract H). The Owner and City now wish to close on the transaction by
exchanging the property identified above.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0.
5. Approval of Annual Signal Maintenance Contract Extension with Control Specialists.
(Public Works Director Krug)
The Commission approved utilizing Control Specialists for traffic signal maintenance at the September 15,
2009, meeting by piggy - backing on an existing City of Maitland Agreement. The agreement with Control
Specialists has provided proactive inspections and repairs for maintaining the City's traffic signals. Maitland
has extended their current contract one (1) year as allowed per the agreement. Public Works is requesting
Commission approval to extend our agreement with Control Specialists for the additional one (1) year period
per the piggy -back agreement. Control Specialists has maintained their pricing throughout the agreement
without a price increase.
Public Works meets monthly with the FDOT and local agencies from Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties
to discuss signalization maintenance and operations. Public Works has determined from discussions at the
regional meetings that Control Specialists continues to provide the most cost effective service option for Ocoee
to proactively maintain our City's signal system. The Streets Division budget incorporates up to $30,000.00 for
monthly inspections and maintenance along with $45,000.00 for unanticipated repairs and upgrades. Public
Works recommends extending the agreement with Control Specialists for one (1) additional year.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0.
6. Approval of Resolution No. 2015 -018 for the 3 -Year Lease- Purchase Agreement with
Branch Banking and Trust Company (BB &T) for (15) Police Vehicles included in the
FY 2015/2016 Budget. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The budget for Fiscal Year 2015/2016, includes the three (3) year lease - purchase of fifteen (15) replacement
police patrol vehicles. The Governmental Agency Contract the City will be piggybacking is Florida Sheriff's
Contract #15 -23 -0904 for fifteen (15) 2016 Dodge Charger Police -Rated Sedans with an actual purchase price
of $31,117.50 each, which totals $466,762.50. The Finance Department obtained interest rate quotes from
BB &T (1.36 %), SunTrust Bank (1.76 %) and BMO Harris Bank (1.895 %).
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0.
7. Award of Bid #B16 -02 South Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Re -Pipe Project.
(Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
In conformance with the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City) and Florida Statutes, bids were
solicited from qualified contractors to construct the South Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Re -Pipe Project
(Project). All work for the project shall be constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications
prepared by the City of Ocoee Utilities Department. Bids include all items necessary for the furnishing,
delivering and installing of all materials, equipment, incidentals, and services including all labor for the work.
This project is located at the South Water Treatment Plant to eliminate leaking raw water piping and to replace
aging and defective piping and equipment. This project consists of installation of underground and above
ground ductile iron raw water piping and associated appurtenances from existing potable drinking water wells
to existing ground storage reservoirs. Additionally, there is associated chemical piping, flow control, metering
equipment and electrical circuits to be modified as indicated in the project plan sheets.
The bid was publicly advertised on September 20, 2015, and opened on October 20, 2015. A pre -bid conference
was held on October 6, 2015. The City received four (4) bids for this project ranging from $205,858.73 to
Regular City Commission
November 17, 2015
$283,408.51. The Utilities and Finance departments reviewed the bids and all were considered responsive. Staff
recommends awarding the bid to SanPik, Inc., as the most responsive and responsible bidder, per the
recommendation from Charles Smith, P.E., Utilities Director.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0.
8. Approval of Change Order No. 1 with Central Florida Environmental Corp. (CFE) for
the Consumer Court Lift Station #62 Project. (Utilities Director Smith)
On June 16, 2015, the City Commission awarded a construction contract to Central Florida Environmental
Corp. (CFE) for the construction of the Consumer Court Lift Station #62 for $297,629.28. Lift Station #62 is
located at the terminus of the new State Road 50 sanitary sewer collection system. Construction projects are bid
using a best estimate of the unit quantities required for the work; however, the amount and type of material
usually varies from the estimate to adapt to field conditions. As with most unit pricing contracts, change orders
are required to address the differences between bid quantities and in -the -field quantities. Several events caused
for an increase to three (3) pay items. The change order amount to include these adjustments is $33,584.80.
