HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem # 08 Victory Baptist Fall Festival Parade - Special Event Permit center of Good Li . ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: November 7, 2006 Item # B Contact Name: Contact Number: Russ Wagner (407) 905-3104 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: ~ Subject: Victory Baptist Church Fall Festival Kick off Parade - Special Event Permit for Temporary Road Closure of Part of A.D. Mims. Background Summary: Victory Christian Academy has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for a children's parade that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street. The event will be held on November 11, 2006, from 10am - 1 0:30am. The street to be closed is part of A.D. Mims Road. See attached location map. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the temporary closing of a public street for the purpose of a children's parade? Recommendations: Recommended for approval by staff with the following requirements: 1) All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance must be notified of the road closure in advance; 3) An emergency lane must be maintained at all times; and, 4) Roads must be blocked with proper barricades. Attachments: Special Event Permit Application with location map. Financial Impact: none Type of Item: (please mark with an "x" Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution -L Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) X N/A X N/A N/A - Commissioners Gary Hood, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Joel Keller, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Robert Frank STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Russ Wagner, Community Development Director DATE: October 27,2006 RE: Victory Baptist Church Fall Festival Kick off Parade ISSUE Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the temporary closing of a public street for the purpose of a children's parade? BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is required. Victory Christian Academy has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for a children's parade that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street. The event will be held on November 11, 2006 from lOam - lO:30am. The street to be closed is part of A.D. Mims Road. See attached location map. 1 center of Good [.j ~~e ~i~ OCT 1 9 2006 Organization Head Quarters Name: V\C...toc...\ e:x:,p.h'::>+ c. ~u ,c '" t'md Address: \loo \A . D N'\ i {Y\~~ R.c\ City: OCo fe State: f L Phone #: L\ol &5 (p 30S'1 C~f\54'iCin .Acod('rYI" J Zip Code: 3 L\ "I b \ Representative Name: ~(Clc\ rho nd?S Address: )(003 A. D. {\r'\ \ mJ fA City: Dc O-E'e. State: f L Phone#: L\ol ~-d-d- Cj9Qtt- Applicant (if different): Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone #: Type of Event: Parade....L.- Ceremony_Exhibition Show Concert Demonstration Other Date (s) and time (s) scheduled: sat, NoV. \ \ I ZOO G, Zip Code: 3L\llc \ \O'.Ooa......... - \O~30G.yY\. Natureandtypesofactivities:_PQ.(~e' r\..l\t~{'fY'\ IltJk\ns Approximate number of spectators and~~cipants: (0:) '7!) ~ ~ \ \ d r f 1\ @ I () t]~ (;.1 +.5 Purpose of Special event: 16c.~j c~ DLl( r;. n tt~~\ln \ at ~\.e. C.~lCC ~ Exact location of event: VI c..\-o\ '-\ ?::cp~b.\- (\...} rt.. '" Designation of public facilities or equipment to be used: A.c~ (111111--11. "1 AJc{ PO F"f . fl.tf!.c. (ul.}flo! ((1fRuN~rj rJ'~/l ~'JI, rv1'\~7i.;,IJ Number of temporary directional signs: x $5.00 per sign = City ofOcoee . 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3104 · fax: (407) 656-5398 · www.ci.ocoee.tlus Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes 0 no ~par~ Exact location of marshalling and staging area: Fro o'....t c)~ &eeL\'-" Len.\-er Time at which units of parade will begin to arrive: 9; Lis- c..lfV'.. r L Ot(.'f{.o If') ~< .~ lV', u(.'~. ,I"" Time at which units of parade will be dispersed: \ () ,~o Ct........ f ~Jc.; Exact route to be traveled shown on attached map: ~es 0 no Please attach approximate # of persons, animals, & vehicles participating with description of types of animals and vehicles. Parade will occupy all of the width of the street, roadway, or sidewalk: ~s 0 no For Fireworks: The following shall be attached to this application: 1) A detailed listing of the type & quantity offrreworks to be used. 2) A detailed written statement outlining all appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fireworks display in order to protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property . 