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JUNE 19, 1990
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was
called to order by Mayor Dabbs in the commission chambers at 7:31
p.m. Mayor Dabbs led in prayer and the pledge of allegiance. The
roll was called and a quorum was declared present. Mayor Dabbs
announced that he had received a call from Commissioner Johnson
and City Manager Shapiro advising that they would be a few minutes
late and they did arrive at 7:37 p.m. during the presentation by
Mr. Jacob Stuart regarding United Arts of Central Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and
Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Public Works Director Brenner,
Planning Director Behrens, Finance Director Poston, and City Clerk
Mayor Dabbs proclaimed the week of June 25 to July 1
"Recycling Week" to recognize the implementation of the
recycling program.
to be
Mayor Dabbs proclaimed the week June 17 to June 23 to be Amateur
Radio Week.
Mr. Jacob Stuart, representing United Arts of Central Florida,
requested the equivalent of a dollar per resident ($12,000) in
order to extend to this area the outreach of the cultural arts
sponsored by that organization. After a discussion Commissioner
Foster, seconded by Mayor Dabbs, moved to award $12,000 to United
Arts of Central Florida. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by
Commissioner Johnson, moved to amend the motion to $4,000. On
roll call for the amendment Commissioner Combs voted "aye,"
Commissioner Foster "nay," Commissioner Johnson "aye,"
Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "nay." Motion amended
to $4,000 with a 3/2 vote. On roll call for the motion as amended
Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye,"
Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor
Dabbs "aye." Amended motion carried unanimously.
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J, and
K. Commissioner Woodson pulled items C, G, H and I. Commissioner
Foster pulled items D and J. City Attorney Rosenthal pulled item
A.Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Commission Reqular
Meetinq of June ~ 1990.
B.Acceptance and Approval of Johio Bay = Final Enqineerinq.
F.Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to
Execute Quit Claim Deed to Lake Lotta,Ltd. for Clark Road
Incorrect ROW (Transfer back to Lk. Lotta in exchanqe for
correct deed).
Page 2
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
.'-" June /" 1990
K.Acceptance and Approval of Conditional Collateral Assiqnment
of Developer's Agreement for Sewer and Developer's Aqreement
for Water Service and Security Aqreement for Whitehill Group,
Commissioner Combs, seconded
approve the consent agenda as
unanimous vote in favor.
by Commissioner Foster, moved
presented. Motion carried
C.Acceptance and Approval of Sprinq Lake = Final Enqineerinq
Commissioner Woodson (1) asked for clarification regarding four-
laning Clark Road and the question of the developer providing park
land vs recreation fee, and (2) stressed that item 25 on page 3 of
the "Conditions to Approval" attached to the developer's agreement
as "Exhibit B" regarding moving dirt around the lake should be
enforced. City Manager Shapiro advised that all the DRC minutes
are recorded vebatim by a court reporter and the promises made in
the meetings can be referred to and enforced. Commissioner
Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to accept the
final engineering plan for Spring Lake. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
D.Acceptance and Approval of Amendment to Developer's Aqreement =
Commissioner Foster asked for clarification regarding item 2 which
states that the estimated cost of completing the Hackney Prairie
Road improvements will likely exceed the remaining impact fees
paid by the builders. City Attorney Rosenthal explained. (8:13
p.m. on tape 1). Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner
Combs, moved to accept the amendment to the Sawmill Developer's
Agreement. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
E.Acceptance and Approval of Final Plat = Sawmill III.
City Attorney explained that the staff recommendation says
approval of the final plat and it references a contingency for
(item number 2) Developer's Agreement which is attached to the
memo and has been signed and he said that the appropriate motion
would be "to approve the developer's agreement with Uniwes, Inc.
with respect to the surety for the completion of site
improvements, authorizing execution by the Mayor and City Clerk,
and to approve the final plat for Sawmill Phase III, authorizing
execution by the Mayor and City Clerk." Mayor Dabbs, seconded by
Commissioner Johnson, moved acceptance as stated by City Attorney
Rosenthal. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
G.Approval and Authorization to Hire Pension Attorney ~ Lee
Commissioner Woodson asked why another attorney is needed. City
Manager Shapiro responded that none of our attorneys are pension
attorneys and that Mr. Dehner's firm is the best available.
~ Commissioner Foster agreed with Commissioner Woodson and said that
he would like for Mr. Dehner to appear before Commission before he
Page 3
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 19, 1990
voted to hire him. After lengthy discussion Commissioner Woodson,
seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the letter of
engagement with Mr. Dehner. Commissioner Foster moved to amend
the motion contingent upon Mr. Dehner's appearing before
Commission. There was no second to the motion to amend. The
motion as originally stated carried with unanimous vote in favor.
City Manager Shapiro said that he would invite Mr. Dehner to the
next Commission meeting.
H.Acceptance and Approval of Local (Foley ~ Lardner) and National
(Brvant, Miller ~ Olive) Bond Consel Proposals-Utility Bond Issue.
City Manager Shapiro explained that, although there has been
substantial discussion, these firms have not yet been formally
engaged to do the job. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by
Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the proposals as presented.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
I.Acceptance and Approval of Enaagement Letters for Bond Issues =
Rachlin ~ Cohen.
City Manager Shapiro explained that in order to pass a bond issue
there must be certain letters of comfort that the bonds are
financially acceptable, and that the fee for this service will
come out of the bond issue. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by
Commissioner Combs, moved to accept the letters of engagement.
~ Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
J.Acceptance and Approval of Silver Glen Park Construction
Commissioner Foster objected to the wording of the agreement
regarding the parking area. City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out
that the developer has agreed in paragraph 6 on page 4 to provide
parking spaces until, if at all, a portion of Candlewood
Subdivision is acquired by the City to transfer the parking spaces
to, but that the City is under no obligation to do that.
Commissioner Foster then withdrew his objection and, seconded by
Commissioner Combs, moved to approve Silver Glen Park Construction
Agreement. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 prairie Lake Blvd, spoke against giving
the developer the option to give land or pay recreation fee.
Mr. Burton Smith,
pension attorney as
actuarial study.
618 Aldama, spoke against the hiring
any insurance company can supply a
of a
Mr. Andrew Arsenio, P. O. Box 218, Oakland, and Mrs. Ruth Aycock,
spoke against City Manager Shapiro's statement regarding the
shopping center going down the tubes.
RECESS FROM 9:12 P.M. TO 9:21 P.M.
Page 4
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 19, 1990
(continued from May 15 regular meeting)
Planning Director Behrens explained the staff report and Mayor
Dabbs reopened the public hearing. As no one wished to speak, the
hearing was closed. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner
Foster, moved to approve the preliminary engineering for Whitehill
Subdivision. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
to cross connection control for public water supply; enacting a
new Article VII of Chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances;
establishing a continuous cross connection control program which
regulates cross connections with the public potable water supply;
adopting a manual of cross connection control; providing for
inspections; providing for property access; providing for
enforcement costs and penalties; providing for severability;
providing for an effective date." was read by title for the second
reading and public hearing. The public hearing was opened and, no
one wishing to speak, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs,
seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to adopt the ordinance as
presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye,"
'-' Commissioner Foster "aye, " Commissioner Johnson "aye, "
Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried.
The commercial garbage RFP was presented by City Manager Shapiro
and Public Works Director Brenner and consensus was that the job
was well done. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Mayor Dabbs,
moved to authorize staff to proceed as necessary with advertising
for RFP. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. The first
reading of the related ordinance will be at the next regular
commission meeting. City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that a
public hearing will be necessary according to the City Charter.
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to
place a full page ad with the City logo in the Quality Cities '90
Magazine to be published and circulated at the Florida League of
Cities convention scheduled in Orlando in October. Commissioner
Johnson said he would like to use Planning Director Behren's
picture of Starke Lake in the logo. City Manager Shapiro said
that staff will come back with art work.
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Foster,
reappoint Mr. Jim Swickerath to serve on the Planning
Commission for another 3 year term, ending July 1993.
moved to
and Zoning
Page 5
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ June 19, 1990
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to
reappoint Mr. John Linebarier to serve on the Code Enforcement
Board for another 3 year term and to table the recommendation for
a person to fill the seat vacated by Mr. Skirvin (who had asked
not to be reappointed) until the next regular meeting.
RECESS 9:47 P.M. TO 9:55 P.M.
City Manager Shapiro started the review of the Capital Improvement
Budget by explaining that he intends for the City Clerk to become
the secretary for all the City boards and to do assessments and
for the first time has separated that office budget from the
finance department budget. He noted also that the purchasing
department will be moved to the public works site. In going over
the prepared booklet, the Planning and Zoning Commission had
prioritized the list of needs the same way the City Manager had
and the there were no changes in the City Commission prioritizing
except for the following:
On ~ ~ Commissioner Combs mentioned the need for a new
speaker system for the community center and Mayor Dabbs said he
would prefer that to new commissioner's chairs.
On ~ 11..r.. Commissioner Combs wanted the "canopy main
entrance to the community center" moved up from FY91/92 to FY
On ~ ~ City Manager Shapiro noted that he will recommend a
full drainage study soon.
On ~ ~ City Manager Shapiro noted that those cemetery funds
should be going to a sinking fund and we should go out of the
cemetery business.
On ~ ~ Commissioner Johnson said to add Jay Street and
Cardinal Street for paving.
On ~ ~ City Manager Shapiro noted that the funding on
item 101 should be B rather than A and Commissioner Johnson
noted that he wants the Christmas Lighting moved from FY91/92
to FY 90/91.
On ~ ~ item 15 delete the word "upgrade" (as regards paint
booth) .
On ~ ~ ~ Commissioner Johnson wants motion sensor lights
installed at the park facilities.
There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissisoner Combs asked if the light was working at Bluford/Hwy
50 and thanked those responsible again.
Commissioner Woodson thanked Fire Chief Strosnider for taking care
of a problem they had and also Public Works Director Brenner for
taking care of a water problem and mowing, and he reported that he
and Mrs. Henry had attended a recycling meeting..
Page 6
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 19, 1990
Commissioner Foster commented on the aircraft
asked PPTD to take care of the potholes, and
Commissioner Combs insisted on wearing summer
whole world knows that he has a potbelly.
collision lights,
said that since
attire, now the
Commissioner Johnson None
Mayor Dabbs
1) Read the recycling educational schedule and commended Public
Works Director Brenner on a good job.
2) Reported that 30 Japanese youth visitors will be here July
20-August 16 and will participate in English classes.
3) Reminded City Clerk to make a reservation for him to the
Chamber breakfast.
4) Noted that there was an invitation from Jacob Stuart for
politicians to HobNob in the Park in October.
5} Asked Commissioners to join the Council of Local Government.
6} Announced the sanitation schedule July 4 (will pick up
Thursday) .
The meeting adjourned at 11:18 p.m.