HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-89 \.., MINUTES OF THE REGULAR OCOEE CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD OCTOBER 17, 1989 The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order at 7: 32 p.m. by Mayor Ison in the Commission Chambers. Commissioner Dabbs led in the prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the flag. PRESENT: Mayor Ison, Commissioners Combs, Dabbs, Hager and Johnson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Assistant City Attorney Woodson, City Engineer Shira and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None CONSENT AGENDA The proposed Consent Agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D and E. A. Acceptance and Approval of Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of October 3, 1989. B. Burnden Park - Acceptance and Approval of Final Engineering Plans. C. Temple Grove - Acceptance and Approval of Final Engineering Plans. D. Sil ver Glen - Acceptance and Approval of Final Engineering Plans. E. Plantation Grove West - Acceptance and Approval of Final Engineering Plans. ~ Commissioner Combs moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A, B, C, D and E. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hager and carried with a unanimous vote in favor. ~OMMENTS FROM_CITIZENS/PUBLIG. Maggie Kerns explained that she was interested in obtaining copies of items on the Consent Agenda. She was having difficulty because she works and cannot get to City Hall during regular office hours. She had asked someone to obtain a copy of the Consent Agenda for her and she received the sheet of the Agenda listing the Consent Agenda items. She inquired of the Commission just how she or any one could be intelligently informed about these matters without being able to obtain and study them. Mayor Ison explained the Consent Agenda and how it works. City Manager Shapiro explained that the items on the Agenda are available to read from 8:30 to 4:30 every day in the City Clerk's office. ....... R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, wants to see Clark Road four laned immediately. He got the impression at a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting that it will be two laned at the onset. City Manager Shapiro explained that the right-of-way for four lanes will be acquired immediately, however, with a $4,000,000.00 price tag it is a problem raising the funds necessary. He also stated that you do not put in four lane roads until they are needed. It will take 4500 built units in that area to justify a four lane road. The time for this construction is projected at 5 to 7 years. \... Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Session October 17, 1989 DEVELOP~RS PUBLIC HEARING - SPRING LAKE -PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLANS Planning Director Behrens explained the proposed subdivision is located on the south side of A.D. Mims Road at the proposed intersection of Clark Road. It consists of approximately 127 acres and the zoning is R-3. The developer is proposing to build 336 single family homes on the site. Water and sewer would be provided by the City. Planning staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Engineering Plan subject to: compensating storage calculations should be submitted during the final engineering plan review; the existing 12" force main shall be relocated outside of the stormwater retention and lot areas and a 15' wide utility easement shall be dedicated to the city, and the developer shall provide right turn decelerating lanes at the intersection of streets A and B with Clark Road. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the Preliminary Plans for Spring Lake subject to the same condi tions and the P & Z Commission also recommends that serious consideration should be given to four laning Clark Road immediately. Mr. Steve Fieldman, representing the developers of Spring Lake, stated that tonight he was informed of a possible problem with the ........ left property line. If after a ti tIe search, the problem does exist, it could be easily corrected by moving only the tennis courts on the property. Mr. Shapiro expressed the opinion that something like this should not get to the Commission without having knowledge of it. This could be corrected in the Final Engineering Plans. Mr. Bill Stuber, Engineer for this project, noted that several of the conditions offered by the Planning and Zoning Commission have already been addressed, and the rest will be corrected before Final Engineering Plans are completed. Mr. Herb Sigvartsen, Vice President of Southern Capital Corp., P. o. Box 1035, Merritt Island, Florida 32952, brought a map and called attention to the fact that some property changes had been made. It is clear there was a trade and whether or not the western boundary is correct is a question. Mr. Shapiro explained that this title problem would be resolved before Final Engineering Plans are approved. The public hearing was opened. Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked if all the lots will be 7000 square feet. This is zoned R-3 and the developer is exceeding R-3 requirements. He was told this is not a PUD zoning. The public hearing was closed. ....,. Commissioner Combs moved to approve the project subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report, with the understanding that Mr. Fieldman will do some title work to verify that the title is clear. Motion seconded by Commissioner Dabbs, carried unanimously. '-' Page 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Session October 17, 1989 '-' OTHER BUS~NESS. MAGUIRE ROAD STUDY - PEC Mr. Bob Campbell of PEC asked for conceptual approval of their work on the Maguire Road Study. Mr. Campbell thanked the landowners south of SR 50 for their cooperation in this study. He gave a brief description of the map. He reviewed what the current land use is and what has been proposed. In addition to commercial uses, the zoning and planning provides for 2,393 single family homes, 1,485 Multi-family units in the area accessing Maguire Road. South of the study area, there are about 21,000 people residing. In 2010, a 100% increase is expected. South of SR 50, 8,500 vehicles per day are being served and south of the Turnpike, 7,100 are being served. 