HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #07b Approval of Revised Additional Services to Include “Replacement and Upgrade of Water Mains” with the Downtown Sewer – Western Transmission Main Project Ocoee
Meeting Date: January 5, 2016
Item # -11)
Reviewed By:
Contact Name: Charles K. Smith, P.E. Department Director: Charl=;L.,,• J a
Contact Number: 407-905-3159 City Manager: Robert Fra 4V/ /' V
Subject: Approval of Revised Additional Services to Include "Replacement and Upgrade of
Water Mains" with the Downtown Sewer — Western Transmission Main Project (District 3 —
Commissioner de la Portilla)
Background Summary:
The Downtown Sewer—Western Transmission Project calls for a sanitary sewer forcemain traversing
the northbound lane of Bluford Avenue from Columbus Street to Silver Star Road. A portion of the
forcemain is under construction associated with the "Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility
Improvement Project" (Columbus Street to Delaware Street). The initial phase of the sewer project
provides sufficient conveyance capacity to provide for a redeveloped downtown and to increase
capacity throughout the City. On January 6, 2015 City Commission authorized Barnes, Ferland and
Associates, Inc. (BFA) to design, permit and provide bidding assistance for the sewer transmission
In order to streamline infrastructure improvements with the Western Transmission Main Project, the
Utilities Department sought a proposal from BFA for the following additional services:
1. Preparation of construction documents and services needed for improvements required in
conjunction with the consolidation of the water mains from Delaware Street to Silver Star Road,
as needed to support the redevelopment of the downtown area.
2. Preparation of a bid package for the portion of the western transmission main south of the
Bluford Avenue stormwater project (Columbus Street), to negotiate a change order to that
project. The inclusion of the work would eliminate the need for a second contractor to mobilize,
and would also eliminate associated additional inconveniences to the area, and would expedite
the project.
3. Provision for additional ground survey between Silver Star Road and Rewis Street for the
design of drainage and roadway improvements.
Should the Mayor and Commission approve the additional water main and stormwater drainage
improvement, wastewater forcemain extension, and surveying services to the Western Transmission
Main Project in amount of$54,873.23?
Motion for Mayor and Commission to approve the additional services to the Western Transmission
Main Project by Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. in amount of$54,873.23.
1) RFQ #1401 Engineering Services for Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project Revised
Additional Services Scope and Fee Proposal for Engineering Services
Financial Impact:
$39,852.96 for the potable water system improvement portion of the proposal will be deducted from
the $75,000 in estimated soft costs (project-Water Main replacement and Upgrades on Bluford Ave)
charged against the $200,000 programmed in the Fiscal Year 2016 budget for the Annual Major Water
Line Replacement & Upgrade Program (in 401-533-10-6302). $6,711.06 for wastewater system
improvements will be taken from 408-531-00-3102 (job #24901). Public Works has authorized
Miscellaneous Projects line 103-538-20-6302 to be utilized for the $8,309.21 needed for stormwater
drainage improvement engineering services.
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x")
Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use
Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda
Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing
Resolution Regular Agenda
X Commission Approval
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney N/A
Reviewed by Finance Dept. 0 ,4 N/A
Reviewed by 0 , N/A
litEA Environmental Consultants
Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc.
December 22, 2015 BFA Project No. 2015-03
Mr. Charles Smith, PE
Utilities Director
Utilities Department
City of Ocoee
1800 A.D. Mims Road
Ocoee, FL 34761
Subject: RFQ #1401 Engineering Services for Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project
Revised Additional Services Scope and Fee Proposal for Engineering Services
Dear Charles:
Attached for your review is the additional services scope and fee proposal to provide engineering
and surveying for the following items as described below:
Task 1.0 Columbus Street Force Main Change Order: Preparation of construction drawings,
measurement and payment items, and permitting documents for the proposed 16-inch
wastewater force main extension along Columbus Street between South Maguire Road
and Bluford Avenue (approximately 700 feet). The construction drawings will be
constructed as a Change Order to the Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility
Improvements Project being implemented by the City. This scope of services includes
the additional work associated with removing this component from the overall West
Sanitary Transmission Project construction documents and inclusion as a Change Order
to the existing Bluford Avenue project.
