HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-07-90
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was
called to order at 7:31 p.m. by Mayor Dabbs in the commission
chambers. After leading in the prayer and pledge of allegiance
Mayor Dabbs called the roll and declared a quorum present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Johnson and Woodson.
Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal,
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Behrens,
Associate Planner Claman, Building Official Flippen, and City
Clerk Grafton.
ABSENT: Commissioner Foster (out of town)
Fifty Japanese exchange students who have completed three weeks of
their one month visit to the States were presented with City of
Ocoee watches by Mayor Dabbs. In return the students presented
Mayor Dabbs and City Manager Shapiro with flags of both countries
on a common stand.
RECESS FROM 7:39 TO 7:41
Mayor Dabbs elected to take the viewing of the slide presentation
for ITEM V D, Resolution No. 90-04, "relating to the Florida
~ Recreational Trails System, and supporting the Rail Trail Program
in West Orange County," which was scheduled for later in the
meeting, out of order at this point so that the Orange County
representatives could be excused early. The resolution was
presented for vote at the regular place on the agenda.
Mr. Lynn Sordel, Manager, Orange County Parks and Recreation
Department, 118 W. Kaley Street, Orlando, 32806, introduced Ms.
Ginger Corless, Planning Development Supervisor and Mr. Bill
Thomas, Planner, who gave a slide presentation showing the
proposed network of recreational and scenic trails designated as
the Florida Recreational Trails System. They requested local
support for the program to convert unused railroad beds from
Apopka to Lake County into trails to be used for horseback-riding
and bicycling.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, and I. Commmissioner Woodson asked for an explanation
regarding item I as he had heard that there was a $250,000 cost
associated with M & M Utilities acquisition. City Manager Shapiro
explained that Southern States Utilities, in administering M & M
Utilities, will incur cost estimated to be $561,000 in order to
comply with PSC requirements and that cost will be passed on to
the existing customers. Consensus is that a better solution to the
utilities problem is the provision of City sewer service to that
area and the closure of the M & M plant. The City has asked for a
block grant of $263,000 which will take care of the lift station.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 1990
The other items to be considered are 1) the necessary improvements
to the internal system at the mobile trailer park, 2) paying off
Southern states Utilities the $40,000 owed them for the money they
have invested in the old sewer plant to keep it running, 3)
putting in a transmission line down Palm Drive past the trailer
park and the area where the beltway is going in. Ultimately the
cost to the citizens will be less and the benefit greater.
Commissioner Woodson indicated that he was satisfied with the
explanation and was ready to vote on the consent agenda.
~ Acceptance and Approval of
~ Minutes of Commission Reqular Meeting of July ~ 1990
~ Minutes of Commission Special Session Public Hearing for
Over 65 Proqram of July ~ 1990
~ Acceptance and Approval of Request from St. Paul Presbyterian
Church, ~ for Waiver of Special Exception Application Fee
~ Acceptance and Approval of Recommendation re: Process of
Selecting Design Firms for Clark Road
~ Acceptance and Authorization to Proceed with Jamela Water Plant
~ Motion Ratifying City Manaqer's Action ~ Completing
Certification of Millage and Tentative Budqet Hearinqs
Notification to Orange County Property Appraiser
~ Acceptance and Approval of Traffic Siqnal Service Aqreement with
Oranqe County
~ Acceptance and Approval of First Amendment to Developer's
Agreement for Water Service, Imperial Partnership
~ Acceptance and Approval of Developer's Aqreement to Serve as
Surety for LaKenDon Commercial Subdivision
~ Acceptance and Approval of Recommendation Qli M&M Utilities/
Proposed Connection of the City Sanitary Sewer System
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to
approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
Mr. Lex Veech, Vice President Public Finance, Leedy Corporation,
749 N. Garland Avenue, Orlando, 32801, asked if there has been a
RFP sent out for the bond underwriters for Clark Road. City
Manager Shapiro said that when responses came in for the
additional loan for the water/sewer project they observed one firm
which had given more effort than others and he had asked
Commission to give them the next bond issue for long term debt
that came up this year. Mr. Veech wants another chance to bid for
future financing.
Mrs. Bernadette Dymond, 1009 Malcolm Road, asked how many RFP's
were sent out and the response was five (5) underwriters and five
(5) banks for A-Refinancing of old money, B-Water/Sewer Projects,
and C-Clark Road. Mrs. Dymond asked the interest rate provided by
~ Barnett Bank and the response was 7.5% based on a no more than 5
year debt with a bond anticipation debt with a final rate about
the same or lower.
Page 3
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 1990
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 prairie Lake Blvd., commented that he
thought the size of the ads placed in the sentinel for the Board
of Adjustment hearing were unnecessarily large and he also
confirmed the time of the public hearing for the budget.
Mr. Michael Sims, Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, 703
Stinnett Drive, requested that the City get professional help and
form an ad hoc study committee to design this intersection. After
brief discussion Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner
Combs, moved to instruct City Manager and staff to set up an ad
hoc committee as requested. Motion carried with unanimous vote in
Planning Director Behrens explained the petitioners request and
the recommendations. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner
Johnson, moved to approve the recommendations as presented.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. The recommendations
are as follows:
1) The Petitioner should not be granted a variance to build
subdivision entrance wall in excess of eight (8) feet.
hardship has been demonstrated; the code calls for a maximum
eight (8) feet.
2) The Petitioner should
surrounding the tennis court.
tennis court.)
3) The request to install a 10' high black windscreen, exceeding
50% opacity, should be approved.
4) It is recommended that the off-street parking requirement for
the recreation area be referred to the Planning and Zoning Board,
pursuant to the authority granted by Chapter III, Seciton 9.7(8)
of the Zoning Code, for that body to establish the off-street
parking needs.
be allowed to build a 10' fence
(No variance is needed to build the
Planning Director Behrens explained that the Petitioner wishes to
construct an entrance way with one section of wall on each side of
the entrance to the subdivision being built to a height of 11'6".
Mr. Chris Hine and Mr. Charles Sharman, M/I Homes, showed a
diagram of the proposed entrance. After a discussion Commissioner
Johnson, seconded by Mayor Dabbs, moved that the developer be
allowed to construct the entrance wall with a 7' base on either
side of the road with a peak to the height of 11'6". This is based
on the interpretation of the Planner and the Attorney that it is a
projection not intended for human occupancy and the Code can be
interpreted in this manner without precedent setting. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Page 4
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 1990
City Manager Shapiro explained that the 4.09 acre tract (old sewer
plant) in the Industrial Center had been offered for sale three
times several months ago after being appraised at $123,000 and
there had been no offers over $65,000. Mr. Homer Allen, 333
Enterprise St., has now offered $100,000 for the parcel. City
Attorney Rosenthal said that the Code requires that if the fair
market value of real property exceeds $100,000 a public hearing
must be held. It was his opinion that the market has been tested
and that Commission could conclude that the fair market value of
the parcel does not exceed $100,000 and so Commission could
proceed without having a public hearing, though nothing precludes
having a public hearing if they should wish to. City Manager
pointed out that, as Mr. Allen's property provides the only access
to the parcel, it would be prudent use of funds to save the cost
of the public hearing and get a better profit for the sewer rate
payers. Commissioner Woodson moved to authorize City Manager and
City Attorney to proceed with accepting the offer of $100,000 from
Mr. Allen with the stipulation that the buyer will take care of
getting rid of the old tank and other items on the property.
Commissioner Combs seconded with the provision that the City
Attorney assure him that no public hearing was necessary. City
Attorney Rosenthal requested that the motion indicate whether or
not a public hearing was desired and he said further that if a
public hearing is not requested the sale would be based on the
fair market value of the parcel not exceeding $100,000. Mr.
Rosenthal then restated his opinion expressed at the beginning of
this paragraph. Mayor Dabbs said that he felt the market had been
tested and Commissioner Combs said to let his second stand.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
RESOLUTION NO. 90-04, "relating to the Florida Recreational Trails
System as created by Chapter 260, Florida Statutes; providing for
support and assistance to the Tri-County Chapter of Rails to
Trails, Orange County and neighboring municipalities in efforts to
acquire abandoned railroad lines and other properties necessary
within the Apopka to Lake County railroad corridor for conversion
of the corridor to a linear park system or "rail trail" park;
urging the legislature of the State of Florida to appropriate
funds for the purchase of the CSX owned portion of said rail
corridor; providing that the municipality support the concept of a
"rail trail" park by appropriate action and negotiations; and
providing an effective date" was presented by title. Commissioner
Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt the
resolution and leave the appointment of a representative to the
City Manager. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. City
Manager Shapiro appointed Associate Planner Lisa Clarnan to
represent the City in this project.
RECESS FROM 9:08 TO 9:16
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 1990
RESOLUTION NO. 90-05, "adopting a new official zoning map;
repealing all prior official zoning maps; providing for
severability; providing for an effective date." was presented by
title. City Manager Shapiro commended City Engineer Shira for a
job well done in negotiating for this map which was to cost the
City originally approximately $85,000, as the bid came out to be
$28,000 and the actual cost came to about 80% of that amount.
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to
adopt the resolution. Motion carried with unanimous vote in
RESOLUTION NO. 90-06, "establishing the City of Ocoee Senior
Program; repealing all previous programs; establishing a committee
to study methods of caring for the elderly and poor; providing for
the future appropriation of any monetary savings; providing that
the City of Ocoee Senior Program is subject to the annual
appropriation of funds by the City Commission; providing for an
effective date." was presented by title. Commissioner Combs,
seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to adopt the resolution.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES-Second Reading and Public Hearings are
scheduled for August 21, 1990
ORDINANCE NO. 90-17, "amending the present Chapter 13 of the Code
of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, relating to
occupational taxes; amending Sections 13.102(0), 13.3(b), 13.5,
13.7(c), 13.18(a), 13.19(a), 13.20, 13.27 and 13.52 to substitute
the Building Official for the City Clerk with respect to matters
relating to occupational licenses; amending Section 13.6 relating
to the issuance of license tax certificates and notice to city
departments; creating a new Section 13.21-1 of the Code relating
to regulatory licenses; creating a new Section 13.21-2 of the Code
relating to a legend to be placed on each occupational license;
amending Section 13.3 of the Code by the addition of a new
Section 13.3(m) regarding the Building Official; providing for
severability; providing an effective date." was presented by title
for the first reading.
ORDINANCE NO. 90-18, "amending subsection 3.2 of Section 3 of
Chapter II of Appendix "A" of the Code of Ordinances of the City
of Ocoee, Florida to provide for review of zoning applications by
the Planning Director; amending Subsection 5.2 of Section 5 of
Chapter II of Appendix "A" of the Code of Ordinances of the City
of Ocoee to provide that notice of certain public hearings before
the Planning and Zoning Commission be posted on property;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date."
was presented by title for the first reading.
Page 6
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ August 7, 1990
City Manager Shapiro read the budget message for the fiscal year
90/91 for the record (see Exhibit "A" attached to these minutes)
and announced the schedule for adopting this year's budget:
1) Workshops for August 15 and August 16 at 7:00 p.m.
2) Public hearings
a. Adopting the Tentative Budget September 4 at 7:00 p.m.
b. Adopting the Final Budget September 12 at 7:30 p.m.
Mayor Dabbs asked about the impact fees and City Manager Shapiro
said that the dollars will be collected before they are spent.
Mayor Dabbs also noted the need for a broadcast microphone. City
Manager Shapiro said that there is a $180,000 contingency fund
from which the Commission may choose to purchase that system.
Commissioner Combs expressed his appreciation that City Manager
Shapiro has moved the Over 65 Program cost out of the Sanitation
Fund and into the General Fund.
Mayor Dabbs announced that he had received correspondence on
August 6 from Orange County regarding the Community Development
Block Grant Program for fiscal years 1991, 1992 and 1993 which
requires a response before August 14 and so the matter must be
considered at this meeting. Pursuant to the City Charter provision
which authorizes the Mayor to add emergency items to the agenda,
Mayor Dabbs declared Resolution No. 90-07 an emergency item for
consideration at this time. Mayor Dabbs, seconded by Commissioner
Johnson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 90-07. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
City Manager Shapiro advised
received a report that Ocoee is
10,000 population in the State
that the Police Department has
the 6th safest community with over
of Florida.
Commissioner Johnson
1) Asked about the right-of-way on Adair Street. City Attorney
Rosenthal and City Engineer Shira will report at the next meeting.
2) Said that the Pioneer Key Park parking spaces are still an
issue. City Manager Shapiro said that research will be done to
determine when/whether the City accepted the streets when they
were offered.
3) Wants the people
shopping center parking
4) Asked if it is more
or two times a week.
responsible for the cleanliness of the
lot to take care of it.
cost effective to deal with recyclables one
Page 7
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 7, 1990
Commissioner Woodson
1) Reported that the Senior League Field fence is down again.
