HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13a Oak Trail Reserve Planned Unit Development (PUD) ()cope Ilorida AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 19, 2016 Item # 1tb Q. Reviewed By: 40#0,Contact Name: J. Antonio Fabre, AICP Department Director: Contact Number: 407-905-3100/1019 City Manager: 0 • Subject: Oak Trail Reserve PUD — Non-substantial Amendment to the La d Use Plan Project# LS-2007-010 Commission District#4—Joel F. Keller Background/Summary: Oak Trail Reserve PUD is located on the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Clarke Road and Clarcona- Ocoee Road. The subject property is approximately 38.62 acres in size of which approximately 3 acres are designated as wetlands. The subject property is currently undeveloped and is partially covered with trees mostly on the south side and along the eastern boundary of the property. The remainder of the site is open field. The table below references the future land uses, jurisdiction, existing land uses and zoning classifications of the surrounding parcels: Direction: JPA Future Land Use/Jurisdiction Existing Land Use/Zoning North Low Density Residential/Orange County SFR(s)/ "A-1"Agriculture East Low Density Residential/City of Ocoee Vacant(West Orange Trail)/"R-1AA" Single-Family Dwelling South Low Density Residential /City of Ocoee Vacant(West Orange Trail)/"R-1AA" Single-Family Dwelling West Low Density Residential/City of Ocoee SFRs (Arden Park North)r'PUD" Planned Unit Development The Future Land Use designation is "Low Density Residential" which allows up to 4 dwelling units per acre. The surrounding future land use is "Low Density Residential" except for certain portions to the northeast which are designated as "Conservation/Floodplains". On January 19, 2016, the City Commission reviewed and approved the Amended PUD / Land Use Plan for Oak Trail Reserve PUD. The Oak Trail Reserve PUD/Land Use Plan (LUP) was approved for a total of 123 SFR (single-family residential) lots with lots standards of (41) 42.5 feet by 110 feet and (82) 52.5 feet by 120 feet. Subsequently, the developer has proposed to slightly modify the plans to better address the Florida Building Code separation requirements. As a result, residential lots will be reconfigured to be (25) 40 feet by 110 feet and (101) 50 feet by 120 feet. The resulting subdivision will produce three (3) additional residential lots, resulting in a total of 126 SFR. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Non-Substantial Amendment to the Land Use Plan for Oak Trail Reserve PUD? Development Review Committee Recommendation: On April 5, 2016 the Development Review Committee (DRC) met to determine if the proposed Amendment to the PUD Land Use Plan was consistent with the City's regulations and policies. According to the City's Land Development Code, alterations to an approved PUD Land Use Plan shall be classified as either substantial or nonsubstantial by the DRC. The Committee determined that the proposed amendment was considered a nonsubstantial amendment due to the criteria established in the City's Land Development Code. When the discussion was finished, the Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Non-Substantial Amendment to the Oak Trail Reserve PUD/Land Use Plan. Staff Recommendation: Based on the recommendation of the DRC, Staff respectfully recommends that the City Commission approve the Non-Substantial Amendment to the Land Use Plan for Oak Trail Reserve PUD, as date stamped received by the City on March 29, 2016. Attachments: Location Map; Amended Land Use Plan for Oak Trail Reserve PUD Stamped dated March 29,2016. Financial Impact: None. Type of Item : (please mark with an x') Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading K Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda X Commission Approval Discussion&Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. X N/A Reviewed by ( ) N/A Oak Trail Reserve Location Map LFV\C W(1H LLL CD , 1 g MCCORMICK ft ce ...it .4,--Q4,14-, NIMIlwcial• ��*alp��%���1���� �) TROUT LAK: I I —i- 1 TROUT LAKE I III 1/14 em, r tea% liallt LAKE SIMS 1 01111 h,11.111 ,"•froligir ��1011111111'r1�Zr11I oN I'• ,Ott- �����IE u111uuuuu.1u mantilla 7 ... / s1ILAKEADDAHJ�i .iii uunnil1�a!; 41111 [IIIIIII MI d/uuuuuuu.IIIIC 1 rc AI 72' mow__111 .P ti J� .M -,' �, � I�. I A .w. 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