HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-2015 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held December 3, 2015
HRBD meeting was called to order by Chair Calloway at 7:05 pm in Room 109 at Ocoee City Hall located
at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida.
Pledg of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection:
Member Daily led the board in the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag; followed by asking that we each
take a moment for personal reflection plus a moment of silence for the tragedy in California.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum:
Secretary Washington preformed roll call and determined that there was a quorum (7 of 10). In
attendance at the time meeting was called to order and roll call taken were: Chair Calloway, Member
Daily, Member Dawkins, Member Maxwell, Member Crown, Member Briggs, Member Hershaw and
Member Wright. Also present: Al Butler, Director of Support Services. Absent were: Member Foster,
Member Freeman, and Member Ruiz.
Comments from Citizens /Public:
New member Paul Hershaw was introduced. Also present was Alex Grimmond, Vice Chair of World Fest
Budget Report:
Member Wright reported that the Board had a current fund balance of $13,419.04 with an encumbered
amount of $3,075.00 to be paid to Beat Creative for the website for Ocoee World Fest.
Chair Elect:
Member Crown was nominated by Member Maxwell and seconded by Member Briggs. Vote passed
What is an excused absence? Director Butler stated that the by -laws currently says the Board has to
vote on whether an absence is excused or unexcused. Discussion ensued. Director Butter said that he
would approach the CM as to whether or not a resident should attend one meeting prior to becoming a
member. Suggestions: cut off time, illness of yourself or family member, out of town, etc. Secretary
Washington to contact Member Foster regarding her educational commitments and talk to her about
stepping down and being reappointed at a late date.
Member Dawkins made a motion that absences be approved by the board. Seconded by Member
Crown. Vote was unanimous.
The city has received the foundation slab. Public Works will be adding four parking spaces to the site.
They will also be putting together a plan of site improvements. Quality Vaults is willing to relocate the
monument. When the plan is completed Director Butler will bring it to the board for approval.
Ocoee World Fest:
Member Maxwell displayed a new banner; discussion ensued regarding the wording on the banner. It
was decided on removing the "tag" line at the bottom of the banner.
PowerPoint presentation by Member Maxwell.
Director Butler and Member Wright to meet with the City Manager prior to the City Commission
meeting regarding this event. Member Maxwell will email marketing package to Director Butler for
approval by the City Manager. Director Butler stated that only members of HRDB can actually be
fundraisers for the city. Member Dawkins talked about setting up meetings with prospective sponsors.
Director Butler said that HRDB has $10,000,00 for this event but will need at least $50,000.00. The
money will need to be in place prior to signing any contracts, i.e. port-a -lets, entertainment, advertising,
The members of this sub - committee should be part of the HRDB committee and fill out applications for
approval. Volunteers need to go through the screening process if they are going to be part of the event.
The website for this event needs to be done in conjunction with city staff in order to meet public record
requirements and because the contract is between the City and Beat Creative. The City Manager will
need to approve the webpage prior to it going live.
Paul Hershaw made a motion to complete the presentation for approval by the City Manager prior to
taking it before the City Commission. Member Dawkins seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration; Keynote Sneaker:
January 18, 2016. The theme is Celebrating Unity. Information is on the website. Speaker has been
confirmed. Ms. Wright to contact last year's essay contest winner. Next meeting to discuss member
Other Business:
Set Next Agenda:
Chair Calloway, along with input from the board, set the agenda for the next meeting, which will be held
on January 7, 2016, said Agenda was established as listed below:
A. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Personal Reflection
B. Roll Cali and Determination of Quorum
C. Review of Excused Absence(s)
D. Review Agenda for Tonight's Meeting
E. Review of Minutes for December 3, 2015
A. Comments from Citizens /Public
B. Budget Report
C. Cemetery
D. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
E. Ocoee World Fest
F. Essay Contest
G. Set Next Agenda
Chair Calloway declared meeting adjourned at approximately 9:17 pm.
These are the official minutes of the Ocoee Human relations Diversity Board, as accepted by the Board
at a meeting held on the date shown below. Any amendments to the minutes as originally prepared by
the Secretary are indicated above.
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