Chairperson Laney called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairperson Laney led the
invocation and Vice-Chairperson Santana led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the
roll was called, and a quorum was declared.
PRESENT: Member Ball, Chairperson Laney, Vice-Chairperson Santana, Member
Clark, Member Titus, Member Seebeck, Member Hill, and Member Vines. Also present
were Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi, Lt. Wagner, Ex-Officio Member Grogan, and Recording
Clerk Garza.
ABSENT: Member Watson (unexcused), and Member Heard (excused).
Approval of Minutes from the October 22,2015 Meeting
Member Seebeck made a motion to approve the minutes from October 22, 2015, seconded
by Member Clark Motion passed unanimously.
Welcome New Members,Adrian Hill, Carol Heard, and Braundon Vines
Chairperson Laney asks the new members to say something about themselves.
Member Vines states he is an activist in this community, he mentors and coaches sports.
Member Hill states he has extensive experience in public safety and would like to
become more involved with the City of Ocoee.
Election of Chairperson for 2016
Chairperson Laney makes a motion to nominate herself for Chairperson, seconded by
Member Titus. Motion passes unanimously.
Election of Vice-Chairperson for 2016
Chairperson Laney makes a motion to nominate Member Santana for Vice-Chairperson,
seconded by Member Clark. Motion passes unanimously.
Election of Treasurer for 2016
Chairperson Laney makes a motion to nominate Member Clark for Treasurer, seconded
by Vice-Chair Santana. Motion passed unanimously.
CACOPD Meeting
February 18, 2016
Budget Update
Treasurer Clark tells the board members no money has been spent and there are $1,000
Red Light Camera Legislature Update
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi requests this item be tabled to the next meeting.
Spring Fling
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states that Spring Fling is next month and would like the
C.A.C.O.P.D to have a tent, table and volunteers. Chairperson Laney asks the board
members to add the date of March 12 to their calendars. Lt. Bill Wagner introduces
himself; he is now the Lieutenant over the Community Affairs Division and tells the
board members The Big Red Bus will be at the Spring Fling. Chairperson Laney states
the board will coordinate sign ups to see who is available, who can staff for the day, and
who can set up. Commissioner Grogan stated he began serving on the board about seven
or eight years ago. Spring Fling is a safety event, hence the Fire and Police Department's
participation. Commissioner Grogan suggests using the board's money on items with
the C.A.C.O.P.D name on it. He continues by saying he thinks it is a good idea to give the
award winning officers engraved handcuffs or something along those lines instead of
certificates and gift cards. Chairperson Laney states they could give the restaurant gift
cards but the handcuffs would be even better. Commissioner Grogan stresses this is a
great time to promote the Police Department with so many negative things happening.
Discussions ensued.
Neighborhood Safety Summit
Chairperson Laney states it's open to anyone, but homeowners associations would
benefit the most. The plan is to have it divided into two sessions of 45 minutes each. One
part would be neighborhood watch or what a neighborhood could do to stay safe; maybe
the Police Department can have an officer address that, and the second part could be and
animal or wildlife expert; we would also have an attorney who specializes in HOA laws,
and a Q/A session; Commissioner Grogan asks if the C.A.C.O.P.D has a Facebook page
and adds Chairperson Laney could monitor it. Chairperson Laney asks if the board
should vote on the C.A.C.O.P.D having a Facebook page; Vice -Chair Santana asks if
there is a cost to having a Facebook page, Chairperson Laney replies there is no fee for
a Facebook page. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states she will look into some of the legal
issues involved and those can be discussed at the next meeting, such as guidelines,
sunshine laws, and everything else. Member Hill asks if there will be a representative
from the Police Department to answer questions or concerns from residents and
Chairperson Laney states that would be the first part of the evening; discussions ensued.
CACOPD Meeting
February 18, 2016
Coffee with a Cop
Chairperson Laney states the last coffee with a cop was held at McDonald's and it was
very successful. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states the next coffee with a cop will take
place at Chick -fil -A on Colonial Drive, April 6 from 8:30 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
Discussions ensued.
Update Citizen Public Safety Academy
Chairperson Laney asks if any members have not attended the Citizen Public Safety
Academy yet, since it is required to be a member of the board. Member Seebeck states
he is attending and Member Vines asks when is it taking place. Chairperson Laney
states it starts March 31. Discussions ensued.
Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D video
Chairperson Laney states she was impressed with the video done by the City for the
State of the City Address. Chairperson Laney will ask Joy Wright to have the crew who
put that together to come to our next C.A.C.O.P.D meeting and make a presentation; also
the board can ask them what it would take to create a video about the Police Department;
Discussions ensued.
Officer of the Quarter Award, Officer of the Year Award, Volunteer of the Year
Award and Civilian of the Year Award
Chairperson Laney tells the new members the criteria used to select the recipients of the
awards; usually it is someone who goes above and beyond their regular duties;
Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney states there is only one volunteer of the year
Member Clark made a motion to select the Volunteer in Nomination #1 for the Volunteer
of the Year 2015 Award, seconded by Member Vines. Motion passed unanimously.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi revealed the name of the Volunteer of the Year 2015 as
Michael Sparks, an intern from UCF. Michael is currently in the Police Academy.
Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney tells everyone to take a minute and read the
nomination; discussions ensued. Vice -Chair Santana asks Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
if she could break down the acronyms, for example UCR. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi
reads the acronyms.
Member Titus made a motion to select the person in Nomination #1 for Civilian of the
Year 2015 Award, seconded by Vice -Chair Santana. Motion passed unanimously.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi reveals the name of the Civilian of the Year 2015 as Ella
Wisecup. Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney asks everyone to read the
CACOPD Meeting
February 18, 2016
nominations for Officer of the Year and adds this is very hard to do because there are so
many great ones.
Member Hill made a motion to select the Officer of the Year 2015 in Nomination #3 for
the Officer of the Year 2015 Award, seconded by Member Vines .
Vice -Chair Santana made a motion to select the Officer of the Year 2015 in Nomination
#5 for the Officer of the Year 2015 Award, seconded by Member Titus.
Discussions ensued on both nominations.
A vote was called, 5- 3,resulting in the Officer in Nomination #5 selected as Officer of the
Year 2015, with Member Clark, Chairperson Laney and, and Member Hill voting in favor
of the Officer in Nomination #3.
Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi reveals the name of the Officer of the Year 2015, as Officer
Fabiola Parke. Discussions ensued. Chairperson Laney asks Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi to reveal the name of the Officer in Nomination #3 and Staff - Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi replies it is she, Sgt. Iannuzzi. She continues by revealing the names of the
other nominees: Det. Leo Gomez in Nomination #1, Detective Loretta Ganoe in
Nomination #2, and Officer Joseph Rodriguez in Nomination #4.
Set Next Agenda
A. Budget Update
B. Update on Spring Fling
C. Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
D. Coffee with a Cop
E. Update on the Citizens' Public Safety Academy
F. Community Picnic
G. Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video
H. Officer of the First Quarter Award
I. Activity Report
J. Set Next Agenda
Member Hill would like an update on the Facebook page proposal, and would like a
member from the bargaining unit to attend the meeting and discuss any internal officer
issues with the Police Department. Lt. Wagner states the board's scope does not allow
for that but he encourages all board members to participate in ride -a -longs with the
officers to get a real feeling of the Police Department and therefore, provide feedback and
ideas to improve any aspects deemed necessary. Discussions ensued. Chairperson
Laney asks the board members to introduce themselves and say something about
themselves. Board members tell something about what they do. Discussions ensued. Lt.
Bill Wagner spoke about the walking park planned in front of the Police Department,
and he thinks it a good idea to include a Law Enforcement Memorial and would like the
C.A.C.O.P.D be part of that; discussions ensued.
CACOPD Meeting
February 18, 2016
Questions or Comments
Chairperson Laney asks if there are any comments or questions, and Vice -Chair
Santana asks Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi about a few stolen vehicles from Ocoee and
later recovered but according to the media the Ocoee Police Department did not take the
appropriate actions and did not provide a statement. Staff - Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies
she is not particularly aware of this incident; however, she can say it is not the Police
Department's job to update the media but rather, carry out the necessary investigation and
follow -up. Sometimes it is better to not say anything since it could hinder or compromise
the same. Discussion ensued. Member Ball asks if there have been any issues with the
newly acquired dispatching services and the issue that came up in the news were officers
were dispatched to the incorrect location to which Lt. Wagner replied no, Winter Garden
Police Department is doing a great job; that was a human error and many other factors
come into play, including locating phone calls from cellphones. Discussions ensued.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
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Madele ne Garza, r cording Clerk Victoria Laney, Chairperson