HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Item - Special Event Permit ~ me;r5eV"\~ 'Tk---v-n center of GoOd [.j . ~'o.e , ~_ , ~~ Organization Head Quarters Name: Ocoee s.\- FL L, ons d W. Address: I () S? T A1 Lo I City: 0 c. D'-€' e State: Phone #: Zip Code: 3Lf7f..t;1 Representative Name: ~Ct+h 5 ~\ tls Address: ~ ~ Let lAP S. ho (" e City: () C D-e e State: R Phone #:~ tfrn - q OS - ~ I DO Applicant (if different): I\r Zip Code: 347 f..t, J )It l o?J (.:) - If.o") - '6 10 -- 0 ;~j1 0 (-e /I Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone #: Type of Event: ParadeL CeremonY_Exhibition Show Concert Demonstration Other Date (s) and time (s) scheduled: ~u~ o"e- .;l"'D Un ~-V"\ Dc.. k ~" ,~ \).p . ~ rei Nature and types of activities: A-~ n uoJ t\-e)\, da j (j h\\ ~\-ma~ fCJ{" c...cf-e Approximate number of spectators and participants: I" he\) s. c\ neLs. PUIpose of Special event: Q n ~ ~cc\ ~ \ i cl ~ ~" Gcol<- Exact location of event: S" fJ u\.t CLf c...ct...-e cf Designation ,0 fpublic fiu:ilities or equipment to be used; (\~M-k :~,,-h,r .1" W, C)-c-J.:::~ ri\~\oUYiAi'flg. ~()\,c --e rt"t'f~' VWo,l..s __<' I cc~d __ ?10 WQ~h (';00+ Poc4-e-(j-TuJ.. Number of temporary directional signs: x $5.00 per sign = City ofOcoee. 150 N Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3104. fax: (407) 656-5398 · www.ci.ocoee.fl.us Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: 0 yes 0 no For Parade: Exact location of marshalling and staging area: fry\-c-c !?('l ~ So ~ Time at which umts of parade will begin to arrive: Time at which unit.s of parade will be dispersed: Lf' ~D~.r 1>KWl.t d ~"p.. , ;;>:CO "'DC,/') t: {)() pm Exact route to be traveled shown on attached map: ~ yes 0 no Please attach approximate # of persons, animals, & vehicles participating with . description of types of animals and vehicles. \" (\.)t.l.';), .$..P~"'-\.l> I C:c.c~ I wo...\~ c<;' I .sorre (>.:>dt"~ 1<-1 Cll'\~ Parade will occupy all of the width of the street, roadway, or sidewalk: l51yes 0 no For Fireworks: The following shall be attached to this application: 1) A detailed listing of the type & quantity of fireworks to be used. 2) A detailed written statement outlining all appropriate safety procedures which will be used at fireworks display in order to protect the safety of the public and all surrounding property . 3) A detailed written statement describing what facilities and containers will be used to store fireworks. 4) If applicable, applicants federal license # for transporting fireworks across state line. 5) A detailed list of names, addresses, occupations, and backgrounds of all individuals who will be responsible for the actual display, use or explosion of any fireworks. The backgrounds statement should include a complete history of the experience of the individuals involved with respect to their use of fireworks, including a detailed list and explanation of each and every accident resulting from the use of fireworks which the individual has been responsible for, or involved in. 6) A map showing exact launch point an ea of fallout. / () .- .;J./g --IJ t:, Applicant Signature: ~Proved ~~~ Chief o Conditions for permit~a ached LD AIFFEn Date: /~~ f !f:Approved -l"") , 0 Ai~l!l:l 0 Conditions for permit .ttpchedf Fire Chief-K\L~ \-"\.~ Date: /OL;L(,j ~ I t ~roved 0 Disapproved 0 Conditions for permit attached Building o~ _~ Date: NOV 0 1 Z006 JIL ~/ ~// ~// .s?/ ~T'" yV/.j/ ,"''"" // ~:/ 'U~// ~~,., W COLONIAL DR Start Parade Here ENTERPRISE ST W Do o a:: Parade Staging Area STORY Enter Staging Area CI a:: ~ Do o Do CC W W o U o LAKE MOXIE ~ ~ c i ;a a SILVER STAR RD > CC CI ~ W W ~ ~ U; (II ~ ..I aI LAKE PRIMA VISTA ORLANDO AV NORTH o Ocoee Christmas Parade Route Date Printed: November 2002 Scale: 1 inch - 1320 feet