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AUGUST 6, 1991
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order
at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Dabbs in the commission chambers. Mayor Dabbs led in
prayer and the pledge of allegiance and upon calling the roll, declared a quorum
Mayor Dabbs announced that the two new school principals in our community whom
he wished to introduce were not yet present and he moved forward to the next
agenda item.
Kiss Jessica Curey requests funds to attend the National Young Leaders
Conference in Washington D.C.
Miss Jessica Curey, 535 Woodson Avenue, announced that she has been nominated
by the Congressional Youth Leadership Council to attend a six day National Young
Leaders Conference in Washington D.C. and requested financial aid to make the
trip. Miss Curey estimated the cost to be about $1,000 (including tuition and
travel only) and she has collected $110 so far. Commissioner Johnson, seconded
by Commissioner Combs, moved to contribute $500 from the contingency fund. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Two New Principals Introduced
Mayor Dabbs noted that the tardy principals had arrived and invited them to
come forward to be introduced. After welcoming Ms. Sarah Jane Turner, West Orange
High School, and Ms. Jennifer Reeves, Ocoee Middle School, Mayor Dabbs presented
each with a City of Ocoee watch. Ms. Reeves and Ms. Turner each spoke briefly
about their goals in their new positions and asked for continued and renewed
citizen/parent involvement during the upcoming school years.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K,
L, M, and N. Mayor Dabbs pulled items I and J. Commissioner Combs pulled items
C, D, and G for clarification before voting. City Attorney Rosenthal said that
there was no need to pull item B but he wished to advise Commission that he had
not yet received clarification from Florida Power Corporation regarding one point
and he asked that the document be approved with the provision that one paragraph
may be deleted from the purchase agreement. Mayor Dabbs said that the items
pulled for clarification would be discussed before voting on the entire consent
Commissioner Combs asked why, in items C and D, we agreed to pay more than the
appraised value of property and also put in a new driveway. City Attorney
Rosenthal explained that it is in the City's best economic interest to avoid
condemnation proceedings where possible and that replacing the driveways that
we are covering is an obligation. Mr. Rosenthal explained further that these
parcels are in unincorporated County.
Mr. Ben Griffin, 345 S. Lakeshore Drive, confirmed Mr. Rosenthal's statement
regarding condemnation proceedings and said that buying at 25% above the
appraised price saves money. Mr. Griffin then suggested that Commission should
turn this proposal down, stop the Clark Road project, and send the bond money
back and the City would be better off.
Page 2
Ocoee City Co..issioD Regular Xeeting
August 6, 1991
Commissioner Combs asked if the Silver Ark Final Replat (item G) includes a
filling station. City Attorney Rosenthal said that there is nothing to prevent
a filling station from going there as the plat meets code and the approval is
timed to permit the recording of the plat to coincide with the closing of certain
other documents. It was determined that this item would not be included in the
vote for the consent agenda.
Ci ty Manager Shapiro explained items I and J which have to do with M & M
Utilities. Mr. Shapiro said that the press has given a one sided view and he
gave the history of M & M Utilities: The utility was first constructed by a
private entity as a package plant to serve the mobile home parks and the
commercial area on Ocoee-Apopka Road/Silver Star Road. The facility was sold to
M & M Utilities who left it in a mess with the result that it was declared a
health hazard. The courts appointed Southern States Utilities to run the
facility and in two years Southern States reported that they had lost at least
$41,000. They said that if they were to continue to serve that area they would
prefer to establish a full sewer service area north and west of their area so
that they could recoup their losses. The estimated cost of purchasing a spray
field and redoing the pipes and the plant was $450,000-$500,000. That cost would
then be passed on to the clients. Feeling that this was not fair and that the
citizens concerned would be better served to be tapped into the city's sewer
system, the City approached the county for help to install a lift station and
reclaim the package plant area for use as a park. The county grant was changed
so that the City of Ocoee could receive $200,000 from the Federal Government.
Because of the loan agreement with Barnett Bank, any equivalent residential unit
tapping into the City's sewer service must pay a $2,800+ tap-in fee. The Public
Service Commission forced the owners of the property to give the City of Ocoee
the necessary property by quit claim deed and the City of Ocoee has agreed to
deduct the value of that property from the amount charged to an individual owner.
If the upgrade of the system is not made, the property will be condemned by the
County, and both the businesses and the residents will have to vacate the area.
