HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-06-2016 Agenda OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee,Florida September 6, 2016 AGENDA 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call and Determination of Quorum B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Proclamations—September 2016. (Mayor Johnson) ➢ 9/11 Remembrance Proclamation ➢ Assisted Living Week Proclamation C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS F. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS UNLESS DISCUSSION IS DESIRED BY A MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION,IN WHICH CASE THE MAYOR WILL INSTRUCT THE CITY CLERK TO REMOVE THAT ITEM FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND SUCH ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held August 16, 2016, and Budget Workshop held August 15,2016. (Acting City Clerk Sibbitt) 2. Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board (3 year term). (Acting City Clerk Sibbitt) Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve three-year terms. Currently the Human Relations Diversity Board has ten (10) members, and their resolution allows no less than seven (7) members and no more than thirteen (13) members. One (1) application has been submitted to serve on the board;Travis Brown has expressed his interest in serving on the board. 3. Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission (3 year term). (Acting City Clerk Sibbitt) On February 9, 1999, Ordinance No. 99-09, was adopted requiring nine (9) members, who are City residents and geographically diversified for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Currently, the board has eight (8) members with three (3) members from District 1, two (2) members from District 2, one (1) member from District 3, and two (2) members from District 4. An application has been submitted from Ocoee resident Rodger Wunderlich who resides in District 3 and who has expressed an interest in being a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Regular City Commission September 6, 2016 4. Approval to Transfer $7,000 from the Election Expense Account 001-512-10- 5600 to the Education/Incentive Account 001-516-00-1503. (Human Resource Director Williford) The Education/Incentive line item is under General Government and is used to cover the employee's tuition reimbursements as outlined in the City Personnel Rules & Regulations. The Education Incentive Program has been utilized by employees in excess of what was originally anticipated for the fiscal year of 2015/2016. Due to increased utilization by employees, the $35,000 budgeted for Education Incentive is nearly depleted and it is necessary to transfer funds to cover this expense through the end of this fiscal year. 5. Approval of Selection of Investment Banking Firms. (Finance Director Horton) Consistent with the Commission's approval to select a pool of Investment Banking Firms to provide bond underwriting services for our upcoming bond issues, staff issued RFQ #1603. Responses were received and publically opened August 22, 2016. The three Investment Banking Firms who responded are: • RBC Capital Markets, • Stifel Nicolaus,and • Wells Fargo Securities. 6. Approval to Purchase an AeroClave Decontamination Unit from the Savings of Capital Funds $10,828.48 and a Budget Transfer of $4,161.92. (Fire Chief Miller) The Ocoee Fire Department is seeking permission to purchase a complete AeroClave Room Decontamination System, Model #3110. The purchase of this system was included in the current fiscal year's budget under acct. #6400, Capital Expense as a grant. This decontamination system will serve multiple functions. The system can be used in the decontamination of bunker gear as well as decontamination of other infected vehicles such as fire engines, command vehicles, and police vehicles. Staff recommends the approval to purchase the Model #3100 AeroClave Room Decontamination System, applicator and 25' hand sprayer, and (12) cases of Disinfection Solutions, as a sole source provider with funds of$14,990.40 from the savings of$10,828.48 from current year capital budget and a transfer of$4,161.92. 7. Approval to use $15,491 from the Operating and Small Equipment Account to Cover the Overage for Purchase of the New Engine 25. (Fire Chief Miller) On October 7, 2015, a Broker Service Agreement was signed by Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Inc., to broker Ocoee Fire Department reserve engine for $65,000. Due to the delay and the age of the reserve engine, it sold for the minimum of$30,000. Along with changing the graphics and updating the compartment design from the original order in October 10, 2013,the new engine purchase has an overage of$15,491. 8. Approval to Transfer Funds from Salaries Account to Worker's Compensation Account. (Police Chief Brown) The City of Ocoee has benefited from being self-insured and maintaining a high deductible for Worker's Compensation. During the 2015/2016 fiscal year, the Police Department experienced Worker's Compensation claims totaling $247,500. There is a need to transfer this amount from the Salaries Account, where there are sufficient funds to cover the shortage, to the Worker's Compensation Account. 2IPage Regular City Commission September 6,2016 9. Approval of Federal Fiscal Year 2016 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - (JAG Countywide-State Solicitation) Application #2017-JAGC-3096. (Police Chief Brown) This year$11,195.00 has been made available for the City of Ocoee Police Department through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG). If approved,the City of Ocoee will receive $11,195.00 to purchase Law Enforcement Emergency Medical & Safety Protection Equipment. To help prepare the line officer in being ready for the challenges of modern law enforcement,the City of Ocoee Police Department is equipping the patrol officer with equipment that will be available immediately in their patrol vehicles as they respond to emergencies. The City of Ocoee has the need to supply 83 officers with the Law Enforcement Emergency Medical & Safety Protection Equipment to prepare them for the challenges they face on a daily basis. The preliminary research shows the estimated cost to provide this equipment to our 83 officers is approximately$12,000.00. 10. Approval of Surplus and Sale of City Walking Excavator Unit 153. (Public Works Director Krug) The approved City budget includes replacing the Stormwater Division's Unit 153, a 2006 Kaiser S-2 Gator walking excavator purchased in the 2006-07 fiscal year. The Florida vendor for this highly specialized piece of equipment, Great Southern Equipment, Inc., (GSE) has offered to purchase our existing Kaiser for $25,000.00. Based on the depreciated value of the 10-year-old machine, the low demand for a used machine of this type and the repairs required to bring it back to operational status, Public Works is recommending the City Commission declare the unit surplus and accept the purchase offer. The replacement machine incorporated in the current budget has been received and is ready to be put into service. 11. Approval of Certification of Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for Solid Waste Inclusion on the Orange County Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2016/2017. (Public Works Director Krug) The City Commission approved Resolution No. 2006-003 to provide for collection of Solid Waste fees through the annual Orange County tax roll. The agreement between City of Ocoee and Orange County Tax Collector requires the City to annually certify the non-ad valorem assessment roll by September 15th. The fiscal year 2016/2017 tax roll for Solid Waste calculates revenue to be $3,063,312. This is based upon the residential Solid Waste fee, which remains unchanged at$21 per month. This is an increase of$29,988 from the current year and is attributed to annexations and new homes. 12. Approval of Certification of Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for Stormwater Inclusion on the Orange County Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2016/2017. (Public Works Director Krug) The City Commission approved Resolution No.2006-003 to provide for collection of stormwater fees through the annual Orange County tax roll. The agreement between City of Ocoee and Orange County Tax Collector requires the City to annually certify the non-ad valorem assessment roll by September 15th. The fiscal year 2016/2017 tax roll for Stormwater calculates revenue to be $2,896,323. This is an increase of$104,498 from the current year and is attributed to annexations and new homes. The 2016/2017 fiscal year also incorporates the final correction and adjustment of impervious area attributed to the auto auction properties. Assessment fees remain the same as the previous year. G. PUBLIC HEARING - None 3jPage Regular City Commission September 6,2016 H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 13. First Reading of Ordinance for Oak Trail Reserve Planned Unit Development (PUD) - Substantial Amendment to the Approved PUD Land Use Plan (LUP), Project # RZ-16-07-04. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for September 20, 2016, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter). (City Planner Rumer) Oak Trail Reserve PUD (Planned Unit Development) is located on the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Clarke Road and Clarcona-Ocoee Road. The subject property is approximately 38.62 acres in size of which approximately three (3) acres is designated wetlands. The subject property is currently undeveloped and is partially covered with trees, mostly on the south side and along the eastern boundary of the property. The remainder of the site is an open field. The Future Land Use designation is "Low Density Residential" which allows up to four (4) dwelling units per acre. On April 19, 2016, the City Commission reviewed and approved a non-substantial amendment to the PUD/Land Use Plan for Oak Trail Reserve PUD. The Oak Trail Reserve PUD Land Use Plan, as approved by the City Commission on April 19,2016, provides for a 126 lot, gated subdivision, with the residential streets owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. The residential lot sizes are as follows: 101 units — 50 foot by 120 foot, and 25 units—40 foot by 110 foot(rear loaded lots). The project, as approved, provides 11.19 acres of open space. The Amendment proposes an increase of lots to 134 lots, distributed as follows: 35 units - 50 foot by 120 foot, 83 units—40 foot by 12 foot, and 16 units—40 foot by 110 foot(all front loaded lots). The substantially amended project provides 12.22 acres of open space. 14. First Reading of Ordinance for The Park at 429 Planned Unit Development (PUD) (FKA East Crown Point PUD) - Annexation and Initial Zoning to PUD/LUP, Project No(s): AX-04-16-58/RZ-16-04-03. (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for September 20, 2016, Regular Commission Meeting at 7:15 p.m. or soon thereafter). (City Planner Rumer) The subject property is located on the north side of Palm Drive, on the west side of SR 429, and on the east side of East Crown Point Road. The property is vacant/undeveloped. The subject property is +/-45.54 acres,adjacent to SR 429 to the east and East Crown Point Road to the west. The applicants propose to develop the 45.85 acres as a light industrial/flex office PUD consisting of five (5) buildings totaling a maximum of 645,600 sq. ft. This provides for a maximum floor area ratio of 0.037. The permitted uses will be limited to those uses permitted within the I-1 (Light Manufacturing and Warehousing) except automotive sales (new and used), boat sales and service, mobile home and travel trailer sales,monument sales,motor vehicle wholesale, lumber yard. a) First Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance I. REGULAR AGENDA 15. Notice of Intent to Adopt Updated Regulations Relating to the City's Special Overlay Area. (City Attorney Cookson) The City has established Special Overlay Areas in its Land Development Code for the purpose of facilitating unique development activities in areas where there is a need for coordination among landowners in the development of the area. The three types of Special Overlay Areas identified in the Land Development Code are Interchange Impact Areas, the Downtown Redevelopment Area, and Activity Centers. The development standards and use compatibility evaluations for the Special Overlay