Member Scalzo conducted the meeting and called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm in the Station 25 Training
Room located at 563 South Bluford Avenue.
The Pledge of Allegiance was performed
Board Secretary Hall called roll and declared a quorum was present.
PRESENT.Members: Chairman Scalzo, Channell,Richardson, Vaughn, Titus,Hodge, Carter,Seebeck
and Fire Chief Miller;Member Firstner entered at 7:02 pm.
ABSENT Member Carbone;Member Lawrie excused.
GUEST(S)Alicia Peiffer
Chairman Scalzo welcomed guest Alicia Peiffer; Chief Miller did introduction regarding her position within
the Ocoee Fire Department.
Approval of Minutes: November 12, 2015 minutes were approved.
Motion by Member Richardson seconded by Member Titus carried 9-0.
Old Business:-
Chairman Scalzo discussed Founder's Day. Sales were not as good as previous years. Three other vendors
were selling water at the event. The total sales were $63. Need to check if we can possibly be the only source
of water for the event. Approach Mark Johnson regarding the glow necklaces and bracelets and get approval
to sell them for next event. Member Titus recommends more help if we take over as the only water
Chairman Scalzo discussed Operation Santa. He asked Chief Miller and Cam to elaborate. Cam said it was
very successful. Chairman Scalzo thanked Cam for her daily contribution to the cause. Chairman Scalzo
goes on to discuss how important and how much of an impact Operation Santa makes on the community.
Chief Miller stated that the Mayor and commissioners did participate and saw first -hand the value of this
Chairman Scalzo asks Member Titus for an update regarding her condition. Chairman Scalzo asks her to
keep us updated.
Chairman Scalzo asks about nominations for Firefighter of the Year. Chief Miller states they gave them a
week to send in nominations. Two nominees were brought to the table. The vote was done by secret ballot.
Joe Moy won 5 to 4. Chief Miller is to get it on commission meeting agenda and Cam to get plaque.
Minutes of Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department
November 12,2015
New Business—
Chairman Scalzo discussed upcoming events. The next event is Spring Fling on March 12th. Chairman
Scalzo further discusses what we could bring to event and pass out. Chairman Scalzo will be in touch with
Shawn Sorenson regarding this.
Chief Miller discusses smoke detector blitz for Pioneer Key I and II. They will be placing door hangers in
early April to the residents about this program which will provide them with installed smoke detectors on
April 23`d. Chief Miller also discussed doing another blitz in September.
Motion by Member Carter to purchase Firefighter of the Year award.
seconded by Member Richardson. Carried 9—0
Chairman Scalzo discussed possible event in May for kids and pets. Have a vet doing inexpensive
vaccinations and/or microchips. Try to invite groomers,trainers and maybe retailers of pet items to set up at
the event as well. Invite FFA as fundraiser opportunity? Chief Miller to discuss possible Open House with
Shawn Sorenson.
Motion by Member Vaughn to purchase 02 masks for pet rescue up to $100 to be donated to Fire
Department at commission meeting. Seconded by Member Seebeck. Carried 9—0.
Chief Miller states morale doing great and personnel encouraged by the changes in the department. Chief
Miller discussed new trucks and upcoming events.
Date will be May 12,2016 at 7:00pm
A.Old Business—Spring Fling,Smoke detector blitz, Reflective vests
B.New Business-Open House
C.Other Business-
Adjournment: 8:20 pm-Motion by Member Channell seconded by Member Vaughn carried 9-0
Attest: Approved:
John'liller, Fire Chief ar Scalzo, Cha• "an