As item G was pulled from the consent agenda the remaining items were:
A. Acceptance and Approval of Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting of
B. Acceptanc~ and Authorization to Execute Purchase Agreement with
Florida Power Corporation for Clark Road Project/Tract No.7
~~___Approval and Authorization to Execute Purchase Agreement with Melvin
and Patricia Borsiewicz for Clark Road ~IQject/Tract No. 19
D. Acceptance and Authorization to Execute Purchase Agreement with
Michael and Robin Goerling for Clark Road Project/Tract No. 17
~!.____ Acceptance and 1~J!JhC?_ri~~!i:on__~0. Execute Amendm~nt~~he Develope_~
Agreement with Silver Ark, Ltd.
r!._.._.llcceptan~ and___Auth~.rizatton_to Execute Amendment to the Developer
Agreement with W. C. Davis as Trustee
ff!...._~nroval and Acceptance of Transfer of Water/Sewer Capacity from
Hawthorne Pro~rties to Centex Real Estate Corporation (in addition
to _the t~~nsfeL~l?proved at Jul~meeting)
I. Approval and Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed from Land Investment
!~ncy.Ll.!l~.__ to ~JJ.e City of Ocoee (M & M Utili ties Plant Retention
Pond Sites)
!. Approval and Authorization to Execute Quit Claim from City of Ocoee
to Gary Michael Mood.YL~L & M Utili ties
Page 3
Ocoee City Coaaission Regular Xeeting
August 6, 1991
~...._._~..Pli ov al._.~nd ._~ggE~~.t~n~_~._QL]:me.!'~I!..~Y.Ji~~ai r ._!,!,g~~~I,l.!'~1 or. _~.~]{eslt()!'.~
Drive by DeWitt Excavating Inc. in the Amount 0~~A~400~~_~_I~~d~
!Q..J?~ Borro.!e.d.1 rom R()~~Lt.!llli~l_l~.J.l_g_~.!l.(LR.e.~~tcLl>Y..~t orl!lwa !~r.J!t:HiJ Y
Fund or General Fund at 8% Intere.st
k!-._~.p~roy'~+_@g..!uth9ri~~ ti()1L to .. Gr.~IlL.Exten~1()!l..!.Q_~LJ>.!.. Feinstein,
Developer, until Jul~, 1992 fQr Preconstruction Conference on
the .J'_roposed Devel.Q~l!LenL.of._~pri.!ML.Lake Subdi vision 'plan~
M.~~roval and Authorization to Execute the Second Amendment to
In t.e..rg9v~r nme.n t al_.~Jl.ree.ment Be t!~JL.tlle..J~.i t Y..Ql..9cOe!L{md the Gre~!e.r
Orlando ~viation Authority Extending the A~reement to September 30,
~.!._.~.PMov~l._~I!..Llll! tho.1"J..?: a t!.Q.!L1Q... EX.e.cl!.t~._ thLAgreemen t l!i t~...McDirmi L.
Davis, Lauteria and Company for Auditor Services for FY 90/~
!."t.n /9?L and ..FY__~1L..9 3
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the
consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
G._~roval and Autho~:i~Ation...1Q....~xecute.1i!lal Plat for Silver ~rk__-=-.!
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to approve item
G. Motion carried 3-1 with Commissioner Johnson voting "aye," Commissioner
Woodson "aye, Mayor Dabbs "aye," and Commissioner Combs "No." (Commissioner
Foster was not present.)
Mrs. Susan Neubauer, 1209 Baranova Road, requested trash fee exemptions as she
recycles all of her household waste. City Manager Shapiro said that the law now
provides that all must pay for the service whether they use it or not and, if
Commission wishes, he will see if a change can be made; however, he pointed out
that if Commission provides an option, :c could have serious consequences.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, advised that he will be away
and will miss the budget meetings and wished to raise several points for
1. That citizens should only have to pay for the services they use.
2. Corrections to drainage problems should be paid for by the citizens living
1n the immediate area benefited by the improvement.
3. Projects should be kept simple - retain water at the highest level first
instead of waiting until it is at the bottom.
4. He objects to facilities to process effluent.
Vestridge-Substantial Change to Land Use Plan (to be continued)
City Manager Shapiro advised that the developer has requested that this item be
continued as they wish to re-work the entire plan. As Commission must have a
hearing within 45 days of Planning and Zoning recommendation, the pUblic hearing
was opened. Mr. Mohnacky asked if this was going back before Planning & Zoning;
that question had not yet been determined. The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to continue this
pUblic hearing until November 5 regular meeting. Motion carried with unanimous
vote in favor.
Page 4
Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
August 6, 1991
Withers-Kaguire House Discussion/Authorization to Execute Grant Award
Agreement, Request for Advanced Grant Payaent, and Final Letter of Agreement with
State Division of Historical Resources for Withers-Kaguire House
Director of Administrative Services Beamer advised that the documents as provided
in the packet had been changed to provide for Mayor Dabbs' signature and further
that City Attorney Rosenthal had expressed concern regarding Exhibit A, Section
12, of the standard document. Mr. Rosenthal wished to include assurance that in
no way should this paragraph be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity;
further, as one commission cannot obligate another, the phrase "Subject to annual
appropriation of funds, the Grantee agrees..." should be inserted in Section 1
of the Draft Letter of Agreement. Mayor Dabbs, seconded by Commissioner Combs,
moved to authorize execution of the Grant Award Agreement, the Request for
Advanced Grant Payment, and Final Letter of Agreement and requested that a cover
letter stating Mr. Rosenthal's language with regard to indemnity and annual
appropriation of funds be submitted with the documents. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor. A copy of the letter submitted is attached to these
minutes as Exhibit A.
