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The regularly scheduled
Commissioners was called
the commission chambers.
the pledge of allegiance.
meeting of the Ocoee Board of City
to order at 7:38 p.m. by Mayor Dabbs in
Commissioner Foster led in prayer and
PRESBNT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson and
Woodson, City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City
Engineer Shira, City Planning Director Behrens, Senior Planner
Harper, Public Works Director Brenner, and City Clerk Grafton
Mr. Mickey Miller, representing the Government Finance Officers
Association of the United States and Canada, presented the
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
to City Finance Director Ivan Poston, explaining that this is the
highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting
and financial reporting.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, and D.
Commissioner Woodson asked that item B be pulled.
~ Accentance and Annroval of Commission ReGular Meeting
Minutes of December ~ 1989.
~ Authorization to Draw YR Ordinance EstablishinG a
Beginning Date and Change the EndinG Date for Candidate
Qualifvina Period for Reaular Elections
~ Establish Date of November 20, 1990 for 1990 Run-off
Election. it Needed
Commissioner Combs, seconded
approve the consent agenda as
unanimous vote in favor.
by Commissioner Foster, moved
presented. Motion carried
~ Annroval of Renewal for Security Trailer Permit. W.L. Tucker.
303 Enternrise Street. After clarifying that this is the only
security trailer on industrial property, that this action is not
establishing a precedent, and that this is the appropriate time to
request the required yearly renewal, Commissioner Woodson moved to
approve the request. Commissioner Johnson seconded and motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Mr. Dennis Phipps, P.O. Box 550, Clarcona,
supporting the City of Winter Park's resolution
redistricting, Orange County consider keeping
single Orange County Commission district.
spoke in favor of
proposing that, in
cities within one
Page 2
Ocoee City Commission Meeting Minutes
December 19, 1989
LaKenDon Co..ercial Subdivision-Preliminary Engineering
Staff's recommendation is to approve the plan as presented with
two (2) conditions: (1) LaKenDon will go through a flood study to
determine the 100 year elevation of this property during final
design, and that study will be the basis for all compensating
storage calculations; (2) This development will connect to the
sanitary sewer system through the Town Square Mall (Wal-Mart
Shopping Center). Determination of who has the responsibility for
the maintenance of the sanitary sewer system behind Wal-Mart will
be made prior to Final Engineering. Mr. Charlie True, Engineer
for LaKenDon, stated that he concurs with staff. The public
hearing was opened. As there was no one wishing to speak, the
hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner
Combs, moved to approve the plan with the two conditions noted
above. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner
Foster "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," Commissioner Woodson
"Aye," Mayor Dabbs "Aye." Motion carried.
Westlake Phase III-Preliminary Bngineering
Staff recommendation is to approve as presented, noting that there
are three minor points to be addressed at Final Engineering: (1)
The 20' utility easement between Lots 23 & 24 must extend to the
Lift Station; (2) The proposed gravity sewer along Seminole Street
shall be a minimum of 7.5' south of the north easement line; (3)
When driveways are constructed along Blackwood Avenue and Seminole
Street, provisions must be made to maintain the proposed drainage
patterns. Mr. Don Tooley, LeCesse, 1412 W. Colonial Drive,
Orlando, said that he is not looking for any contingencies, that
he will play by the City's rules this time. The public hearing was
opened. Mr. Ted DeWitt, P. O. Box 337, Winter Garden, asked that
Commissioners defer approval of the plan as he has done off-site
sewer work on Westlake for which he has not been paid. Mr. DeWitt
noted also that there were seven other sub-contractors who have
not been paid. Mr. Tooley said that the project must reach a
certain level of completion before he can pay those contractors
and that he is working with City staff to reach that point. Mr.
Tooley said also that he has not received notice of non-payment
from any of those contractors. City Attorney Rosenthal advised
that for the purposes before Commission tonight the issue raised
by Mr. DeWitt would not be a basis for deferral. There was no
further public comment and the hearing was closed. City Manager
Shapiro stated that non-payment is a concern and that City staff
will provide the documents necessary for contractors to make the
situation known to the D.C.R.. Commissioner Johnson said, and the
rest of the Commissioners concurred, that the houses should be
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 19, 1989
1200 sq. ft. minimum. Mr. Tooley said that he had planned to have
1800 sq. ft. minimum. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by
Commissioner Woodson, moved to approve the preliminary plan with
the three conditions stated above and with 1200 sq. ft. minimum.
