Chairperson Laney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairperson Laney led the
invocation and Vice-Chairperson Santana led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the
roll was called, and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Member Ball, Chairperson Laney, Vice-Chairperson Santana, Member
Clark, Member Titus, Member Watson, and Member Adam Seebeck. Also present were
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi and Recording Clerk Garza.
ABSENT: Member Alcuri (unexcused), and Member Zielinski (excused).
Approval of Minutes from the July 23,2015 Meeting
Member Titus made a motion to approve the minutes from July 23, 2015, seconded by
Member Ball. Motion passed unanimously.
Welcome New Members, Renee Watson and Adam Seebeck
Chairperson Laney welcomes the new board members. Member Seebeck states he
wanted to volunteer to give back to the community. Chairperson Laney asks if he has
participated in the Citizens' Public Safety Academy since it is a requirement for the board
and Member Seebeck replies he has not but is aware of it. Discussions ensued.
Member Watson states she works at Fifth Third Bank and has lived in the City for thirty
years; she also wants to give back to the community. Chairperson Laney wishes
Member Clark a Happy Birthday and asks if anyone else has an upcoming birthday so it
can get recognized. Discussions ensued.
Budget Update
Chairperson Laney asks for an update on the budget and Recording Clerk Garza
replies it is $1,000. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi asks if there was any money left from
the last fiscal year and Chairperson Laney replies it was used to purchase S.T.A.R.S.
backpacks, and Vice-Chairperson Santana adds some of the money was also used to
purchase two participant suits for the R.A.D. Program. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
continues by saying that the backpacks were not purchased because the C.A.C.O.P.D.
money cannot be used for that purpose. She states she brought information concerning
what can be done with the money, a copy of the bylaws, and a copy of the ordinance
pertaining to the C.A.C.O.P.D. to refresh everyone's mind, especially since there are two
new board members.
Election of Treasurer
Member Clark made a motion to nominate herself for Treasurer, seconded by member
Watson. Motion passed unanimously.
CACOPD Meeting
October 22,2015
Update on Gun Safety and S.A.F.E. Class
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi informs the board there is no Gun Safety Class scheduled
for this moth but will probably have one next month; also, the S.A.F.E. class will take
place on October 29, and is completely booked. Discussions ensued.
Update on Neighborhood Restorative Justice
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explains this program is for first-time juvenile offenders
who commit a misdemeanor; they are given different sanctions they have to abide by such
as a curfew, writing a letter of apology, and not keeping the same friends. If they
complete the 90-day program, they will not have a criminal record.
Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
Chairperson Laney states she is still working on it and explains she approached the
West Oaks Mall but has not heard back from them. Discussions ensued. Chairperson
Laney thought it may be a good idea to hold this summit in January and will bring more
information next meeting.
Coffee with a Cop
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi informs the board members Coffee with a Cop will take
place next week at The Breakfast Club; it is a two hour event and she brought flyers to
distribute. She continues by saying there is always a good turnout and it will be from
10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon on October 28; this is a good opportunity for residents to
meet with officers and ask questions or express any concerns. Staff-Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi asks for volunteers to come to this event. Discussions ensued.
Update on Kicks for Guns
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states this event took place on August 20 at HighPoint
Church in Ocoee. Fifteen firearms were recovered, of those fifteen, it was discovered that
three were stolen. A total of 774 firearms were collected in Central Florida. Member
Seebeck asks why is this event called kicks for guns to which Staff-Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi replies that back in the 1990s when this program started, shoes were a high end
item and so anyone turning in a gun would get a pair of shoes; then it morphed into a gift
card to foot locker or similar. Today, Ocoee gives a gift certificate to Walmart in
exchange for the gun. Discussions ensued.
Update on the Citizens' Public Safety Academy
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states this concluded during the summer and it was a very
successful event; she adds she will make sure everyone gets and invitation for the next
Public Safety Academy. She continues by saying this is a requirement for new board
members during the first year and it consists of a nine to twelve week, once a week
program, that teaches what police officers and firefighters do. This year there were
approximately 20 people who graduated from the CPA. Chairperson Laney says the
C.A.C.O.P.D. members are invited to the graduation and they have the opportunity to
reach out to the participants and explain what the scope of the board is and hopefully
encourage them to join.
