HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Change Order No. 2 - Maguire Road Phase V AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: October 3, 2006 Item # 3 Reviewed By: Contact Name: David Wheeler Department Director: Contact Number: 407-905-3100, ext. 1504 City Manager: ~ ____ Subject: Change Order #2 to Addendum No. 005 to the Agreement For Consulting Engineering Services with Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. tor Maguire Road Phase V Design and Right-ot-Way Acquisition Services ~~, AfU Background Summary: The widening of Maguire Road from Mercantile Court to Geneva/Story Road has been a project that the City has planned for some time. The project scope was to include a five-lane section from Mercantile Court to Marshall Farms Road and a four lane divided section, with turn lanes, on to Geneva/Story Road. The project started in early 2001 with an alignment study and conceptual design. Detailed design has been on-going on and off over the past five years. PEC, Inc.'s original proposal for the project was approved at the regularly scheduled City Commission Meeting held on February 6, 2001, in the amount of $345,825.00 for design phase and construction administration services. The time of completion for the design was one year from approval and the construction services were for one year afterward. The original proposal was to take the plans to the 60% level that would allow for permitting through the appropriate agencies and to allow for the contractor who was building the southern portion of Maguire Road to bid on and construct the phase V project. The original proposal was split into approximately $220,000 for design services and $115,000 for construction administration service. Because of the starting and stopping of the design, increase in project scheduling, and changes in the scope to take the design to 100%, additional compensation is being requested. The scope increases to complete the design of the roadway and drainage improvements is $189,921; this would include transferring the construction administration dollars ($115,021) and additional fees ($74,900) to cover the additional design services to complete the design. Addititional services outside the original design included the Traffic Warrant Study for Marshall Farms and Maguire Roads Intersection - $6,000; Evaluation of Alternate Site for Stormwater Retention - $16,300, and Right-of-Way Acquisition Services - $30,000 (as needed). The Construction Phase Services are being eliminated at this time. By law all traffic signals require a warrant analysis be completed as part of the design. The alternative pond site study is for an alternative site that may be less costly to purchase and also save construction dollars from the original design. The ROW acquisition services are to modify the design based upon the negotiated purchase of land from the existing property owners. The change order to Addendum No. 005 is to transfer the $115,021 funds from construction administration service to design services and to increase the design services by an additional $127,200. This change to Addendum No. 005 would be processed as a purchase order. Issue: The Engineering Department requests that the City Commission approve Change Order #2 to Addendum No. 005 to the Agreement For Consulting Engineering Services with Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (PEC, Inc.) for the Maguire Road Phase V Project Design Phase Services in the amount of a not to exceed increase of $242,221.00 to cover roadway and utility design changes and a traffic signal warrant analysis, alternative pond site study, and right-of-way acquisition services as needed. Recommendations The Engineering Department recommends that the City Commission approve Change Order #2 to Addendum No. 005 to the Agreement For Consulting Engineering Services with Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. for the for Maguire Road Phase V Design and Right-of-Way Acquisition Services by transferring the construction administration services funds to design services and further increase the contract amount by a not to exceed amount of $127,200.00 and authorize the completion of the project. Attachments: 1) Letter from PEC, Inc. dated July 25,2006 2) Letter from PEC, Inc. dated February 20, 2006 Financial Impact: The Maguire Road Phase V project is being funded from Road Impact Fees. These additional service will be funded from that same source. Type of Item: o Public Hearing o Ordinance First Reading o Ordinance First Reading o Resolution ~ Commission Approval o Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deaf Use: o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Regular Agenda IZI Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) D N/A D N/A D N/A City Manae:er Robert Frank Commissioners Danny HowelL District 1 Scott Anderson. District 2 Rusty Johnson. District 3 Nancy J. Parker. District 4 Mavor S. Scott Vandere:rift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mavor and Citv Commissioners FROM: David A. Wheeler, P.E. City Engineer DATE: March 14,2006 RE: Approval of Change Order #2 to Addendum No. 005 Agreement For Consulting Engineering Services With Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. For Maguire Road Phase V Design and Right-of-Way Acquisition Services ISSUE The Engineering Department requests that the City Commission approve Change Order #2 to Addendum No. 005 to the Agreement For Consulting Engineering Services with Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (PEC, Inc.) for the Maguire Road Phase V Project Design Phase and Construction Services in the amount of a not to exceed increase of $242,221.00 to cover roadway and utility design changes and a traffic signal warrant analysis and right-of-way acquisition services as needed. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION The widening of Maguire Road from Mercantile Court to Geneva/Story Road has been a project that the City has planned for some time. The project scope was to include a five-lane section from Mercantile Court to Marshall Farms Road and a four lane divided section, with turn lanes, on to Geneva/Story Road. The project started in early 2001 with an alignment study and conceptual design. The time of completion for the design was one year from approval and the construction services were for one year afterward. The original project scope was to take the design plans to the 60% level that would allow for permitting through the appropriate agencies and to allow for the contractor who was building the southern portion of Maguire Road to bid on and construct the phase V project. The original plan was to change order this section of road into the portion of Maguire Road from Roberson to Mercantile Court, but that plan was halted after potential litigation arose on that section of the road. Additionally, the City entered into negotiations with FOOT regarding re-designations of SR 439 from Bluford Avenue to Maguire Road. These negotiations were finalized with the grant, which the City used for the improvements to McKey Street, and FOOT did not re-designate SR 439 but simply removed it from the State Road system. Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. was authorizes to proceed again in August of 2005. See PEC, Inc. letter dated July 25, 2006. PEC, Inc.'s original proposal for the project was approved at the regularly scheduled City Commission Meeting held on February 6, 2001, in the amount of $345,825.00 for design phase and construction administration services. The time of completion for the design was one year from approval and the construction services were for one year afterward. The original proposal was to take the plans to the 60% level that would allow for permitting through the appropriate agencies and to allow for the contractor who was building the southern portion of Maguire Road to bid on and construct the phase V project. The original proposal was split into approximately $220,000 for design services and $115,000 for construction administration service. Because of the starting and stopping of the design, increase in project scheduling, and changes in the scope to take the design to 100%, additional compensation is being requested. The scope increases to complete the design of the roadway and drainage improvements is $189,921; this would include transferring the construction administration dollars ($115,021) and additional fees ($74,900) to cover the additional design services to complete the design. Addititional services outside the original design included the Traffic Warrant Study for Marshall Farms and Maguire Roads Intersection - $6,000; Evaluation of Alternate Site for Stormwater Retention - $16,300, and Right-of-Way Acquisition Services - $30,000 (as needed). The Construction Phase Services are being eliminated at this time. By law all traffic signals require a warrant analysis be completed as part of the design. The alternative pond site study is for an alternative site that may be less costly to purchase and also save construction dollars from the original design. The ROW acquisition services are to modify the design based upon the negotiated purchase of land from the existing property owners. The change order to Addendum No. 005 is to transfer the $115,021 funds from construction administration service to design services and to increase the design services by an additional $127,200. This change to Addendum No. 005 would be processed as a purchase order. Staff has reviewed the additional compensation request and concurs with the project schedule changes and the additional costs based upon the start/stop of the work and scope changes. The services for construction administration services are not being adjusted at this time. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSUL TANTS, INC. July 25, 2006 OE-373 Mr. David Wheeler, P E. City Engineer City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Re: Design of Maguire Road Widening - Phase 5 (Segment 3) (from Mercantile COUlt to Story Road) Dear Mr Wheeler: As requested, following is a brief analysis of the engineering design budget status for the above referenced proj ect. The original proposal dated January 4, 2001 in the amount of $345,825 included $155,487 for roadway, drainage and traffic design, $67,817 for utility relocation design, $115,021 for construction administration services and $7,500 for direct reimbursables The original plan for this project was that once the design and permitting were finalized, a Change Order would be issued to the Maguire Road (Segments 1 and 2) Contractor to construct the Phase 5 (Segment 3) improvements as part ofthe on-going construction of Segments 1 and 2. Shortly after the design sUlvey and right-of:'way work, geotechnical engineering and preliminary engineering (30% plans) were completed (April 2002), the City entered into negotiations with the Florida Department of Transportation regarding designations and re-designations of Bluford Avenue and Maguire Road, and PEC was instructed to stop all work on this project. At that point, $153,304 of the budget was expended.. From that point until our meeting with the City Staff in August 2005, several tasks were completed and invoiced on as-needed basis at the direction of the City.. At Oul meeting in August 2005, we were instructed to commence work on