Task 2.0 Water Main Improvements required for the consolidation of existing water mains along
Bluford Avenue between Delaware Street to the north side of Silver Star Road
(approximately 3,400 feet). Preparation of construction drawings and details,
measurement and payment items, specifications, topographic survey, FDEP and FDOT
Task 3.0 Topographic Survey for Drainage Improvements along Rewis Street(additional 100 feet
east of intersection of North Lakewood Avenue), Lyman Avenue (Rewis Street to
Charles Street), Charles Street (Lyman Avenue to North Lakewood Avenue), and Lee
Street(R/W between Lyman Avenue and North Lakewood Avenue).
We appreciate the opportunity to assist the City of Ocoee on this important project. If you have
any questions or comments regarding this proposal, please contact me.
Willie Thomas, PE
Vice President
1230 Hillcrest Street• Orlando, Florida 32803
Office (407) 896-8608 • Fax (407) 896-1822
Exhibit A
This presents BFA Environmental Consultants additional services proposal for performing
engineering services required to complete additional scope of work items identified by the City for
the West Sanitary Transmission Project. This proposal includes the proposed scope, fee,
schedule and all work and services needed to successfully complete the additional services
requested. The procedures and design requirements shall be performed in accordance with the
City of Ocoee's Engineering Standards Manual.
The additional services requested by the City include the following task items:
Task 1.0 Columbus Street Force Main Change Order: Preparation of construction drawings,
measurement and payment items, and permitting documents for the proposed 16-inch
wastewater force main extension along Columbus Street between South Maguire Road
and Bluford Avenue (approximately 700 feet). The construction drawings will be
constructed as a Change Order to the Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility
Improvements Project being implemented by the City. This scope of services includes
the additional work associated with removing this component from the overall West
Sanitary Transmission Project construction documents and inclusion as a Change Order
to the existing Bluford Avenue project.
Task 2.0 Water Main Improvements required for the consolidation of existing water mains along
Bluford Avenue between Delaware Street to the north side of Silver Star Road
(approximately 3,400 feet). Preparation of construction drawings and details,
measurement and payment items,specifications,topographic survey,FDEP and FDOT
Task 3.0 Additional Topographic Survey for Drainage Improvements along Rewis Street
(additional 100 feet east of intersection of North Lakewood Avenue), Lyman Avenue
(Rewis Street to Charles Street), Charles Street (Lyman Avenue to North Lakewood
Avenue),and Lee Street(R/W between Lyman Avenue and North Lakewood Avenue).
Figure 1 provides an overview of the additional service project components. Task Items 1 and 2
are being implemented as a component the City's West Sanitary Transmission Project to provide
a second major wastewater collection and transmission route from the western side of the service
area to the City's A.D. Mims Road Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). Implementation of
these improvements will provide capacity for future development, force main system redundancy,
and alleviate capacity concerns with existing collection and transmission mains along State Road
50. Task Item 3 is required to determine if Stormwater improvements are needed to alleviate
existing drainage issues in the area identified.
Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project
Additional Services Proposal
December 22,2015
Page 2
Task 1.0 - Columbus Street Force Main Extension Change Order Design Documents;
Task 2.0 - Water Main Improvements; and
Task 3.0 -Additional Topographic Survey for Drainage Improvements.
Task 1.0—Columbus Street Force Main Extension Change Order Design Documents
1.1 Preparation of Construction Documents
The construction documents shall be complete and meet all requirements for subsequent
construction of the Project. Design documents shall comply with current City requirements and
design standards. BFA will provide quality assurance and "constructability" reviews prior to all
submittals to the City. Design services will include submittal of construction documents at the
90% and 100% level of completion. Full size construction drawings shall be 11"x17" with plan
and profile sheets prepared at a scale of 1-inch equals 40-ft, and a vertical scale of 1-inch equals
4-ft. Up to four(4)construction drawing sheets are anticipated and include two(2)plan and profile
drawing sheets, cover sheet and any necessary notes and details.
BFA will use the technical specifications, measurement and payment bid items, and standard
details included in the Contract Documents for the existing Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility
Improvements Project. Additional items will be added to supplement the existing Contract
Documents as necessary. City will provide BFA with an electronic copy the existing Contract
Documents accordingly.
