HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-2016 Minutes MINUTES February 2, 2016 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER- 7:15 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Grogan. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner de la Portilla, Commissioner Keller. B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - 7:17 PM Presentation — Replay of the State of the City Video, the Commission and City Manager thanked staff and commented on the progress the City is making. Proclamations—February 2016. (Mayor Johnson) -7:28 PM D Black History Month, read by Commissioner Keller. D Crossing Guard Appreciation Day — February 5, 2016, read by Commissioner Wilsen. Police Chief Brown was in attendance to accept the Proclamation. D Cardiovascular Professionals Week — February 14 — 20, 2016, read by Commissioner de la Portilla. Reynaldo Grullon, BSN, RN, Cardiovascular Services Clinical Supervisor, was in attendance to accept the Proclamation. Recognition of Gary Comstock for the 2016 Community Calendar Photos- Mayor Johnson announced that Mr. Comstock was recognized during the State of the City. 7:35 PM - Update on the Foreclosure Property Registry Partnership Mary Enstrom with Community Champions gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the foreclosure property registry that the City currently uses. She further answered several questions from the Commission regarding the program such as; are HOA's able to access the registry, why is the remittance increasing, and does their company help the City collect liens. Commissioner Grogan inquired if funds received from this program could be used to fund another code enforcement officer. City Manager Frank said that could be a possibility since monies received goes into the general fund 7:50 PM -Presentation Recognizing Ocoee Police Officers, Officer Anthony Ruggiero, Officer Christopher Kelley and Officer Brandon Kerr, for Going Above and Beyond their Duties to Assist the Fire Department and Citizens, Fire Chief Miller recognized Officer Anthony Ruggiero, Officer Christopher Kelley and Officer Brandon Kerr. A brief bio was shared explaining the heroic efforts of each of the officers who helped assist the Fire Department with citizens who were in distress prior to their arrival. The Fire Chief presented a certificate of appreciation to each officer and the Police Chief also announced that each officer will be given a ribbon to wear on their dress uniforms for the next 30 days. Recess: 5 min. break Regular City Commission February 2,2016 C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - 8:06 PM R.P. Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., inquired why the City does not consider vote by mail. It was explained that anyone can vote by mail and information regarding this can be provided by the Supervisor of Elections Office. Pam Bozkurt, Ocoee Downtown Merchant on McKey Street Group Representative, announced that the merchants on McKey Street started a committee about a year ago to discuss how to make downtown more appealing and inviting. The committee has created a logo, advertised in the West Orange Times, and created pamphlets to put in the folder provided by the City to new residents. They have also discussed starting a Farm-to-Table Market with various vendors which they would like to host monthly on a Thursday from 3pm-8 pm. With the support of the Florida Film Academy, who will be their sponsor, they would like to have a launch date of March 17th for their first"Ocoee's Night Out". They are sharing their vision with the Commission tonight so that the Commission could consider approving their Special Event Permit application that they will be submitting to the City. Discussion: Commissioner Keller said he likes March 17th; advised the Food Truck and Movie in the Park is the third Friday of each month and they should consider their event for the second or fourth Thursday of the month. Commissioner de la Portilla supports their efforts for this event and suggested using twitter since that social media outlet branches out to many young (resident) followers. He advised he would be visiting the vendors during the weekend. Commissioner Wilsen said she is looking forward to this event. Commissioner Grogan commended them for their efforts and feels this event can grow along with the plans the City has to improve the downtown area. Commissioner Keller inquired if a link could be put on the City's website to their Facebook page to help with advertising of their events. City Manager Frank advised with the approval from the Commission that can be done. The City Manager inquired if there is anything else their Committee was seeking from the City, aside from the approval of the application, since their event is next month. Ms. Bozkurt shared that advertising on the Ocoee T.V. and allowing use of several meters owned by the City on McKey Street would be appreciated. Mayor Johnson shared his support for this event. City Attorney Cookson shared it would be a great idea for them to consider approving the special event application tonight subject to them completing the application since there is only one meeting in March; also include permission to utilize the parking lot on McKey Street and Bluford Ave. 8:27 PM Motion: Move to give the City Manager the discretion to approve the special event application for the Ocoee Downtown Merchants event on March 17th subject to completing the application. 