HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes for the Tentative and Final Budget Public Hearings held September 12 and 21, 2016, and the Regular Commission Meeting held September 20, 2016 OCOEE CITY COMMISSION TENTATIVE BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING Ocoee Commission Chambers September 12,2016 MINUTES 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER 6:01 PM A. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Keller (arrived at 6:10 p.m.) B. Mayor's Announcement- 6:01 PM Mayor Johnson announced this is a public hearing on the tentative budget and proposed millage rate for the City of Ocoee. Notice of this hearing was contained in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes mailed by the Property Appraiser. The City Commission has previously set a proposed millage rate of 6.5 mils which represents a 14.42% increase in millage over the rolled- back rate of 5.6808 mils). II. PUBLIC HEARING-6:02 PM A. Briefing by City Attorney to discuss the maximum millage rate which may be levied and the rates required to exceed such millage. City Attorney Cookson announced the preliminary millage rate set by the City Commission and contained in the TRIM Notices is 6.5 mils. The maximum millage rate, which may be levied by the City by regular majority vote for the 2016-2017 fiscal year is 7.6151 mils, such maximum millage rate having been determined pursuant to Section 200.185(3)(a), Florida Statutes. The establishment of a millage rate between 7.6152 mils and 8.3766 mils requires a two-thirds vote (super majority) of the membership of the City Commission (or 4 votes). The establishment of a millage rate between 8.3767 mils and 10.000 mils requires a unanimous vote of the City Commission. Additionally, any millage rate adopted above the preliminary millage rate of 6.5 would require notice by first class mail to each taxpayer. The tentative millage rate adopted at this hearing will become the maximum millage rate, which may be adopted by the City Commission at the public hearing on the final millage rate. A unanimous vote or a two-thirds vote may be required to adopt the tentative millage rate as the final millage rate. At the final public hearing, the City Commission may adopt a millage rate, which is less than the tentative millage rate. B. Briefing by Finance Director: review of additions/deletions to the budget since August 1, 2016 distribution, the percentage increase in millage over the rolled-back rate necessary to fund the budget and the specific purpose for which ad valorem tax revenues are being increased. 6:03 PM Finance Director Horton announced the commission approved a tentative millage rate for FY 2017 of 6.5000 mils. This rate is higher than the rolled-back rate of 5.6808 and represents an increase of 14.42% over the rolled-back rate. After the budget workshop, staff performed a comprehensive review to correct any unintended omissions and finalize estimated program costs. Changes made to the budget by staff after the workshop include: Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Public Hearing September 12,2016 ➢ Reduced police/fire pension contributions ➢ Added revenues and expenditures for developer contributions for the City Center West Orange ➢ Adjusted estimated revenues ➢ Added funds for the Beech Center network upgrades ➢ City shared streetlights for Roberson Road ➢ Sponsorship of the Florida League of Cities event ➢ Miscellaneous speed tables and streetlights ➢ Part-time School Crossing Guard ➢ Maine Street retention pond and stormwater fund The proposed operating budgets for the City of Ocoee for FY 2017 total $66,633,080. The proposed General Fund budget is $40,599,585 and is balanced at 5.79 mils. The difference between the 6.5 mils and the 5.79 mils is $1,400,605, which is currently not in the budget. Ad Valorem taxes are being assessed to provide funding for: • Operational expenses • Capital purchases • Debt service payments • Salaries necessary to provide municipal services to the citizens and businesses of Ocoee Items identified by the commission or staff that are not included in the proposed budget are itemized on the unfunded list for discussion. 1. Comments by Citizens. 6:06 PM Mark Scalzo, 703 Marotta Loop, expressed his concerns regarding the current fire protection on the northwest part of the City. He shared that currently the City has a two-man advanced life support unit that is housed at Fire Station 38, which is located within the Publix shopping center on West Road. Although sufficient for life support, there is no City fire engine or suppression unit dedicated to this area. The closest fire engine would be the City of Winter Garden's Fire Engine 23. He further expressed several concerns, which will result due to growth in that area. In conclusion, Mr. Scalzo opined that by staffing a four-man engine company at Fire Station 38, the fire personnel could not only provide ALS service, but suppression capability also. He asked that the Commission please consider in doing whatever it takes to accomplish the upgrade in service to the residents of District 1 in the northwest Ocoee area and make provisions in the FY 16/17 budget that will at least start the process. Martha Lopez-Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, said at the Budget Workshop the Commission went through an extensive list of different items, which contained costs associated to them, and the Commission was going to decide which of those items they were going to prioritize and include in the budget. She inquired where citizens can obtain a copy of that list so that citizens can properly provide feedback. City Manager Frank explained that he is not sure which list she is referring to, but briefly shared that the Capital Budget for next year does list any possible projects and funding. Brief discussion ensued regarding the bond issue for the Downtown Redevelopment, and it was explained that within the next few weeks there will be workshops for Page 2 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Public Hearing September 12, 2016 the Commission to prioritize which projects they would like to fund. Ms. Lopez-Anderson concluded her comments by echoing Mr. Scalzo's concerns on the importance of a fire station on the northwest part of the city. Chris Atkins, 606 Ridgefield Avenue, shared his concerns with regards to the non-ad valorem assessment on his taxes. 2. Comments by Commissioners. 6:19 PM Commissioner Grogan said he would like to see the architect/engineer fees ($160,000) put into this year's budget. He would like to start the process so that maybe next fiscal year they can finalize it and start on the construction of the building. He further commented that the item he added to the unfunded list to be discussed was the priority based budgeting ($47,500) which he feels would help with issues such as working on the budget and the services the City provides to residents. Commissioner Grogan further explained the quality performance audit ($15,000) which was an additional item he added as well to the unfunded list. Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the Florida League of Cities Sponsorship ($10,000) which was included on the proposed balanced budget list. It was clarified that it was for the National League of Cities; and because of the Mayor's appointment as Chair to that organization, the City will be hosting an upcoming meeting. Commissioner Wilsen further commented that the walkway and lighting at Withers Maguire House ($22,000) is something she would like to consider adding to the budget. Commissioner Firstner said he is fine with the majority of the budget, but does have concerns with the need of a fire station in the northwest end of town. He further opined that if they wait much longer it will be more difficult for them to catch up. Commissioner Firstner shared that he thinks they can wait on the fire station construction and improvements until they receive impact fees. He would like to add into the budget the operating costs for personnel ($576,920) which would put the millage rate at 6.0825; if they can fray that cost a little, it would help. Commissioner Keller said he is happy they added speed tables and lighting into the budget. He further shared that he agrees with Commissioner Grogan on the priority based budgeting as he has attended classes on that topic and sees the value of having it done. He reiterated the need of having a fire station in the northwest portion of town, especially with the growth and the high school being in that area. He has no problem starting with the architect/engineer planning for the fire station in this upcoming budget and opined that the operating costs for the fire station may not be needed yet. He further commented on the possibility of bringing transport in-house instead of outsourcing so that the City could profit. Commissioner Keller further commented that they have had problems with graffiti at Central Park, and he would not have a problem with adding the installation of the security camera system ($137,000) into the budget. Central Park would be the best park to start with since it is the largest and most used park. Mayor Johnson inquired when the second phase of the land sales with Mattamy Homes would occur. City Manager Frank said he believed December 2017. Mayor Johnson inquired if they could use funds from that sale to start architect/engineer design for the fire station. City Page 3 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Public Hearing September 12, 2016 Manager Frank answered in the affirmative, and advised they can use funds from either the bond issue or using proceeds from the Crown Point sale to start the architect/engineer design for the fire station. Mayor Johnson commented that the other item he brought up at the budget workshop was the live scan for the firefighters. Fire Chief Miller said he provided the information to him, the City Manager and the HR Director; and after discussions, it was decided it may be best for that to be part of the contract negotiations. It was also mentioned that the firefighters could use their VEBA account. Fire Chief Miller briefly addressed the need of a fire station in the northwest area and advised that the most important priority is to get a suppression unit with personnel at the current existing facility. This would allow them to safely get by. Commissioner Grogan inquired on the operating costs for adding the suppression unit. Fire Chief Miller advised they would have to add an additional room at that location, which would be about $15,000-$20,000. They have the apparatus. So the only additional costs would be the personnel costs. Mayor Johnson briefly clarified and addressed the fire fee and non-ad valorem fees that were brought up by Mr. Atkins. Discussion ensued. With regards to the fire station architect/engineer/construction, City Manager Frank advised the Commission to keep in mind that they do have a bond issue coming up; and if they wanted to add the $1.4 million to the bond issue, they could make that commitment. Brief discussion ensued. 3. Motions by Commissioners for amendments to the proposed tentative budget.6.53 PM Motion: Move to amend the tentative budget to include those items on the proposed balanced budget millage rate; Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan. Motion carried 5-0. Proposed Balanced Budget Millage Rate 5.9104 City Center West Orange Plan Review Fees (per agreement) 0 Police/Fire Pension (assumption changes effective 10/1/17) (430,000) (0.2180) 5.6924 Adjustment to Estimated Revenues 127,175 0.0645 5.7569 Beech Center Network- upgrade to 100mb 4,260 0.0022 5.7591 Street Lights for Roberson Road (City's share) 20,000 0.0101 5.7692 National League of Cities sponsorship 10,000 0.0051 5.7743 Miscellaneous Speed Tables and Street Lights 25,000 0.0127 5.7869 Add PT School Crossing Guard 6,150 0.0031 5.7900 This would reduce the millage rate to 5.79 mils. It was discussed to add the fire station architect/design and construction to the bond issue. New Fire Station (architect/engineer) Miller 160,000 0.0811 New Fire Station (construction) Miller 1,410,000 0.7148 Page 4 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Public Hearing September 12, 2016 Commissioner Wilsen inquired what the millage rate would be if they added the following three items: Upgrade Athletic Field Lighting at Central Park Hayes 227,000 0.1151 Walkway and Lighting at Withers Maguire House Hayes 22,000 0.0112 0 0.0000 Central Park Security Camera System Butler 137,000 0.0694 It was announced that would bring the millage rate up to 5.9857 mils. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes briefly explained the lights are for the little league fields (Minor field and T-ball field). They did replace the lights for the major fields at Central Park. Discussion ensued on the lights, if they worked, and if upgrading them could be held off until next year. Commissioner Wilsen said she feels the security camera system is important, because they have had issues at Central Park for a long time. She further inquired if she added only that item into the budget, what would be the millage rate. It was announced that would bring the millage rate to 5.8595 mils. Commissioner Wilsen inquired what the millage rate would be if she added both the walkway and lighting at Withers Maguire House and the Central Park security camera system. It was announced that would bring the millage rate to 5.8706 mils. Support Service Director Butler briefed the board on the security camera system and some of the major issues they are experiencing with vandalism. City Manager Frank shared that Finance Director Horton is looking into the balance of the Parks and Recreation Impact Fees; and further, they can possibly use those funds if there is money in that account, which would not affect the millage rate. Motion: Move to amend the tentative budget of the City of Ocoee distributed along with the budget message of the City Manager dated August 1, 2016, along with the changes proposed in the Budget Workshops, in the following manner to include the Walkway and Lighting at Withers Maguire House; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller. Motion carried 5-0. Motion: Move to amend the tentative budget of the City of Ocoee distributed along with the budget message of the City Manager dated August 1, 2016, along with the changes proposed in the Budget Workshops, in the following manner to approve Central Park Security Camera System and funding to come from Recreation Impact Fees; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Grogan. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the increase of the HRA back to its original amount. City Manager Frank advised that would be an additional $303,000. Commissioner Wilsen inquired if the $303,000 was added into the budget, what would be the millage rate. It was announced that would bring the millage rate to 5.9548 mils. It was briefly clarified that the increase of the HRA would reduce the amount of deductible employees pay. Brief discussion ensued regarding the HRA. Page 5 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Public Hearing September 12, 2016 Motion: Move to amend the tentative budget of the City of Ocoee distributed along with the budget message of the City Manager dated August 1, 2016, along with the changes proposed in the Budget Workshops, in the following manner to include the quality performance audit; Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion carried 5-0. It was announced that would bring the millage rate to 5.8088 mils. NOTE: RECESS to recompute the proposed millage rate and rolled-back percentage increase. C. Announcement by Finance Director of the recomputed proposed millage rate and the percent by which the recomputed proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate. This percentage is the proposed tentative percentage increase in property taxes. Announcement regarding the vote required to adopt this millage rate (Regular Majority, Super Majority, or Unanimous). Finance Manager Brosonski announced the following has been added to the proposed balanced budget: Walkway and Lighting at Withers Maguire House Hayes 22,000 0.0112 Quality(Performance)Audit Grogan 15,000 0.0076 This will bring the millage rate to 5.8088 mils. Commissioner Keller said he would like to make an amendment so that they can still have the option at their next meeting to look at items they may need. He inquired what amount was needed to keep the millage rate at the 6.5 mils. Finance Manager Brosonski announced they would need to add $1,363,605 to contingency to balance the millage rate at 6.500 mils. Commissioner Keller announced this increase has been done historically every year, and they bring the millage rate down at the final budget hearing. Motion: Move to amend the tentative budget to include $1,363,605 to contingency; Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Firstner. Motion carried 5-0. poo��.y b s �4z�s""'r .y �c3 y�, ��� , .a d 3 � , , 4.4 .!i d C,Y S�ji�,�,�i ,:: �� � .-,a fl , ., �,,,.z1 ks i, Cis�.^r„cIt Motion: Move that the City Commission adopt the tentative millage rate at 6.5 mils for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017; Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion carried 5-0. Page 6 of 8 Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Public Hearing September 12, 2016 City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATE of 6.5 MILS FOR AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1,2016,AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017; PROVIDING FOR MILLAGE ADJUSTMENT; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES; PROVIDING FOR 14A2% INCREASE IN MILLAGE RATE OVER THE ROLLED—BACK RATE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. mt:, e z y t'�.a u a . zed? 9 k kz a s y W a 2. '. oti n ato.adopt the tebta�e millage rate 7 P� .�.. . ._�r� I ,, g...f. � ` Motion restated: Move that the City Commission adopt the tentative millage rate at 6.5 mils for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017; Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. a. Comments by Citizens. Mark Scalzo, 703 Marotta Loop, asked for clarification on the fire station. It was explained that the architect/engineer and construction will be added to the bond issue. He further inquired about the personnel costs for the fire station and if that is going to be discussed. He opined that they should be concentrating on staffing. Commissioner Keller commented that he made the motion of the millage rate at 6.5 mils so that the Commission does have the ability to discuss with the City Manager on how they would like to handle this issue. Discussion ensued. b. Comments by Commissioners - none c. Vote on motion to adopt the tentative millage rate. Motion on the adoption of the tentative millage rate carried 5-0. ~r rrr az �,..' 9a s zo sx r j� s a a 5�u��aa s; s g ° p.as Yg� q, ii ,,a u[l'q) i >.. o rtdmau't{ '.: `�.! 0_ f i',tidgete,11e i7 a 'Al! ,' to ,.. a'"i.,n'y z`. =a `r�r. .. ii, .1��h �PGfl�r�� ig City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance. , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1,2016,AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. �ad ':a; a =�_ a- p:,` ' < � :� a ;rr"a� n n 6a zSB� DIY z Es�°z inz gaa uv e r rr, a ,,'" }Xy ,�,��' 77, p} e r g a �` S a,a4;51 ` r�.�. e�� T ��.r Y(��!>e}: $�- �1�+ ge�:.r �3 ��� :� .,. rr kS�j";.. �'&i��;� �zz i t�'azz7p aa..�!� .X� e °anuM�'`� ,�-•',�ed", 1) a. Comments by Citizens -none b. Comments by Commissioners - none Page 7 of 8 }¢5 Ocoee City Commission Tentative Budget Public Hearing September 12, 2016 c. Vote on motion to adopt the tentative budget. Motion: Move that the City Commission adopt the tentative budget of the City of Ocoee distributed along with the budget message of the City Manager dated August 1, 2016, along with the changes resulting from the Budget Workshops and as amended at the Tentative Budget Public Hearing tonight, such tentative budget being for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017; Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion carried 5-0. D. Motion to schedule the public hearing on September 21, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers to adopt the final millage rate and budget. 7:38 PM Motion: Move that a public hearing to consider the final millage rate and final budget be scheduled for September 21, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. at a Special Meeting of the City of Ocoee Commission to be held at the Ocoee City Hall Commission Chambers, that the hearing be advertised in accordance with the provisions of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, and Section C-37 of Article VI of the Ocoee City Charter, that the appropriate Ordinances necessary to adopt the final millage rate and final budget be prepared by the City staff, and that all other action necessary to comply with the requirements of Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, be undertaken; Moved by Commissioner Keller, Seconded by Commissioner Firstner. Motion passed unanimously. E. Announcement by Mayor Johnson of end of hearing and date for final millage and final budget hearing. 