CACOPD Meeting
October 22,2015
Poker Run
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states it will take place on November 7, usually the weekend
before Founders' Day. This year the starting and ending points will be at San Jose's; the
first stop will be at the Rock Spring's Bar and Grill in Apopka, then Tavares to Puddle
Jumpers, then Clermont to the Crooked Spoon, then Blue 42 in Winter Garden and
ending at San Jose's. Spayed Kooley will perform at San Jose's and the event is being
sponsored and advertised by the WOLF 103.1, also in the Slag Bag, a publication for
bikers. She continues by asking board members to volunteer for this event. She also
adds Orlando Harley is a first-time sponsor this year and will be bringing some demo
Causes to Support
Chairperson Laney tells the board members she participates in the Week of the Family
event every year; there are two movies playing this year, one is the Cockeville Miracle,
and the other one is Home, which is an animated movie. She continues by saying she
gave Chief Charles Brown enough tickets for all the officers to attend either movie. The
Cockeville Miracle will play on November 9th at 7:00 p.m., and Home will play on
Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Chairperson Laney also states she would like to start a lending
library and she brought with her copies of Aftermath, and Firearm Safety Education for
all Ages as well as other literature that can be taken home and brought back next quarter.
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi says this is something that maybe the Treasurer can keep
and maintain. Chairperson Laney continues by saying she has 250 copies of Aftermath
that can be given out during Spring Fling; she adds she knows Officer Trista Blake is
battling breast cancer and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi shares a fund-raising event for
Officer Blake will take place at Frank's Place next Tuesday night from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00
p.m.. There will be a 50/50 raffle, a silent auction, and Frank, the owner of Frank's Place,
will be donating all the food. Anyone wishing to participate is asked to give a donation.
She continues by saying Officer Blake has a GoFundMe account for donations for which
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi will be emailing the link to all the board members; she
continues by saying the Police Department is selling t-shirts for $20.00 to raise funds for
Officer Blake. Chief Brown bought a t-shirt for all personnel at the Police Department to
wear during the month of October. Also, she continues, News 13 had the Police
Department on the news because of a picture that was posted on the Police Department's
Facebook Page with Officers wearing the t-shirt, and with information on the fund-raising
event. She continues by saying the West Orange Times and Observer will feature an
interview with Officer Blake on next week's edition. Discussions ensued. Chairperson
Laney adds another cause to support could be Nextdoor, which is an intranet for
neighborhoods by which you get emails from users in your immediate geographical
vicinity concerning issues or community activities happening near your location, crime
alerts and such. Discussions ensued.
Update on the Promotional CACOPD Video
Chairperson Laney states the C.A.C.O.P.D. would like to produce a short video as a
spot on Ocoee TV and at the Central Florida Film Festival (CENFLO); it would feature
the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Police Department. Discussions ensued. She asks Staff-
CACOPD Meeting #'
October 22,2015
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi if she has any updates and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies this
is a project for the board to do; she is here to answer any questions concerning the Police
Department but the board is more than welcome to take this project on. Chairperson
Laney states she will approach either UCF students or Ocoee High School students for
this project; she continues by saying she had approached Mayor John Grogan about it as
well. Discussions ensued. She also asks if anyone has any connections to that industry to
please reach out to them. Member Seebeck replies his fiancé is a theater teacher at Dr.
Phillips. Vice-Chair Santana asks Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi about the biggest loser
program held at the Police Department and if it is something the C.A.C.O.P.D. can
support. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explains it is a weight loss competition to promote
healthy habits done twice a year, but it is not a cause to support. She continues by adding,
she has a lot of information to share and with this she continues by saying in 2006 the
C.A.C.O.P.D. used to get $2000 and now only gets $1,000; she does not know why this
changed but it could be because the money was not spent and the budget got reduced.
She also states the Ocoee Police Department is on Facebook and Twitter and encourages
the board members to become followers. She continues by saying the Police Department ,
is getting 17 new vehicles this new fiscal year including Dodge Chargers and Chevy
Tahoes. She also adds the Ocoee Police Department participates in SWAT training r.
jointly with Orange County and other agencies such as Apopka and Maitland; this began
about a year and a half ago. There are two officers on that team with another position to
be filled next year. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi also informs the board members the City
of Winter Garden is dispatching for Ocoee Police Department as of July using new
software, CTS America, which is more user friendly than what was used before. The City
of Ocoee Police Department conducts block training twice a year; officers go to the gun
range to qualify with a handgun, a shotgun and a rifle, and also attend Valencia and other
educational institutions to get free and paid training. The City of Ocoee Police
Department also has had active shooter training; one is called A.L.I.C.E. for Teachers and
administrators, and next week, they will have S.A.V.E. training which is geared toward
law enforcement and includes the Fire Department and E.M.T. These trainings are
sponsored by the Police Department, and people from out of state have attended and will
be attending. Discussions ensued. Vice-Chair Santana asks about taser training and how
many times a year it's done and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies it is done once a year
and it is not part of the Union Contract as opposed to the handgun one. Discussions
ensued. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi asks the board members if the requested birthdates
were meant for officers or board members since the email only requested birthdays; she is
aware that the board has previously asked for special events such as retirements or
promotions. Chairperson Laney states that she would like information on any
significant event happening at the Ocoee Police Department and the board can also
include officers' birthdays. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi continues by saying the
information she brought includes the officer's name, rank and date of hire only.
