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Mayor Dabbs called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.,
Commissioner foster led in prayer, and the Mayor led the pledge
of allegiance to the flag.
Mayor Dabbs; Commissioners Johnson, Foster, Combs, and Woodson;
City Attorney Rosenthal; City Manager Shapiro; City
Engineer IUt Hi ties Director Shira; Director of Planning Behrens;
Public Works Director Brenner; and Acting City Clerk Resnik.
Outstanding Citizen Awards for 1989 and 1990
Commissioner Johnson explained that the Committee of Mary Ann Swickerath, City
Manager Shapiro, Walt Cobb, and himself had chosen both an outstanding citizen
for 1989 and for 1990. He said it was a nice way to recognize the people in the
community who volunteer their time and who are an inspiration to others.
Commissioner Johnson presented Curtis Richards with the award for 1990 for his
determination and courage for dealing with his handicap and for showing others
such a positive outlook. Commissioner Johnson read a brief history on Curtis
detailing his impressive high school athletic career and the events that led up
to the accident that left him paralyzed. Commissioner Johnson said Curtis
continues to surprise everyone with the progress he has made physically and for
his positive outlook on life, especially in helping others. Curtis thanked
everyone for all their support and invited the audience to a demonstration of
tennis that was taking place the upcoming weekend.
Mary Ann Swickerath presented John Bateman with the 1989 Outstanding Citizen
Award for his numerous civic activities and for filling in (without benefit of
a salary) as Acting City Manager until the City could interview for a
replacement. Former Commissioner Bateman said he was honored to receive the
award and especially to be in the company of Curtis Richards.
Mayor Dabbs said that Curtis Richards was an inspiration to him personally and
that he is amazed that such a young man can think of others when he himself faces
such adversity every day. Mayor Dabbs also recognized John Bateman for both his
work as a City Commissioner and as a citizen who had labored long and tirelessly
without ever seeking anything in return.
Innovative Ideas Awards - Dave Gosnell and Mark Brownold
Mayor Dabbs explained that the Commission first needed to approve of the funds
for the two employees. Commissioner Combs moved to approve the expenditure of
$640, Commissioner Johnson seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Mayor Dabbs presented Dave Gosnell and Mark Brownold with commemorative checks
that had been enlarged for a keepsake and City Manager Shapiro awarded the two
City employees with the actual checks in the amount of $320 each. City Manager
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July 3, 1990
Shapiro explained that the idea that Mr. Gosnell and Mr. Brownold submitted had
to do with Water Plant Aerator Cleaning. He said the idea was basically to wash
by chemical rather than manually and that it would result in an annual savings
of $3,200. Mayor Dabbs offered his congratulations to Mr. Gosnell and Mr.
Brownold. City Manager Shapiro added that $2,640 had been given out so far in
the Innovative Ideas Program of which the ideas have saved the City some $13,000-
$14,000. He said he was happy to see the program working and that it would
benefit the employees, the City, and the general public as well.
Review and Recommendations Concerning City Pension Plan - H. Lee Dehner -
Christiansen, Dehner & Watts, P.A.
City Manager Shapiro introduced Mr. Dehner to the Commission. Mr. Dehner said
he had reviewed the current plan and would be putting together some ideas for
the City in regards to different options for pension plans for police, fire, and
general government employees. Mr. Dehner said he currently is working with 55-
60 municipalities throughout the state on pension plans and that he had been in
this business since 1979.
Mr. Dehner said he would propose a plan with prOV1Slons in terms of benefits of
a "medium" level and would then ask an actuary about cost for such a plan. He
said from there the City needed to consider enhancing benefits, reducing costs,
and how best to manage the funds.
Mayor Dabbs asked if Mr. Dehner had looked at the current plan close enough to
see if the City could be getting more for its dollar than is currently the case
and Mr. Dehner responded that the current benefits are low and the current
returns are low but that he had not studied the current plan enough to say
specifics. He did say he thought the City would be able to deal with the major
funding problems working with the state on state funds that are available and
through working with different investment options.
Commissioner Foster asked why there would be a different plan for police officers
and firefighters. Mr. Dehner said there was a difference in benefit levels and
funding insofar as the high risk nature of the jobs (he said due to the high
risk nature, police officers and firefighters generally have better benefits
because of disability concerns, etc.) and state monies available to aid in
funding police and fire employees' plans.
Mr. Dehner said the typical structure for the Board of Trustees would consist
of five members with two of the members being department heads, two being
appointees of the City Commission (residents), and a fifth member to be chosen
by the other four. He added that most plans that require contributions from
employees also require mandatory participation.