90%Construction Document Submittal
a. The 90% complete construction document submittal shall be defined as a complete set of
bid ready construction drawings and Bid Schedule.
b. Submit three (3) sets of construction drawings and Bid Schedule and a digital copy as a
single PDF file of the 90%to the City for review.
c. Meet with the City to discuss the 90% submittal, prepare a written list of City comments
and submit to the City.
100%Construction Document Submittal
a. The 100%complete construction document submittal shall be defined as a complete set of
bid ready construction drawings and Bid Schedule with the City's 90% review comments
b. Submit three (3) hardcopy sets of construction drawings and Bid Schedule, a digital copy
of the drawings as a single PDF and a copy of the drawings in AutoCADTM Release 2013
format to the City. Bid Schedule will be in Microsoft WordTM format.
1.2 Permitting
a. Prepare and submit Project related permit applications and supporting documentation
necessary to obtain required permits for construction and operation of the Project from the
following Jurisdictional Agencies:
Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project
Additional Services Proposal
December 22,2015
Page 3
• FDEP Notification to use the General Permit for Constructing Wastewater
Collection/Transmission System. BFA will be responsible for the pipeline
components of the permit application. The City and Reiss Engineering will be
responsible for the hydraulic analysis components.
• Respond to requests for additional information from FDEP.
• Permit application fee will paid by the City or the Contractor.
Task 2.0—Water Main Improvements
Water Main Improvements required for the consolidation of existing water mains along Bluford
Avenue between Delaware Avenue to the north side of Silver Star Road (approximately 3,400
2.1 Preliminary Engineering
The purpose of the preliminary engineering phase is to collect and review all pertinent
information relevant to the existing water mains located within the project corridor.
a. Meet with the City to discuss specific requirements for the project. Review and coordinate
with the City's CIP, Master Plan and hydraulic modeling consultant to determine water
main sizing requirements.
b. Collect and review all available information that may have a bearing and influence on the
planning, design, approval, permitting, construction or operation of the water main
c. Evaluate existing conditions along the proposed pipe installation route by site visitation.
Consider current field conditions and any proposed site improvements and/or changes that
may affect the Project and recommended location of the proposed water main.
2.2 Survey
Survey services shall provide the City of Ocoee with sufficient data to ascertain that the
proposed water main improvements are located within the existing rights-of-way, easement or
site, provide a Topographic Survey to serve as the basis for engineering design, and establish
project survey control points for construction and as-built of the pipeline. BFA will
supplement the existing survey conducted as part of the overall West Sanitary Transmission
Project to provide full right-of-way survey of Bluford Avenue between Delaware Avenue to
the north side of Silver Star Road. The existing survey services included survey of the eastern
half of Bluford Avenue in this area for the proposed force main improvements. Survey for this
additional services proposal will include the western half of Bluford Avenue as described
below for the proposed water main improvements.
Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project
Additional Services Proposal
December 22,2015
Page 4
Street From To R/W Width Length Survey Requirements
Bluford Ave Delaware St Franklin St 50'to 80' 2,500 Western half of Bluford
Ave R/W.
Bluford Ave Franklin St Lakeview St 50'to 100' 1,320 Western half of Bluford
Ave R/W.
a. Horizontal and Vertical Controls:
1) Vertical control data shall be based on the North American Vertical Datum 1988.
Benchmark(s) shall be provided for each sheet of the Design Drawings.
2) The horizontal control data shall be relative to the Florida State Plane Coordinate
system, East Zone,North American Datum of 1983/1990 adjustment.
3) Horizontal and Vertical Control Points will be shown as part of the Topographic Survey
and will not result in a separate Control Survey.
b. Rights-of-Way: Existing monumentation will be recovered and located along the right of
ways to provide the city with apparent right of way line. Railroad right of ways are
included as part of this task. This will not be a Right of Way Survey as defined by Rule
5J-17 of the Florida Administrative Code.
c. Perform a Topographic Survey to include all pertinent elevations and locations of
aboveground improvements within the proposed construction corridor to aid in the
preparation of the construction drawings. Sanitary and storm structures will be located
with inverts and pipe sizes obtained where the lines conflict with the proposed pipeline
corridor. Aboveground evidence and existing underground utilities flagged by utility
owners shall be located by the survey. Only those underground utilities flagged by utility
owners will be located. Should the option of Item 2.2 below be used, these flags will also
be included in the Topographic Survey.
d. The following survey requirements will be submitted with the 60% construction
1) The Surveyor's name,registration number,and the date the survey was performed shall
be indicated on the construction drawings.