Discussion/Kotion to Proceed with Co..ittee Selection Kethod
Ms. Beamer asked also that a selection committee consisting of Mayor Dabbs,
Montye Beamer, Don Flippen, Sherry Snell, Elizabeth Maguire, and Nancy Hamer be
",-,. appointed to review the proposals and bids. Mayor Dabbs asked Commissioner
Woodson to take his place on the selection committee. Commissioner Combs,
seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to appoint the committee as requested
but replace Mayor Dabbs with Commissioner Woodson. Motion carried with unanimous
vote in favor.
Resolution Bo. 91-15, "relating to the acquisition by eminent domain of property,
including, but not limited to, fee title and easement interests, located
generally along the proposed Clark Road lying between White Road and Silver Star
Road; providing for severability; providing an effective date."
This resolution was presented by title only and City Attorney Rosenthal explained
that the document to be signed was different from those provided in the packet
in that the numbering of parcels had been corrected. Commissioner Woodson,
seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to adopt Resolution No. 91-15 as corrected.
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Approval and Authorization to Issue Special Permit to Rocking Horse Stables
for Sleeping Facilities for Bightwatchman/Caretaker for an Animal Confinement
Mr. Billy Cornell, Rocking Horse Stables, 740 Maguire Road, pursuant to Ordinance
No. 91-17, requested a special permit to provide two sleeping facilities for
a nightwatchman or caretaker for the animal confinement area at his stables.
Staff recommendation was to permit only one sleeping facility. Commissioner
Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to approve as staff recommended
for only one sleeping facility. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Page 5
Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
August 6, 1991
Approval and Authorization to Issue Special Permit to Kr. Grover Voss for
Sleeping Facilities for Bightwatchllan/Caretaker for an Animal Confinement Area
Mr. Grover Voss, 6648 Christina Marie Drive, Orlando, requested a permit to
place sleeping facilities for a nightwatchman or caretaker for his property
located at the northwest corner of Silver Star Road and Johio Shores Road as it
is an animal confinement area. Mr. Voss further requested permission to use
the septic tanks and deep wells that had been in use for 2 mobile homes prior
to annexation into the City until the property is developed. City Manager
Shapiro asked that response to this part of the request be delayed until staff
can work on the details. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Mayor Dabbs, moved
to approve the special permit for sleeping facilities for a nightwatchman or
caretaker. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
City Manager Shapiro read his budget message and announced a budget workshop is
scheduled for August 15, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. and will be continued on August 20
at 6:30 p.m. if needed.
Appointment to Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to reappoint Mr.
Richard Davis to serve another 3 year term on the Citizens Advisory Council as
his term expires September 1991.
~ STAFF REPORTS - There were no staff reports.
Commissioner Woodson: 1) Read a letter regarding a used tire disposal site made
available by county for the use of citizens.
2) Thanked someone for mowing Veronica Place.
Couissioner Combs said someone needs to provide Director of Administrative
Services Beamer with a name-plate.
Coaaissioner Johnson: 1) Asked about the entrance to the park from Adair Street.
2) Asked what consideration had been made regarding bussing children to school
vs. preparing sidewalks.
KayorDabbs: 1) Read a report from Chief Boyd regarding the City of Ocoee ranking
6th in safety in cities in the nation with population over 10,000.
2) Announced that Mrs. Estelle Freeman died and that at age 104 years was Ocoee's
oldest citizen.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
(407) 656-2322
August 7, 1991
Mr. Robert Taylor
Historic Preservation Planner
Florida Department of State
Division of Historical Resources
R.A. Gray Building
500 South Bronough
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
Dear Mr. Taylor:
The City Commission at its August 6, 1991 meeting approved
and authorized the Mayor to sign the Grant Award Agreement and
the Request for Advanced Grant Payment Form. As a part of the
motion, they indicated that Exhibi t A, Paragraph 12, in no way
was to be construed as a waiver of sovereign immunity. The City
of Ocoee is entering into this agreement in good faith and any
indemnity must be limited to the extent permitted by law.
One insertion was requested for the Draft Letter of
Agreement. Section 1 needs to be changed to include at the
beginning of the sentence: "Subject to annual appropriation of
funds, the Grantee agrees...." While the current City Commission
has authorized funding for maintenance and repair of the
Wi thers-Maguire House, it cannot bind future Commissioners to
appropriate funds. The Withers-Maguire House stands on property
which includes Ci ty Hall and its planned expansion (completion
date, 1992) the Police Department with its expansion (completion
date, 1992) and one of our Fire Stations. It is an integral part
of the complex as well as the lakefront park and, as such, will
continue to be a source of pride for the community. Our
Historical Commission through its independent fund-rais ing
activities has raised and continues to raise monies for not only
restoration but also repairs. If this revision to the Letter of
Agreement is acceptable to the State, the Mayor has authorization
to sign its final form.
Should you have any questions, please contact my office.
We are proceeding with the August 11, 1991, advertisement for
architectural services; a mandatory pre-submittal conference is
scheduled for August 19 with an opening date of August 30, 1991.