Chairperson Laney called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Chairperson Laney led the
invocation and Vice-Chairperson Santana led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the
roll was called, and a quorum was not declared. (Quorum declared at 7:20 p.m. under
Community Picnic).
PRESENT: Vice-Chairperson Santana, Chairperson Laney, and Member Titus. Also
present were Staff-Liaison Ofc. Jason Strange, Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi (late arrival)
and Recording Clerk Garza.
ABSENT: Member Ball (unexcused), Member Clark (excused), Member Watson
(unexcused), Member Seebeck (excused and arrived late), Member Hill (excused and
arrived late), Member Heard (unexcused), and Member Vines (unexcused).
Approval of Minutes from the February 18, 2016 Meeting
Discussed after Update on C.A.C.O.P.D. Promotional Video.
Budget Update
Tabled to the next meeting.
Update on Spring Fling
Chairperson Laney thanks Vice-Chair Santana, Member Titus, and Member Clark for
their participation in the Spring Fling. Vice-Chairperson Santana comments on the
great program and Chairperson Laney asks for any suggestions for next year's Spring
Update on Neighborhood Safety Summit
Chairperson Laney says she is actively looking for dates to hold the summit and she
contacted and attorney that specializes in drones and homeowners' associations, also a
speaker on animal control, and have the Police Department answer questions.
Chairperson Laney continues by saying the hardest part is to pick a date and a venue to
hold the summit; she asks for date suggestions and states she will keep working on this
Coffee with a Cop
Chairperson Laney says she did not attend and asks Member Titus if he attended to
which he replies it took place at Chick-fil-A and many more officers and people attended.
CACOPD Meeting
April 28,2016
Chairperson Laney asks if there was a specific topic citizens were asking about because
on Social Media the most discussed topic is vehicle burglaries and homeless people.
Member Titus replies he did not hear anything about that but since he is not an officer,
people would not have asked him about that, and continues by saying he was telling
people about the C.A.C.O.P.D. Discussions ensued. Member Titus asks if there is a
date set for the next one, and Staff-Liaison Ofc. Jason Strange replies he does not have
a date for the next one but would like to thank Member Titus for attending.
Update on Citizens' Public Safety Academy
Chairperson Laney tells the board members she is having a great time at the Citizens'
Public Safety Academy and learning a lot; the program has changed dramatically since
the last time she attended. They even went to the morgue and also got to experience
putting fires out as well as many other activities. She continues by encouraging everyone
to attend.
Community Picnic
Staff-Liaison Ofc. Jason Strange states the Community Picnic will be held on Saturday,
May 21st at 11:00 a.m. in Central Park and would like to know if the C.A.C.O.P.D.
members would like to have a tent set up for the event to which Chairperson Laney
replies the C.A.C.O.P.D. would. Staff-Liaison Ofc. Jason Strange also states that
unfortunately there will not be a photo booth this time; however the tent can be set up
with the promotional items and volunteers will be needed to staff the tent. Discussions
ensued. Member Titus continues by saying he will volunteer to staff the tent and
Chairperson Laney also states she can help. Recording Clerk Garza states any
volunteers can email Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi to confirm their attendance. Discussions
ensued. Staff-Liaison Ofc. Strange also tells the board members the C.A.C.O.P.D.
shirts have been ordered but are delayed. Member Titus asks if there will be tickets for
the raffle and Chairperson Laney states hopefully this time only one ticket per family is
given. Discussions ensued. Member Titus adds that a Spanish speaker will be needed as
well. Vice-Chairperson Santana wishes to make a motion to move the approval of the
minutes from and the Officer of the First Quarter Award for the next meeting and
Chairperson Laney states we do not have a quorum to do that. Recording Clerk Garza
states she believes there is a quorum for a ten person board and Chairperson Laney
agrees; a quorum is declared. Chairperson Laney states the board will approve the
minutes and vote for the officer of the quarter after the update on the promotional video.
Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D.video
Chairperson Laney tells the board members she contacted Joy Wright about a team
from Ocoee working on this and also contacted Ocoee High School. She also states there
can be more than one videographer working on this video and asks if there was any video
shot during the Community Picnic that can be used to which Staff-Liaison Ofc. Strange
replies, not to his knowledge. Chairperson Laney asks if a videographer can take video
of the Community Picnic and Staff-Liaison Ofc. Strange replies that is a question for
CACOPD Meeting
April 28,2016
Sgt. Iannuzzi. Chairperson Laney states she will ask Joy Wright if she can have
someone come to video the event. Discussions ensued.
Approval of the Minutes from the April 28, 2016 meeting
Chairperson Laney makes a motion to approve the minutes from the April 28, 2016
meeting, seconded by Vice-Chairperson Santana. Motion passed unanimously.
(Due to a mistake in the Agenda for April 28, 2016, the minutes approved were from the
February 18, 2016 Meeting. This will be corrected in the record on the July 28, 2016
Staff-Liaison Ofc. Strange tells the board members the Spring Fling event had 900
visitors; Jarret Voorhies, the race car driver, came and spoke to young teens about safe-
car driving, hundreds of plants were given away, 111 free heart screenings for children
were performed by Saving Young Hearts, and much more. He would also like to thank
Member Adrian Hill and Member Seebeck for helping at the Spring Fling Chairperson
Laney states Saving Young Hearts is by Martha Lopez-Anderson. Discussions ensued.
Chairperson Laney reads a thank you card for the C.A.C.O.P.D.'s participation in the
Spring Fling into the record.
Officer of the First Quarter Award
Chairperson Laney asks the board members to take time to read the nominations and
Staff-Liaison Ofc. Strange states Nominations 2 and 3 are for the same officer but
nominated by two different people; it should be considered as one nomination.
Discussions ensued.
Chairperson Laney makes a motion to select the officer in Nomination #1 for Officer of
the First Quarter Award, seconded by Member Titus.
Vice-Chairperson Santana likes the Officer in Nomination #2 because he or she was
able to take the drugs off the streets and keep our kids safe. Member Titus likes the
Officer in Nomination #1 and Chairperson Laney likes the Officer in Nomination#1 as
well. Discussions ensued. 7:42 PM (Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi arrives).
A vote was called to select the Officer in Nomination #1 for Officer of the First Quarter
Award. The motion passed 2-1, with Member Titus and Chairperson Laney voting in
favor and Vice-Chairperson Santana voting against.
Activity Report
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explains the report she brought shows the calls for which
offense reports were written during this quarter; it includes burglaries, robberies, thefts,
vehicle recoveries and vehicle thefts, and it's broken down by weeks. Chairperson
Laney asks if there has been a spike in vehicle burglaries and homeless people since in
Social Media everyone is talking about this to which Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies
CACOPD Meeting
April 28,2016
the homeless issue has been addressed and officers are proactive when dealing with this
issue; as far as the vehicle burglaries are concerned, yes, there has been an uptick but the
officers are using outside-the-box approaches to combat these. The burglaries are
occurring mostly at night. Member Titus says he sees the officers at night patrolling his
neighborhood. Discussions ensued. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi explains the
information she brought is only to be reviewed at the meeting and not to be taken home.
Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds the best way to help is to spread the word to not leave
vehicles unlocked and not leave valuables inside vehicles. Discussions ensued.
Chairperson Laney says she read on Nextdoor the homeless are living in a wooded area
behind Kane's Furniture and asks if this area has been checked to which Staff-Liaison
Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she personally has not heard of or seen a homeless camp in that area
but rather in other areas. Chairperson Laney also adds she has seen panhandlers at the
CVS Pharmacy on Silver Star Road and also at Walmart and asks if this is something she
can call the Police Department to report; Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies, absolutely.
