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JANUARY 2, 1991
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Dabbs in the commission
chambers. After leading in the prayer and pledge of allegiance
Mayor Dabbs called the roll and declared a quorum to be present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and
Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney
Rosenthal, city Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, and City Clerk
The consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Commissioner Combs pulled items D and E; Commissioner Foster
pulled items A, B, and C; and Commissioner Woodson pulled item F.
As all the items had been pulled for discussion they were
treated separately in chronological order and after the entire
consent agenda had been discussed Commissioner Johnson, seconded
by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the consent agenda with a
provision that in item B the street department backhoe will be
used for trade in rather than the utilities department backhoe.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
~ ADDroval and Award of Construction Bid for South Water
Plant Well at S149.090.00 = Diversified Drillina CorDoration.
Commissioner Foster had pulled this item' in order to inquire about
the definition of cased and uncased. City Engineer Shira
explained that the well will have a depth of approximately 1200
feet and the cased portion will be roughly one-half of that. The
rest will depend on what they find when drilling.
~ ADDroval and Authorization ~ Seek Bindina Quotations/Enter
Aareement for Lease/Purchase of Backhoe - utilities.
Commissioner Foster asked about the lease purchase agreement.
City Engineer Shira explained that a rough estimate had been
established by calling a dealer. After going out to actual bid the
Purchasing Agent will coordinate with a leasing agent who will
deal with the low bidder. City Manager Shapiro explained that
the reason lease/purchase is being considered is that there were
no funds readily available to make the purchase outright.
Commissioner Woodson requested that, since the utility department
backhoe is in better condition than the street department backhoe,
the machines should be traded between the departments and the
street department backhoe should be used for the trade in in this
transaction. Commissioner Woodson requested also that instructions
and training on the care and use of the new backhoe be required
and supplied, and also that someone be held accountable for the
condition of the new machine.
~ ADDroval and Authorization to Purchase GeoaraDhic
Information System (GIS) Workstation = GeoVision Systems. ~
Commissioner Foster observed that there was only one quote on the
cost. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira advised that, as we
are piggy backing on Orange County's bid for this system, using
the same supplier will insure compatibility with their equipment.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 2, 1991
~ AcceDtance and Authorization to Execute P.E.C. Desian
ProDosals Contract for Lift Station/Off-Site System
= M&M Utilities
Commissioner Combs inquired about the source of funds for this
item. City Manager Shapiro advised that $260,000 will come from
the County through the Community Block Grant and the $260,000 that
the City puts in will be returned to the City through Chapter 170
Special Assessment, also that there will be formal and informal
meetings to assure that the residents and owners are informed.
Commissioner Johnson wished to make certain that the citizens are
informed of their involvement and that it will not be a surprise
to them. Commissioner Woodson raised a question regarding being
charged twice for the same job and was advised that the entire
project had been initially presented as one proposal but that
Orange County had required that the portion for M & M Utilities
service area itself be separated out as that was covered by the
Community Block Grant. The remaining portion of the project is to
prepare for a sewer line in our expansion area prior to the
construction of the beltway. The two portions are nearly equal in
size, thus the bid for aerial photography for each portion is the
same, making it seem that the same charge appears twice.
~ AcceDtance and ADDroval of Revision to MultiDlier Rate from
2.80 to 2.92 for P.E.C.
Commissioner Combs asked about the increase in the multiplier
rate. Mr. Dave Refling, P.E.C., explained that they deal with
the overhead rate in their contract with the City and although
their costs have gone up they have not had an increase in three
years. Mr. Refling said that they felt that a 4% increase in three
years was reasonable.
~ AcceDtance and ADDroval of Lake Lilly Oaks Subdivision
Final Plat
Commissioner Woodson expressed concern about the way the lake
contour has been changed with fill in this area and the
possibility of causing future problems. City Engineer Shira
advised that the pond within the subdivision is designed to hold
the 100 year storm run-off. The fill was put in above the 100 year
flood level elevation.
It was at this point in the discussion that the above noted motion
to approve the consent agenda was made by Commissioner Johnson and
seconded by Commissioner Combs.
Mr. Charles Butler, 711 Pine Street, stated that he had
speeders on Pine Street and was not satisfied with the
from the Police Department. City Manager Shapiro advised
would discuss the matter with the Police Chief and
that he
find a
Mrs. John Batts, 101 Minor Court, expressed concern about the
earth being moved around Lake Lilly Oaks and was informed that the
plan had been reviewed and approved by the water management
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 2, 1991
R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked that the 100
flood be defined. City Engineer Shira explained that the 100
storm in this area is 11.92 inches in twenty-four hours and
storm that has a 1% probability of occurring in any given
It is not a storm that will happen once in 100 years.
is a
The Oaks at Starke Lake - Preliminary and Final Engineering
City Manager Shapiro advised that staff recommends approval of the
plan as presented. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that this is
both the preliminary and final engineering public hearing because
during the annexation process the preliminary plan was reviewed
and approved in concept but that was prior to annexation. Mr. Lou
Roeder, Starke Lake Joint Venture, 2001 Mercy Drive, Orlando, was
present to answer any questions. The public hearing was opened and
Mr. John Carpenter, 120 1/2 S. First Street, Ocoee, expressed at
length his concern about boat and water safety in the cove after
development, as the channel into the lake is only about six feet
wide and the view both entering and exiting is blocked by
cattails. City Manager Shapiro said that staff had reviewed the
plan and had determined that at most the cove would accommodate
five boats and that will not exacerbate the existing situation.
Mr. Carpenter expressed concern also about the wake
washing/eroding his land away and asked that some speed control be
considered as well. Mr. Mohnacky asked about the turn around area
for the boat trailers. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Combs raised a question regarding the knee high water level and
whether prospective buyers will be advised prior to purchase. Mr.
Roeder said that the possibility of even lower water level is made
perfectly clear. Mr. Roeder also stated that he is willing to buy
and set in place markers at the channel entrance saying "Private
Cove," along with other safety markers, if Mr. Carpenter will go
on record as agreeing to this, as he is an adjacent land owner.
Mr. Carpenter agreed for the record. Further questions established
that this is a private dock. Commissioner Johnson said that
several citizens in the audience had advised that they had not
received notice of the public hearing. Commissioner Combs,
seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to approve the plan with
the provision that a good faith effort be made by the petitioner
to take care of the safety factors discussed here by placing signs
as permitted. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye,"
Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye,"
Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried.
Carriage Oaks Retention Pond Modifications
Mr. Ted Bolin, Developer of Carriage Oaks, is having a problem
'-- with the retention pond at that location which must be resolved.
Also Mr. Bolin has requested that the City honor an agreement made
to reimburse him for the $14,000 costs of upgrading the water line
on A.D.Mims Road at the City's request when beginning his
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ January 2, 1991
development. City Manager Shapiro explained that no one on staff
was here when the agreement was made with Mr. Bolin regarding such
a repayment and the minutes are not specific but there is some
indication that was the policy at the time. As there is no
evidence that such a payment has been made already, the fair thing
to do would be to honor the agreement. Staff estimates that the
cost of upgrading was probably closer to $12,871 than $14,000 and
as the cost of the repair to the retention pond will be
approximately $10,000 to 12,000, City Manager Shapiro proposed
that the City make and pay for the necessary modifications,
transferring the funds from the Water Reserve for Contingency
Account to the General Fund and release Mr. Bolin from any further
liability to modify the pond, thus satisfying the agreement as
well as solving the problem. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by
Commissioner Foster, moved to approve staff recommendation as long
as the cost accounting will show this has not been paid already.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
First Reading of Ordinance - Second Reading and Public Hearing
Scheduled for January 15, 1991
Ordinance No. 91-01, "amending Article III of Chapter 10, of the
Ocoee City Code relating to Sprinkler, Standpipe and Fire
Protection Systems by the adoption of a new Section 10-47
~ requiring a secured key access system; providing for severability;
providing for an effective date." was presented by title only for
the first reading.
STAFF REPORTS - There were no staff reports at this time.
Commissioner Woodson
1. Announced that the rest of the recycling bins will be delivered
as soon as the County pays for them.
2. Expressed his concern about the downtown new businesses being
denied occupational licenses due to lack of parking spaces.
Commissioner Combs said that the developers of Good Homes Shopping
Center have removed the city limit sign and he wants to be sure it
is replaced as they promised.
Commissioner Johnson
1. Wants to be sure that the companies that are digging up the
rights-of-way/easements around the City repair what they have left
messed up.
2. u.S. Homes park (Silver Glen) parking area has not been lined
off yet.
3. Asked about the sidewalk on Wurst Road. City Manager Shapiro
advised that the County will do the sidewalk.
4. Asked about the progress on the survey for the ingress/egress
area to the recreation park.
5. Recalled previous attempts to coordinate/cooperate with
downtown merchants regarding the upgrading the downtown area and
wants to contact them again to try.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
January 2, 1991
6. Mentioned the passing of Mrs. Irene Holloway, who was always
cheerful, a good person and long time resident.
Commissioner Foster announced that he had received a
card addressed to "Mayor" Foster, and although he
considered himself a threat to Mayor Dabbs' position,
that there was a nice ring to the words.
had never
he noticed
Mayor Dabbs
1. Commented that it is time for his "State of the City" address
this month.
2. Announced that City Manager evaluation time is coming up in
3. Noted that the bUdget review is due next meeting.
4. Said that he has received notification of a meeting with the
Joint Planning Group and City Manager Shapiro reported that he has
advised Mr. Bernhardt that the timing is bad for the meeting due
to the Florida Leagaue of Cities Legislative Conference being held
January 17 and 18.
5. Noted a response to our Resolution No. 90-22, regarding the
East-West Expressway toll road, from Chairman Harrell saying
their accountants are reviewing the possibility of reducing the
tolls on the western end of the expressway.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
City 0 Ocoee