2IPage Regular City Commission February 2, 2016 Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion carried unanimously. Ronney Oliveira, 523 Laurenburg Lane, announced he would not be able to attend the Woman's Club Candidate Political Forum on February 24th since he had prior commitments for that date. Marc Price, 811 Grovesmere Loop, candidate running for District 3 Commissioner, talked about why he is excited to live and work in Ocoee, and feels that this city is on the verge of greatness. D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW-None E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS - 8:35 PM il9Y2 0 No announcements. a o i , • � -No announcements. elk)) ° + a -t,- Announced on Wednesday, February 24th the Ocoee Woman's Club along with the West Orange Observer will be hosting the Political Forum. Questions can be submitted to the West Orange Observer as well as during the event. The forum will begin at 6:30 pm in the Commission Chambers and will be televised on Brighthouse Channel 493. Commissioner Grogan — Announced it has come to his attention that a Charter School is looking to purchase property in District#1. He will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on February 8th and an invitation will be mailed out to District #1 residents to attend but all residents are welcome. This meeting is an opportunity for the developer to explain what is being considered and is for discussion only; no action will be taken at that meeting. He is seeking approval for funds to be transferred from the community promotion account since there is not enough money to cover postage in their postage account. Postage would cost about $1,000. 8:38 PM - Motion: Move to transfer $1,000 from the Commission's Community Promotion account to the Postage Account for Town Hall Meeting mailers. Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion carried unanimously. Michelle Greco, expressed her dislike of Charter Schools. Mayor Johnson-No announcements. 3IPage Regular City Commission February 2, 2016 F. CONSENT AGENDA- 8:05 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan; Motion carried unanimously. 1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held January 19, 2016. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 2. New Appointment to the Board of Adjustment (three-year term). (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Board of Adjustment serve three-year terms. The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members. Currently, the Board has four(4) members and one (1) Alternate member with no applications on file. An application has been received by Braundon Vines, who has shown an interest in being appointed to the Board of Adjustment for a term ending January 2018. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 3. New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (three- year term). (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department serve three-year terms. The Resolution creating the Board allows no more than fifteen (15) members. Currently, the Board has ten (10) members and no applications on file. An application has been received by Braundon Vines, who has shown an interest in being appointed to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department for a term ending January 2018. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 4. Approval for Resolution of Support for Innovative Traffic Signal Technologies Pilot Project. (City Planner Rumer) A new federal transportation bill has been enacted and includes funding for one or more pilot projects to accelerate the deployment of innovative traffic signal technologies. Congressman Mica has called this opportunity to our attention and has offered to lend his support with obtaining federal discretionary funds to conduct one or more pilot projects using innovative traffic signal technologies throughout the metropolitan area. MetroPlan Orlando and the Florida Department of Transportation/District 5 will take the lead, working closely with the City of Ocoee and other local governments, to develop one or more pilot projects that conform to the criteria established for the discretionary grant program by the United States Department of Transportation. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 5. Approval for the Oasis at Lake Bennet Apartments Final Site Plan. (City Planner Rumer) The Oasis at Lake Bennet Apartments project is generally located south of Maine Street, east of Bluford Avenue and north of W. Colonial Drive (SR 50) adjoining Lake Bennet. This project is proposing to construct a 302 unit multi-family, four-story apartment development on approximately 13.01 acres. The site is currently a part of the Ocoee Town Center Lots 3,4 and 6. The parcels are undeveloped. The project lies in Target Area 2 and is zoned "Community Commercial" (C-2). The Future Land Use designation for the subject site is "Commercial," and the Zoning classification for the site is Planned Unit Development (PUD). On June 16, 2015,the City Commission reviewed and approved the Preliminary Site Plan. The Final Site Plan, as proposed, is consistent with the approved Preliminary Site Plan. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 4IPage Regular City Commission February 2, 2016 6. Approval to Waive the Lakeshore Center Rental Fee for Black History Essay Awards Ceremony. (Community Relations Manager Wright) The City of Ocoee's Black History Month Essay Contest,presented by the Human Relations Diversity Board,is in its 12th year. The essay awards ceremony has been held in the City Commission Chambers for the past several years. Each year students, parents and faculty attend the ceremony and fill the Chambers to its maximum seating capacity. There is overflow seating every year and attendees are directed to sit in Conference Room 109. For this reason, the Human Relation Diversity Board is requesting this year awards ceremony be held at the Ocoee Lakeshore Center to comfortably accommodate all of the people who attend the event. The ceremony is tentatively scheduled at the Lakeshore Center on Thursday,February 25,2016. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 7. Approval to Expend and/or Grant Forfeiture Monies to Law Enforcement Related Uses and Charities. (Police Chief Brown) Per Florida State Statutes 932.7055 "...any local law enforcement agency that acquires at least $15,000 pursuant to the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act within a fiscal year must expend or donate no less than fifteen (15) percent of such proceeds for the support or operation of any drug treatment, drug abuse education, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, or school resource officer program. Over the past several years, the Police Department has made a practice of using these monies to help support programs and organizations that partner with the Police Department in its crime prevention/public safety mission and wishes to continue to do so. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 8. Approval to Award Security Camera Replacement Work at City Hall to MillenniuM Fire & Security, Inc., in the Amount of$15,822.75. (Support Services Director Butler) The security camera installation at City Hall covers portions of that building and the City Hall Annex with analog and digital cameras, with a central recording device located in the Annex. The current technology is outdated, and replacement of the system is planned for FY 2016. City staff identified three suitable vendors who have previously worked on audiovisual systems at the city: • MillenniuM Fire&Security(Installed the security camera system at the Community Center); • Convergint Technologies(Installed the City Hall system/maintains the City's systems);and • Infinity AV&Security(Installed the City Chambers and Community&Ison Center systems). Staff developed a deployment plan requiring a 15-camera installation and sufficient storage capacity to retain at least 30 days of video at a 15 frames per second rate. The selected camera locations are primarily on building exteriors to monitor entrances to the two buildings in addition to retaining security camera coverage of the Utility Counter. A centrally located digital network video recorder would be able to provide access to the live video and recorded images through a secure website. It is anticipated that all cabling will need to be replaced. Competitive proposals were received from each vendor. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0 G. PUBLIC HEARING - None H. REGULAR AGENDA- 8:42 PM 9. Approval of Waivers to Parking and Buffers for Maguire Crossings. (City Planner Rumer) Maguire Crossings is an existing strip retail center located on the northeast corner of Maguire Road and Old Garden Road. The site plan was approved in March of 2005. The site consists of two retail strip center buildings. The smaller building is 6,800 square feet, and the larger second building is 18,000 square feet. Both buildings are fully occupied. In order to make the existing site accommodate the higher demand for parking, the applicant is requesting waivers to landscape buffers in order to create additional parking. The revised plan and code waivers will involve the following: i)reduce the landscape buffer around the building from ten (10) 5IP_age_ Regular City Commission February 2,2016 feet to four(4)feet, ii)reduce the northern side landscape buffer from ten(10)feet to one(1)foot or the width of a retaining wall,iii)eliminate the required plantings of shrubs and trees on the northern landscape buffer. City Planner Rumer briefly explained this is an existing business in Maguire Crossings...the site has developed; there is a lot of 5 o'clock traffic and the parking backs up. We are looking at ways to help keep Rustique and other businesses there by providing additional parking. He explained the waivers that staff is recommending to allow for more parking. 1) reduce the landscape buffer around the building from ten (10)feet to four(4)feet 2) reduce the northern side landscape buffer from 10 feet to 1 foot or the width of a retaining wall 3)eliminate the required plantings of shrubs and trees on the northern landscape buffer. There was some discussion regarding delivery trucks. The property owner was present for questions. Mayor Johnson told the property owner they appreciate the efforts they have made to keep Rustique there, it is a very successful business. Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan moved to approve Waivers to Parking and Buffers for Maguire Crossings as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. 10. Transfer of Funds to Cover Special Election Costs. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Former Mayor Vandergrift left office in July 2015, more than six months before the end of his term, creating the need for a Special Election. An additional $25,000 was budgeted for the Special Election; however, when the ballots were counted on October 27,2015, it was found that a run-off would be required in accordance with Section C-46(c)of the Ocoee Charter.Funds had not been budgeted for a run-off, and the surplus money in the FY 2014/15 Election Line Item could not be used,because the entire amount($51,500)had been transferred out to cover unexpected health care costs in FY 2014/15. City Clerk Eikenberry stated that the Election Fund was short approximately$15,660 to cover the current election bills for the Special Election and Run-off, and there is a potential for a run off in District 3 that would cost an additional $7870.00; there for the request for transfer of funds is for $23,530 from contingency to the City Clerk Election line item. City Manager Frank noted that if there is no need for a run off in District 3,the remaining funds of$7870 would be returned to contingency. R.P. Monacky asked why the city does not vote by mail. It was explained that any registered voter can now vote by mail using the absentee ballot process. They need to contact the Orange County Supervisor of Elections to request an absentee ballot. This can be done for one specific election or for all elections in that year Brounden Vines, 2782 Pythagoras Circle, asked about online voting. Commissioner Keller said he thought the state had experimented with that but there biggest issue is to prevent voter fraud by hackers. Commissioner de la Portilla inquired about the early voting, to which Ms. Eikenberry stated she did not have the exact dates but it is within the two weeks prior to the election and it will include weekends this time. She said early voting dates and locations have been advertised by Supervisor of Elections and the City's sample ballot ad that will go in the paper in a few weeks will note that precincts may be different this time because we are included with the Presidential 6JPage Regular City Commission February 2,2016 Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan, moved to transfer $23,530 from the contingency fund to the City Clerk Election line item to cover unexpected election costs. Motion carried 5-0. I. STAFF ACTION ITEMS J. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Grogan — 1) Announced the February 8th Town Hall Meeting regarding a proposal for a Charter School; affected residents will be getting an announcement in the mail. Commissioner Wilsen — 1) Announced February 6th, there will be a Jazz Fest fundraiser at Ocoee High School 2) announced Spring Fling on March 12th from 10 am- 3pm. This will be a free event with entertainment. 3) The Woman's Club hosting annual Birthday Luncheon on March 5' 2016. 4) Stated she would like for the City to proceed with Charter Review arrangements using a facilitator. Commissioner Wilsen moved to take $6,000 from contingency to hire Marilyn Crotty to facilitate Charter Review. After discussion, motion died for lack of second. City Manager Frank advised this is the first time the recommendations of the Charter Review Board will be a final decision to go on the ballot. Commissioner de la Portilla noted that in Orange County, the Charter Review Commission voted on their own facilitator and that way it was kept completely separate from the County Commission. After a lengthy discussion regarding the make-up of the Charter Review Commission, the facilitator, the legal representation, etc., the consensus was to wait until after the elections are over to re-address this issue. Commissioner de la'ortilla — 1) asked City Planner Rumer about a project last week at the Orange County Commission Meeting; a developer was proposing to build 53 homes within the Gotha Rural development. He inquired as to what notice is typically required for the county projects and can the city make more stringent requirements if it will impact city residents. City Planner Rumer advised notices are required to be mailed to residents within 300 ft.of the outer property boundary. Commissioner de la Portilla said Windsor Landing residents were not notified and he thinks notifications should have included them. Commissioner Keller — noted this is the second forum that a candidate will not be at the Political Forum and asked if the Woman's Club might consider working out the calendar with the candidates so they can all be there. Commissioner Wilsen said they were very limited on times between the two sponsors and the dates the chambers were available; the candidates were given notice of approximately 24 days which should be adequate. There has never been a candidate say that they cannot be at the forum in the past elections. Mayor Johnson — 1) said the Women's Club and West Orange Times will be sponsoring the Political forum and clarified the format. Commissioner Wilsen said the agenda was sent out to the candidates, they will have a moderator. Mayor Johnson wanted to make sure it was 7 IPage Regular City Commission February 2, 2016 advertises, in the water bills, Ocoee TV, interne, etc. 2) said that he spoke to Jean Grafton and he told her to send an email to the City Manager about the drive pattern being corrected at the Ocoee elementary school. City Manager Frank said they the staff will be looking into that issue. ADJOURNMENT—9:25 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee • • vAIL"Q1A1 • Eikenberry, City Clerk Rusty Johns f ayor 8I_Page