2) Feels that we should go to Washington re: postal boundaries,
and wants to ask Florida League of Cities to help. City Manager
Shapiro advised that most cities are benefitting from the current
handling and so we should not expect the League to help. Planning
Director Behrens suggested inviting the Postmaster General to
visit us. Mayor Dabbs said that he will write letters to the
League and also invite the Postmaster General.
3) Thanked the Police Department, Sanitation Department, and
Parks, Parkways, Trees and Drainage Department for doing a good
Commissioner Combs
1) Suggested that
Program Committee be
City Manager Shapiro
2) Mentioned the
3) Reported horseback riders leave
4) Food Lion parking lot is trashy
the same members who served on the Over 65
considered for the Senior Program Committee.
said that was his intention also.
need for a turn signal at Bluford/McKey
a trail on White Road.
but the store is all right.
Mayor Dabbs
1) Reminded all that tonight is National Nite Out when citizens
are to leave their outside lights on from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. and
go outside to talk to neighbors.
2) Advised that Bea Meeks has requested that Mr. Holtzclaw be
remembered by naming a street for him.
3) Thanked the team that served dinner to the Council of Local
Governments last week.
4) Asked City Attorney Rosenthal if we can spend city dollars to
promote Amendment #3 on the ballot and Mr. Rosenthal said no, that
we can educate but cannot take sides. Mayor Dabbs then asked the
Commissioners to give personal funds ($20.00 each) which they did.
5) Asked if we can invite the county chairman candidate to speak
and City Manager advised that would not be appropriate.
The meeting adjourned at 10:14 p.m.
The Honorable Mayor and Board of city Commissioners
Ellis Shapiro, City Manager
August 1, 1990
FY 90/91
Last year, we made the necessary preparations to face the growth period that our
community is clearly in today.
I believe that a strong partnership has been formed between the City Commission,
the City employees, and our residents that will see our community through all
the difficult decisions that come along with growth.
With your help we have created a strong career system for our employees that
has resulted i~ a turnover rate of below 5%, a far cry from the 20% tu~nover
rate of a few years ago. Along with stability, we have been able to h~re
qualified personnel in key positions that will make the growth eas~er to handle.
We stand poised to start the busiest year in our history. Projects s~ch as
Clark Road construction, sewer plant expansion and a new water plant ~n the
south end of our City are just a few of the many capital improvements we will
accomplish in FY 1990-91.
If I may, I would like to discuss each fund in general to give you an overview
of their status.
General Fund The general fund budget is proposed to you at $5,766,750,which
is an increase over the current year of 28.06%. The major factors for th~s
increase include: a 4% inflation rate, higher health insurance rates, a strong
revamping of our pension plan, a G.I.S. mapping system, and ten (10) additional
Even with the increase in the general fund budget of 28%, I am pleased to
announce that the tax rate is not proposed to change this year. The majcrity of
revenue increases come from the growth revenues such as building permits,
license fees, franchise fees, and utility tax rates.
I am pleased to report that we again anticipate that the general fund budget
shall end with retained earnings well over $100,000.
Sanitation Fund The significant change in the sanitation fund this year is
our move out of the commercial garbage business and into the recycling process
mandated by state law.
We anticipate an increase of 3.65% over last year's budget with the fund set at
$714,000. As we review the success of the private commercial garbage haulers,
we will see if a decrease in the rates to our residential customers is possible
later this coming year. I can report to you that this fund will again be in the
Water Fund The water fund is proposed at $1,099,600, an increase of 2.7%.
Included in this budget are two new employees to assist with meter and line
installations. Like all other funds this year, I am pleased to report that a
small amount of retained earnings is anticipated by year end.
Sewer Fund The proposed sewer fund is $1,249,000. This represents an 8.9%
increase over last year. We are proposing two additional personnel in this fund
again associated with growth. Again, this fund shall show retained earnings for
FY 89-90.
In conclusion, our proposed combined budget represents a conservative approach
to what is to be the busiest year in our community's history. While we have
capital improvement projects of well over 10 million dollars, we have proposed
no increases in our millage rate, sanitation rate, or sewer rate for the coming
I would like to thank Ivan Poston, Finance Director, and his staff including
Teri Batts, Susan Swilley, and Martha Gianitsis, for all the hard work they have
put into this proposed budget.
Respectfully SUOmitted,
City Manager