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HELD MAY 15, 1990
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Dabbs in the commission
chambers. Following prayer and the pledge of allegiance the roll
was called and a quorum was declared to be present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and
Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney
Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning
Director Behrens, Associate Planner Claman, Public Works Director
Brenner, Finance Director Poston, Financial Advisor Cohen, and
City Clerk Grafton
Mayor Dabbs announced the following proclamations:
1) National Night Out - Tuesday, August 7, 1990
2) Buckle Up Ocoee Week - May 21-28, 1990
3) Memorial Week - May 21-28, 1990
American Legion Service Officer Tommy Sanders advised that
Memorial Day ceremony will start at the Ocoee Cemetery at
a.m., and will continue at the Withers-Maguire House
refreshments and conclude about 10:30 a.m. with Mayor
placing a wreath at the memorial site.
Mrs. Dianne Quinn and her students reported on their trip to North
Carolina and thanked the City and the Commissioners for making the
learning trip possible.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F,
and G. Commissioner Foster asked that item D be pulled.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Commission Reaular
Meetina of May ~ 1990.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Staff Recommendation ~ Impact
Fees and Plan Review Fees = West Orange Hospital.
Recommendation is to waive all impact fees other than water
and sewer and the 1/2 of 1% plan review fee for the hospital
portion of the project.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Staff Recommendation ~
Recreation Impact Fee for West Orange Expresscare Center
Recommendation is to waive the Recreation Impact Fee.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Final Plat = Plantation Grove
~ Acceptance and Approval for Ocoee Lions Club Fun Dav to be
held 2n City Property October ~ ~ and lL 1990.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Staff Request for Labor Attorney
Staff requests approval of the use of the firm of Hogg,
Allen, Norton and Blue for labor problems.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ May 15, 1990
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to
approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
~ Acceptance and Authorization to Execute Aareement with Interna-
tional Credit and Claims Service Systems re: Bad Debt Collections.
Commissioner Foster asked whether the City would be held liable if
a collector used "strong-arm" methods to collect. City Attorney
Rosenthal explained that if the City gave instructions to collect
by normal methods and the approach used by the agency was
different from that, the City would not be liable. Commissioner
Foster, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve item D
as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Mr. James Claunch, 605 Roberts Rise Drive, voiced his objection to
the placement of a house being built in his neighborhood, because
it appears to have the side of the house facing the front and he
feels that it diminishes the appearance and value of the area.
City Manager Shapiro advised Mr. Claunch that the Development
Plan Review and the Building Code do not address which has to be
the front or the side of a building and that the builder put a
sidewalk to the front so that side became the front side. Mr.
Shapiro advised also that there is an ordinance under preparation
which will prevent this sort of thing from happening. City
Attorney Rosenthal was instructed to see what can be done and Mr.
Claunch was asked to come in to City Manager Shapiro's office and
testify as to the damages in this case.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., reported that the
grass should be cut in an area going west on Silver Star Road to
Johio Shores Road and that one section of Johio Shores Road is in
bad shape. City Manager Shapiro said that one portion of the road
is under a bond and he will have the person who takes care of
that to see if the City can be reimbursed for the repair
Because of the large number of citizens present for the item
regarding the Over 65 Program Committee Report, Mayor Dabbs
elected to move the item to this place on the agenda. Mayor Dabbs
explained that as the Commission would only be receiving the
report tonight no decisions would be made, and he asked if any
Committee member wished to speak. None of the committee members
present wished to speak. A decisiion was made to act on the
committee report during the budget hearings and July 24, 1990 was
the date set for the public hearing regarding this matter.
RECESS PROM 8:13 P.M. TO 8:32 P.M.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ May 15, 1990
Planning Director Behrens advised that the developer missed the
public hearing scheduled May 8 for the Planning and Zoning
Commission and requested that this public hearing be continued to
June 19 so that this item can be heard by the Planning and Zoning
Commission first. The public hearing was opened as advertised.
Mr. Mizo apologized for missing the meeting and said that he will
not miss another one. Planning and Zoning Member Swickerath spoke
briefly in favor of Commission accepting staff recommendation.
The public hearing was tabled until June 19, 1990.
ORDINANCE NO. 90-10, "amending the Ocoee Boating Code which
establishes boating regulations for boating activity on various
waterways located in whole or in part within the city limits;
amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 89-46 by adding prairie Lake;
providing for severability; providing an effective date" was
presented by title only for the second reading. The public hearing
was opened and Mr. R.P. Mohnacky asked if Prairie Lake was one
lake or two and said they both are dry. Chief of Police Boyd said
that it is one lake but due to the drought it has divided itself.
The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by
Commissioner Foster, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 90-10 as
presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye,"
Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye,"
Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." No nays.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Mr. Stanley Cohen, Rachlin & Cohen, acting as financial
consultants for the development of a 4-lane Clark Road, explained
that he had met with the developers and also with William R. Hough
& Co. but that the figures for the revised costs are not available
because he just met with the engineers at 4 p.m. today. Mr. Cohen
pointed out that it will be necessary for the City to acquire
several rights-of-way (some of them in the County) and also to
drain some portions before developers can begin construction. It
was determined that new developer's agreements must be in place
(with cash) by July 18, at which time Mr. Cohen will present the
figures showing how to pay for the bonds. Upon Mr. Cohen's request
for specific direction from Commission, Commissioner Foster,
seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved that the staff be directed
to proceed with the steps necessary for the issuance of up to
$8,500,000.00 of bonds for the Clark Road program and refunding of
existing Bowness Road indebtedness, subject to final financial,
legal and other documents being presented to and approved by the
City Commission. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 15, 1990
Mr. Cohen said that he has been asked if it is feasible to
refinance and create new bonds vital to the infrastructure
undertaken by the utilities. Mr. Cohen explained that conservation
has caused revenue to be much less than anticipated and that the
projected revenues are experiencing a 6 month delay, but that we
do have a guaranteed yearly revenue of $103.00 per unused ERU from
the ERU's sold at the capacity sale. Mr. Cohen stated further that
there would be no problem securing funds to pay back the dollars
previously borrowed from Barnett Bank, and that we will go to
interest only the first 5 years before beginning with the
amortization. City Manager Shapiro explained that there are 3
reasons for long term debt at this time: 1) The market is better
than it has ever been and we can lock in a good rate, 2) Tidying
up the 3rd $1,000,000.00 is not done yet and should be done, 3) To
improve the quality of service and not change the water/sewer
rate. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Woodson,
moved to direct staff to proceed with the steps necessary for the
issuance of up to $9,000,000.00 of long term water and sewer
revenue bonds for refinancing the existing water and sewer
indebetedness and providing additional funds for water and sewer
system expansion and improvements, subject to final financial,
legal and other documents being presented to and approved by the
City Commission. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to
approve staff recommendation to retain Foley & Lardner as local
bond counsel and Bryant, Miller & Olive as national bond counsel
for the Clark Road project. Motion carried with unanimous vote in
.a. n ~ Exits 2n SR 50
Planning Director Behrens explained that the issue of 2 vs 3 exits
for Good Homes Plaza on SR 50 had been debated by staff and staff
was divided on the recommendation, that DRC vote was 4-3 in favor
of 3 exits and Planning and Zoning Commission was deadlocked 3-3.
Mr. Allen Goins, A.G. Development, 4014 Gunn Highway STE 260,
Tampa, and Mr. William E. Tipton, Sr., 930 Woodcock Road,
Orlando, spoke in favor of the additional cut. Mr. John Smogor,
Orange County Principal Planner, Mr. Jim Swickerath, 1203
Ridgefield Avenue, Ocoee, and Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 prairie Lake
Blvd., Ocoee spoke against the additional exit. City Manager
Shapiro commented that this is why the Commissioners get the big
bucks, to make decisions when the evidence is so strong on both
sides of the argument. After a brief discussion, Commissioner
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ May 15, 1990
Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Commissioner Combs, moved to
leave the developer agreement as it is regarding 2 access cuts on
SR 50. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
4 ~ 2 Exits on Good Homes Road
Planning Director Behrens explained that the developer agreement
for Good Homes Plaza, which speaks to both parts of the property,
was originally approved with 2 exits onto Good Homes Road but the
final engineering plan for the portion zoned Commercial was
approved showing 3 exits. A fourth exit would be necessary to
allow the parcel north of Good Homes Plaza, which is zoned
Professional Services, to have access to Good Homes Road. City
Attorney Rosenthal clarified the City's position, that the City
Commission has approved final engineering plans which call for 3
cuts to this property, and it is a done deal even though it is
inconsistent with the developer's agreement. Knowing that there is
a remaining property which is developed separately and their
access is Good Homes Road, there is no choice unless public safety
is a factor. City Manager Shapiro said that even if they had been
aware of the inconsistancy, staff would have recommended the
approval of the final engineering plan as presented. Commissoner
Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to amend Section
2.3 of Exhibit "D" to Developer Agreement No. D88-11, dated
November 22, 1988 between the City and Jeff Yeager, Trustee, to
provide as follows:
"Section 2.3 Four access points from Good Homes Road shall be
permitted to developer's property, with three access points being
allocatd for the Developer's property (south) and one access point
being allocated for the Developer's property (north)." and also to
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the amendment when
drafted. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Mr.
Swickerath pointed out that the Planning and Zoning Commission
neglected to note that the south access is a "right in" only
access rather than a full access point.
Credits Aaainst Traffic troDact Fees
Referencing Development Agreement D88-11 with Jeff Yeager,
Trustee, Staff recommends the crediting of $24,584.00 against
Traffic Impact Fees in favor of the Developer upon completion of
the work in upgrading the traffic signal at the intersection of
Good Homes Road and State Road 50. In addition, Staff recommends
that a traffic study at the Developer's cost, two years after the
opening fo the East-West Expressway or two years after the opening
of the anchor grocery store, whichever is later, be made to
determine what percentage of the increased level of traffic at
that time is attributable to the shopping center, in order to
compute the percentage of the cost of the off-site improvements to
be borne by the Developer. If the Developer is finished with this
project at that time, a cash reimbursement of the calculated
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 15, 1990
amount would be paid rather than fee credits. Commissioner Combs,
seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to approve staff
recommendation as stated above and to authorize execution by the
Mayor and City Clerk without coming back before Commission. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
RECESS FROM 10:34 TO 10:41 P.M.
Entrance Planter and Sian
Mr. Louis Geys, President of Wescar, Inc., advised that he has a
contract for a house selling for $260,000.00 and one for
$310,000.00 and he said that his commitment was to do something
special. Mr. Geys showed an artist's rendition of the planter
entrance to the development which is not brick, but rather a
masonry planter. It was determined that during the design phase it
was understood by all parties that a wall would not be built on
Silver Star Road because the front of the property was zoned as a
shopping center and no wall was needed. Commissioner Johnson,
seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to approve the design as
submitted. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Masonrv Walls Alona Clark Road
Mr. Geys explained that when his plan was submitted for approval
masonry walls were acceptable and they are a part of the plan
which was approved. Staff refuses to issue building permits
because the present policy requires brick walls instead of
masonry. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs,
moved to approve the design as submitted. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
Ordinance No. 90-11, "relating to trees and landscaping; repealing
existing Chapter 12.5 of the Code of Ordinances; adopting a new
Chapter 12.5 of the Code of Ordinances; providing a purpose;
providing definitions; providing for the official designation of
protected trees by a staff forester to be appointed by the
Director of Planning; providing conditions for removal of
protected trees; providing for replacement of removed trees;
providing for public hearings to desinate trees as historic or
specimen; providing protection measures for trees during all
development activities; providing for landscaping in vehicle use
areas; providing for the placement of street trees; providing
design principles for landscaped areas; providing for the
installation of plants; providing for the use of native plant
species; providing a list of approved flora; providing a list of
prohibited plants; providing for irrigation; providing for
maintenance and replacement of plants; providing for penalties;
providing for severability; providing an effective date" was
presented by title only for the first reading.
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Ocoee City Comission Regular Meeting
May 15, 1990
Ordinance No. 90-12, "relating to a uniform building numbering
system; adopting a new Section 5-59 of Article II of Chapter 5 of
the Code of Ordinances; providing for the assignment of numbers by
the Building Official; requiring all buildings to properly display
assigned numbers; providing for enforcement; providing for
severability; providing an effective date" was presented by title
only for the first reading.
Mayor Dabbs read the details on a report presented by Public Works
Director Brenner indicating his department is ready to begin the
recycling program and that within the next thirty days educational
sessions will be scheduled for citizens on the proper
participation of the new recycling program and materials, and
further that the City will receive approximately $20,000.00 of
the reimbursable grant money for FY 88-89 soon. Commissioner
Johnson said that he had looked at the work that had been done by
the department and he felt that the people who put together the
recycling materials should be considered for innovative idea
Commissioner Foster
1) Reported that Woodlawn Memorial will be having a Memorial
Day Ceremony and he requested that a wreath from the City of Ocoee
be put in place during the service. Mayor Dabbs moved, seconded by
Commissioner Johnson, to direct staff to order a wreath at a cost
not to exceed $50.00 and to have Commissioner Foster represent the
City of Ocoee in placing the wreath during the service. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
2) Announced that a golf tournament for scholarships to
Westside Vo-Tech will be held June 15.
3) Reminded citizens that the Memorial Day holiday schedule
for garbage service was Monday service on Tuesday and Tuesday
service on Wednesday.
Commissioner Johnson
1) Commended Planning Department for doing a good job and
especially on the tree ordinance.
2) Reported that Rev. Crews died last week.
Commissioner Woodson
1) Reported loose bricks on Floral Street and Cumberland
2) Commended Public Works Director Brenner and Supervisor
Elmore for always taking care of any problem he presents
especially grateful for fixing the wheel in his chair tonight.
3) Reported some trees that need to be replaced that were
brought down.
4) Advised that he will be in Canada for the rest of the week.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
May 15, 1990
Commissioner Combs
1) Requested that
regarding the surcharge
Mayor Dabbs write a letter to Governor
on cities which will cost us an unbudgeted
Mayor Dabbs
1) Reported that East Central Florida Planning Council wants a
recommendation for nomination for a September award and he will
write a letter on The Hammocks if approved. Planning Director
Behrens noted that Oak Forest is doing a good job of drilling
around trees rather than removing them and Mayor Dabbs said he has
no problem with either of them and he will investigate.
The meeting adjourned at 11:27 p.m.