HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-19-89 WS '-" '-" ~ MINUTES OF THE OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS WORKSHOP SESSION HELD DECEMBER 19, 1989 The Joint Workshop of the Ocoee Ci ty Commission, Planning and Zoning Commission and Citizens' Advisory Board on Traffic Infrastructure was called to order by Mayor Dabbs at 6:34 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Present: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson and Woodson. Citizen Committee Members Bateman, Weeks, Carroll, Linebarier, Switzer, Turner, Kathy Woodson, Beatty, Madelyn Shagner and Dale Covino. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Planner Claman and City Clerk Grafton. Planner Claman announced that this meeting is an open forum, no motions, just conversation. Mayor Dabbs asked for comments on the materials supplied to the committee. Mr. Bateman: This committee has had an organizational meeting and tried to call a second meeting, but did not have a quorum. The next meeting is scheduled for January 4. Planner Claman: The materials need to be submitted to the state by January 1, 1991. In addition to traffic and infrastructure elements needed for the future, the concerns of citizens are necessary to make this commi ttee function and to produce a worthwhile final product. Mr. Weeks: Overall plan needs to be developed to promote traffic circulation in an orderly manner. Wurst Road needs to be extended through to Highway 437 because there is a choke point at Bluford Avenue and Silver Star Road that needs relief. Commissioner Combs: Much of the material in the report he received is based on 1985 numbers and certainly does not reflect current conditions. Mr. Linebarier: Stated that this problem had been reviewed in the Planning and Zoning Commission. The committee will base their planning on 4 basic premises: 1. 1990 census figures for population will be used. 2. Silver Star Road needs to be four lanes. 3. The western by-pass will be in. 4. Clark Road would be completed to Clarcona/Ocoee Road. If any of the 4 factors changes, the whole plan will deteriorate. Commissioner Combs: Clark Road should be a four lane road, but finances are not available. How it will be done is still the question. City Manager Shapiro: Construction of Clark Road with four lanes is financially not feasible at this time. The County has stated that if the Ci ty would construct two lanes, the County would consider the additional two lanes in their capital improvement program. Four lanes will not be necessary until the 4500 homes are built in that area. He really believes the two lanes will satisfy all needs for two or three years and if the County capitalizes it in that time, everything will be fine. Mr. Turner: With the talk of extending Wurst Road to Highway 437, has thought been given to Bluford four laning? It seems that could '-- ~ ~ Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Workshop Session December 19, 1989 carry much of the traffic that Wurst Road would support. Commissioner Combs: He has been interested in Bluford/McKey for all his time on the commission. The report he was given stated Bluford and McKey did not even warrant a traffic light. The comment was made that Planning and Zoning has talked to Developers in terms of four laning in their area and most of them have agreed to do it. City Manager Shapiro: Developers will do that if they are given impact fee credit. That is the problem - it costs money. The additional lanes will not cost that much later since the original design package will make drainage and curb provisions. Mayor Dabbs: Same old story, unlimited needs and limited funding. Ci ty Manager Shapiro: Stated he will be recommending to the Commission in January that no developers be allowed credit for anything. He thinks it is time that all infrastructure from this time forth be done by the Developer at 100% or don't develop. Mr. Mohnacky: Likes what he is hearing. How much more will it cost to change two lanes to four? City Manager Shapiro: The cost is about double. Mr. Weeks: One intersection under discussion is Bluford and White Road. It is not in the plan for drainage and signalization. It is in the City's Capital Improvement Program so it is going to be done. The plan was done in 1988 and the City itemized its improvements in 1989. Commissioner Combs: Would like the person from PEC who prepared the document to be at the January 4 meeting. Bob Campbell is a part of the committee and will be there. Mr. Bateman: Reported on some traffic experiments he personally conducted. He feels Bowness Road is not doing the job it was planned for and other roads are carrying the major load of traffic. He feels that Clark Road is the answer. City Manager Shapiro: Contractors are anxious to get Clark Road going. The County has passed a Resolution stating they will assist in condemnations along the right-of-way. Mr. Bateman: Wondered what can be done to convince people to use alternate routes that would be faster. Planner Claman: Reported that DOT has placed Bluford on their constraint facilities list which means it will not be expanded to four lanes. Mayor Dabbs: Many good points were brought up and he likes what he has heard. He also likes the plan's provision for bikers and pedestrians. What bothers him is the $14,700,000.00 City Developer Costs, and impact fees fund only $5,900,000.00. The real problem is the difference. Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element (Infrastructure) Mr.Linebarier: He expressed concern for the City's schedule for recyclables. Timing was not determined, and the materials were not defined. How it was going to be done, who was going to do it and what it would cost were also unknown. He stressed that future sewerage facilities should be routed to those areas where major commercial development is scheduled, i. e. western corridor of beltway. \.. Page 3 Ocoee City Commission Workshop Session December 19, 1989 ~ Mr Beatty: Has a problem with data not being tied together. The population growth rates are tied to sewer flow rate, this would apply only if the whole population were on sewer. The data appears to be rather scattered with no common basis for figures. A concrete plan should be based on consistent data. Mayor Dabbs: The data will have to be updated so that it will be timely. Planner Claman: The population projections are based on historic trends and mathematical data. The traffic circulation figures are based on traffic zone data from the Regional Planing Council because the city and surrounding areas must be considered as one whole unit. Mr. Mohnacky: Suggested the City should put in lines now for gray water in the new developments. Mayor Dabbs: Pointed out all the problems inherent in his suggestions. Costs, higher level of treatment necessary, and who places lines. Mr. Switzer: This gray water was discussed at a meeting recently at the Holiday Inn. It was related to the northwest quadrant and it was suggested that gray water usage might be considered at the time of development. Mr. Beatty: Repeated his complaint about the inconsistency in data produced and cited several examples. He suggested that building on erroneous data will only complicate matters in the future. Commissioner Combs: Stated that when Bob Campbell came to the January 4 meeting, he hoped some of these things could be ironed out. Danny Beasly, 1404 Kirby, reported that he had no water pressure when he is watering his yard. He has a petition signed by 13 people in his neighborhood which he left with the mayor. Mayor Dabbs told him that by March, 1990 his problem would be solved. They also need fire hydrants. Mr. Linebarier: The same water problem exists on Center Street. The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 p.m. Approved: Attest: ~