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The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was
called to order by Mayor Dabbs at 7:30 p.m. in the commission
chambers. Commissioner Foster led in prayer and the Mayor led in
the pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum
declared present.
PRBSBNT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and
Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney
Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Public Works
Director Brenner, Planning Director Behrens, Associate Planner
Claman, Building Official Flippen, City Clerk Grafton, and Deputy
City Clerk Green.
.... !
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, and E.
~ Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Reaular Commission
Meetina of November 20 and ~ 1990
~ Appointment of Yvette Hurst, Truman Stearn, and John Babb to
Police Advisory Committee
~ Approval and Authorization for Geotechnical Proposal for
City Hall Expansion
~ Approval and Authorization of Renewal of Securitv Trailer
Permit = W.L. Tucker, 303 Enterprise Street
~ Acceptance and Authorization to Retain Pinel ~ Carpenter,
Inc. for Appraisal Services for Clark Road
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to
approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion was
unanimously approved.
Bruni Massa, 611 East Lakeshore Drive, suggested that the
join with Winter Garden and neighboring cities in protesting
costs on the East-West Expressway. City Manager Shapiro said
he had sent a memo to the Commissioners about this, and they
speak to it during their comments.
R. P. Hohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, questioned the
need for PUD zoning because he objected to compromises on lot
size. Hayor Dabbs commented that at least three or four PUDs had
been approved since 1986. He explained that the very nature of a
PUD is to give some flexibility and there would not be more than
four units per acre though they would be clustered differently.
In response to Hr. Mohnacky's admission that he was nagging about
this issue, Hr. Shapiro commented for the record that he was not
responding to Mr. Hohnacky because he felt that Mr. Hohnacky was
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
December 4, 1990
Preliminary Submittal Document of the 1991 Comprehensive Land Use
Planning Director Behrens explained that this is a formal hearing
for the transmittal of the 1991 Comprehensive Land Use Plan to the
Department of Community Affairs as required by 9J-5. The document
must be transmitted to the state by January 1, 1991. The DCA has
ninety (90) days to review the comprehensive plan and give an
objections, recommendations, and comments (ORC) report. After the
ORC report is received on or about April 10th, we have sixty days
to react to the report, to modify the comprehensive plan
accordingly, and to hold a formal adoption public hearing before
the City Commission. The adopted comprehensive plan will be
resubmitted to DCA, and by August 1, 1991, they will determine
whether or not the plan is in compliance and will publish their
finding in the newspaper in a Notice of Intent. Any public
challenges to the plan must be filed by December 1, 1991. If the
plan is not found to be in compliance, an administrative hearing
will be held on approximately December 1, 1991. Land Development
Regulations (LDRs) which will govern the comprehensive plan must
be adopted by January 1, 1992. In conclusion, he said that this
is the first of two required public hearings to be held on the
comprehensive plan.
City Attorney Rosenthal emphasized that this is the first of two
public hearings. There will be a second advertised public hearing
at which the comprehensive plan will formally be adopted by
ordinance, and at that time there will be additional opportunity
for the public to have comment and input into the process.
Mayor Dabbs stated that a citizens advisory subcommittee had
participated in the drafting of each component of the
comprehensive plan. Hr. Behrens said for the record that a
newsletter had been sent about a year and a half ago to every
water customer within the City (over 4,000 newsletters) inviting
citizens to participate in the advisory committees. Eighty people
had signed up to be on the subcommittees. The groups had worked
very diligently on each of the elements, and had given their
recommendations for each of those elements to the Planning and
Zoning Commission.
The Mayor opened the public hearing and invited citizens to
speak to any of the various components of the comprehensive plan.
R. P. Mohnacky stated his concern that septic tanks might be
ruled out under the comprehensive plan. Mayor Dabbs explained
that this Commission has as a policy of no retro-fitting of
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ December 4, 1990
existing, functioning septic tanks
plan permits septic tank use where
other factors are satisfactory. As
the public hearing was closed.
with the sewer system. The
percolation, distance, and
there were no other comments,
Mayor Dabbs commented that the staff report had indicated that
minor revisions/corrections were to be made in the document and
stated for the record that he wanted to give some correcting
notes. He said that it had been a prodigious task and he wanted
to commend Associate Planner Claman and the members of the
citizens advisory committees and others who had been involved in
the promulgation of the document. Commissioner Woodson, seconded
by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the draft of the 1991 City
of Ocoee Comprehensive Land Use Plan, with minor editing
corrections, and authorize transmittal to the Florida Department
of Community Affairs. Upon roll call Commissioner Combs voted
"aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye,"
Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion
PIRST READING OP ORDINANCES - Second Reading and Public Hearings
are scheduled for December 18, 1990. The ordinances were
presented by title for first reading as follows:
Ordinance No. 90-81, relating to adopting the current
revisions of the Standard Building Code for Building,
Plumbing and Mechanical Standards: repealing Ordinance Nos.