3) A detailed written statement describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks. 4) If applicable, applicants federal license # for transporting fireworks across state line. 5) A detailed list of names, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be responsible for the actual display, use or explosion of any frreworks. The backgrounds statement should include a complete history of the experience of the individuals involved with respect to their use offrreworks, including a detailed list and explanation of each and every accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the individual has been responsible for, or involved in. 6) A map showing exact launch point and area of Applicant Signature: -~ 0. / / .- Date: /0 - /9..0G, ~proved 0 Disapproved 0 Conditions for permit attached Police Chief JJ-. c.. -rf)~ Date: ~ .o:pproved 2 ~ D~pproved 0 Conditions for permit attached Fire Chief ~\~ k:\V"s.\-nef Date: \O-\C\-e<<.o o Approved Building Official q-Pjs2%:oved RV6~~ / o Conditions for permit attached Date: /O-/f-Ob ~ - (Y\Cp 'f&' 9N c.c\e -h<' Uch"-J (\,phst Un ScJ-. ~6'1' l \ +~ Ce{) & f') U>< ~~tr ..,.......;i , ' ~..'" . .., r- : i~ ~_ ~~ I rc,~ 1 A.D. MI(iJ~ fJ. ...... -&- ~ ~ <.- E- I __ -.v ~ e- {.J '~~ A, D. (YI IY'\S (4 (]) rrurlls fjCL.J-k0'j Sp04- I s-k..\\^~ po; r>+ ~ me; r' K5 e "d '''S' ~ <:- "',,' L \..., po.- Ie '^S \ G-\- -- - - - . Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes 0 no &p~ Exact location of marshalling and staging area: Fr6'~ D-12 &eeL,,", Cer"'\1-ef Time at which units of parade will begin to arrive: 9: 45" c\. IfV'. ~ L OCl.'ft. .0 if" ~ \- lLf.(.!l..' & ,f"'- Time at which units of parade will be dispersed: \ D' ,')0 Q"........ f' t'\A~ Exact route to be traveled shown on attached map: ~es 0 no Please attach approximate # of persons, animals, & vehicles participating with description of types of animals and vehicles. Parade will occupy all of the width of the street, roadway, or sidewalk: ~s 0 no For Fireworks: The following shall be attached to this application: I) A detailed listing of the type & quantity of fireworks to be used. 2) A detailed written statement outlining all appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fireworks display in order to protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property . 3) A detailed written statement describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks. 4) If applicable, applicants federal license # for transporting fireworks across state line. 5) A detailed list of names, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be responsible for the actual display, use or explosion of any fireworks. The backgrounds statement should include a complete history of the experience of the individuals involved with respect to their use of fireworks, including a detailed list and explanation of each and every accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the individual has been responsible for, or involved in. 6) A map showing exact launch point and area of Applicant Signature: ~ a '/...- . Date: /O-/9-0~ CJ. -roved dD ~pro~ Conditions for permit "-0hed ~ Chief ~ . . a. Date: /t; 7' /tPk; o Approved Fire Chief o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: o Approved Building Official o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes 0 no (!;p~~ Exact location of marshalling and staging area: Fro.......} c)~ &eeL\-.. Ce~ker Time at which units of parade will begin to arrive: 9~ 45" c,. ""'. ~ lOCt'ft.o tfS ~ ~ lLl'. (J(.IG-,f~ Time at which units of parade will be dispersed: \ (j' :) 0 Ct........ f (\oJ c; Exact route to be traveled shown on attached map: ~es 0 no Please attach approximate # of persons, animals, & vehicles participating with description of types of animals and vehicles. Parade will occupy all of the width of the street, roadway, or sidewalk: ~s 0 no For Fireworks: The following shall be attached to this application: 1) A detailed listing of the type & quantity of fIreworks to be used. 2) A detailed written statement outlining all appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fireworks display in order to protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property . 3) A detailed written statement describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fIreworks. 4) If applicable, applicants federal license # for transporting fireworks across state line. 5) A detailed list of names, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be responsible for the actual display, use or explosion of any fireworks. The backgrounds statement should include a complete history of the experience of the individuals involved with respect to their use of fireworks, including a detailed list and explanation of each and every accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the individual has been responsible for, or involved in. 6) A map showing exact launch point and area of Applicant Signature: ~ a .. i ..... Date: /0 - 19-'CJ~ o Approved Police Chief o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: J!. Appr?Ve~ e Disapproved Frre Chief .~ ='--= o Conditions for permit attich~ Date: /0. I.~ of;:7 o Approved Building Official o Disapproved o Conditions for permit attached Date: