HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held January 5, 2016 MINUTES January 5,2016 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. A local Patsor gave the invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner de La Portilla. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner de la Portilla, Commissioner Keller. B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS- none C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Jack Chambless, 103 E. Oakland Ave., Oakland, FL, began by thanking Operations Manager Mark Johnson for allowing Legacy High School use of the City's baseball field. He shared that he has been working with Mark Johnson and Gary Hood regarding Legacy's spring schedule and wanted to address the Commission regarding a partnership with Legacy High School Baseball and Ocoee Little League for use of Sorenson Park. He feels that is an amazing facility and one of the best maintained in the area. He would like to offer free spring clinics to Ocoee Little Leaguers and other kids that would like to get into the system that may not otherwise get the opportunity. Legacy is a Class 3A school which expands the opportunities to kids that can't kid into the Ocoee High School program. He also said they would share in fundraiser events and banner advertising and share some of the proceeds with Ocoee Little League. He is hoping with the proposal of this partnership the City would consider reducing the rental cost of using the Sorenson Park for this spring. He said he doesn't envision needing cost reduction next year because the start-up year with the purchase of uniforms etc. is much more expensive. Commissioner Grogan clarified the fee for 120 hours of field use is approximately $3600. Commissioner de la Portilla clarified that the kids playing will be 9th grade through 12th grade. Mr. Chambless addressed some of the questions/concerns that Legacy High School would not be applying for the Community Grant during this year's cycle and further assured the City that his team would clean up the fields and be respectful in every way (cleanliness, good sportsmanship, no foul language, no outbursts or throwing equipment, etc.). There was discussion regarding two scrimmage games against a team from Minnesota. Motion: Waive rental fee of the Sorenson Park facility for Legacy High School in exchange for in-kind contributions with the Ocoee Little League and other interested kids through free spring clinics and shared fundraiser events. City staff and Ocoee Little League will work with Legacy on the in-kind contributions. Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller. Vote postponed for subsequent amendment. Amend motion: to include that with the waiver of fees Legacy High School may not apply for the Community Grant during this fiscal year. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion carried 5-0. Regular City Commission January 5, 2016 Original Motion as amended: Waive rental fees of Sorenson Park facility for Legacy High School in exchange for working with the City and Ocoee Little League on in-kind donations to include the free spring clinics and shared fundraisers. Legacy High School agrees not to apply for any Community Grant Awards during this fiscal year. Motion carried 5-0. William Maxwell, Chairman of the HRDB ICE Subcommittee, stated at the December 15th Commission Meeting there was direction given that he meet with City Attorney Cookson regarding funding for their event. He was able to meet with the City Attorney but unfortunately has not met with the HRDB to discuss with them the results of the conversation he had with the attorney. Mr. Maxwell advised that the Planning Committee has reviewed the options provided by the City Attorney and they would like to proceed with the option of conducting a larger event through an independent not-for-profit organization in 2017. Support Services Director Butler briefed the Commission on the various options that were purposed during the meeting with the City Attorney and Mr. Maxwell. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the not-for-profit status and the City only being a supporter/sponsor of the event. Mr. Maxwell shared his confusion on how the Planning Committee began as a group of volunteers in support of planning an event for the City to now being asked to be an independent not-for-profit entity. The City Attorney answered Mr. Maxwell's concerns and further explained the reasons it was suggested to separate this event from the City's HRDB Advisory Board. After further discussion it was suggested that Mr. Maxwell go before the HRDB to inquire if they support the idea of the Ocoee World Fest Planning Committee separating in to its own not-for-profit entity and that Mr. Maxwell along with the HRDB Chairman attend the next Commission Meeting to give an update on their decision. Michelle Greco, 1896 Compass Flower Way, expressed her support for the Ocoee World Cultural Event. D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEWO ID 8:08 PM City Manager Frank explained that Item#4 has a typo in the title and should read as follows: Approval of Interlocal Agreement for Police Communication Services between the City of Ocoee, the City of-Windermere Winter Garden and the Township of Windermere. E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTSO 1 8:08 PM Commissioner Keller-None Commissioner de la Portilla- shared that his first unofficial action as Ocoee Commissioner was on December 22nd for the Swearing in Ceremony the two newest members of the Ocoee Police Officer. This was a great event and thanked the City for allowing him to be there. Commissioner Wilse None Commissioner Grogan — sent well wishes to the Mayor/City Commissioner's Executive Assistant Tiffany Shafer who is out sick. 2IPage Regular City Commission January 5,2016 Mayor Johnson- shared that the City's 2016 calendars are available for free and all the pictures are City landmarks taken with a drone by Mr. Gary Comstock. He shared this is one of the best calendars the City has had in years. F. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda with correction of Item #4 to reference the City of Winter Garden. Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion carried unanimously. 1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held December 15, 2015. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 2. Approval of Settlement Agreement for Past Due Development Review Fees. (City Attorney Cookson) In conjunction with the City's review of project AX-05-08-25 for West Colonial Parcel(Parcel Numbers 30-22- 28-0000-00-002 and 30-22-28-0000-00-035), the owners incurred development review fees in the amount of $6,528.99. The current owner, Tony Ray,has requested the City Commission approve a Settlement Agreement in the amount of 50%or$3,264.50. A standard settlement agreement was drafted by the City Attorney's office, signed by the owners, and submitted to the City of Ocoee for approval by the City Commission. $3,264.50 was paid to the City on December 1,2015. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 3. Approval to Piggyback from the Manatee County School District Bid MCSD No. 15- 0050-MR and Purchase Scoreboards for the Baseball and Football Fields at Central Park and Sorenson Fields. (Parks and Recreation Director Hayes) At the December 15, 2015, City Commission meeting, the Ocoee Little League Association and the Ocoee Bulldog Football Association requested funding assistance from the City Commission to replace six scoreboards at Central Park and Sorenson Fields. Based upon the information provided, the City Commission approved to grant up to $18,000 from the City Contingency Fund for the purchase of scoreboards for the Little League Fields at Central Park and Sorenson Fields and for the Bulldog Football Field at Central Park. At the time the request from the Ocoee Little League and Ocoee Bulldog Football Associations was presented and approved, the City Commission understood that the scoreboards could be purchased through a piggyback process with a Palm Beach County contract. Since this meeting, staff reviewed the Palm Beach County contract and found that it had expired and was no longer a valid option. Staff has found another bid (MCSD No. 15- 0050-MR) with the Manatee County School District that did provide comparable pricing for the same scoreboards that the Ocoee Little League and Ocoee Bulldog Football Associations had requested purchasing. Staff has deemed the prices quoted by the vendor,Nevco, Inc., (Greg Premer, Display and Scoring Consultant-) reasonable and comparable to the Palm Beach County contract. Therefore, staff requests the City Commission approve piggybacking from the Manatee County School District bid MCSD No. 15-0050-MR for the purchase of said scoreboards and authorize staff to purchase the scoreboards based upon the proposal from the vendor Nevco,Inc., in the amount of$17,975.88. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 3 IPage Regular City Commission January 5,2016 4. Approval of Interlocal Agreement for Police Communication Services between the City of Ocoee, the City of Windermere Winter Garden and the Township of Windermere. (Police Chief Brown) The City of Winter Garden provides police dispatch services for the City of Ocoee. In February of 2016, the City of Winter Garden will provide police dispatch services for the Township of Windermere.The Township of Windermere is only approximately two square miles and employs a total of thirteen full-time and reserve sworn law enforcement officers. Their radio traffic and calls for service are minimal. In order for the City of Winter Garden to provide dispatch services for the Township of Windermere,the City of Ocoee has been requested to enter into an Interlocal Agreement for Dispatch Services between the City of Winter Garden Police Department, the Township of Windermere and the City of Ocoee. As part of the Interlocal Agreement, the City of Ocoee would agree to allow the Township of Windermere to utilize the City of Ocoee's radio talk groups and provide a City of Ocoee police officer for back-up of the Township of Windermere police officers in the case of a felony-in-progress, life threatening situations and/or assume control of the scene until the Township of Windermere can assume control. In cases where it would be more expedient,the City of Ocoee may handle the call for service through utilization of the Municipal Interlocal Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement, which is already in place. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 5. Approval to Execute a Software Support and Maintenance Agreement with Clear Village, Inc., for the Purposes of Securing the Continued Effective use of the SAGE Software System at an Annual Cost of$35,000 Starting in FY 2016 and Extending in a Series of up to Five Annual Renewals. (Support Services Director Butler) The City was a co-developer of the Service Architecture for Government Efficiency(SAGE) software with the University of Central Florida (UCF) in 2009, at which time a prototype building permit application was developed. When UCF ended its work on the product, it was transferred to Clear Village, Inc. (CVI) in 2010. The City subsequently executed an agreement with CVI to continue development of the SAGE software and to provide software maintenance and enhancement services. With the building permit application now being a stable commercial product, the City and CVI need to migrate to a standard software support and maintenance contract.The proposed annual cost of this support is$35,000. The proposed agreement covers software support and maintenance as a basic service for a set fee of $35,000 per year. In addition, under the heading of "Consulting Services," CVI has established a means to add functionality to the original software through a separate scope of work with a negotiated fee,which would include direct staff time and reimbursable expenses. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 6. Approval to Execute an Agreement with Vermont Systems, Inc., in the Amount of $36,671.00 for a Three-phase Multi-Year Implementation of Software for the Parks & Recreation Department. (Support Services Director Butler) The city needs a desktop and online mechanism to manage the process of renting city-owned facilities use by private citizens,non-profit organizations,businesses, and other groups. These facilities include parks and open spaces,buildings,sporting fields,and other public venues. Rules and regulations apply to the use of all venues. The city also needs a mechanism for citizens to select and pay for activities at the city's recreational facilities and to take classes taught by a number of city departments. The City Commission appropriated funds for FY 2016 to acquire and install software supporting the above-described Parks & Recreation Department applications. Competitive proposals were received from three vendors identified by staff research. Staff from the Support Services, Parks & Recreation, and Development Services departments were involved in the evaluation process. Based on the nature of the products and services being acquired, staff recommends the use of a modified competitive selection process, as described above and that the City Commission authorize the execution of an agreement with Vermont Systems, Inc. for the phased deployment of RecTrac software at a total cost of$36,671,with implementation occurring over a 3-phase implementation period of up to two years. At the present time, staff believes that server hardware and data storage space are sufficient to deploy RecTrac in this manner without additional resources; however, there may be a need to purchase other supporting hardware and software, in addition to possibly having to retain the services of CivicPlus staff to integrate the online component into the city's two related websites (www.ocoee.org and www.ocoeelakeshorecenter.com). 4IPage Regular City Commission January 5,2016 There may also be a need to work with the city's accounting system vendor, ADG, to ensure that online payments are properly processed. Collectively, these costs should not exceed $10,000 and would apply regardless of which product was selected. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 7. a. Approval of the Integration of Water Main Replacement and Upgrades on Bluford Avenue with the Downtown Sewer — Western Transmission Main Project. (Utilities Director Smith) The Downtown Sewer - Western Transmission Main Project consists of the construction of a sanitary sewer forcemain starting at the Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Facility and ending at the intersection of Maguire Road and Columbus Street via Bluford Avenue. The project shall double the capacity of the City's current conveyance system to the plant. The forcemain route aligns the main in the northbound lane of Bluford Avenue from Silver Star Road to Columbus Street. A portion of the forcemain, from Delaware Street to Columbus Street, is currently under construction associated with the `Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility Improvement Project." This also includes the first phase of the downtown sewer project whose layout is conditionally based on the Technical Memorandum — Final Conceptual Downtown Ocoee Sewer Plan — Analytical Report completed by Reiss Engineering, Inc., (dated 3/18/2014). The final layout of this first phase of work is subject to ongoing planning efforts associated with a new downtown in Ocoee. To fulfill the project, there shall be significant restoration of the Bluford Avenue roadway. The existing water mains along Bluford Avenue in the proposed downtown area(Delaware Street to Silver Star Road) range in size from two inches (2") to six inches (6") and vary in materials, which do not meet current City standards. These water lines will not be sufficient to support the redevelopment of a more active downtown. Therefore, staff recommends the replacement and upgrade of those mains to the size(s) that will support the development, and that said replacement be integrated with the construction of the downtown sewer — transmission main project. Based on preliminary costs, the soft costs (planning, surveying, geotechnical exploration and permitting)are estimated at$75,000,and the preliminary construction costs are estimated to be $850,000. Funding for the soft costs of the project can be expended from the Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Major Water Line Replacement&Upgrade Program($200,000 available). Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 b. Approval of Revised Additional Services to Include "Replacement and Upgrade of Water Mains" with the Downtown Sewer — Western Transmission Main Project. (Utilities Director Smith) The Downtown Sewer — Western Transmission Project calls for a sanitary sewer forcemain traversing the northbound lane of Bluford Avenue from Columbus Street to Silver Star Road. A portion of the forcemain is under construction associated with the `Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility Improvement Project" (Columbus Street to Delaware Street). The initial phase of the sewer project provides sufficient conveyance capacity to provide for a redeveloped downtown and to increase capacity throughout the City. On January 6, 2015, City Commission authorized Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc., (BFA)to design, permit and provide bidding assistance for the sewer transmission project. In order to streamline infrastructure improvements with the Western Transmission Main Project,the Utilities Department sought a proposal from BFA for the following additional services: 1. Preparation of construction documents and services needed for improvements required in conjunction with the consolidation of the water mains from Delaware Street to Silver Star Road, as needed, to support the redevelopment of the downtown area. 2. Preparation of a bid package for the portion of the western transmission main south of the Bluford Avenue stormwater project(Columbus Street)to negotiate a change order to that project.The inclusion of the work would eliminate the need for a second contractor to mobilize, eliminate associated additional inconveniences to the area and expedite the project. 3. Provision for additional ground survey between Silver Star Road and Rewis Street for the design of drainage and roadway improvements. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 5IPage Regular City Commission January 5, 2016 8. Approval to Reauthorize Third Amendment to Orange County/City of Ocoee Water Service Territorial Agreement and Fourth Amendment to Orange County/City of Ocoee Sewer Service Territorial Agreement. (Utilities Director Smith) On September 15, 2015, the Mayor and City Commission approved an Agreement for the Delivery and Usage of Wholesale Water and Wastewater to Ocoee Pines Development Agreement and four amendments to Agreements: (1) First Amendment to City of Ocoee/Orange County Agreement for the Delivery and Use of Wholesale Reclaimed Water, (2) First Amendment to City of Ocoee/Orange County Reclaimed Water Territorial Agreement, (3) Third Amendment to Orange County/City of Ocoee Water Service Territorial Agreement (Contract No. W-88-06), and (4) Fourth Amendment to Orange County/City of Ocoee Sewer Service Territorial Agreement(Contract No. S-87-8),all of which establish the City as the retail utility provider to Ocoee Pines where the County provides wholesale bulk capacities to the City. On October 20,2015,Orange County executed the Agreement and the first two amendments listed above,but withheld approval of the third and fourth amendments until payment for capacity was complete in which payment was made November 9, 2015. The County's review of the third and fourth amendments resulted in comments on both of the exhibits including the diagrams.The County's comments and their associated corrections are as follows: 1. Exhibit"A"(Water and Wastewater): Realign both territorial boundaries to run down the centerline of East Crown Point Road. 2. Exhibit "A" (Water and Wastewater): Description language updated to add the previous area of the Ocoee Pines subdivision in Orange County's service area to Ocoee's service area. 3. Service Area Depiction Diagrams: Both maps have been updated to depict the Ocoee Pines service area transfer. 4. Exhibit"C": Revision to legals and diagrams to address County Surveyor's comments. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 9. Approval of High Service Pump #2 Replacement Forest Oaks Water Treatment Plant (WTP). (Utilities Director Smith) The City of Ocoee's Water Treatment Plants utilize High Service Pumps(HSP)to pressurize water and pump it into the City's water distribution system. This system serves the residents' and businesses' drinking water and fire protection. On October 13, 2015, during routine treatment plant checks, staff discovered that HSP #2 at the Forest Oaks WTP was not pumping water. After troubleshooting the pump's flow and pressure conditions, the pump was disassembled and staff found the rotating assembly completely worn out and inoperable. Forest Oaks HSP #2 was installed in 2005 along with other various pump and control equipment upgrades. Up until recently it has worked continuously without signs of wear or reduced efficiency. Due to its age and condition,the pump needs to be replaced. Sanders Company is the "sole source" distributor for Fairbanks Morse pumps in the Southeast region of the US. The City has standardized Fairbanks Morse HSPs due to their reliability and accessibility to parts and local repair service. Sanders provided a Scope of Supply to replace HSP #2 in the amount of $15,941.00. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 10. Approval to Allow Non-City Resident Customers with an Intent to Annex to Join the Septic Tank Pump Out Program. (Utilities Director Smith) On October 20, 2015, the Mayor and City Commission approved the rate Resolution and supplementary documentation for the Septic Tank Pump Out Program. Since that time, the Utilities Department has begun to receive applications from customers and generate site validations for those homes. One application received came from a resident of unincorporated Orange County for whom the City of Ocoee supplies water service. This customer has previously signed an Intent to Annex form. There are currently no provisions,documented or otherwise, within the Septic Tank Pump Out Program for customers in this situation. The Utilities Department recommends that City customers who are residents of unincorporated Orange County be allowed to enter the Septic Tank Pump Out Program provided that they sign an Intent to Annex form. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 G. PUBLIC HEARING -None Wage Regular City Commission January 5, 2016 H. REGULAR AGENDA-None I. STAFF ACTION ITEMS -None J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Grogan-none Commissioner Wilsen - 1) Community Grant applications opened today, this is the first of two cycles, you can only apply for one per year 2) HRDB is accepting applications for the Martin Luther King Day Parade on January 18th, contact City Hall for more information 3) asked Parks and Recreation Director Hayes about the Lakeshore Center parking situation. She said she was double parked recently because the way parking is laid out people do not realize they are blocking other cars in. Commissioner de li 'ortilla- Said he met with City Staff and one of the concerns that he and other residents have that live in the southern part of the city (Windsor Landing) is the daily drive past the old colony plaza property at the corner of Maguire and,SR 50. This property is a gateway to the city for many residents and non-residents. The building was demolished in 2007. He noted that he is aware of the long history of litigation since the hotel project failed and the building sat vacant for many years. He wanted to know what can be done to get this property cleaned up and possibly getting the existing gas station structures demolished. City Manager Frank explained the history of code violations and warnings occurring on the property since the main buildings were taken down (due to health and safety issues) in 2007. The violations now are mainly with regard to graffiti and weed growth and the management has always responded to warnings with regard to those issues. The City does not have the ability to knock the remaining structures down, because there are no health and safety issues involved. Further discussion occurred regarding possibly using CRA money to clean it up. There have been proposals to develop that property but those proposals have not met with the CRA overlay. City Manager Frank stated that we are trying to work with a developer that would meet the conditions of the CRA overlay and the city could consider a partial release of the lien. The developers for the Walgreens being considered have not submitted plans that comply, such as the urban model of Walgreens that exist in other cities. Support Services Director Butler said the management so far is responding when we contact them with a warning that the weeds are more than 18"high. There was discussion about trying to get a fence put up around the property, and about possibly creating an ordinance regarding procedures of enforcement for abandoned properties. Commissioner de la Portilla said he does not feel CRA dollars should be used. He asked City Attorney Cookson if we could adopt an ordinance dealing with aesthetics on abandoned properties. Mr. Cookson said that he will be happy to set up a meeting with the attorney for that property and city staff to see if we can get the developer to do something. Commissioner de la Portilla said he would like to be part of that meeting. Commissioner Ke le - said he got another email regarding the railroad behind Forest Oaks; the fences and property are deteriorating along the railroad corridor. Public Works Director Krug 7IPage Regular City Commission January 5,2016 noted they have not been responsive over the holidays; we are trying to work with them on several issues. The will continue to work with them. Mayor Johnson- asked Public Works Director Krug about the light at the end of Willow Creek Street and Wurst Rd. There is a pole across the street, so it just needs a light placed on it. Public Works Director Krug said that it was added to the budget and they are working with Progress Energy. 2)also asked Public Works Director Krug about the speed bumps on Willow Creek to take care of the speeders. Mr. Krug said they can take care of that. 3) asked about the stormwater issue at Orlando Avenue & White Road. Public Works Director Krug said they are doing the utility relocations right now, and there is an old phone line from 1955 that is still in place and serving the whole area. It is very fragile and will be 6 weeks before Century Link can get that moved. 4)noted that the Ocoee Middle School was having unattractive fencing installed along the road; he called Christine Moore and she and city staff got the school to take the fence posts down from the sidewalks and put up decorative fence all the way around, including moving it back 5-10 feet of the road. They are still going to fence off the track so that residents will not be able to use it anymore. They urged residents to complain if you are not in favor of that. Commissioner Keller said that was one of their selling points when the school was built, however he does understand their situation with school security. Commissioner Wilsen noted that even those who do not have kids pay school taxes and it was nice for residents to be able to use the track facilities for exercising. She felt that they could place the fence on the inside of the track and still keep the school safe. ADJOURNMENT: 8:39 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Beth Eikenberry,City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor 8IPage