2) The Drawings shall state what datum was used to set the controls shown on the
3) Any boundary surveys shall be shown on the construction drawings.
4) The baseline with state plane coordinates and elevations shall be shown on the plan and
profile sheets. Found or set monuments for rights-of-ways or easements shall be
adequately depicted on the construction drawings.
5) All existing utilities shall be shown on the plans in accordance with the requirements
of CI/ASCE 38-02, ASCE Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of
Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project
Additional Services Proposal
December 22,2015
Page 5
Existing Subsurface Utility Data. Existing utilities shall be identified by a Subsurface
Utility Quality Level Index and shown by an appropriate abbreviation and legend.
6) Verification that Sunshine One Call was notified.
2.3 Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Soft Digs
a. Excavation of underground utilities will be performed at tie-in points and at critical
crossings throughout the project to determine horizontal and vertical location,the size,type
and material of the utility. For this scope of services, the number of tie-in locations and
critical utility crossings are estimated to be ten (10).
2.4 Preparation of Construction Documents
The proposed water main improvements will be added to the construction documents for the
West Sanitary Transmission Project. Construction documents shall be complete and meet all
requirements for competitive bid of the construction contract and subsequent construction of
the Project. Design documents shall comply with current City requirements and design
standards. BFA will provide quality assurance and "constructability" reviews prior to all
submittals to the City. Design services will include submittal of construction documents at the
60%, 90%, and 100% level of completion. Full size construction drawings shall be 11"x17"
with plan and profile sheets prepared at a scale of 1-inch equals 40-ft, and a vertical scale of
1-inch equals 4-ft.
BFA will use the City's standard front-end documents, technical specifications and
engineering standards manual, and contract for the project manual. City will provide existing
electronic documents accordingly.
2.5 Permitting
a. Prepare and submit Project related permit applications and supporting documentation
necessary to obtain required permits for construction and operation of the Project from the
following Jurisdictional Agencies:
• FDEP Notice of Intent to Use the General Permit for Construction of Water Main
Extensions for PWSs. BFA will be responsible for the pipeline components of the
permit application. The City and Reiss Engineering will be responsible for the
hydraulic analysis components. The FDEP General Permit notification will be
prepared as one permit by BFA for all contiguous portions of the project.
• Respond to requests for additional information.
• Permit application fees will paid by the City or the Contractor.
b. BFA will coordinate with the City to provide general notes and City guidelines within the
project design documents to ensure construction activities meet City and jurisdictional
agency requirements and minimize disruption to residents, local businesses, schools and
traffic. BFA's scope of work does not include development of maintenance of traffic
(MOT) plans or specifications. Detailed MOT plans will be developed by the selected
construction contractor for implementation of the project to meet all City requirements and
permit conditions of jurisdictional agencies.
Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project
Additional Services Proposal
December 22,2015
Page 6
Task 3.0—Additional Topographic Survey for Drainage Improvements
BFA will perform additional topographic survey for the City's use to determine if Stormwater
improvements are needed to alleviate existing drainage issues in the area surveyed.
3.1 - Survey
Survey services shall provide the City of Ocoee with sufficient data to evaluate existing
drainage patterns within the existing rights-of-way and easements.The topographic survey will
serve as a basis for engineering design, and establish project survey control points for
construction and as-built conditions. BFA will supplement the existing survey conducted as
part of the overall West Sanitary Transmission Project to include the corridors described
Street From To R/W Width Length Survey Requirements
N Lakewood 100' east of Full R/W and 20' into
Rewis St Ave intersection 15' 200'+/- adjacent railroad R/W.
Lyman Ave Rewis St Charles St 40' 600' Full R/W.
Easement Lee St Charles St 15' 325' Full easement.
