HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-21-89 ....., ......., CITY OF OCOEE ..~. Cf).,. .,1\'" ,t~ ! '\ ! ~~JIe ~ j "\ :r~lt ~ l .. . 'Cf:>tn....,.... BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS it NtnY. BC) a&jcu-,u~ ~ g : % prY) -lcOEE COMMUNITY CENTER OCOEE A "ICENHNNIAl COMMUNITY AGENDA November 21, 1989 REGULAR CITY CCl'1MISSION MEETING NOTE: Poll Citizens for Comments/Agenda 7:30 p.m. I. CALL 'TO ORDER - MAYOR DABBS A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call and Detennination of Quorum II. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAl'1ATIONS A. Boy Scout Troop 198, Request to do Corrmunity Service III. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed Under item Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board of City Corrrnissioners and will be acted upon by one notion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless discussion is desired by any citizen or rrember of the Corrmission, in which case the Mayor will instruct the City Clerk to renove that item fran the Consent Agenda and such item will be considered separately. A. Acceptance and Approval of Corrmission Regular Meeting Minutes of November 7, 1989 B. Acceptance and Approval of Canvassing Board Minutes of November 8, 1989 C. Candlewood Shores subdivision - Final Engineering Plan D. Wesrrere subdivision - Final Engineering Plan E. Assignrrent of Agreerrent fran Za1 F. Assignment of Agreement for Residential Camuni ties of Arrerica and C. Wayne Atwood G. Assignment of Developer's Agreement - Lake Olyrrpia Club H. ASsignment of Developer's Agreerrent - DABI, Inc. !( I I IV. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC V. NEW BUSINESS - FIRST READINGS A. lst Reading, Ordinance No. 89-45, Arrending Developrrent Review Fee Ordinance B. lst Reading, Ordinance No. 89-46, Establishing Boating Regulations C. lst Reading, Ordinance No. 89-47, Establishing a Fire Irrpact Fee D. lst Reading, Ordinance No. 89-48, Heller Bros. Groves Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning (Case No. 2-1CR-89:HELLER) E. lst Reading, Ordinance No. 89-49, Heller Bros. Groves Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning (Case No. 2-2CR-89:HELLER) F. lst Reading, Ordinance No. 89-50, Francis P. McGehee and Caroline P. Brown Annexation (Case No. 2-4ACR-89:BRCWN) NOTICE: Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting will need a record of the 'proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. ~ ~ ~ Page 2 November 21, 1989 City Commission Meeting Agenda G. lst Reading, Ordinance No. 89-5l, Francis P. McGehee and Caroline P. Brown Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning (Case No. 2-4ACR-89:BRavN) H. 1st Reading, Ordinance No. 89-52, Edna Louise Bowers Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning (Case No. 2-5CR-89:FMB DEV) 1. 1st Reading, Ordinance No. 89-53, Thanas C. Feeney, III, Darrell R. Julian, Carl R. Julian Annexation (Case No. 2-6ACR-89 :MIZO) J. lst Reading, Ordinance No. 89-54, Thanas C. Feeney, III, Darrell R. Julian, Carl R. Julian Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning (Case No. 2-6ACR-89:MIZO) VI . SECOND READH>K;S - PUBLIC HEARIj\.[;S A. 2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 89-43, Code Enforce.rrent Board Revision B. 2nd Reading - Ordinance No. 89-44, Personnel Rules and Regulations VII. OIHER BUSINESS A. Resolution No. 89-l5, Zeroing All Accounts for Fiscal Year 88/89 VIII. CCMMENTS FRCM CCM1ISSIONERS IX. ADJOlJRNl.1ENT