Areas was initially focused on undeveloped parcels within such areas. Recent redevelopment activities within such areas has prompted City Staff to see a need to examine the compatibility of the Special Overlay Areas as they relate to parcels that may be subject to redevelopment as opposed to initial development. In addition,City Staff feels that certain uses within such Special Overlay Areas require 41Page Regular City Commission September 6,2016 an evaluation based on existing density and compatibility concerns. Such uses, include, but are not limited to, pharmaceutical dispensaries, fast food and other drive-through restaurant establishments, check cashing stores, self-storage facilities, vehicle and tire service, sales and repair facilities and discount retail stores. City Staff believes there is a need to establish a moratorium in order to evaluate the Special Overlay Area standards for the purpose of updating said standards specifically as they relate to uses (including the prohibition of such uses within certain areas and certain design criteria where allowed), architecture, and compatibility; the development of zoning standards that will enhance economic development and redevelopment in the Overlay Area; and to identify incentives to encourage quality development in the Overlay Area. Applications that have already been received and accepted by the City as complete and in compliance with submittal requirements will continue to be processed by City Staff and not delayed by this action or the pending moratorium. The purpose of this staff report is to notify the City Commission and all persons or entities intending to seek approval of applications for development orders, development permits, and building permits concerning properties for the specific uses set forth above and located within the Special Overlay Areas, that City Staff intends to, following the expiration of the moratorium, bring forward an ordinance proposing amendments and updates to the Land Development Code relating to the Special Overlay Areas, that the development of said standards is in progress, and that any reliance upon current regulations or expenditure of funds in reliance of current regulations is at the risk of the applicant. 16. Appointment of a Charter Review Commission, in Accordance with the City of Ocoee Charter, Article X, Section C-59. (Acting City Clerk Sibbitt) Article X, Section C-59 of the Charter: A Charter Review Commission shall be appointed by the City Commission no later than December 15 in the year 1999 and no later than December 15 every ten (10)years thereafter. A Charter Review Commission may also be appointed by the City Commission at such times as deemed necessary by the City Commission. The Charter Review Commission shall consist of five (5) members who shall be appointed by a majority vote of the City Commission and who shall serve on such Commission for terms of one (1)year unless such terms are extended by the City Commission. The Mayor shall also appoint two(2)alternate members, subject to the approval of the City Commission, who may fill in for any member absent from a Charter Review Commission meeting. On April 19, 2016, the City Commission voted unanimously to allow residents to apply by July 29,2016, for consideration to be appointed to the Charter Review Commission. At that time,the City Manager was also directed to bring forward the names and credentials of three (3) qualified individuals to work with the Charter Review Board as facilitator. 17. City Center West Orange Final Site Plan (FSP) for Phases 1-3 and Development Agreement, Project # LS-2015-008. (Continued from the June 21, 2016 meeting). (City Planner Rumer) The City Center West Orange project is generally located south of Maine Street, east of Bluford Avenue and north of West Colonial Drive (SR 50) adjoining Lake Bennet. On July 6,2010,the City Commission adopted the"CRA Target Areas Special Development Plan." The subject site is located within what is considered "Target Area 2." Target Area 2 was further divided into two general sub areas ("Sub-Area 1" and"Sub-Area 2"). Sub-Area 1, which is located along the frontage of Bluford Avenue and SR 50, provides for a more conventional suburban design while Sub-Area 2 is intended to be a more urban environment. The proposed site construction is generally located in Sub-Area 2. On April 21, 2015, the City Commission reviewed and approved the Preliminary Site/Subdivision Plan. The City Center West Orange Final Site Plan (FSP) for Phases 1 - 3 will be developed as a mixed-use commercial, hotel, and multi-family development. Phase 1 will consist of a multi-story(8 stories) building complex (Building C-J) containing 54,250 square feet of Retail, 75,000 square feet of Restaurant, 106 Dwelling Units (Condos) and a Hotel containing 122 rooms. This multi-story complex building will have all the requisite infrastructure and amenities (tennis court, swimming pool, volleyball sand court, pavilions, and clubhouse) including an internal parking facility. Stormwater abatement, dedication of right-of-way for the extension and construction of Maine Street and access roadways will also be done as part of Phase 1. Phase 2 and 3 will consist of one (1) additional(8 stories)building complex(Building A-B)with an internal parking facility. The building complex (Building A-B) will contain 20,820 square feet of Retail, 22,040 square feet of Restaurant, 51Page Regular City Commission September 6, 2016 and 166 Dwelling Units (Condos). On March 8, 2016, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Site Plan for City Center West Orange, subject to resolving any remaining staff comments. a) Final Site Plan for Phases 1-3 b) Development Agreement J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS K. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNMENT PLEASE NOTE: IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 286.0105: ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR THIS PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. ALSO, IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTE 286.26: PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE,OCOEE,FL 34761,(407)905-3105 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 6IPage