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City Commission Meeting Minutes
July 3, 1990
Commissioner Woodson asked to pull Item B, Acceptance and Approval of Lake
Olympia, North Village, Final Plat. Commissioner Combs moved to approve the
remaining items on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Foster seconded, and the vote
passed 4-1 (Commissioner Johnson was out of the room). The items approved were
as follows: A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Commission Meeting of June
19,1990; (Item B was pulled, see below); C. Acceptance and Approval of Revised
Water & Sewer Utilities Specifications; D. Approval and Authorization to Pay
Dues: East Central Florida Regional Planning Council; E. Approval and
Authorization to Use Contingency Funds to Replace Planning Department Desktop
Personal Computer.
Commissioner Woodson said he asked to pull the Lake Olympia, North Village item
because he wanted to note for the record that there was still a problem with
drainage from water running off the sidewalk along Silver Star Road onto First
Street and that this would need to be taken care of before the City issued final
acceptance of the site improvements. City Engineer Shira said the developer is
in the process of resolving the problem and that when the wall and the sidewalk
were originally constructed, the water was channelled over to First Street. He
said they had made some modifications so that the water would now be piped into
the retention pond at the corner of First Street and Silver Star Road and that
the work would be completed before the City certified the site improvements.
Commissioner Woodson moved to approve final acceptance of the Lake Olympia, North
Village Plat with the understanding that the drainage problem would be resolved
before the site improvements were given final approval, Commissioner Johnson
seconded, and approval was unanimous.
There were no comments from citizens.
Action Upon Board of Adjustment Recommendation Regarding Case 11-3V-90: Lakendon
- Request for Variance Regarding Location of Off-site Advertising Billboard on
State Road 50
Director of Planning Behrens said the problem the developer was facing was that
the City had required that the driveways be reduced into the site from three to
one. He said the developer had contracts on the lots but that there were no
provisions for signage. The developer was requesting the variance to allow the
proposed hotel to be able to post a sign on State Road 50. Director of Planning
Behrens said staff feels the hardship was not self-imposed by the developer since
~ it was on the City's request that the driveways be reduced in number. He said
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July 3, 1990
the Board of Adjustment concurred and had unanimously voted to recommend approval
of the variance. Director Behrens added that staff also felt there was a safety
reason for permitting the sign in that location. Commissioner Woodson moved to
approve the recommendation and findings of the Board of Adjustment to allow the
variance, Commissioner Combs seconded, and approval was unanimous.
Appointment/Reappointment of Board Members (Code Enforcement Board Member Skirvin
- Term Expires June 1990; Member Imes Missed 3 Consecutive Meetings)
Mayor Dabbs asked Commissioner Johnson if he had the name of the person he wanted
to nominate for the Code Enforcement Board appointment. Commissioner Johnson
said he did not have the name with him but that he did have someone who was
interested in serving on the Code Enforcement Board. Mayor Dabbs said they would
table the item until the next Commission meeting and they would formally nominate
the person at that time.
First Reading of Ordinances (Second Reading and Public Hearing Scheduled for July
17, 1990)
Ordinance No. 90-14, "relating to garbage collection; amending subsection 11-
10(B) of the Code of Ordinances; providing that either City or Franchise may bill
and collect fees; providing for a franchise fee; providing for severability;
providing for an effective date."
City Manager Shapiro read the title and explained that this ordinance would allow
a private company to bill and collect fees for garbage collection.
Ordinance No. 90-15, "providing for an adjustment of the City of Ocoee
Recreational Parks Facilities Impact Fees; providing for severability; providing
for an effective date."
City Manager Shapiro read the title and explained that the Recreational Impact
Fee Ordinance was being revised in order to meet concurrency needs. He said the
original intent was to revisit the ordinance on a yearly basis to make sure the
fees were appropriate. City Manager Shapiro said the increase in fees would
allow for several neighborhood and regional parks to get needed equipment and
that Recreation Director Jim Beech and Associate Planner Lisa Claman had all the
specifics for where the monies were planned for and that the Commissioners could
contact either staff member for more details.
Ordinance No. 90-16, "relating to the City of Ocoee Personnel Rules and
Regulations; amending Appendix "c" of the Ocoee City Code by the addition of a
new Section 12.09 relating to longevity pay; providing for severability;
providing an effective date."
City Manager Shapiro read the title and explained that this revision was being
made in order to allow for longevity pay for employees that would be handled
separately from the regular pay scale and merit increases. He said this action
was taken by the Personnel Rules and Regulations Committee because three long-
time employees had grieved the ruling that they would not receive longevity
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July 3, 1990
increases because they were already at the top of their pay scales. The
Commi ttee voted to recommend that the City Commission pass this ordinance
reV1Slon in order to add to the Rules and Regulations that longevity pay be a
separate item and not tied to where an employee was on the pay scale.