this project including the right-of:'way acquisition phase. We met with the City's legal staff and appraisers, provided legal descriptions, sketches and boundary sUlveys for all the required parcels, and staked the right-of-way and easement lines in the field. We are cUlrently close to 90% plans, pending resolution of the certain right-of-way issues. Following ar'e some of the reasons that the project budget has been exceeded engineers planners sUlveyO{S "Engineenng Our Community" 2UO East Rol)inson Streel- Suite 1560' Orlando Florida 3280'1 · 407/422-8062 ~ FAX 407/849-9401 MI'. David Wheeler, P E. July25, 2006 Page 2 OE-373 1. The OIiginal proposal was based on the preparation of 60% plans with sufficient detail to issue a change order to the "then cunent" Maguire Road ContI act (Segments I and 2) under constmction 2 The OIiginal hourly rates were based on our Year 2001 compensation rates, 3 The stoppage of work for a period of time and the inefficiency associated with the restart ofthe prqject. 4. The change in project scope including: (1) the evaluation of a different typical section including modifYing the horizontal and vertical alignment requested by the City; (2)' the additional work associated with increasing the limits along Marshall Fmms Road to accommodate the additional lanes including the associated drainage modifications, and; (3) signalization at the intersection of Marshall Fanns Road. 5 Right-of-way acqmsItIon related services that are typically performed on an hom1y time and materials basis has been charged against the design and permitting budget.. Ii you have any questions, please advise.. Very tmly yours, G CONSULTANTS, INC. FMllh cc: Ken Hooper, PEC G:\clericaI\HIGHW A Y\PEC\Oe.373 Maguire Rd Phase 5 Mere to Story\OO8LH Wheeler ltr doc PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, ING. September 27, 2006 P-6057Rl MK~03 MI' David Wheeler, P .E. City Engineer City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Re: Proposal for' Professional Engineering Services Maguire Road - Phase 5 Plans Update Dear MI'. Wheeler: Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc (PEe) is pleased to provide this proposal for professional engineering design and permitting services fot'the Maguire Road - Phase 5 Plans Update. The project consists ofthe design and permitting of Maguire Road widening from Mercantile Court to Story Road. The original design work started in January 2001 and stopped in April 2002 due to the negotiations with the Florida Department of Transportation regarding this roadway. The work was continued in August 2005 The plans update proposal covers the cost of the increased rates, the restart of the project and the associated inefficiencies, the change in project scope, and the tight-of-wayacquisition services as outlined in our letter dated July 25,2006.. We are anticipating completing the design and permitting of the project by December 2007 pending the resolution of the outstanding right of way issues including Pond 7. Following is a list of Basic Services we anticipate, as necessary to accomplish the work required for the referenced project Update and finalize the roadway plans. 2.. Update and finalize the drainage design and permitting.. 3. Update and finalize the utility adjustments and coordination. 4.. Update and finalize the traffic signalization design. 5 Update and finalize the signing and pavement marking design 6. Update and finalize the t:r affic control detail.. engineers plann/Jrs surveyors 'Engineering Our Community' 200 East Robinson Street a Suite 1560 '. Orlando, Florida 32801 0407/422-8062. FAX 407/849-9401 Mr . David Wheeler, PE.. Seprember27,2006 Page 2 P-6057Rl ADDmONAL ENGINEERNG SERVICES (OPTIONAL) 1.. Preparation of T rafflc Signal Wanant Analysis at the intersection of Maguire Road and Marshall Farms Road, 2, Right-of-way acquisition engineering services to support the City's legal staff in acquiring the required tight-of-way and easements, This includes preparation of legal descriptions and sketches, boundary surveys, flagging, and other engineer ing services 3 Alternative pond site analysis, COMPENSATION (BASIC ENGINEERING SERVICES) Total AMOUNT $33,930.00 $14,055.00 56,790.00 56,070.00 $4,580.00 $3,405.00 56,070.00 5115,021..00 5189,921.00 MAGUIRE ROAD - PHASE 5 COMPENSATION (ADDmONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES) (OPTIONAL) TASK AMOUNT Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis 56,000.00 Right-of-Acquisition Engineering Services $30,000.00 (lime & Materials) (As-Needed) Alternative Pond Site Analysis 516,300.00 Total $52,300.00 POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS The potential cost savings associated with the Alternative Pond Site Analysis include both constr uction cost and right-of-way cost . The Altemative site will be evaluated fI'Om an engineer ing I hydraulic stand point to determine of it is feasible. The construction cost savings associated with this alrernative is in the range of$lOO,OOO - $150,000 The right-of-way cost will be determined once the engineering analysis is completed, Mt . David Wheeler, P.E. Septemb~'27.2006 Page 3 P-6057RI SCHEDULE A four (4) month schedule is anticipated to complete the plans update and fmalize the design. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this proposal and tIust that the information provided herein is sufficient for your needs. Also, we are prepared to commence work on this assignment as soon as an agreement for the work is executed If you have any questions or require additional information. please contact us Very truly yaws, FSMIlh Attachments G:\clerical\HIGHWA Y\PEC\Ot HWY PROPOSALS12006 PROPOSALS\P-6057Rl doc