Discussions ensued. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi informs the board members Sgt. Scott
Nylander was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and he is over the Patrol Division, also,
Lt. Brad Dreasher will be retiring in October as well as Deputy Chief Silberstein.
Discussions ensued. She continues by informing the board members that Orange County
Public Schools do have their own Police Department, comprised of about 10 officers, but
they are not assigned to a specific school but would rather address specific issues. The
CACOPD Meeting
October 22,2015
Ocoee Police Department will still have the School Resource Officers and D.A.R.E.
Officer servicing all seven schools. Discussions ensued. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi, as
per requested by Chairperson Laney during the last meeting, brings information
concerning the new legislature passed in October concerning Juvenile Civil Citations for
board members to read. She continues by saying she also has information concerning the
Police Department's Chaplains. The City of Ocoee Police Department currently has four
chaplains and she believes it a good idea to invite them for a meeting so they can explain
what they do. Basically they come to crime scenes and talk to victims or family of the
victims; they are also on call, one per week and they are Phillips, Marquis, Hartbarger,
and Tower, supervised by Sgt. James Berish. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi tells the board
members of letters of appreciation brought in from First Baptist Church of Orlando
together with goodies, and how it is uplifting for the department. She also continues by
talking about the Sunshine Laws, Public Records Requests and how to make motions.
Vice-Chair Santana asks Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi about his concern brought up last
meeting about people drinking at Starke Lake and if that was addressed to which Staff-
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she can't answer anything specific but she knows there are
officers patrolling the area and offers to forward the concern to one the watch
commanders to be aware of the concern. She continues by saying she brought a copy of
the bylaws and the ordinance governing the C.A.C.O.P.D. for everyone to read and
familiarize themselves with it as well as the objectives which she reads into the record.
Furthermore, she explains what the C.A.C.O.P.D. can spend money on and reads into the
record an email sent in 2006 by the City of Ocoee Finance Department that states it is for
materials, education and board shirts; the board used to receive $2000 but now receives }`
$1000. This may be addressed with the board's liaison, Commissioner Grogan, now
Interim Mayor. Discussions ensued on this issue. The D.A.R.E. Program can be a cause
to support as well as educational Police Department materials for the community.
Chairperson Laney says the C.A.C.O.P.D. may be able to get $2000 for the
Neighborhood Safety Summit, and also, she knows the C.A.C.OP.D. used to help sponsor
the Spring Fling and she is unaware of when that changed so this may be something that
can be addressed with our liaison; Staff-Liaison Iannuzzi replies she knows the Spring
Fling has its own board. Discussions ensued on the Spring Fling and the C.A.C.O.P.D.
Vice-Chair Santana asks about the suits for the R.A.D. program and Staff-Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi replies the suits were purchased. Vice Chair Santana asks if there are still
more suits to be purchased, and hopefully for the next meeting, the board can vote and
use some of the budget to purchase more suits or pay for education that will go back into
the community. Discussions ensued. Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney states F.
she will try to get information on a Crime Prevention Conference she attended some years
back to bring for the next meeting to which Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies this is
something that the money can be used for.
Officer of the Quarter Award
Member Titus made a motion to select the Officer in the only Nomination for the Officer
of the Third Quarter 2015, seconded by Member Clark. The motion passed unanimously.
CACOPD Meeting
October 22,2015
Member Clark states she believes the Officer of the Third Quarter 2015 to be Staff-
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi to which she replies, yes, she is. Vice-Chair Santana asks if the
Poker Run is only for Law Enforcement and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies is for
the community, not for law enforcement and is open to anyone. The money raised will go
to fund the Toys for Kids in Need Program.
Parade Application for Christmas
Chairperson Laney states the C.A.C.O.P.D. members used to participate in the Parade
and asks if the C.A.C.OP.D. wishes to be part of the Parade. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
states the Motors Officers participate with their motorcycles and a couple of cars at the #,
end of the parade but the Ocoee Police Department's primary role is to provide safety. E
Chairperson Laney states the C.A.C.O.P.D used to ride in a car and throw candy out the
windows and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states the board members are welcome to do
that if the wish. Discussions ensued.
Set Next Agenda
A. Welcome New Members, Adrian Hill, Carol Heard, and Brandoun Vines
B. Election of Chairperson for 2016
C. Election of Vice-Chairperson for 2016
D. Election of Treasurer for 2016
E. Budget Update
F. Red Light Camera Legislature Update
G. Spring Fling
H. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
I. Coffee with a Cop
J. Update of the Citizens' Public Safety Academy
K. Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video
L. Officer of the Quarter Award, Officer of the Year Award, Volunteer of the Year
Award, Civilian of the Year Award
M. Set Next Agenda
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Madeleine Garza, Recording Clerk Victoria Laney, Cha' erson