7:39 PM Mayor Johnson announced the final budget and final millage rate hearing will be held on September 21, 2016, at 6:00 p.m., at Ocoee City Hall_ i a 7 N a a m � t w f ,., 4 da,'« 6"',?, ..�:'^„x; ,F?s 0 The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor Page 8 of 8 CITY OF OCOEE FINAL BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING Ocoee Commission Chambers September 21, 2016 MINUTES 6:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER-.6:01 PM Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Mayor Johnson called the final budget hearing to order at 6:01 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. k. Roll Call: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner and Commissioner Keller. Announcement by Mayor Johnson This is an advertised public hearing to finalize the budget and adopt a final millage rate for the s` City of Ocoee. The City Commission has previously approved a tentative millage rate of 6_5 ` mils, which represents a 14.42% increase in millage over the rolled-back rate of 5.6808 mils. The adopted tentative millage rate is the maximum millage rate, which may be adopted by the City Commission at the Final Budget Public Hearing tonight. II. PUBLIC HEARING 6:01 PM fi Briefing by Director of Finance on the percentage increase in millage under the roll-backed rate necessary to fund the budget and the specific purpose for which ad valorem tax revenues are being increased. The proposed operating budgets for the City of Ocoee for FY 2017 total $68,204,030. The proposed General Fund budget is $42,033,535. Ad Valorem taxes are being assessed to provide funding for: operational expenses, capital purchases, debt service payments, and salaries necessary to provide municipal services to the citizens and businesses of Ocoee. The commission approved a tentative millage rate for FY 2017 of 6.5 mils. This rate is higher than the rolled-back rate of 5.6808 and represents an increase in the millage over the rolled-back rate of 14.42%. The tentative millage rate generates about $1,616,020 more in revenues than the rolled-back rate. Of this amount $1,363,605 is undesignated and has been placed in the contingency account. Adoption of the 6.5 mils requires a majority vote by the commission. Items that were discussed with no action taken during the tentative budget hearing are itemized on the unfunded list for further consideration. a) Comments by Citizens. 6:03 PM : 1 Chris Atkins, 606 Ridgefield Avenue, shared his personal concerns on several items in the budget and asked for clarification on the expenditures and revenues for the Founders' Day event. Finance Director Horton explained the Founders' Day expenditures and shared the pages in the budget book where that is shown. Mayor Johnson briefly explained the donations that are Final Budget Public Hearing September 21,2016 collected for the Founders' Day event that helps pay back the money the City contributes. Further discussion ensued regarding funds that are in reserve and how that is budgeted. b) Comments by Commissioners. 6:14 PM Commissioner Grogan said the only thing he would like to have moved forward into the budget is the priority based budgeting ($47,500); he is fine with the rest of the budget. Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the quality performance audit ($15,000) and if that is being considered. It was explained that the quality performance audit was approved at the last public hearing and is included in the budget. Commissioner Wilsen inquired how many audits could be done with the money budgeted and would it cover just a specific department. Commissioner Grogan explained that an audit could cover a variety of aspects within the City and would not have to be specific to a department. He further shared his knowledge of quality performance audits. Commissioner Wilsen advised she does not have any other questions at the moment. Commissioner Firstner inquired if all the items listed on the proposed balanced budget millage rate are currently included in the budget. It was answered affirmatively. Commissioner Firstner said he would like to consider moving forward into the budget fire station improvements ($40,000). He further shared that he believes that would allow the City to locate an engine on the Northwest end of the City limits. He opined that having the construction of a new fire station considered in the bond issue is a great start. Commissioner Keller said that last night at the Regular Commission Meeting there was a discussion on the money that they have budgeted for the Community Grants. This is a discussion that comes up every year, because many applicants are not from the City of Ocoee. He would like for the Commission to consider dropping that grant program and taking that money and putting it into the MVP Grant Program, which would still allow for them to give back to the community. Mayor Johnson shared that he would prefer putting the money into a small business initiative that would help new businesses that want to open up around downtown. Mayor Johnson shared that he likes the priority based budgeting suggested by Commissioner Grogan, but he would prefer moving forward into the budget the $40,000 for the fire station improvements, because he does not want to move the millage rate above 5.9 mils. Referring back to the grant money discussion, the Mayor shared that he would like to keep the MVP Grant Program for the HOA's and rotate it so that it is not the same group receiving the money. ` c) Motions by Commissioners for amendments to the proposed tentative budget.6:25 PM Motion: Move to amend the tentative budget to remove the $1,363,605 from the contingency fund; Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Grogan. Motion carried 5-0. p-- 1 Final Budget Public Hearing September 21,2016 Motion: Move to amend the tentative budget to add $40,000 for Fire Station Improvements; Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Keller. Motion carried 5-0. Finance Manager Brosonski advised this would bring the millage rate to 5.829 mils. Motion: Move to amend the tentative budget to add $50,000 to Contingency Fund; Moved by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion died due to lack of second. After all amendments are completed, announcement by Director of Finance of the proposed final millage rate and the percent by which the proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate. This percentage is the proposed final percentage increase in property taxes. Finance Manager Brosonski announced that the proposed final millage rate is 5.8291 and the percent by which the proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled-back rate is 2.61%. This percentage is the proposed final percentage increase in property taxes. 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance No 2016-010,setting final millage rate. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance. The ordinance as adopted carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO 2016-010 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A FINAL MILLAGE RATE OF 5.8291 MILS FOR AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2016, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017; PROVIDING FOR MILLAGE ADJUSTMENT; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES; PROVIDING FOR 2.61% IN MILLAGE RATE OVER THE ROLLED-BACK RATE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Johnson opened the floor for comments by citizens. No comments were made so a vote was taken. ' Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No 2016-010, setting a final millage rate of 5.8291 mils for Fiscal Year 2016-2017; Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion carried 5-0. Final Budget Public Hearing September 21, 2016 2. Motion to adopt Ordinance No 2016-011, adopting final budget. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance. The ordinance as adopted carries the following title: ORDINANCE NO.2016-011 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A FINAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2016, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Johnson opened the floor for comments by citizens. No comments were made so a vote was taken. Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2016-011, approving a final budget for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2017; Moved by Commissioner Keller, Seconded by Commissioner Wilsen. Motion passed 5-0. III.ADJOURNMENT-6:33 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee F Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20,2016 at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER- 7:15 PM Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Commissioner Keller followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Commissioner Grogan, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Keller B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - 7:16 PM Proclamation—International Walk to School Day, October 5,2016. (Mayor Johnson) Mayor Johnson read the proclamation and proclaimed October 5, 2016, as International Walk to School Day. Parks and Recreation Director Hayes was present to accept the proclamation. C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - 7:20 PM Mark Pester, 3390 Fawnwood Drive, and Felipe Lopez, retired major league baseball player, F' were present representing First Impressions of Central Florida to request the Board to waive the rental fee of the Ocoee baseball field to host a free baseball camp on Friday, October 28, 2016, for the children in Ocoee and surrounding areas to learn baseball skills. Mayor Johnson inquired if they are holding this in Winter Garden as well and whether they had asked Winter Garden. Mr. Pester indicated they have not asked Winter Garden. He further explained First Impressions sends out community guides to new residents of Ocoee inviting them to their meet- and-greets, and they would like to bring some more activities into the city. Commissioner Keller asked if this is in conjunction with the Ocoee Little League. Mr. Pester indicated it is not. Commissioner Grogan asked him to explain the business of First Impressions of Central Florida. Mr. Pester explained the business publishes community guides and realtor brochures to new residents. They also host a meet-and-greet at the Roper YMCA every month for new residents of Ocoee, Winter Garden, Windermere and Dr. Phillips to help them get to know their area. He further explained different, free community events they host. Commissioner Wilsen asked if they have been in contact with the Ocoee Little League to coordinate anything with them. Mr. Pester answered in the negative. Commissioner Keller suggested to hold off on this decision and bring it back to the next meeting in order for them to discuss and coordinate with the Ocoee Little League. Mayor Johnson recommended it would be best for them to contact and coordinate this with the Ocoee Little League first, and then further follow up at the October 4, 2016, meeting. City Manager Frank recommended, in the interest of saving time, the Board make a motion pending the approval of the Ocoee Little League. Motion: Move to waive all associated facility fees for the use of the Ocoee baseball field for a baseball camp hosted by First Impressions of Central Florida, pending the approval of the Ocoee Little League on Friday, October 28, 2016. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Keller. Motion carried 5-0. Regular City Commission September 20, 2016 D. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW- 7:26 PM City Manager Frank stated he has no announcements. He welcomed City Clerk Sibbitt to her first official meeting as City Clerk, as she was appointed last week. The Board congratulated City Clerk Sibbitt. E. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS - 7:26 PM Commissioner Grogan—None. Commissioner Wilsen — Announced the Final Budget Public Hearing to set the millage rate is tomorrow evening, September 21, 2016, at 6:00 pm, and asked the residents to please attend and voice their opinions. Commissioner Firstner—None. Commissioner Keller—None. Mayor Johnson—None. F. CONSENT AGENDA - 7:27 PM Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#7. Moved by Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 5-0. 1. Approval of Minutes for the Regular Commission Meeting held September 6, 2016. (City Clerk Sibbitt) Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Approval of City Center West Orange School Concurrency Mitigation Agreement between WSCC Development, LLC, Orange County Public Schools and City of Ocoee. (City Planner Rumer) As per Section 16.6 (f) of the Amended Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning Implementation of Concurrency ("ILA"), the City shall enter into a mitigation agreement with the School Board and the Applicant of the proposed development when the students generated fails to meet the adopted level of service. The applicant submitted a School Concurrency Determination Application and Development Analysis to the Orange County School Board in connection with a proposal to obtain approval for a Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plan in order to develop 480 Residential Units on the City Center West Orange property. The analysis indicated the proposed development would generate 27.36 students at Ocoee Middle School. The capacity available at Ocoee Middle School could accommodate zero(0)students resulting in a need to mitigate 27.4 students. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 2IPage Regular City Commission September 20,2016 3. Approval of Declaration of Surplus Property. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) Staff has successfully used Gideon Auctioneers for previous surplus sales. Staff requests the approval of the City Commission to contract George Gideon Auctioneers, Inc., Zellwood, Florida for the public sale of the City's surplus property. Due to the market, Gideon is now performing online auctions only;however, Gideon will continue to act as the dealer in transferring all titles and collecting sales tax, collecting payments, taking auction pictures and listing each item,which includes answering questions and showing the items to the public. This action will present the City with the opportunity of a larger coverage area with more convenience to the public, and will alleviate the overtime costs and auctioneer fees incur in conducting the auction in-house. The surplus items will be delivered to the Gideon property located at 2753 N. Hwy. 441, Zellwood, FL 32798.The public viewing of items at the auction site is during business hours from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 3:30 p.m. for vehicles. A link to the City's surplus auctions on Gideon's auction site will be placed on the City's website. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval to Award Bid #B16-04 License Plate Reader System. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) The City of Ocoee, Florida solicited bids from qualified contractors to furnish and deliver a License Plate Reader (LPR) System for use by the Ocoee Police Department. The LPR System is mounted in speed measurement trailers. The LPR system consists of two (2) complete trailers that house a message board containing the speed of oncoming traffic as well as the essential equipment necessary for this function. Each trailer is battery operated with solar assistance for charging. Cameras for the LPR System are capable of capturing at least one lane of traffic. There are at least two cameras per trailer to capture both directions of travel. The trailers are able to communicate using Plate Smart ARES ALPR-Based Video Analytics software to a computer server located at the police department for ninety day storage of LPR activity.The price includes a one-year warranty and on-site training. The bid was publicly advertised on July 31,2016,and opened on August 23,2016. There was a total of six(6) bids received ranging from $55,815.36 to $87,988.00. All bids are available in the Finance Department for review. The Police and Finance Departments reviewed all bids received and all were considered responsive. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Supertel Network, Inc., dba Sentry View Systems, Inc., for$55,815.36 as the most responsive and responsible bidder,per recommendation from Police Chief Brown. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Approval to Purchase Two In-Car High Definition Video Systems from the State Equitably Shared Funds for up to $12,000. (Police Chief Brown) The Ocoee Police Department places a high priority on the detection and apprehension of impaired drivers. The dangers of impaired driving are well documented with 899 deaths in Florida related to impairment in 2014 alone. In-car video is a resource that greatly enhances the prosecution of DUI offenders as it details not only driving behaviors, but also the officer interaction as well as the field sobriety exercises. The State Attorney Office tasks the Ocoee Police Department for in-car video on each DUI case. The Ocoee Police Department requests to spend up to $12,000 from its State Forfeiture account that has a current balance of$73,236.55 for the purchase of(2)in-car high definition video cameras to be installed in traffic enforcement vehicles. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 3IPage Regular City Commission September 20,2016 6. Approval of Transferring$36,571.61 from the Retirement Contribution Account to the Vehicle Replacement Account for the Purchase of One Administration Vehicle. (Police Chief Brown) The Police Department is replacing one administration vehicle due to one vehicle being totaled and other forfeiture vehicles no longer being worthy of repair. Currently there are sufficient funds in the Retirement Contributions Account due to reduced expenditures from position vacancies and employees in the DROP. Public Works was able to locate a Ford Explorer, administration SUV. Alan Jay Fleet Sales, which is on the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Bid 2017-102811, has the vehicle in stock. The City has purchased vehicles utilizing the NJPA contract as they provide competitive bid pricing, which meet our vehicle purchasing procedure. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. 7. Approval of Change Order #4 to Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility Improvements Project. (Utilities Director Smith) As part of the original Bluford Avenue Stormwater and Utility Improvements Project and approved Columbus Street forcemain work covered under Change Order#1, Change Order#4 is comprised primarily of water and wastewater utility additions including required water service connections, unforeseen utility conditions along the Bluford corridor, and repair of aged water utility infrastructure along Bluford Avenue. In addition, this change order covers unforeseen underground conditions at the new forcemain connection to the existing forcemain on Maguire Road. An existing multi-level Century Link duct bank created substantial conflicts at the connection point. In summary, the increase in cost for water and wastewater items is $27,186.13 and $32,798.50, respectively. Dewitt and City Representatives utilized the current bid item quantity costs to estimate the change order costs. In review of the original contract pay items, several items including Items 4.01,4.04,4.18 and 4.20 had contract deductions, which are shown in Change Order#4. The cost savings due to the deductions in water items is$32,614.00. The net increase to the original contact amount is$27,370.63. Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0. G. PUBLIC HEARING - None H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE - PUBLIC HEARING - 7:27 PM 8. Second Reading of Ordinance for Oak Trail Reserve Planned Unit Development (PUD) - Substantial Amendment to the Approved PUD Land Use Plan(LUP), Project # RZ-16-07-04. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, September 8, 2016.) (City Planner Rumer) Oak Trail Reserve PUD(Planned Unit Development)is located on the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Clarke Road and Clarcona-Ocoee Road. The subject property is approximately 38.62 acres in size of which approximately three (3) acres is designated wetlands. The subject property is currently undeveloped and is partially covered with trees, mostly on the south side and along the eastern boundary of the property. The remainder of the site is an open field. The Future Land Use designation is "Low Density Residential" which allows up to four(4)dwelling units per acre. On April 19,2016,the City Commission reviewed and approved a non-substantial amendment to the PUD/Land Use Plan for Oak Trail Reserve PUD. The Oak Trail Reserve PUD Land Use Plan, as approved by the City Commission on April 19,2016,provides for a 126 lot, gated subdivision, with the residential streets owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. The residential lot sizes are as follows: 101 units—50 foot by 120 foot, and 25 units—40 foot by 110 foot (rear loaded lots). The project, as approved, provides 11.19 acres of open space. The Amendment proposes an increase of lots to 134 lots, distributed as follows: 35 units - 50 foot by 120 foot, 83 units—40 foot by 120 foot, and 16 units—40 foot by 110 foot(all front loaded lots). The substantially amended project provides 12.22 acres of open space. 