There were no further items from staff at this time. City Attorney Rosenthal
wanted to explain that the letter that he and the Commissioners had received from
the Florida Department of Transportation had to do with the recent Florida
Supreme Court ruling that ruled unconstitutional the right-of-way reservation
maps and that they saw it as a temporary taking which could lead to compensation.
City Manager Shapiro said he had directed City Engineer Shira to look into
whether any portions of this map would affect the City and that he would report
his findings to the Commission as soon as possible.
commissioner Combs said for the record that he did not receive a complete agenda
packet and that he needed a copy of all of the ordinances.
Commissioner Foster wanted to discuss the letter he had received from the Board
of Adjustment regarding where to place their recommendations on the agenda. City
Manager Shapiro said the Board of Adjustment recommendations could not be placed
on the City Commission's Consent Agenda because they needed discussion.
Commissioner Johnson mentioned the repairs needed at the railroad tracks at the
crossing on Bluford/Lakewood. City Manager Shapiro said the City had already
been in touch with the appropriate agency and was told that it would be taken
care of in the next three weeks.
Commissioner Johnson also reminded everyone that the Senior League (baseball)
All-Star games started this week with the first game to be played Friday night
at 7 p.m..
Commissioner Woodson thanked staff for taking care of the railroad/pavement
problems and for handling the drainage problem at the Lake Olympia subdivision
so quickly.
Commissioner Combs said the March of Dimes "Walk America" had raised over $7,000
and thanked Police Chief Boyd and Buddy Elmore for all their efforts.
Commissioner Combs said he read the article in the Sentinel about the Winter
Garden Housing Authority and that although Ocoee was doing a good job with Code
Enforcement and cleaning up the City, he would like to see Ocoee establish a
Housing Authority as well.
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July 3, 1990
Commissioner Combs said that City staff did a great job in getting lights at
Bluford and State Road 50 and that he would also like to see lights at the
intersection of Geneva and Bluford and improvements made to the intersection of
Geneva and Kissimmee. He said Bowness Road was a great accomplishment but that
the bottleneck experienced at the intersection of Kissimmee and Geneva needed
to be dealt with. City Manager Shapiro said he was trying to take a conservative
approach to these intersection improvements and was hoping that the state would
pick up the cost or share in the cost for improvements on state roads.
Commissioner Combs asked City Engineer Shira about the restoration of areas after
water lines go in on the right-of-way and City Engineer Shira said that the
policy was to restore the area to its original condition.
Commission Combs asked about Christmas lights and whether the City Manager had
looked into replacement costs. City Manager Shapiro said he intended to discuss
the subject during the budget workshops and that if the City Commission voted
to fund them, he would purchase them.
Commissioner Johnson asked about the possibility of getting turn lights at the
intersection of McKey and Bluford. City Engineer Shira said he could look into
the timing of the green phase in order to allow for additional turning time but
that the geometrics of the intersection as it exists did not allow for enough
room to put in a dedicated turn lane. Mayor Dabbs asked if the City could take
away the parking without alienating the businesses and Commissioner Woodson said
that parking area is very important to those businesses.
Commissioner Combs said he had received a letter from DOT regarding this
intersection and DOT's response was that there was not enough traffic to warrant
a delayed turn signal. He noted however, that the DOT personnel had visited the
site during a "non-peak" traffic time.
Commissioner Woodson said that the City's recycling program would be officially
started on Friday, July 13, at the Harbour Highlands subdivision. He thanked
Public Works Director Brenner and Public Works Secretary Judy Henry for all their
work in getting the program established.
Mayor Dabbs said that the recycling meeting scheduled for July 12 had been
cancelled. He also reminded everyone that the garbage pick up regularly
scheduled for July 4th would be picked up on July 5th.
Commissioner Johnson mentioned to Public Works Director Brenner that he had
received calls from citizens that the items in the recycling bins were not being
picked up by the Sanitation Department and that people were unsure about what
to do with the new bins. City Manager Shapiro said there was a note in the bins
and also information on the water bills regarding the new process. Public Works
Director Brenner said the department had several new employees and that although
that was not an excuse for poor service, he felt that may have been one of the
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July 3, 1990
reasons for the confusion. He also said that the program does not officially
begin until July 16 although he would make sure that any items put out were
picked up beginning immediately.
There being no further comments from Commissioners, the Mayor adjourned the
ADJOURNMENT: 8:30 p.m.