Change Order No. 1 includes three (3) areas of adjustment:
1 & 2) Upon excavation, it was discovered that much of the soil had a high percentage of clay; therefore, it
could not be reused as backfill for the project site. Additionally, as the project limits constrict the amount of
usable storage for backfill soil, excavated clean, reusable soil was stored offsite and then transported back to the
construction site. These events caused an increase to two (2) pay items, Embankment (Clean Import Fill) and
Unsuitable Material (Removal and Disposal). Net Increase to Pay Item No. 5 — Embankment (Clean Import Fill)
- $14,989.52. Net Increase to Pay Item No. 6 — Unsuitable Material (Removal and Disposal) - $13,463.60.
3) Subsequent to the awarding of the project, modifications were made to the original plan design as the City
was unable to obtain a Temporary Construction Easement for the Griffin Center Phase I Plat, just south of the
project site. The modification required additional 15" PVC gravity sewer main to be installed. Net Increase to
Pay Item No. 17 — 15" PVC Gravity Sewer Main - $5,131.68.
Prior to the Consent Agenda Vote Commissioner Wilsen asked Charles Smith to explain this
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0.
9. Approval of Wastewater Treatment Plant Bar Screen #2 Replacement Project. (Utilities
Director Smith)
The City of Ocoee's Wastewater Treatment Facility utilizes two fine screen filter devices at the front of the
plant to remove solid material from the incoming waste stream. In 1993, the plant was outfitted with Kroger bar
screens. Due to the aging screens, Bar Screen #2 was replaced with a Kruger device and Bar Screen #1 was to
be replaced in FY 2017. However, due to poor performance of both the new and existing screens and the lack
of support from Kruger, staff began evaluating other screening devices. The Parkson Fine Screen was selected
with an approximate cost of $290,000 for installation.
In October 2014, City bid the Bar Screen Replacement project, and FilterOne was the lowest responsive bidder
with an "equal at" a cost of $106,121. The "equal at" cost included their proprietary fine screen filter, which is
comparable to the Parkson brand. The second lowest responsive bidder proposed using the Parkson Fine Screen
at a cost of $291,000. FilterOne was determined to bid the lowest cost and was the most responsive bidder with
a savings of approximately $184,000. Due to the imminent failure of the second screen and the cost savings
achieved through the bid process, staff negotiated with FilterOne at the time of the first filter installation to
replace the second screen after a successful operational phase of the first screen. FilterOne agreed to provide a
second screen subject to minor price adjustments due to increased material costs. The second screen is being
offered at $115,886.32, which is an increase of $9,765.32.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0.
Regular City Commission
November 17, 2015
10. Approval of Notification of Emergency Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement
SCADA Upgrade and Modifications to VT SCADA. (Utilities Director Smith)
The wastewater treatment plant is equipped with computers and process control software that monitors and the
treatment process. This system is called a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. On July
7, 2015, the wastewater plant operations building experienced a lightning strike, which severely damaged its
SCADA computer. The older PC, running Windows XP, included a version of Wonderware HMI SCADA
software that was not upward compatible. Plant personnel were able to find used parts to return the PC to
rudimentary operation with limited functions and features. The obsolete PC's continuous operation was tenuous
and any further repairs unlikely. Staff met with the City Manager, and it was agreed that the SCADA
application need immediate replacement.
With the notion to centralize the department's SCADA operations, the Utilities Department selected VT
SCADA by Trihedral Engineering Limited, represented by Sanders Company, for the department's future
SCADA platform. The department was in the final stages of upgrading both water treatment plants to VT
SCADA, and was also in the process of upgrading the wastewater plant lift station as well. The wastewater
plant PC/PLC and software was under consideration for budgeting within the next few years, but due to the
status of the PC /compatibility with the SCADA software, the emergency repair of the wastewater plant SCADA
system was initiated. The work was to be integrated with the implementation of the wastewater plant SCADA
conversion, with the cost for the wastewater plant conversion totaling $31,264.00 and is to be completed by
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 4 -0.
