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HELD MAY 1, 1990
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Dabbs in the commission
chambers. Commissioner Woodson led in prayer and pledge of
allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared to be
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and
Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney
Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utlities Director Shira, Public Works
Director Brenner, Planning Director Behrens, and City Clerk
Mayor Dabbs announced proclamations for Teacher Appreciation Week,
May 6-12, and National Day of Prayer, May 3, 1990.
Girl Scout Troop #436, West Orange Service Unit
Mrs. Ruby Simon, 4644 Hazelgrove, Orlando, representing Girl Scout
Troop #436, West Orange Service Unit, requested assistance with
funds to take the scouts to Savannah, Georgia. Mrs. Simon said
that Clarcona has given $200.00 but will match anything over that
amount that Ocoee gives. Mayor Dabbs advised that nothing has been
budgeted for donations and that they had found some jobs for the
Boy Scouts when they came before Commission. City Manager Shapiro
advised that funds could be taken from contingency. Commissioner
Foster, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to give $250.00.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Commissioner Combs
pulled an additional $50.00 from his pocket to make the amount an
even $300.00 for Clarcona to match.
Trailer Impact Fees - Mrs. Betty Pedrick
Mrs. Betty Pedrick, 5347 West Lake Butler Road, Windermere, spoke
regarding the trailer impact fees that were introduced recently.
Mrs. Pedrick stated that she feels that impact fees should be for
new construction coming in and property taxes are to take care of
the trailers already in place. City Attorney Rosenthal advised
that he has submitted a written opinion (see attached) regarding
the placement of mobile homes stating that if the replacement
occurs within a period of less than one year it would not be
subject to impact fees. The subject is not expressly addressed in
our ordinance, however, based upon the case law relating to impact
fees, it is necessary to show some kind of impact on the roads or
the infrastructure of the City when imposing an impact fee. Mr.
Rosenthal stated further that it would be possible to amend the
Code to shorten that one year period if there were factual
justification. City Manager Shapiro advised that after careful
consideration, it had been determined that the one year period was
appropriate for budgetary reasons. Mr. Shapiro stated further and
for the record: "The Code has no direction regarding trailer
impact fees and based upon what an impact fee does, it could be
interpreted in many different directions. By Mrs. Pedrick's
action, it was possible to bring the issue before Commission and
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 1, 1990
have an interpretation by our attorney which will be followed upon
direction from the Commission." Commissioner Johnson, seconded by
Commissioner Combs, moved to direct staff to enforce the trailer
impact fees according to the attorney's written opinion. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Mrs. Pedrick stated that older trailers are not being allowed in
the City with aluminum wires and the response from the entire
Commission was confirming that that was exactly as it should be as
it is according to the Building Code.
Status of Sewer Plant - Mr. Jerry Sims
Mr. Jerry Sims, 609 Spring Lake Circle, Ocoee, speaking in
reference to the sewer plant, said that there had been seepage
from the ponds and it was his understanding that they were going
to fill in, or put a clay core in, the percolation ponds that
were parallel to Spring Lake Circle to keep water from seeping
out. Mr. Sims asked why this was not done and when the decision
was made. Mayor Dabbs responded that it had been determined
through the studies done that the ponds were needed but he had
understood that any existing problems with seepage had been taken
care of. Mr. Sims said that the water table had been raised as a
result of original developer's actions and he should have been
brought to civil suit because he caused the City to have to go to
the expense of putting in french drains. City Manager Shapiro
pointed out that it is necessary to prove damage to bring suit
against someone. Mr. Sims said that since the City has taken over
the sewer facility and has not gone on record as being opposed to
the situation caused by the original developer (the water table
being raised), then when that same developer, or the person he
sells the property to, tries to develop the property south and
east of the plant he can bring suit against the City if/when it lS
found that problems due to the water table prevent development of
the land. Mr. Sims asked if the sewer plant was supposed to be
2MGD and if the ponds were adequate to support 2MGD. It was
explained that the plant was designed to be 1MGD with the
capability of expanding to 2MGD, and that the ponds support the
present use (which is .7MGD). City Manager Shapiro said that all
the studies have not been done regarding expansion to 2MGD and
whether the ponds/area will be adequate. Mr. Shapiro said further
that there is no intent at this time to put lMGD in the present
plant and we have utilized the ponds to the extent we intend to
and probably will reduce their use and intensity as we go to the
fields north. The noxious odor has been cleaned up now and the
area has been put on a cleaning schedule and when kept clean there
will be no odor. Mr. Sims said that there has been more odor
since the City took over the plant. Mr. Sims asked if there is
some recourse because the City bought what was represented to be a
2MGD capacity plant that is going to be maxed out at less than
lMGD. Mayor Dabbs said for the record that the record will show
that he cast a vote to buy the plant under duress. It wasn't the
deal he thought we should get, but in his judgement a poor deal
was better than no deal at all in the long run for the City and he
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 1, 1990
thinks that will be born out in the long run. As for legal
redress, he would defer to City Attorney Rosenthal. City Attorney
Rosenthal said that it is a very complicated document and you
cannot just pick up one paragraph of the document and read it in
isolation without dealing with a lot of other factors. Mr.