70% of P. M. peak traffic is northbound, and A.M. is about the same. PEC inferred from these statistics that this road serves as a commuter route to Ocoee and Winter Garden residences. The results of another survey showed 57,000 trips per day on Robison Road, south of the Turnpike and Maguire Road area. Maguire Road is now only two lanes and the conclusion of the studies indicate it should be four travel lanes, two in each direction to provide a proper level of service. There has been a meeting with the landowners in the area and all endorsed this concept. The concept has also been presented to Orange County and Turnpike officials with reasonable results. Ed Addicks, also of PEC, presented the proposed Maguire Road with 100 feet right-of-way, four lane divided road. Mr. Addicks detailed his portion of the proposal. Total costs, including right-of-way acquisitions, engineering and construction would be $5,600,000.00. Mayor Ison commended both men on their presentation and summary. In answer to a question from Attorney Woodson, Mr. Campbell pointed out that this study would allow Maguire Road to be within the scope of the impact fees, since the need is now proven. Attorney Woodson recommended an amendment to the traffic impact fee study. Upon motion of Commissioner Dabbs to presentation on Maguire Road made by PEC for a jOb well done, Commissioner Johnson was carried unanimously. approve the conceptual and to commend the firm seconded, and the motion DEDICATION OF BALLFIELDS TO DESERVING CITIZENS - Jim Beech ...... Mr. Beech called the attention of the Commission to over fifteen years of unrelenting labor in public service of Sheri and Junior Wise. They head the Pop Warner program for the City. Mr. Beech suggested the field be called "Ci ty of Ocoee Bulldog Field, dedicated to Sheri and Junior Wise" for the effort they have made to keep this program growing. Mr. Beech also suggested that the small strip of pavement by the Water Department be called "Wise Alley". Mr. Beech invi ted the Commission to the Homecoming. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Dabbs, moved that Page 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Session ~ October 17, 1989 ~ ...,. the ballfield will be known as "City of Ocoee Bulldog Field, Dedicated to Sheri and Junior Wise" and the pavement running to the Water Department will be known as "Wise Alley", all to be formally announced at the Homecoming on November 4. The motion was carried unanimously. P & Z REPLACEMENTS APPOINTED DUE TO TOMMY BREEZE'S RESIGNATION Planning and Zoning Commission-(Alternate) Term Expires Feb., 1990 Commissioner Johnson pointed out some confusion on placement on the Board of Adjustment and the Planning and Zoning Commission. As a citizen had been appointed some time ago but due to clerk error had not been notified it seemed appropriate to determine which board that citizen cared to serve on before this appointment is made. It was suggested that the appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission be delayed until the first regular meeting in November. Commissioner Combs will check with Mr. Wix to see if he is interested in serving. Citizen's Advisory Board Commissioner Johnson moved to appoint Ouida Meeks to the Citizen's Advisory Board. Commissioner Hager seconded and the motion carried unanimously. REVIEW OF ATTORNEYS FOR BOARDS City Manager Shapiro reported that there is only one other hired counsel for the City, who is Ike Cool, working for the Code Enforcement Board. Commissioner Dabbs asked if the committees formed tonight and others in existence needed legal counsel. Mr. Shapiro expressed his opinion that the Board of Adjustment should have an attorney available, Code Enforcement Board needs an attorney and/or prosecutor, an attorney probably should be at least available to the Planning and Zoning Commission and to the L.P.A.(this could be City Attorney). Mayor Ison asked the City Manager to make a formal recommendation to the Commission regarding what boards should have legal counsel. He called attention to the fact that there are now a number of Attorneys living in the City who might be considered for these positions. Mr.Shapiro will make recommendations and will authorize the procedures for acquiring counsel. This will be ready for next meeting. STAFF REPORTS None. COMMENTS FR~.L COMMI S S IOlfERS Mayor Ison, with his term expiring, was first to make comments tonight. He asked Commissioner Hager to ]Oln him at the microphone. He presented a collection of pictures made during the Commissioner's terms that highlighted special occasions. Commissioner Hager responded that the last few years Ocoee has had the best Commissions ever and he has seen it grow from a town where people could not get a mortgage on a piece of property to the way it is now - good. He enjoyed his service to the City and he has no regrets about his service. To the Mayor and Commissioners, they ,-". Page 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Session October 17, 1989 have been great to him and he has had confidence in each one of them. Even though there was disagreement, they also left the meeting as friends. He recommended that Commissioners should not get "mad" as that never accomplished anything. To the Mayor he expressed special appreciation. He urged the Commission to never forget the senior citizens. Commissioner Combs announced the Kiwanis Golf Tournament on October 29. March of Dimes Walk America will be meeting on November 13, and they are starting early. He directed some special remarks to the candidates in the audience, wishing them all luck and those who did not win in the election to keep up serving the community. Commissioner Dabbs commended the Mayor for the outstanding job he has done. He also was impressed with the evidence of public participation here tonight. He commended the staff and the Commission for selection of plan review people who are doing job in timely manner. He would like to see Wesmere and the other recent annexations have an Ocoee address and he urged City Manager Shapiro to pursue this issue. He was told the Post Master has rejected the change. Commissioner Dabbs asked that a mayor pro tem be appointed tonight. ~ He has held the position and is resigning November 7. Commissioner Hager moved to appoint the Senior Commissioner, Rusty Johnson, Mayor pro tem. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Combs and carried unanimously. Commissioner Johnson said that he will miss Commissioner Hager and his great sense of humor. Mayor Ison announced that the next meeting of the Commission will be at the Woman's Club due to the Community Center being used as a polling place. He announced the meeting of Canvassing Board. Commissioner Johnson clarified his point on participation in City activities made earlier saying there are more ways of participating than just attending Commission Meeting. ADJOURNME~ The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Approved: ~ Thomas R. Ison, Mayor A.."~l\()" '-~ \ 2- l-'\ \