4IPage Regular City Commission September 20, 2016 Commissioner Keller announced that he will be abstaining due to a conflict; his brother-in-law is Paul Caruso, who is a member of Pineloch Management. (Form 8B on file in the City Clerk's Department.) City Planner Rumer gave a brief overview of the Substantial Amendment to the PUD for the Oak Trail Reserve Subdivision. The Oak Trail Reserve PUD Land Use Plan, as approved by the City Commission on April 19, 2016, provided for a 126 lot, gated subdivision, with the residential streets owned and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. The residential lot sizes were as follows: 101 units — 50 foot by 120 foot, and 25 units — 40 foot by 110 foot (rear loaded lots). For your consideration is a Substantial Amendment to the Oak Trail Reserve PUD Land Use Plan (Amendment). The Amendment proposes an increase of lots to 134 lots, distributed as follows: 35 units - 50 foot by 120 foot, 83 units—40 foot by 120 foot, and 16 units — 40 foot by 110 foot (all front loaded lots). The substantially amended project provides 12.22 acres of open space. Public hearing was opened. Richard Lee Gonzalez, Pineloch Management, explained that they own the property and have been collaborating with Ocoee for many years on projects. He shared information on several land donations they have made for projects, and said he is happy to see this particular project evolve into a nice development. Richard Wohlfarth, IBI Group, introduced his team and thanked staff for working with them to get this project where it is this evening. They will be available to answer any questions. Public hearing was closed. City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinance. Commissioner Keller inquired if all the residences would have two car garages. City Planner Rumer answered in the affirmative. Motion: Move to approve Ordinance No. 2016-012 Oak Trail Reserve Planned Unit Development (PUD) - Substantial Amendment to the Approved PUD Land Use Plan (LUP), Project# RZ-16-07-04. Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Keller abstaining. 5IPage Regular City Commission September 20, 2016 9. Second Reading of Ordinance for The Park at 429 Planned Unit Development (PUD) (FICA East Crown Point PUD) - Annexation and Initial Zoning to PUD/LUP, Project No(s): AX-04-16-58/RZ-16-04-03. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, September 8th, 2016 and Thursday, September 15th, 2016.) (City Planner Rumer) The subject property is located on the north side of Palm Drive, on the west side of SR 429, and on the east side of East Crown Point Road. The property is vacant/undeveloped. The subject property is +/- 45.54 acres, adjacent to SR 429 to the east and East Crown Point Road to the west. The applicants propose to develop the 45.85 acres as a light industrial/flex office PUD consisting of five (5) buildings totaling a maximum of 645,600 sq. ft. This provides for a maximum floor area ratio of 0.037. The permitted uses will be limited to those uses permitted within the I-1 (Light Manufacturing and Warehousing)except automotive sales(new and used), boat sales and service, mobile home and travel trailer sales, monument sales, motor vehicle wholesale, lumber yard. a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the Ordinances. City Planner Rumer gave a brief overview of the proposed annexation and rezoning for The Park at 429 Planned Unit Development (PUD). This site consists of three parcels with three different parcel identification numbers, but the longest parcel lies half within the city and the other half within Orange County. The northern section lies within Orange County, is eligible for voluntary annexation, and is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it is bordered by property located within the City limits on the eastern boundaries. The annexation and rezoning is consistent with the Future Land Use Element Policy. The property is being rezoned to develop the 45.85 acres as a light industrial/flex office PUD, consisting of five (5) buildings totaling a maximum of 645,600 sq. ft. The subject property is located within the SR 429 moratorium area. The Moratorium Ordinance provides that a project can be exempt from the Moratorium with the approval of the City Manager and City Planner based on the determination that the project will be consistent with the Study Area amendments. Access from the site will be via two (2) access points on Palm Drive and three (3) access points on East Crown Point Road. A left turn lane is proposed on Palm Drive, turning left onto East Crown Point Road and a right and left turn lane is proposed on East Crown Point Road. The northern entrance is being reserved as truck traffic only. The PUD provides for dedication of ten (10) feet of additional right-of-way on Palm Drive and East Crown Point Road. Buffers are being provided on East Crown Point Road of 25 feet and 35 feet along SR 429. City Planner Rumer briefly explained some of the criteria requirements for this project that will be coming out of the 429 Overlay. He shared that the project before them is a PUD Land Use Plan and during the next step, which is the Preliminary/Final Site Plan, staff will have the 429 Overlay adopted, which will show more details. A future segment of the West Orange Trail Connector will run along Palm Drive. City Planner Rumer advised that a traffic study was done and it did not show a need for any type of improvement downstream. However, in discussing the project with the City of Winter Garden as part of the 429 Overlay, it was decided to signalize the intersection of Palm Drive and East Crown Point Road. The signalization is not a requirement of the site plan, but is an item on the Bi-City Partnership for the 429. 6IPage Regular City Commission September 20, 2016 Mayor Johnson announced that citizen comments will be 3 minutes per speaker. Public hearing was opened. The following residents spoke in regards to the proposed project and shared their traffic concerns: • Jennifer Walker, 1832 Lindzlu Street, Winter Garden • Chris Martinez, 1838 Lindzlu Street, Winter Garden(handout was provided) • Alieda Verdasco, 1711 Sparkling Water Circle, Ocoee • David Whitney, 1812 Winged Elm Place, Winter Garden Dave Schmitt, Dave Schmitt Engineering Firm, said he is present tonight representing the Developer. He shared that he appreciates staff's efforts and the diligent meetings they have had with staff the last several months. They are present tonight to answer any questions of the Commission. Mayor Johnson inquired if there is work to be done at the intersection of Palm Drive and East Crown Point Road. City Planner Rumer explained that there will be a streetscape design for East Crown Point Road as part of the 429 Overlay that Winter Garden and Ocoee are working on. Additionally, as this development will be established over phases, they will work with Winter Garden on getting the design and estimate for the signalization of Palm Drive. Commissioner Grogan inquired if the Traffic Study was made with the intent of there being large trucks. City Planner Rumer answered that they look at all the land uses and this property has had light industrial land use since 2008, so that issue was considered. Commissioner Grogan further inquired if the City would be allowed to put weight limit for vehicles on Palm Drive. City Planner Rumer advised that would be a question for the Public Works Director. Commissioner Firstner inquired what the buffer would consist of along the 429, on the rear of the property. City Planner Rumer said it would be a species of trees. Commissioner Keller inquired if a traffic light would be installed at the other end of East Crown Point Road. City Planner Rumer answered that the traffic light at Palm Drive and East Crown Point Road will be the only ones installed. Commissioner Keller further inquired if the proposed turning lanes will be long enough for tractor trailers. City Planner Rumer answered in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson commented that he drove by that area and noticed that there are no buffers on the Winter Garden side. Additionally, while in that area, he also noticed a lot of semi-truck activity. The City wants to make sure the safety concerns are addressed and will discuss these factors with the developer. City Planner Rumer further shared that this is not a technical review at this time. The preliminary/final site plan is where the technical details to the project will be provided. City Planner Rumer briefly addressed some additional concerns that were expressed by the residents with regards to the buffer and road capacity. Public hearing was closed. 7IPage Regular City Commission September 20, 2016 a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance Motion: Move to approve Annexation Ordinance No. 2016-008 for The Park at 429 Planned Unit Development (PUD) (FKA East Crown Point PUD), Project No: AX-04- 16-58. Moved by Commissioner Firstner, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion carried unanimously. b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance Motion: Move to approve Rezoning Ordinance No. 2016-009 for The Park at 429 Planned Unit Development (PUD) (FKA East Crown Point PUD), Project No: RZ-16- 04-03. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried unanimously. I. REGULAR AGENDA - 8:13 PM 10. Community Grant Program — July 2016 Cycle. (Community Relations Manager Wright) The Community Grant Review Board (CGRB) met on August 10, 2016, to discuss the nine (9) applications received for the Community Grant Program. The Community Grant Program provides financial grants of up to$500 to non-profit organizations and civic groups located within the city limits or outside the city limits,but benefit residents of Ocoee. The grant cycle is open twice yearly(January and July)to acknowledge excellence and further the contributions these local organizations bring to the Ocoee community. There is$6,000 allotted for this cycle of the Community Grant Program. The Community Grant Review Board recommended funding eight (8) organizations in the total amount of$4,000. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Church was not recommended to receive a grant. The church group proposed using the grant money to pay utility bills for people in need.The CGRB stated that subsidizing bills is not the best way to use the City's grant funds. Community Relations Manager Wright explained that the Community Grant Review Board (CGRB) met and they recommended funding eight (8) organizations in the total amount of $4,000. Mayor Johnson asked for the name of the organizations receiving funds and their addresses. Community Relations Manager Wright provided the information. It was shared that the application states that any grant money received from the City be used to benefit residents of Ocoee. Brief discussion ensued regarding the one application that was not recommended to receive a grant. Mayor Johnson shared that he personally does not like giving grant money to anyone outside of the City. Commissioner Grogan said he also agreed with the Mayor's comment. He further inquired whether the remaining money not granted goes back into the general fund. It was answered in the affirmative. Chairman of the CGRB, Jim Sills, briefly addressed the Commission to share why the Board did not grant funds to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Church. Brief discussion ensued. 81Page Regular City Commission September 20,2016 Motion: Move to approve funding eight (8) organizations for the Community Grant Awards, as recommended by the CGRB, in the total amount of$4,000. Moved by Commissioner Grogan, seconded by Commissioner Keller; Motion carried unanimously. J. STAFF ACTION ITEMS -None K. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS - 8:25 PM Commissioner Keller— 1) Inquired of Police Chief Brown about vehicles parking in front of the homes on Rich Drive and whether an ordinance needs to be approved for no parking signs to be put up. Police Chief Brown recommends staff do more research on this issue. 2) He informs Chief Brown that residents are complaining about speeding along Timber Ridge Trail, even though there are speed humps. He said some residents feel the speed humps need to be closer or suggest a stop sign past the school after entering Sawmill. He asked for more police patrols in that area for a short period of time. Commissioner Wilsen — Informed the Board and staff that the entrance into the Women's Center parking lot, which is used for overflow parking for the Lakeshore Center, is poorly lit and hard to find at night. She asked staff what can be done so parking can be more efficient, and she suggested a more defined entrance, or an apron. Public Works Director Krug recommended concrete instead of rocks. Commissioner Wilsen further requested the Board to ask Public Works Director Krug to make this a priority so that the facilities can be used more effectively for future events. Public Works Director Krug said this is not a problem, but recommended it should be done before Founder's Day. City Manager Frank said a consensus will be fine, but it may have to come out of FY 2017 budget. Public Works Director Krug suggested his team perform this work instead of hiring an outside company to save the City money. Commissioner Grogan—None. Commissioner Firstner—None. Mayor Johnson — 1) Informed the Board and staff that residents would like some park benches in the area along Starke Lake between Oakland Street and Lafayette Street, and he suggested three benches on brick pavers. City Manager Frank asked if concrete would suffice. Mayor Johnson said brick or concrete is fine. Further discussion ensued regarding where the funding will come from for the benches. ADJOURNMENT - 8:38 PM APPROVED: Attest: City of Ocoee Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson,Mayor 9IPage