Rosenthal said that he would be happy to research any specific
points and provide an opinion upon direction from the Commission
or City Manager, but that it is not prudent to spend $250,000 to
collect $100,000. City Manager Shapiro stated for the record
that he sees in the future an economic reason to bring up some of
these questions, but until such time as we need to bring those
questions up in an appropriate management timing point, he does
not see the rate payers having to have that done and have the
rates go up because we are charged so much legal time. There is
an appropriate time to settle this question, it has been looked at
already, and will be looked at again at the appropriate time. Mr.
Sims asked why we are building more ponds now and when told that
we are expanding to 2MGD because there is an indicated need he
asked that a moratorium be placed on the building of the sewer
expansion until the pond has been tested and is found to be
acceptable. Mr. Sims said that there has been odor from the ponds.
As none of the Commissioners had heard anything about odor, there
was further discussion and City Engineer Shira explained that he
had received complaints and had requested D.E.R. to check it out.
The inspector had found that the odor was caused by decomposing
vegetation in the ponds and that the spread fields needed to be
disced. Their recommendations have been followed and a regular
schedule of cleaning has been implemented.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, and E.
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Commission Reqular
Meeting of April 17, 1990.
B. Acceptance and Approval of Sewer Capacity Developer Agreement
-Harvard Square Motor Hotel, Inc.
C. Acceptance and Approval of Silver Star Road/Johio Shores
Road Water Main Change Order #1
D. Acceptance and Approval of Emergency Expenditure Not to
Exceed $6,000 to Replace Air Conditioner and Increase
Capacity from 10 to 15 Tons
E. Authorization for Appraisal for South Water Plant Land
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to
approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., said that he had
reported earlier that there was a stop sign on one side of
A.D.Mims Road at the railroad track and not one on the other side
and he felt that was a dangerous situation. Now he has found
another place where there is a similar problem, at Johio Shores
and Silver Star going south but not a sign going north. His
concern is that a citizen will think that it is a three-way stop
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 1, 1990
and pullout at the wrong time. Mayor Dabbs said that our people
can get with the County and work something out. Cathy Doss Woodson
explained that the sign was put up for residents so that they can
get onto the street during school traffic hours.
Ordinance No. 90-09, relating to the City Budget; "amending the
City Budget adopted by Resolution No. 89-13 for the fiscal year
beginning October 1, 1989 and ending September 30, 1990 by
providing for supplemental appropriations and transfer of funds
between and within departments; providing for severability;
providing an effective date." was presented by title only. City
Manager Shapiro reported that there were unbudgeted funds received
due to the large increase in building permit revenue as well as
other departments, and by putting that with money gleaned out of
accounts that had not spent what was anticipated, he was able to
plan to hire the needed additional employees and still put some
funds into contingency. The additional employees are; code
enforcement officer, building clerk, chief building inspector,
several parks maintenance people, deputy city clerk, personnel
director, fire inspector, engineering department aide and
secretary, accountant, finance clerk, and management aide. This
will not cause an increased tax burden, it is revenue paying for
itself. Mr. Shapiro said that he anticipates a cash carryover
twice as large as last years. The public hearing was opened. Mr.
R. P. Mohnacky said that Mr. Shapiro had made such a good report
it was hard to try to knock a lot of it down. However, he was
concerned with the increase in personnel and the future funds to
cover that expense. City Manager Shapiro said that some of these
jobs are for growth and when growth stops there will be no further
need for those jobs; but the majority of the positions were
needed several years ago. It will be necessary to react to the
needs when the time comes. Mr. Mohnacky asked then about the
expansion of pay grades, thinking that it meant a pay raise. City
Manager Shapiro explained that a market survey showed that, though
we are close to the front end of the pay scale, we were unable to
retain people we had trained on the other side because we were not
paying the high side of the pay scale. The expansion City Manager
Shapiro is recommending will be a total of six steps or a 30%
difference between the minimum-maximum pay for each grade. The
object of the expansion is to keep the people on staff who have
been trained to do the job and the total cost of the expansion is
$10,000. Cathy Doss Woodson asked if the person spoken of to do
research for the City Manager will be a paralegal. City Manager
Shapiro advised that the person he will be looking for will be
someone in college at the end MPA who is looking for six months
experience to put on their resume. As there was no one else
wishing to speak the public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt
Ordinance No. 90-09. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye,"
Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye,"
Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried
with unanimous vote in favor.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 1, 1990
Commissioner Johnson moved to reappoint Darlene Rhodus and Gary
Carroll as alternate members for the Planning and Zoning
Commission and then advised that the list provided for the Board
of Adjustment shows Darlene Rhodus on it in error. Commissioner
Foster seconded the nomination and the motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
Ordinance No. 90-10, amending the Ocoee Boating Code which
establishes boating regulations for boating activity on various
waterways located in whole or in part within the city limits,
amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 89-46 by adding Prairie Lake;
providing for severability; providing an effective date was
presented by title only for the first reading. Second Reading and
Public Hearing are Scheduled for May 15, 1990.
City Manager Shapiro - None
'-' Planning Director Behrens reported that the County has installed
roadway signs at Maguire Road/Highway 50 and will put signs at
Bluford Avenue/Highway 50 and Good Homes Road/Highway 50 soon.
Commissioner Combs thanked all involved for helping to make the
Walk-A-Thon a success and reported that the Kiwanis Club B-B-Q at
Westside Vo-Tec made over $1200.
Commissioner Foster thanked all for the help given to Ocoee
Historical Commission at the Blue Grass Jamboree.
Commissioner Woodson 1) Asked why the phone booth has been removed
from the corner of McKey/Bluford, 2) Reported a hole that is
forming again in the driveway where Mrs. Brimer's son lives, and
3) Reported that the railroad track crossings are getting bumpy on
Kissimmee and also Bluford/Lakewood Avenue. City Manager Shapiro
said that we participate in maintenance of some crossings but not
all, and he will notify the railways which ones are in need.
Commissioner Johnson said the the reception for former Mayor Ison
and former Commissioner Hager was good roasting and toasting for
two very deserving people.
Mayor Dabbs reported that when he attended the meeting for the
Council of Local Governments he saw a presentation on drainage
districts and the success they are having which our staff may need
to see. City Manager Shapiro explained how a drainage utility
works and advised that, as t~ere is definitely a need for us to
begin dealing with the issue, he will be preparing a presentation
over the summer months. City Manager Shapiro announced that our
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Ocoee city Commission Regular Meeting
May 1, 1990
Mayor Dabbs has been elected chairman of the Council of Local
Governments. Mayor Dabbs announced that on Wednesday, May 2
representatives of the Commission will be going to Tallahassee to
lobby for our rules and on Thursday, May 3 from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
an educational rally will be held at Lake Eola in Orlando by the
School Board, the Classroom Teachers Association and various
governmental entities to get the message across regarding the need
for educational funding. Mayor Dabbs also reported that a "NO
Wake" sign has been requested at the launching area on Starke
The meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
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(Attachment to the Minutes of City Commission Meeting Held May 1, 1990)
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TELEPHONE (407) 423 -7656
FACSIMILE (407) 648-1743
TELEPHONE (<414) 27'-2400
TELEX ae ~ele
The Honorable Mayor and City Commission of the
City of Ocoee, Florida
Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq., City Attorney ~fL-
May 1, 1990
Impact Fees for the Replacement of Mobile Homes
A question has arisen concerning what Impact Fees should
be charged for the replacement of mobile homes (or other dwellings).
The City's current practice is to charge a transportation impact
fee if the replacement occurs more than thirty days after the
initial removal. Apparently the thirty day time period is taken
from an ordinance concerning nonconforming uses. That ordinance
is not related to impact fees and cannot be used as a basis
for determining when to impose impact fees.
The transportation impact fee ordinance provides that
any person who applies for the issuance of a building permit
for a IInew buildingll must pay the impact fee. The term "new
building" is not defined. A strict construction of this Ordinance
would require the imposition of an impact fee for every replace-
ment of a mobile home regardless of how promptly the replacement
The impact fee ordinances for parks, fire and police all
provide that lIany person who, after the effective date of this
ordinance, seeks to develop land by applying for the issuance
of a building permit for any residential or non-residential
dwelling unit. . shall be required to pay an impact fee prior
to the issuance of the building permit or any other development
permit for the construction of any structure to be used for
a residential or non-residential dwelling." Strictly construed,
these impact fee ordinances would also require that a fee be
paid for every replacement regardless of how promptly the replace-
ment occurred.
However, court decisions dealing with impact fees have
stressed that such fees must be fairly related to the burdens
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission of the
City of Ocoee, Florida
May 1, 1990
Page 2
placed on the City's services and infrastructure. Where a mobile
home is promptly replaced with a comparable mobile home there
would appear to be no impact on the City resources. On the
other hand, if the mobile home lot is left vacant for sufficiently
long periods of time, the City may transfer its resources else-
where. In this situation an increased burden would be felt
by the City when the replacement of the mobile home finally
Since much of the City's planning and management for its
resources is accomplished through the annual budgetary process,
a one year period before a mobile home replacement results in
the imposition of impact fees would be supportable. Further
investigation by the City may justify the imposition of impact
fees based on a shorter duration. In summary, it is our opinion
that impact fees may not be imP9sed in connection with the replace-
ment of a mobile home if a comparable replacement occurs within
one year of the removal; provided, however, that there may be
a factual justification for a shorter time period. Should the
City decide to impose a time limit for the imposition of impact
fees on the replacement of dwellings this policy should be incorporated
in appropriate amendments to the City's Code of Ordinances relating
to impact fees.
l~ Ellis Shapiro
Mr. Don Flippen
Mr. Bruce Behrens
Mrs. Jean Grafton