On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Foster
"Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," Commissioner Woodson "Aye,"
Mayor Dabbs "Aye." Motion carried.
prairie Oaks Small Subdivision-Preliminary Engineering
Staff recommendation is to approve the plan including the waivers
requested by developer with the exception of the sidewalk on
A.D.Mims Road. The requested waivers are: the sidewalk on A.D.Mims
Road, on the west side of Prairie Court and around the cul-de-sac,
and reduce cul-de-sac radius from 55 feet to 50 feet, keeping the
paved turn-around radius at the required 45 feet. The public
hearing was opened. Mr. Bldon Ward, developer, advised that Fire
Inspector Coschignano had said that the 45 foot paved radius with
a 50 foot cul-de-sac would accommodate the fire trucks. Mr. R.P.
Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., mentioned that consideration
should be made for A.D.Mims Road being widened. Staff response was
that it would not make a difference. The hearing was closed. The
Planning and Zoning Board recommendation was: (1) The Board of
Adjustment should review the question of the radius of the cul-de-
sac, (2) The developer be required to put sidewalk in on the north
side of A.D.Mims Road across the entire frontage of his property
per the staff report, (3) Delete the requirement for a sidewalk
going westerly around the cul-de-sac and then south back to
A.D.Mims Road from the north property line of Lot '7. City
Attorney Rosenthal suggested that it would be possible to approve
the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board with the
exception that the issue of the radius of the cul-de-sac be in
accordance with Code. Commissioner Combs, seconded by
Commissioner Foster, moved to approve as stated by City Attorney
Rosenthal. A question was raised regarding item 3 of the Planning
and Zoning Board recommendation and Commissioner Combs determined
that he wished to amend his motion so that item 3 must be
according to Code as well. Commmissioner Foster seconded the
amendment. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that, as both had
agreed on the amendment, it was necessary to vote only on the
amended version of the motion. Motion carried with unanimous vote
in favor. Mr. Ward asked what he should do now and City Attorney
Rosenthal stated that he should get an application at City Hall
and go before the Board of Adjustment.
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Ocoee City co..i.sion Regular Meeting
December 19, 1989
Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to
postpone the scheduled second readings and public hearings of the
following ordinances until January 2, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. and motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor:
1. Ordinance No. 89-48, Case No. 2-1CR-89:HELLER-
Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning
2. Ordinance No. 89-49, Case No. 2-2CR-89:HELLER-
Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning
3. Ordinance No. 89-50, Case No. 2-4ACR-89:BROWN-Annexation
4. Ordinance No. 89-51, Case No. 2-4ACR-89:BROWN-
Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning
5. Ordinance No. 89-52, Case No. 2-5CR-89:FHB DEV-
Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning
6. Ordinance No. 89-53, Case No. 2-6ACR-89:MIZO-Annexation
7. Ordinance No. 89-54, Case No. 2-6ACR-89:MIZO-
Comprehensive Plan/Rezoning
RBCBSS 8:44 P.M. TO 8:53 P.M.
Ordinance No. 89-45, Amending Development Review Fee.
The ordinance was read by title only. The public hearing was
opened. No one wished to speak and so the hearing was closed.
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to
adopt the ordinance. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye,
Commissioner Foster "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye,"
Commissioner Woodson "Aye," and Mayor Dabbs "Aye." Motion
Ordinance No. 89-55, An Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance
Establishing Side Setback Requirement. for Corner Lots in Single
Family Subdivision..
The ordinance was read by title only. Planning Director Behrens
asked permission to read the staff report for the record:
'ISSUE Should the City Commission approve a change in the City
Zoning Code which would allow 15 foot setbacks (instead of the now
required 25 foot setbacks) on corner lots in single family
BACKGROUND The Ocoee City Code requires that corner lots in single
family subdivisions have a 25 foot building setback from local
street rights of way. (See City Zoning Code, Page 19, Chapter 3,
Section 3(7), Open Space, "on any corner lot, the applicable front
yard setback shall apply to both street frontages.) The applicable
front yard setback is 30 feet in R-1-AAA districts and 25 feet in
R-1-AA, R-1-A, and R-1 districts.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 19, 1989
DISCUSSION On October 10, 189 I brought to your attention a
situation that exists in the Hammocks subdivision concerning side
setbacks on corner lots in residential subdivisions. (See
attached letters from Mr. Rick Neal and Mr. Jeffrey McElyea.)