Charles St Lyman Ave N L Ave ood 40' 300' Full R/W.
N Lakewood
Lee St Lyman Ave Ave 50'to 55' 300' Full vacated R/W.
a. Horizontal and Vertical Controls:
1) Vertical control data shall be based on the North American Vertical Datum 1988.
Benchmark(s) shall be provided for each sheet of the Design Drawings.
2) The horizontal control data shall be relative to the Florida State Plane Coordinate
system, East Zone,North American Datum of 1983/1990 adjustment.
3) Horizontal and Vertical Control Points will be shown as part of the Topographic Survey
and will not result in a separate Control Survey.
b. Rights-of-Way: Existing monumentation will be recovered and located along the right of
ways to provide the city with apparent right of way line. This will not be a Right of Way
Survey as defined by Rule 5J-17 of the Florida Administrative Code.
c. Perform a Topographic Survey to include all pertinent elevations and locations of
aboveground improvements within the proposed construction corridor to aid in the
preparation of the construction drawings. Sanitary and storm structures will be located
with inverts and pipe sizes. Cross sections will be provided from R/W to R/W at 50-foot
intervals along the corridors. Aboveground evidence and existing underground utilities
flagged by utility owners shall be located by the survey. Only those underground utilities
flagged by utility owners will be located.
Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project
Additional Services Proposal
December 22,2015
Page 7
d. The following survey requirements will be submitted with the survey documents:
1) The Surveyor's name,registration number,and the date the survey was performed shall
be indicated on the construction drawings.
2) The Drawings shall state what datum was used to set the controls shown on the
3) Any boundary surveys shall be shown on the construction drawings.
4) Found or set monuments for rights-of-ways or easements shall be adequately depicted
on the construction drawings.
5) All existing utilities shall be shown on the plans in accordance with the requirements
of CI/ASCE 38-02, ASCE Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of
Existing Subsurface Utility Data. Existing utilities shall be identified by a Subsurface
Utility Quality Level Index and shown by an appropriate abbreviation and legend.
6) Verification that Sunshine One Call was notified.
BFA proposes to incorporate additional services Tasks 1.0 and 2.0 into the overall West Sanitary
Transmission Project schedule and update the scheduled completion dates to account for the
additional the scope of work described above. Task 3.0 will be completed within 30 days of
authorization by the City.
Task Duration Start Finish
Notice to Proceed - July 1,2015 -
Task 1.0- Preliminary Engineering 35 July 1,2015 August 5,2015
Task 2.0—Survey 120 July 1,2015 October 29,2015
Task 2.2 Additional Water Main Survey 30 January 18,2016 February 17,2016
Task 3.0—Geotechnical Investigation 60 July 31,2015 September 29,2015
Task 4.0—Groundwater Sampling and Analysis 60 August 30,2015 October 29,2015
Task 5.0—Preparation of Construction Documents * 300 August 30,2015 June 25,2016
Task 1.0 Columbus Street Force Main Change 30 January 18,2016 February 17,2016
Task 2.4 Water Main Construction Documents 30 - June 25,2016
Task 5.0—Preparation of Construction Documents * 225 August 30,2015 April 11,2016
Task 6.0—Public Information and Community Meetings 120 February 16,2016 June 15,2016
Task 7.0—Permitting 60 April 26,2016 June 25,2016
Task 8.0—Bidding Assistance 90 June 25,2016 September 23,2016
Task 9.0—Limited Construction Assistance 365 September 23,2016 September 23,2017
Notes: *Includes 14 days for City Review of each of the 60%and 90%Design Submittals
Exhibit A—Scope of Services—City of Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Project
Additional Services Proposal
December 22,2015
Page 8
BFA proposed firm fixed fee estimate (lump sum) to provide engineering services for Tasks 1, 2
and 3 as described above is $47,952.13. The proposed hourly-not-to exceed fee estimate for Task
2.3 Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Soft Digs as described above is $6,921.10. The total
proposed project feeds$54,873.23.
The total fee is based on $6,711.06 for wastewater system improvements, $39,852.96 for
potable water system improvements and $8,309.21 for stormwater drainage improvements.
A complete description of the proposed fee providing man-hour and fee information for each task
is provided in Exhibit B.
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