Mostly the officers will let the panhandlers know the City has an ordinance against this
type of activity. Discussions ensued. Member Titus asks who won the Officer of the
First Quarter Award to which Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies his name is Officer
Bill Richardson; she continues by saying the Officer in Nominations #2 and #3 is Officer
Brandon Kerr. 7:58 PM (Member Seebeck and Member Hill arrive at the meeting).
Discussions ensued. Vice-Chairperson Santana asks if the Forest Lake Golf Course is
within the City limits and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies the Golf Course is within
the City and some of the roadways as well, although it gets a little tricky since not all of
the roadways are. Discussions ensued. Vice-Chairperson Santana asks if the City is
becoming Pine Hills because there has been a lot of crime in that area to which Staff-
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies she gives a lot of credit to the Ocoee Police Department for
keeping our City safe despite some of the crime-ridden neighboring areas, and continues
by saying anywhere where there is a main drive such as Silver Star that goes through a
City, it same provides a much easier way in and out of the City and criminals take
advantage of that to commit crimes and leave quickly. She also adds Police Officers are
patrolling the neighborhoods on the east side of Clarke Road, north of State Road 50
where a lot of the burglaries are happening. Vice-Chairperson Santana asks about the
Police substation located on West Road close to the High School and if there is also extra
patrol taking place there since there always seem to be several patrol cars there; Staff-
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi states officers may be writing reports there instead and she is not
aware of any criminal activity in that area. Vice-Chairperson Santana asks what is the
City limit on the northwest end to which Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies the Police
Department has jurisdiction up to McCormick Road; anything north of that road is no
longer our jurisdiction. Member Seebeck tells the board members he is learning a lot at
the Citizens' Public Safety Academy and so far, it has been a great experience.
Chairperson Laney asks Ofc. Jason Strange to talk about the D.A.R.E. program and
Ofc. Jason Strange explains he teaches the D.A.R.E. program to fifth graders in all the
elementary schools in Ocoee and after completing the ten-week program they graduate.
D.A.R.E. graduation is coming up on May 4th and May 19th; he continues by saying the
D.A.R.E. program is his main job, and Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi adds Ofc. Jason
Strange is also the Master Armor at the Police Department. Ofc. Jason Strange states he
assists with the training and events with Community Affairs and any arms-related
CACOPD Meeting
April 28,2016
training. Chairperson Laney tells Member Seebeck and member Hill about the
upcoming Community Picnic and the need for volunteers that day, and Member Seebeck
asks when will it take place to which Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies it will take
place on May 21St at Bulldog Field and asks for a commitment for setting up and breaking
down, from about 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. She continues by saying there will not be a
photo booth; however, the Police Department is looking into purchasing one since it was
very popular. Discussions ensued. Member Hill says if the C.A.C.O.P.D.joins with the
City Commission maybe the City can purchase the photo booth to use at City events and
also rent it for events at the Lakeshore Center to offset some of the cost. Staff-Liaison
Sgt. Iannuzzi believes it a great idea. Chairperson Laney also states she will get in
contact with Joy Wright to see if a videographer can be present at the Community Picnic.
Discussions ensued. Member Hill asks about the Coffee with a Cop event to which Staff
Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi replies it was a great event and well attended; the next one has not
been scheduled yet and it will probably take place somewhere in the South Maguire area.
Set Next Agenda
Chairperson Laney reminds Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi to invite the C.A.C.O.P.D.
Members to the Citizens' Public Safety Academy graduation to which Staff-Liaison Sgt.
Iannuzzi replies it will take place on June 9th at the Women's Club in Ocoee.
Discussions ensued. Staff-Liaison Sgt. Iannuzzi reminds the board members this is a
first-year-on-the-board membership requirement.
A. Budget Update
B. Update on Community Picnic
C. Coffee with a Cop
D. Update on the Citizens' Public Safety Academy
E. Update on Promotional C.A.C.O.P.D. video
F. Officer of the Second Quarter Award
G. Activity Report
H. Set Next Agenda
Meeting Adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Madeleine Garza, Recording Clerk Victoria Laney, Cha' erson