HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-06 Minutes WS Budget Workshop OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL August 21, 2006 MINUTES 7:00 P.M. Mayor Vandergrift called the Tentative Budget Special Session to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson (arrived at 7:05), Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson (absent). Also Present: City Manager Frank:, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Clerk Eikenberry, Finance Director Horton, Senior Accountant Brosonski, and Accountant Rosenberg. II. Staff Presentation and Discussion regarding FY06/07 Budget City Manager Frank introduced the budget for FY06/07 and gave a PowerPoint presentation highlighting points of interest throughout the budget. Finance Director Horton advised the General Fund budget proposes an overall increase of 49%, and a major portion of this is comprised of a one-time revenue from the sale of property at Crown Point. Revenues reflect a 26% increase in property taxes, with modest increases in franchise utility taxes and intergovernmental revenue. The proposed expenditures are equal to the proposed revenue. The budget is proposed for General Fund at $43,540,705. Expenditures will be placed into four categories: personnel, operating, capital and transfers. The proposed general fund budget includes a total of 14 full time and 6 part time positions, 19 vehicles, and 100 computers. All of the General Fund Insurances have been moved from the individual departments into General Government (i.e. health, dental, life, disability, workers compensation, auto, general liability, and public officials). Fleet Operating and Capital costs have been moved out of the individual departments and are included in the Fleet Division (including fuel, oil, vehicle parts & repairs and new vehicles). The percentage changes for departments are based on FY05106 budget without insurance and vehicle costs. There were no significant changes to the legislative or City Manager's budget, so we will begin presentation from the other departments. The following presentations were given by staff for departmental budgets: Community Relations, Joy Wright City Clerk Department, Beth Eikenberry Finance Department, Wanda Horton Information Systems, Brian Ross Human Resources, Jim Carnicella Community Development, Russ Wagner Building Department, Ralph Jones Police Department, Chief Ron Reffett Fire Department, Chief Richard Firstner City Manager Frank asked Human Resources Director Carnicella to make a presentation to the Commission regarding insurance and pension issues that have been discussed. Mr. Carnicella introduced Ray Tomlinson of Crown Consulting, who gave a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the new type of HRA insurance coverage that the City has been considering for employees. More information will be brought back at the second workshop on Thursday. Commissioner Johnson asked about the Finance Manager position that was done away with last year and is now back in the budget. City Manager Frank said we eliminated the position in error last year and he instructed staff to place it back in the budget to give full disclosure. What we did was under-fill the position of Finance Manager with a Staff Accountant at a lower level, but we intended to keep the position and fill it again this year. We did not handle this correctly, and inadvertently eliminated the position. This will not add additional staff. Commissioner Johnson said if we are going to fill that position again, is it going to get a large increase in salary, or just the 5% increase. Commissioner Johnson asked Police Chief Reffett to explain the purchase of all the new trucks. He advised one truck was purchased with grant money for the aggressive driver program. The pickup truck is for a training officer. The two Community Service Aide vehicles are for civilian employees who will take non-priority police calls. Mayor Vandergrift asked if all of the positions in the Police Department have been filled, and Chief Reffett advised that there are still eight positions open. He said we have two in process of hiring, and eight more applicants. He further said now that we have increased pay and benefits, we have many applicants; we are just trying to take our time and get the best ones. Commissioner Keller said in the years that he served on the CACOPD one of the primary concerns was that positions were not being added to the budget. He asked Chief Reffett if it would be prudent to put more sworn officers in the budget this year. Chief Reffett advised he needs the non-sworn staff worse right now to free up officers that are not being used on the road. Commissioner Anderson said he wants to make sure we reach the benchmark of number or officers per number of residents. Chief Reffett said the formula is generally 1.5 officers for every thousand residents; we are at 2.3 right now. The question is whether you want to be reactive or proactive. Mayor Vandergrift said we are in the process of talking about ROBOCOPS and GPS systems, which can take the place of some officers. The mayor said he believes the Police Chief should have the opportunity to make that decision rather than have it dictated to him by Commissioners. Commissioner Johnson said that Chief Reffett can come back at mid-year if he feels the need for more officers. Commissioner Anderson said he does not want to wait until mid year, he thinks we should have additional manpower to allow for attrition. Mayor Vandergrift said we cannot fill the open slots that we have today. Chief Reffett said it takes 18 to 20 weeks to get an officer hired and trained. He also added there will be an ordinance coming before the Commission that deals with raising parking fees and have residents appear before a hearing board, etc., and use some of the money to fund the school crossing guards. There was discussion regarding the new shifts for officers that reduced the overtime by 50%, and dividing the City into patrol zones to provide better coverage and accountability. Commissioner Johnson asked if there is a way to document when a certain area is patrolled because he feels the trailer parks are still not getting enough coverage. They are implementing a Watchguard program where officers are leaving information on crime prevention on businesses and cars, and they also turn a copy in at the station which keeps the Chief apprised of where they are patrolling. Commissioner Hood asked if we receive any grant or other monies that assist with paying for School Crossing Guards, and Chief Reffett advised no. The School Board does reimburse for School Resource Officers and this year it is supposed to increase to $20,000 per officer. Commissioner Anderson 1) asked how we will go about getting upgrades to the phone system. Information Systems Director Ross said they will solicit bids or quotes and bring it back to the Commission. 2) asked if the City has looked into the Robocop concept or cameras placed around the City. City Manager Frank advised it was discussed in a meeting today, and the first goal is to look into the City parks and the utilities facilities. Commissioner Hood asked about the shared administrative aide with IS and Finance, and Finance Director Horton said this person will be physically located in Finance, but answer phones and do other work for both departments. 3) asked about truncating the two systems involving payroll so there is no duplication. City Manager Frank said Mr. Carnicella is looking into that, in the meantime we have eliminated duplication by doing payroll electronically. Human Resources Director Carnicella advised that the responsibility of tracking payroll has been pushed back to the departments, but the implementation of a time and attendance program would eliminate a lot more of the work being input by hand. 4) asked why the building department ordered full size pickups, and Building Official Jones explained that Ford redesigned the cab size and the are larger than we expected, but we have to carry around ladders and books, etc to do the work in the field. City Manager Frank said they are trying to standardize the fleet with Fords, but at this time they are not offering a mid-size truck so we can look into other vehicles. Mayor Vandergrift asked about the permit turnaround, and Mr. Jones advised everything is completed within two weeks. He asked about the plans, and Community Development Director Wagner said we are largely within our 30 days, and if it is longer it is usually because we are waiting for the developer. Commissioner Anderson asked why the computer for the CRA Manager is placed in the budget now when they are not being hired until mid-year, and Finance Director Horton advised the costs are the same no matter when it is purchased. Public Comments Rosemary Wilsen, 1019 Shady Maple Circle, 1) did not feel that the change in cost of fuel was significant compared to the way the prices have changes. Finance Director Horton said the gas prices are projected by the state on a per gallon basis, 2) asked why there is such a large reduction in "violation or Ordinance" on Page 3-6, and 3) asked why we are projecting a revenue increase of only $25,000, when Community Development Director said we anticipate 800 building permits. Building Official Jones said we are taking a conservative approach to project revenues this year and will review it again at mid-year. 4) asked about the Employee Gift Certificate, and City Manager Frank said we increased the holiday gift certificate from $25.00 to $50.00. Commissioner Hood said we are asking for two new positions in the Building Department, even though our projected revenues are less. City Manager Frank said we estimate high in the expenditures and low in the revenues so we do not get into a bind. We will revisit the issue at mid-year. Martha Lopez Anderson 1) said she feels that Community Relations staff should be increased because of the importance in Public Relations, 2) said the advisory boards should all have line items for their boards, but it is missing from Human Resources which the HRDB is under, 3) said she has a concern with 12 hour shifts in the police department because the fatigue factor can lead to irritable people and poor judgment, 4) she said she felt the workshops should be televised, and she was advised the Public Hearings will be, but not the workshops. IV. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee 5~d~ S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor'