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The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was
called to order by Mayor Dabbs at 7:30 p.m. in the commission
chambers. Mayor Dabbs led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance.
The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson and
Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney
Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Public Works
Director Brenner, Planning Director Behrens, Building Official
Flippen, Acting Finance Director/Accountant Gianitsis, City Clerk
Grafton, and Deputy City Clerk Green.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F,
G, and H. Mayor Dabbs asked that item C be pulled.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Reqular Commission
Meetinq of October ~ 1990, and Special Session of September
~ 1990.
~ Acceptance and Authorization to Execute Garbaqe Franchise
Contract = Industrial Waste Services Company (IWS).
~ Acceptance and Approval of Drainaqe Easement = Wayne
Automatic Sprinklers.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Southern Bell Easement = Sawmill
Blvd/Apopka-Vineland Road.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Lift Station Site and Easement =
Master Western Lift Station.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Ocoee Commercial Park (Lakendon)
~ Development Aqreement to Act as Surety for Site
Improvements for Ocoee Commercial Park.
~ Final Plat
~ Acceptance and Approval of West Oranqe Hospital = Final
Enqineerinq Plan.
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to
approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Enqineerinq Desiqn Services -
South Water Plant = PEC. City Engineer Shira pointed out
the typographical error on the Staff Report ($1,000,027.00)
should be $1,027,000.00 as shown on page 2 of the document. Mayor
Dabbs noted the typographical correction and moved to accept the
contract addendum. Commissioner Combs seconded, and the motion
carried with a unanimous vote in favor.
R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked who paid for
the trip to New York for the bond closing. Mr. Shapiro explained
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 16, 1990
that different portions of the expenses were paid by different
sources including the bond itself, the bond counsel, and Hough and
Company. Taxpayers per se did not pay for any of it. The New
York site made it possible for Commissioners to meet
representatives who would be insuring the bond and who might be
rating our bond in the future. Mayor Dabbs added that the meeting
with Moody's went very well, and that they were impressed with our
presentation, our documentation, and our potential for growth.
Buford Blizzard, 706 East Lakeshore Drive, stated that some of the
citizens of Sleepy Harbor had received letters about boats in
yards, boats on driveways, and commercial vehicles. He asked why
boats are not allowed and what constitutes a commercial vehicle.
City Manager Shapiro responded that Commissioner Johnson had sent
a memo asking the staff to look into that whole ordinance and to
report back to the Commission in two weeks.
The Oaks at Starke Lake - Preliminary Engineering
Planning Director Behrens read the Staff Report recommending
approving the concept of the Preliminary Engineering Plans for the
proposed development, subject to annexation and zoning. Following
annexation and zoning approval, Preliminary Engineering will be
re-presented to the City Commission along with Final Engineering
for review and final action. The public hearing was opened, and
City Attorney Rosenthal explained that this parcel was before
Commission for conceptual approval only as it was to be considered
for annexation and zoning later this year. Buford Blizzard asked
what area had been set aside for drainage to protect the lake as
he believes this is part of the spring area. Neal Hiler, 401
South Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, the project engineer with The
Civil Design Group, explained that three retention areas would
contain storm water runoff equivalent to a 25 year-96 hour storm.
The rate of discharge should be the same or less than it was
before development. Mayor Dabbs questioned the 1980 date on the
plan, and Mr. Rosenthal explained that was the date of the legal
description, the survey date was August, 1990. Commissioner
Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the
concept of the Preliminary Engineering Plans as recommended by Mr.
Behrens in the Staff Report. The motion was unanimously approved.
Mr. Rosenthal reminded the developers that Senior Planner Harper
needed the legal description for the two zonings if they had not
already been provided.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ October 16, 1990
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira explained that Exhibits B,
C, D, and E which had just been provided to the Commissioners
addressed fee estimates, per diem costs, a rate schedule, and a
completion schedule. The three contracts provide for GAI
Southeast, civil Design Group, and Greiner to do the design work
for three different segments of Clark Road. We have reached
agreement on lump sums with all three. The amount on the GAl
contract should be changed on page 2, Item A from $143,200 to
$138,790. City Manager Shapiro pointed out that negotiations had
resulted in reduction of fees of well over $130,000. Mayor Dabbs
noted that the engineer assumptions were the same in all three
contracts with the exception of an additional paragraph on the
Greiner contract. Mr. Shira explained that the "assumptions" were
the same because PEC had compiled comments from all three firms
into one document. The additional paragraph on 800-2 should
have been in all three contracts. Mr. Shira read for the record
the paragraph which should be added to the GAI and Civil Design
Group contracts: "The GEC (GAI/Civil Design Group) will prepare
right-of-way plans, descriptions, and parcel sketches as necessary
for the project. The section Engineer will provide right-of-way
information pertaining to pond limits in the form of stationing
and offsets. The section Engineer will not prepare any right-of-
way calculations nor will it be responsible for the accuracy and
completeness of the right-of-way documents. This responsibility
rests solely with the GEC (GAI/Civil design Group).n Commissioner
Woodson asked if the utilities would be underground. Mr. Shapiro
replied that electric utilities would be above ground due to the
increased cost of underground placement per Florida Power
Corporation. Mr. Woodson explained that he had learned at recent
seminars that it would be cheaper in the long term to place
electric lines underground. He cited increased safety for
motorists, reduced risks for electrical strikes, hurricane
resistance, and concerns that radiation from overhead power lines
may cause cancer in humans in support for underground placement.