958, 961 and 960: repealing section 5-12 of the Ocoee City
Code and adopting a new Section 5-12 of the Ocoee City Code
relating to Building Standards: repealing Section 14.5-12 of
the Ocoee City Code and adopting a new Section 14.5-12
relating to Mechanical System Standards: repealing Section 18-
13 of the Ocoee City Code and adopting a new Section 18-13
relating to Gas and Plumbing Standards: providing for
severability: providing an effective date.
Ordinance No. 90-82, relating to surety for improvements in
connection with subdivision platting: amending Section 5.3.3
of Article V of Appendix B to the Code of Ordinances of the
City of Ocoee relating to developers agreements as a surety
for improvements: repealing in its entirety Ordinance Number
872 relating to mandatory developer's agreement in order for
developers to operate in the City: repealing in its entirety
Appendix 5.5 of Appendix B to the Code of Ordinances of the
City of Ocoee relating to the form of developers agreement as
surety for improvements: providing for severability: providing
for an effective date.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'- December 4, 1990
City Manager Shapiro explained that this ordinance would
mandatorily provide that a developer's agreement could not be used
in lieu of bond or a letter of credit and he recommended it.
Ordinance No. 90-83, relating to the time, place and
procedure for meetings of the City Commission of the City of
Ocoee: repealing in its entirety Ordinance No. 2 of the City
of Ocoee, as amended: creating a new Section 2.4 of Article I
of Chapter 2, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee:
providing for severability; providing an effective date.
Attorney Rosenthal explained that this ordinance repealed
ordinances dating back to 1923, and brings us in line with what we
are actually doing.
Hayor Dabbs announced that the second readings and public hearings
for Ordinance Nos. 90-81, 90-82, and 90-83 will be held on
December 18, 1990.
Discussion and Action re: Access - Senior League Field
City Manager Shapiro explained that the continuation of the
investigation process for the thirty foot strip of land which
might give access to the field from Adair Street will require an
expenditure of funds not budgeted and staff needs direction from
~ the Commission. He said that Barry Goodman has offered access
through his adjacent property. Mayor Dabbs said that he had been
advised by Senior Planner Harper that it might be possible to find
an heir to the strip from Adair. The heir may have a quit claim
deed. Approximately one third of the area is within a fence
constructed by an adjacent property owner, and an inverse
condemnation situation may complicate acquisition of the property
by the City. Commissioner Johnson said that we have spent
$100,000.00 on the field, but don't have access to it. He said no
one has paid taxes on the parcel for fifty years and urged that
the City buy it. Hr. Shapiro said that the funds to purchase the
property should not be taken from contingency. City Engineer
Shira pointed out that a large oak tree in the strip would
probably have to be removed before paving the road. Commissioner
Woodson expressed concern about the loss of the tree, and moved to
table the issue and look into it further. Mayor Dabbs seconded
the motion to table. Motion was not approved by a vote of 2 to 3
with Commissioner Combs, Commissioner Foster, and Commissioner
Johnson voting "nay." Commissioner Johnson, seconded by
Commissioner Combs, moved to direct the City Manager to proceed
with acquisition only of the property to provide ingress from
Adair to the Senior League Field. Motion was approved by a vote
of 4 to 1 with Commissioner Woodson voting "nay." Attorney
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ December 4, 1990
Rosenthal pointed out that he would work with the planning
to approach the property owners and track down the rumor
some heirs who have shown up and see what kind of quit claim
or donations might be acquired before spending the money.
Discussion re: Rest Rooms at Starke Lake
City Hanager Shapiro summarized costs/options reported earlier
and added that the cost of a permanent facility near the lake if
constructed in-house was estimated to be $12,000.00. He
recommended looking' at this project for funding at mid-year.
Commissioner Combs concurred with considering the project at mid-
year and opposed any addition to the community center to serve the
lake. Commissioner Johnson agreed to defer consideration of the
project and questioned City tax-payers funding rest rooms for non-
residents. Commissioner Woodson said the residents along the lake
were concerned about the need for appropriate facilities for lake-
users. Commissioner Foster said he would not support any building
down by the lake-front and asked about the possiblity of
construction on the parking lot. Mayor Dabbs asked about charging
a launch fee. Mr. Shapiro responded that his previous experience
with charging a launch fee had been unsatisfactory. The consensus
of the Commission was that there should be no addition of rest
room facilities to the community center itself, nor should they be
placed at lakeside, but the issue should be looked at again at the
'-' mid-year budget review.
Discussion re: Boat Parking
Building Official Flippen explained that he had reviewed and
summarized the existing ordinances as they related to the parking
of boat trailers on single family residential lots. His report of
a survey of applicable deed restrictions of ten randomly selected
Ocoee subdivisions found that nine of the ten subdivisions had one
or more provisions regulating or forbidding the outside parking or
storage of recreational trailers and/or boat trailers. Hr.
Flippen recommended that the ordinance remain as it is and that it
be enforced. Jerry Hassa, 611 East Lakeshore Drive, Terry
Strickland, 709 Stinnett Drive, Barry Oliver, 409 Hiller Court,
and Steve Marbais, 716 East Lakeshore Drive, objected to selective
enforcement of the ordinance. R. P. Mohnacky said he had a
problem with trailers that protruded onto the sidewalk. City
Hanager Shapiro clarified the provisions of the code - the front
twenty-five feet of the yard is off-limits to parking for boat
trailers or recreation vehicles. The Commissioners discussed the
fact that there were numerous other violations that we did not
have the staff to enforce. It was the consensus of the Commission
to leave the ordinance as it is.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-- December 4, 1990
In response to general concern about the down-turn in today's
economy, City Manager Shapiro presented a memo from the Building
Official showing that building permits remain stable at more than
100 per month, and a memo from the Finance Director showing the
trend is that we are spending less than we are making.
City Attorney Rosenthal provided a copy of the Stipulation entered
into between the City and Southern States Utilities to each
Commissioner to review at his convenience. A hearing is set for
December 13 before Judge Baker. The Court should approve the
Stipulation and transfer the real property owned by Michael
Minton (d/b/a M&M Utilities) to the City. Hr. Shapiro noted for
the record that costs will be about $20,000.00 more than the
original letter from Southern States. City staff is proceeding
with all steps necessary to complete the connection of City sewer
services to the M&M customers. The connection of City services
should be completed by the fall of next year.
Commissioner Woodson
1 - Read from an article in the Orlando Sentinel which stated the
'-" beltway ends in "Winter Garden" when it should have said "Ocoee."
2 - Reported vandalism on Russell Drive - especially taking bulbs
from the Christmas lights.
3 - Mentioned a problem with a pile of dirt on Lady Avenue.
4 - Suggested having a Christmas party for all the citizens who
serve on the City's boards. Hr. Shapiro suggested planning
something for them in mid-year.
1 - Wanted to go on record requesting a delay in the hiring of the
Director of Administration until mid-year due to the area economic
picture and a strong commitment to taking care of what we have.
He asked for a consensus of the Commission. After discussion,
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to
defer hiring the Director of Administration as long as possible.
City Attorney Rosenthal explained that procedurally the Commission
had approved a budget and had given direction to the City Hanager.
They could express their feelings, but if they wished to freeze or
eliminate the position, they should do so by amending the budget.
Commissioner Woodson withdrew his second and Commissioner Combs
withdrew his motion. Then Commissioner Combs, seconded by
Commissioner Woodson, moved to request that the City Manager
freeze the Director of Administration position until the mid-year
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-- December 4, 1990
budget review. The motion failed by a vote of 2 to 3 with
Commissioners Foster and Johnson and Mayor Dabbs voting "nay."
2 - Asked that a resolution be placed on the next agenda to
support the protest of East-West Expressway tolls.
Commissioner Poster
1 - Commended staff on their efforts to improve City's
decorations and added that problems continue with the
Silver Star along Starke Lake which is rather dismal.
2 - Announced the Ocoee Christmas parade to be held on
December 9th at 1:00 p.m.
3 - Said that the garbage pickup schedule for the
holidays was on the water bill.
lights on
Commissioner Johnson - None.
Mayor Dabbs
1 - Reported that Chief Boyd, Chief Strosnider, and he
attended the Committee of 100 Dinner the previous evening.
Moore, head of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement,
given a fine speech.
2 - Read excerpts from a letter of appreciation for the City's
support from Jacob V. Stuart, Chairman of the 1990 Governmental
Campaign for United Arts of Central Florida, thanking him for the
City's support.
The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
M~~~r~~~uty City Clerk