Research revealed that both Orange County and the City of Orlando
require that structures have a fifteen (15) foot side yard setback
from a side street lot line. (See attached letters from Mr. Ed
Williams, Director of Planning, Orange County, Florida, and Mr.
Mark Platts, Senior Planner, City of Orlando.)
We have since received a letter from Mr. Eric Schrader, (Manager
in charge of Product Development with the Arvida Company), which
describes the situation that Arvida has with their development in
Wesmere on Maguire Road. (See attached letter from Mr. Eric
STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff respectfully recommends that the Ocoee
City Code (see Zoning Code, Page 19, Chapter 3, Section 3, Open
Space (7), be changed to read: "In all residential districts, no
structure shall be erected closer than fifteen (15) feet from a
side street lot line or any intersecting street right-of-way. The
side of the lot with the greater dimension is the street side
Zoning Commission recommended approval of the amendment by a vote
of 4-3.' Here ends the staff report.
The public hearing was opened. The following citizens spoke
against the change: Mr. Harold Switzer, 609 E. Lakeshore Dr., Mr.
R.P. MOhnacky, 1820 prairie Lake Blvd, Bruce Beatty, 311 Hormigas
St., Vern Nielson, 603 E. Lakeshore Dr., Jim Wortham, 104 Miller
Ct.. Speaking for the change were: Robert Hanson, 671 Black Hawk,
Lake Mary, Tom Page, Arvida. Mrs. Bruni Massa, 611 E. Lakeshore
Dr., Steve Mellich, 851 Trafalgar Ct., Maitland, said that it's
not the setback, but the landscaping that causes the problem. The
public hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs, seconded by
Mayor pro tem Johnson, moved to not approve the ordinance. On roll
call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Foster "Aye,"
Commissioner Johnson "Aye," Commissioner.) Woodson ."Aye," Mayor
Dabbs "Nay." Motion carried with 4-1 vote. /.,..(~ ~
Ordinance No. 89-56, An Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance
Providing for Landscape Screening-Buffer Requirements for Small
The ordinance was read by title only. Staff recommends amending
Appendix B, Subdivision Code Requirements for Builders, Article 7,
Improvements, Section 7.6 Landscape or Screening Buffers,
Subsection 7.6.1 Screening Requirements to read: "A form of
screening shall be provided to separate residetial subdivisions
Page 6
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 19, 1989
from abutting arterial or external collector streets when there
are more than two side or rear yards abutting an arterial or
collector street." The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended
approval of the amendment by a vote of 5-2. The public hearing was
opened. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky asked how small is small and City
Planning Director Behrens explained that on a cul-de-sac it would
not be necessary but on an arterial road a screen would be
necessary. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs,
seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to approve the ordinance.
On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Foster
"Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye," Commissioner Woodson "Aye,"
Mayor Dabbs "Aye." Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 89-57, An Amendment to Chapter 22 of the City Code
Relating to the Bstablishment of a Maximum Sewer Rate in the
Schedule of Monthly Rates for Sewer Service
The ordinance was read by title only. City Engineer Shira
explained that the experience from one month's billing had shown
that more citizens were using irrigation water than had been
originally anticipated and that a cap to the sewer charge at
12,000 gallons would be appropriate. The public hearing was
opened. Mr. Jim Wortham, 104 Miller Ct., spoke against the high
cap and suggested capping at 10,000 gallons. Mr. Vern Nielson,
603 E. Lakeshore Dr., asked Commission to consider rebating
retroactive to October 1 when the rates went up. City Manager
Shapiro had already advised that there would be a rebate through
the billing system, but that it would take up to 90 days to show
up on the water/sewer bills because of the billing cycle.
RECBSS 9:52 P.M. TO 9:57 P.M.
Upon reconvening, City Attorney Rosenthal stated that the
ordinance should be amended as follows: Prior to the paragraph
titled Effective ~ insert 'Section 4. The schedule of monthly
rates and charges for water and sewer service set forth in Section
2 of this Ordinance shall apply retroactive to October 1, 1989.
The method of crediting utility customer accounts shall be
administratively determined by the City Manager.' and
additionally, Section 7 should be 'Section 5 Effective Date. This
Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and
adoption.' Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Johnson,
moved to amend the ordinance as stated. On roll call Commissioner
Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Foster "Aye," Commissioner Johnson
"Aye," Commissioner Wooson "Aye," and Mayor Dabbs "Aye." Motion
carried. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Woodson,
moved to adopt the ordinance as amended. On roll call
......... Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Foster "Aye,"
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Ocoee City co..ission Regular Meeting
December 19, 1989
Commissioner Johnson "Aye," Commissioner Woodson "Aye," and Mayor
Dabbs "Aye." Motion carried. City Manager Shapiro stated that he
has administratively advised that those citizens who have high
utility bills as a result of the sewer charges in excess of 12,000
gallons will not have their service discontinued as a result of
the high bill.
WATBR AND SBWBR LOAN OR BOND ISSUE (Taken out of agenda order)
Mr. Gordon Arkin, Foley & Lardner, presented the agreement with
Barnett Bank for the Water and Sewer Bond Issue and explained that
it contains two options: option 11- 66.7% of Barnett Banks, Inc.
Prime Rate, adjusted on the date of any rate change. (The rate is
currently 7.00%), and Option 12- 7.05% fixed until maturity.
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to
accept Option 12 with Barnett Bank. On roll call Commissioner
Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Foster "Aye," Commissioner Johnson
"Aye," Commissioner Woodson "Aye," and Mayor Dabbs "Aye." Motion
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to
hold a public hearing regarding the Bond Issue at 10:00 a.m. on
December 26, 1989 in the conference room of City Hall. On roll
call Commissioner Combs voted "Aye," Commissioner Foster "Aye,"
Commissioner Johnson "Aye," Commissioner Woodson "Aye," and Mayor
Dabbs "Aye." Motion carried. City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out
that this complies with the new Charter Article II, Section 7.
City Manager Shapiro stated for the record that at no time will an
expenditure over $5,000 be made without Commission action.
City Attorney Rosenthal noticed that there was not a space for the
date on the proposed Investment Banking Agreement and suggested
inserting today's date. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by
Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the proposed Investment
Banking Agreement between the City of Ocoee and Wm. R. Hough & Co.
as distributed under Item 7 B 3, authorizing execution thereof by
the Mayor and City Clerk. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted
"Aye," Commissioner Foster "Aye," Commissioner Johnson "Aye,"
Commissioner Woodson "Aye," and Mayor Dabbs "Aye." Motion carried.
Mr. Bob Campbell, P.E.C., 200 E. Robinson St., Orlando, explained
that the study had been submitted six weeks ago and was accepted
with the exception of Section 6, titled Funding Mechanisms. City
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 19, 1989
Engineer Shira recommends approval of the Maguire Road Corridor
Study dated November 29, 1989 and certified by Mr. Robert Campbell
on November 30, 1989. Commissioner Combs, seconded by
Commissioner Foster, moved to approve the study as recommended by
City Engineer Shira in the memo dated December 13, 1989. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Staff recommends a revision of the fees in Ordinance 89-02, Road
Impact Fee Ordinance. Commissioner Foster, seconded by
Commissioner Combs, moved to direct staff to prepare a revision to
Ordinance 89-02 that will revise the fee schedule. Motion carried
with unanimous vote in favor.
Commissioner Johnson moved to reappoint Robert Imes to the Code
Enforcement Board for another term. Commissioner Combs seconded
and motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
City Manager Shapiro stated that he will report on the Animal
Control Program at the next meeting.
City Attorney Rosenthal reported that today the City was served
with a lawsuit, Ronald Stucki vs City of Ocoee and Russ Wagner,
alledging violations of the 5th and 14th Amendment, Title 42 of
United States Code, Sections 1983 and 1988, and he will prepare a
response and defend.
Commissioner Woodson reported that he has received complaints
regarding a car parked on the curb on Sullivan Street which causes
neighbors to not be able to turn into their driveway.
Commissioner Foster thanked Santa for the candy he delivered to
Mayor Dabbs early in the meeting, as Mayor Dabbs did share a small
portion of it.
Commissioner Combs wished all a Merry Christmas
everyone to drive safely.
and cautioned
Commissioner Johnson wished all a Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year and thanked the employees for a good City party.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 19, 1989
Mayor Dabbs expressed his appreciation to the party planners and
noted that it was especially nice that the party was done without
City funds. Mayor Dabbs announced that Christmas dinner, provided
by Plantation Sysco, will be served to the less fortunate in the
City on Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the community
Commissioner Woodson announced that the Lions Club is
Christmas baskets and trees and if anyone knows of a needy
they should contact him at 656-3954.
Commissioner Johnson noted that the community center needs
refurbishing and City Manager Shapiro advised that a comprehensive
overview of the job will be ready for the next meeting. Maor
Dabbs noted that outside restrooms are needed also.
Meeting adjourned at 10.54 p.m.