Mr. Shapiro explained that, while all of Mr. Woodson's points were
right, we would have to pay the amount Florida Power charged, and
the bond issue had been costed out with above ground lines. City
Attorney Rosenthal explained that he had looked at the Lake Mary
lawsuit on this issue, and that within two years the power company
may be required to provide underground utilities to municipalities
at no additional cost. He stated further that if we placed the
lines underground and the lawsuit comes out negatively, we would
not be in a good position financially. Commissioner Combs moved
to approve the Clark Road Design contracts with the corrections,
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
\..... October 16, 1990
Commissioner Foster seconded, and the motion carried with a
unanimous vote in favor.
City Manager Shapiro asked that this item be pulled as
Attorney had found some legal process changes required.
will be brought back later in the year.
the City
The item
Acting Finance Director Gianitsis explained that in keeping with
accepted general accounting standards and zero budgeting
procedures, expenditure account balances are to be zeroed out and
the net change posted to the contingency account in each fund.
Commissioner Foster moved to adopt Resolution 90-19, Commissioner
Johnson seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.
City Manager Shapiro explained that Wingfield Development Company
(Belmere) had requested two modifications from their sewer service
agreement in an October 8, 1990 letter. They wished to purchase
30 ERU's instead of 70 on October 1, 1990 and October 1, 1991 and
postpone draw down of the 80 ERU's difference to October 1, 1993.
They would like to pay $2,500/ERU throughout the agreement instead
of the prevailing rate in each year of draw down. Mr. Shapiro
recommended denial of their requests. Commissioner Johnson
commented that they had caused their own problem when they had
changed their density when they went back to the County.
Commissioner Johnson moved to deny their request to modify their
agreement, Commissioner Combs seconded, and the motion carried
with a unanimous vote in favor.
City Manager Shapiro explained that the Planning and Zoning
Commission/Staff recommendation for amending our joint planning
area was brought to the Commission for their direction. Mr.
Shapiro asked Planning Director Behrens to discuss each area under
consideration for annexation outside the current planning area
along with the reason why. Mr. Behrens deferred to City Attorney
Rosenthal. Mr. Rosenthal explained the current status of the
Joint Planning Area agreement with Orange County from a legal
standpoint. First, the agreement provides that nothing in the
agreement in any way inhibits or limits the right of the City to
annex any desired lands. It would be unlawful for the City to
contracturally agree to give away a right granted by the
legislature which is the City's right to annex under the
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 16, 1990
circumstances set forth either by voluntary petition or with a
referendum. Second, should the City choose to annex lands
outside the joint planning area, those lands are not within the
scope of any provision addressed in the City's agreement with
Orange County, as that agreement only addresses lands within the
joint planning area. In annexing outside the area the agreement
is not legally relevant though it may be morally or ethically
relevant in terms of discussions you may have had with the County.
The proposed agreement contemplated upon execution that future
areas of annexation would be jointly planned by both the City and
the County, and that a comprehensive plan would be adopted by both
governmental bodies. The plan which was contemplated has never
been jointly enacted. The result from a legal standpoint is that
each entity will put the other on notice in terms of annexations
before taking action. The Board of City Commissioners is entitled
to ask the County to amend the agreement to add additional lands
and to work with them on a joint planning area. And in Mr.
Rosenthal's opinion, the Commission is also authorized to choose
to annex lands outside of that joint planning area.
City Manager Shapiro then addressed the moral/ethical aspect of
the issue. Even though we have asked the County to meet with us
to discuss the annexation of these areas, and for fourteen months
we have talked about the KenJen property, the County does not
~ recommend the annexation of that parcel because it is not in our
planning area. They have taken this position ignoring the fact
that the owner is willing to give us the right-of-way for Clark
Road if annexed, but if not annexed we will have to pay the full
cost of the right-of-way.
Mr. Shapiro said that the spravfields, which we own and wish to
develop as a golf course, are contiguous to the City at a corner.
Again, the County has recommended against this annexation because
it is outside our planning area.
The third site under consideration is Mr. West's property
Apopka. This large piece of valuable land is contiguous,
an area which had been expected to be in the City at some
This parcel has also been discussed with the County.
2n. Lake
and is
On a moral basis, however, there are other properties that were
part of the annexation process for which denial was recommended
because we had not talked to the County about them. Mr. Shapiro
recommended that a special meeting between the Planning and
Zoning Commission and the City Commission be scheduled on November
17th at 4:00 P.M. to attempt to work out final boundaries before
approaching the County again to workout the future of the urban
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
October 16, 1990
area of West Orange County. Utility requirements need to be
determined so that a good comprehensive plan can be prepared for
the next thirty or forty years. . not just for ten years. And
that is really the morality of the issue.
Planning Director Behrens pointed out on the map the three sites
under discussion - the West property, the sprayfields, and the
KenJen property and noted the proposed amended planning area.
Commissioner Combs recalled past discussion of the West property
as a major recreational site for the City. Also, he would like to
see the sprayfield utilized to make money for the City. He
concurred with Mr. Shapiro on the KenJen property, and agreed with
all Mr. Shapiro's comments. Commissioner Foster asked if the
Commission approved this recommendation of the Planning Department
if the legal notification requirement would be met. Attorney
Rosenthal replied that the Planning Department would then
reinitiate discussion with the County to try to accomplish an
amendment to the agreement. Mr. Shapiro emphasized that we are
not attempting to go to war with Orange County, but rather we are
going to try in every way possible to continue to cooperate in the
appropriate planning levels necessary to make West Orange County
as good a place to live as possible. However, matters that have
become high priority for us cannot get through the County process
or cannot be answered as quickly as we need. Mr. Foster asked Mr.
Shapiro if he anticipated any problem with the County with regards
to the annexations. Mr. Shapiro replied that he expected no
problem unless they questioned the legality of the annexation or
its process. Mr. Rosenthal said that a county representative
present at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting had raised
some objections, but would make recommendations on other petitions
following additional study. The county representative will have an
opportunity to appear before the City Commission when the
annexation ordinances are considered. Mr. Behrens added that a
county staff member had said that it was their basic policy to
object to any annexation petition that lay outside of the joint
planning area. They requested that a formal written request be
made to them to modify the joint planning area for any land that
was being considered for annexation. Commissioner Foster moved to
authorize the Planning Director and the City Manager to address a
letter to the County requesting expansion of the joint planning
area as outlined on the attached map, Commissioner Combs seconded.
In further discussion Mayor Dabbs stated that he is not entirely
convinced that the time is right for the West property. He had
spoken with the candidates for county chairmanship with regard to
KenJen and the sprayfield. He said that because things are so
political in the County, he personally thought that action on this
particular piece of property would exacerbate rather than improve
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
\..,.. October 16, 1990
the situation. The motion carried with a vote of four to one in
favor. Mayor Dabbs voted against the motion.
Commissioner Foster - None.
Commissioner Johnson - None.
Commissioner Woodson
1} Reported a request to slow the traffic
Star/Johio Road intersection. The consensus was
should be written requesting the state to reduce
from 50 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour.
2) Said that employees who had been here 5, 10, 15, and 20 years
had not received tokens of recogn~tion due to changes in staff or
the rules so he moved that City of Ocoee watches be given to all
employees who had been with the City for five or more years.
Commissioner Foster seconded, and approval was unanimous in favor.
3) As the Commission had voted to rename Clark Road to Ocoee
Boulevard, he asked that the names of other streets in the area be
named for Clark, Griffin, and Pounds.
4) Urged use of hats and bumper stickers in support of a "Yes"
vote on Amendment 3.
at the
that a
the speed
Commissioner Combs - None.
Mayor Dabbs stated that he had received half a dozen calls
regarding the changing of Clark Road to Ocoee Boulevard. If he
had realized that Clark Road had been named for Arthur M. Clark, a
graduate of Stetson, former county commissioner, and citrus
pioneer, he would not have voted to change the name. He asked if
we could ameliorate the action in some way. Attorney Rosenthal
stated that the Commission had not legally changed the name of
Clark Road, as a name change requires a more formalized procedure.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M..
/vi ~O-AJ J~
Marian Green, Deputy City Clerk