11. Resolution 2015 -019 Establishing a Time Frame for Existing Gated Subdivisions to
become compliant with Click To Enter Access Technology and Establishing a Level of
Funding Assistance for Existing Gated Subdivisions. (Police Chief Brown)
On July 21, 2015, the City of Ocoee City Commission adopted amendments to Section 153 -5.7, City of Ocoee
Code of Ordinances, requiring all gated communities and subdivisions to install and maintain a uniform access
system for emergency access to their respective gated communities. On the same date, the City Commission
adopted Resolution No. 2015 -010, establishing Click to Enter and the Knox Box key access systems as the
uniform access systems.
In discussions on July 21, 2015, the City Commission debated options for compliance deadlines and options for
funding assistance that the City might provide to existing gated communities. Because compliance with the
uniform access systems is deemed a serious public safety concern, the City Commission established a 2015-
2016 budget funding amount of $60,000.00 to assist existing gated communities in becoming compliant with
the new system technology.
Based on the 2015 -2016 budget allocation for this purpose, the funding reimbursement amount for each
individual gate will be capped at an amount not to exceed $1,818.00 per entrance gate. Reimbursement will be
provided to subdivisions upon written request on forms described by City staff, including submittal of the
original receipt. Eligible reimbursable expenses are limited to the purchase of the device, installation of the
System, and any programming that may be required to establish the System; only an authorized Click to Enter
distributor or installer can complete the installation. All system upgrades must be completed by July 1, 2016,
and must be inspected by the City Fire Chief prior to being deemed operational. All requests for reimbursement
must be received by the City on or before September 15, 2016.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the resolution.
Regular City Commission
November 17, 2015
Police Chief Brown said on July 21, 2015, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2015-
010, establishing Click to Enter and the Knox Box key access systems as the uniform access
systems. This resolution also applied to existing gated communities which the City Commission
established a 2015 -2016 budget funding amount of $60,000.00 to assist existing gated
communities in becoming compliant with the new system technology. Only an authorized Click
to Enter distributor or installer can complete the installation and all system upgrades must be
completed by July 1, 2016
8:3U PM Jim McNicol, 830 Patriots Point Drive, thanked the City for Founders Day. Spoke in
favor of the Click to Enter System that the City is planning to implement.
8:35 PM Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented bv staff.
Moved bv Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson; Motion carried
8:35 PM Commissioner Wilsen 1) said she has recently become aware that FDOT will not be
putting a turn lane but it will be a straight divider between Bluford Ave. and Maguire Road.
Public Works Director Krug gave a brief explanation on the safer option of a protected U -turn
at Maguire Road which the State, who owns the road, decided on. 2) shared her concerns
regarding the issue of residents not realizing that pedestrians have the right -of -way when at a
cross walk. She further inquired on the cost of installing flashing signs similar to the ones on
Montgomery Road. Public Works Director Krug advised they would look into the cost. Brief
discussion ensued. 3) Lastly, encouraged residents to carry a bag to clean up after the pets when
8:43 PM Commissioner Johnson 1) said there is an issue with speeding at Lakeshore Center
when people cut throughout the parking lot, it is a safety factor for people visiting the center with
kids, etc. He also shared his concern with residents parking their car at the Lakeshore Center
when it is a rental facility with limited parking. Police Chief Brown said it is a public lot but
they will look at options for restricting parking and for controlling speeders that cut through
there. 2) said there is an elderly woman that walks to the Ocoee Cafe, asked if the City could put
a bench on Bluford Ave by McKey. There is a concrete pad already there.
8:47 PM Commissioner Keller, next Tuesday, November 24th is Election Day, come out and
vote. 2) thanked Mayor Grogan for filling in as Mayor, this is his last meeting.
8:49 PM Mayor Grogan 1) shared that it was brought to his attention regarding smoking at
Founder's Day. This does not need to be handled right now, but needs to be discussed on a
future agenda. 2) Last meeting as Mayor, thanked everyone for their help and support. 3)
announced the deadline for MVP Grant is November 30 4) announced he will not be here for
the next meeting and swearing in since he will be on vacation. City Attorney Cookson briefly
explained how the District 3 seat will be filled, and that it will happen once we know who the
new Mayor is. Mayor Grogan asked that they please explain the District 3 selection process
again at the December 1 meeting. He also requested if they could please wait until December
15 to appoint the District 3 Commissioner so he may be part of that decision.
Regular City Commission
November 17, 2015
Attest: City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor