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Budget Workshop
Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL
August 24, 2006
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson.
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Rosenthal, and City Clerk Eikenberry.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the workshop and advised that we would finish the budget reviews
from the individual departments and then the would review a list that he requested City Manager
Frank bring forward a list of items that could be used to cut the budget up to $500,000.
Commissioner Anderson said that he would like to consider a workshop this Tuesday to discuss
the health care plan, and have the concerned employees present to ask questions. Mayor
Vandergrift said one of the proposals that may be on the floor tonight regarding the health
insurance is to hold off until mid-year after the HR Director gets an opportunity to speak to
employees. Commissioner Hood said he feels this was too much information, too quick. He
thinks the employees should be given information before and after a Commission Workshop to
be a part of the process. City Manager Frank said there is enough money in the budget to
cover half of the year at the new rates. We will still need to hold open enrollment; we just won't
be offering changes until mid-year. Commissioner Anderson still felt a workshop was
necessary for employees to ask questions. Mayor Vandergrift said that the workshop is for
Commission's clarification, employees should be informed prior to that. Human Resources
Director Carnicella said United Health Care will continue our current health care program
through April, which will cost an additional $210,000, but that money has already been
budgeted. Mr. Carnicella said we can continue our plan for the 2% COLA and 2% merit, as
well as raising the pension multiplier from 2.5% to 3%. We can hold employee meetings and
Commission workshops and if the Commission decides to change the health care plan in can be
done at anytime along the way. He said the 148 employees who have dependant health care will
have an increase from $81 to $105 per pay period, instead of a reduction of $10 that was
proposed with the new plan. Commissioner Keller asked if United Health Care will allow
another open enrollment in mid-year, and Human Resources Director Carnicella advised that
they have agreed to renew our policy on a month to month basis and hold open enrollment
whenever we have made a decision. City Manager Frank clarified that there is only enough
money in the budget to cover half of the year at the new rates, so we would have to switch to the
new plan or transfer another $210,000 to continue with the same plan. Commissioner Johnson
asked about money that we have in reserve capital accounts that we may be able to use to fund
the insurance increase. City Manager Frank said there is money in those reserve accounts or
the fund balance that could be transferred if we chose to do that, but at this time it is not
budgeted. Commissioner Johnson said the employees are very concerned right now and he
City Commission Budget Workshop
August 24, 2006
thinks we need to clear up misconceptions by meeting with them. Human Resources Director
Carnicella said he was going to take the next 6 or 7 weeks to explain it to the employees, but he
has been working on trying to balance the needs of the City with the employee's needs.
Commissioner Hood asked if employees could choose between the old plan and the new one
and Human Resources Director Carnicella advised that an HRA Insurance Plan doesn't work
unless everyone is in it. Consensus of the Commission was that a workshop would
not be necessary until after all of the emplovees have had the opportunity to
discuss the plan and aet Questions answered.
Human Resources Director Carnicella said he will expedite the process by moving forward
with open enrollment and getting the informational meetings done as soon as possible, and then
bring it back to the Commission to see if they want to move forward.
Budget Presentations were done by the following departments:
Engineering, City Engineer David Wheeler
Parks and Recreation, Director Jeff Hayes
Public Works, Director Steve Krug
Utilities, Director Charles Smith
Break 7:55 p.m. - 8:08 p.m.
City Manager Frank reviewed a list of items, compiled at the request of the Mayor, to see what
could be eliminated or reduced to save $500,000. The following list was presented:
$35,000 Remove - A/C duct work @ Fire Sta., City Hall 3-34
Community Center, Beech Ctr & Vignetti
$35,000 Reduce - Plan tracking and Code Enf. Software 3-55
$25,000 Remove - Entranceways to City 3-64
$20,000 Reduce - Traffic claming citywide 3-64
$25,000 Remove - Portable message board 3-64
$85,530 Remove - GIS Manager 3-74
$42,060 Remove - Rec Aide position (Bus Driver) 3-77
$50,000 Remove - Remove playground equipment (Beech Ctr) 3-77
$35,000 Remove - Remarcite pool 3-77
$100,000 Reduce - Central Park improvements 3-81
$25,000 Remove - Gate at P. W. compound 3-43
$10,000 Remove - Renovations to Starke Lake Gazebo 3-43
$13,000 Remove - Head set replacement 3-51
$500.590 TOTAL
After a discussion on all of the items submitted in the City Manager's List, the following
amendments were made to the budget, reducing the general fund by $110,000.
($20,000) Reduce AlC Duct Work
($30,000) Reduce Plan Tracking/Code Enforcement Software
($20,000) Change GIS Manager to GIS Analyst
($25,000) Remove Portable Message Board
($15,000) Reduce Gate at Public Works Compound
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City Commission Budget Workshop
August 24, 2006
(4800) tape Total General Fund Budget 43,540,705. The millage 4.80
Comments from the Commission:
Commissioner Keller asked what it would take to get at least one ALS truck on the road before
the January 2008. Fire Chief Firstner said we budgeted the ALS Training for a full year, but we
are only hiring mid-year so that some of the funds can be diverted to equipment, and we are
trying to get $34,000 grant to get the truck equipped. If those things happen we can get one ALS
officer on earlier than mid-year.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if anyone had suggestions to lower the budget.
Commissioner Hood said he would like to remove the Administrative Assistant that was to be
shared by the Finance and IS Departments. It can be brought back at mid-year, if needed.
Commission consented.
Commissioner Hood asked if we can wait until mid-year to add the Municipal Inspector II and
Permitting Technician until we see what the house market is going to do. Building Official
Jones advised they have had to contract out for services to provide help in the planning and
inspections, and July was a banner month for us, with many subdivisions in the planning stages
right now. Consensus of three Commissioners was to leave the Part-time
Permittina Technician in the budaet. but to remove the Municipal Inspector and
revisit the reQuest at mid-year.
Commissioner Anderson discussed the following items, but no changes were made to the
budget: 1) vehicles in the Building Department 2) $1,000,000 sale and construction of property
being sold to the City by the Utilities to the City 3)"eliminating the Car Wash at Public Works,
4) Lease on the new pumper, 5) Clarke Road resurfacing, Silver Star to A.D. Mims, City
Engineer Wheeler confirmed we can put sleeves in for this project 6) Page 8-10, Utility
department expansion and construction, 2000 sq. ft. addition
Commissioner Hood said he didn't think new chairs in the City Managers Conference Room
were necessary. City Manager Frank said it was not an issue of the condition of the chairs, just
that we are crammed into the room for staff meetings because the table and chairs are so large.
Consensus to remove the Chairs from the Conference Room. at a reduction of
$6.800 to the aeneral fund.
Commissioner Hood had discussion with Utilities Director Smith regarding an $83,000
expenditure for equipment and about the citywide program to replacement of water lines. NO
changes made to the budget. '
Commissioner Johnson asked about the three operations managers (Sanitation/Fleet Operations,
Maintenance Operations, and Street Operations) being added to the Public Works Department
organizational chart and raising salaries to Pay Grade 34. He advised when we let some long-
time employees leave the City we talked about the money savings, and now we are creating more
mid-level management positions and raising salaries, after adding an Assistant Director to the
department. He said that Sanitation/Fleet Operations should be under the Assistant Public Works
Director, and the other two managers can remain. City Manager Frank said he has been a
Public Works Director/ Asst. Director for eight years, and this is a very logical organizational
chart. He suggested we create new positions at a lower level, such as superintendent, and come
up with a new pay grade just above entry level positions. Commissioner Anderson suggested
the Streets person remain higher because it requires an Engineer.
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City Commission Budget Workshop
August 24, 2006
Commissioner Johnson asked Utilities Director Smith about reclassifications in the Water
Operating Organizational Chart to Cross Connection Control Coordinator, Collections
Distribution Supervisor. Commissioner Hood noted that there were three supervisors for eight
people. Utilities Director Smith explained that they are trying to create a middle management
for better accountability for completion of specific tasks and projects. The new Operation
Superintendent position is Pay Grade 36, and it will be exempt. Commissioner Johnson said he
does not mind reclassifying him, but he should not get the 5% promotion because he was just
hired at above entry level. Consensus was to leave the Operations Superintendent as
a title chanae only and move from pay arade 28 to 36. with no 5% promotional
Consensus to brina the position of Lift Station Technician beina reclassified will
be brouaht back at mid-year once the iob description has been created.
Finance Director Horton said that no budget impact can be figured on the Public Works
Operations Positions because it was going to be brought back at a later time. The commission
discussed the positions and the consensus was to place the followina positions
into these Pay Grades Sanitation/Fleet Operations:Pay Grade 30. Maintentance
Operations:Pay Grade 30. and Street Operations:Pay Grade 36.
Commissioner Keller said he would like to place two more officers in the Police Department
Budget. There was discussion regarding the 3-4 month time frame it takes to hire and train a
new officer, the fact that there are several open positions still unfilled, and that money may be
better used on non-sworn personnel. Police Chief Reffett said if he had the choice what he
really needs is another Communications Operator to free up more officers to be put in the field.
Consensus of the Commission was to place a Communications Operator in the
budaet. at Pay Grade 22, with a startina salary and benefits costina $41,300. They
additionally aareed that the Police Officers positions should be brouaht back at
Commissioner Anderson said he would like to increase the budget from $40,000 to $80,000 for
traffic calming devices. There was no consensus on that. Commissioner Keller asked if the
Roundabout at Hackney Prairie would be included in this figure. Public works Director Krug
advised the money budgeted is for requests that come in from neighborhoods, there are no
specific projects planned. Consensus of the Commission is to review it at mid-year to
see how many reQuests have come in for traffic calmina.
Mayor Vandergrift asked how much we have saved so far in the general fund:
Finance Director Horton said from the City Manger's List, $110,000 was cut, and from the
additional Commissioners proposed cuts, another $88,055, for a total of $198.055. After adding
in a Communications Operator at $41,300 the savings right now is $156,755 for General Funds
Commissioner Hood asked about the additional Lifeguards and Administrative Aides and other
aspects of Parks and Recreations organizational chart. He asked if it would be better served to
have three supervisors. No changes were made to the budget.
Commissioner Keller asked if there will be money placed into the budget for cemetery
maintenance. Consensus of the Commission was to address this at mid-year once
the violation letters are sent out and the Cemetery Committee has been formed.
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City Commission Budget Workshop
August 24, 2006
Commissioner Johnson said that the HR Director had been asked to bring back information on
City Manager's salaries, and he feels it should be discussed during the budget. We need to look
at what other City Managers are making in the area so that we don't have to worry about losing
good managers. Human Resources Director Carnicella distributed a City Manager Salary
Survey and stated the average City Manager salary for this area is $129,084. He said he would
like Ocoee to be at least up to the average, at least at $125,000. Human Resources Director
Carnicella advised that you need to look at the contribution to his pension also, because it is tied
to his salary. Commissioner Johnson said he thinks the current City Manager is better than any
we have had in a long time in terms of being able to work well with everyone, and he would like
to see him stay for a few years. Commissioner Keller said he would be in favor of addressing
the issue during the budget process. Commissioner Anderson said he is under contract and he
does not feel it needs to be addressed in the budget. Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to
have the opportunity to evaluate the City Manager. Human Resources Director Carnicella
suggested they do individual evaluations and decide on the salary so that some amount of money
can be placed in the budget if they should decide to raise his salary. Commissioner Hood said
we can place money in the budget for that purpose, but he should get the COLA and Merit as
well. Commissioner Keller agreed with Commissioner Johnson that we should add money in
the budget to allow an increase of up to $125,000 for the City Manager's salary. Commissioner
Hood said he feels we should do this at a workshop and be in the right forum. Mayor
Vandergrift agreed, but said we can go ahead and place money in the budget for an increase up
to $15,000. Commissioner Anderson confirmed that his COLA money is already in the budget.
Mayor Vanderarift said we have a consensus up to $15.000 beina placed in the
budaet to consider a raise in the City Manaaer's salary.
Commissioner Anderson asked if the ALS Training position is in the budget, and Chief Firstner
advised that has been placed in the budget.
Commissioner Hood said he had other issues to discuss, regarding eliminating some key
positions, but he will discuss it with the City Manager first.
Finance Director Horton said the changes made in the workshops would bring the millage rate
to 4.7310, with $141.755 being cut from the proposed budget.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
City of Ocoee
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S. Scott Vandergrift, Nf yor
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