HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15-91 '-" MINUTES OF THE OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 15, 1991 The regular meeting on the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called to order by Mayor Dabbs at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers. Commissioner Foster led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Director Brenner,> Finance Director Poston, and City Johnson, and City Attorney Public Works Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: None PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Dabbs proclaimed February 3-9 Counseling Week and spoke briefly on the counselors in the educational system. to be National importance of School school '-' Annual Report on the State of the City - Mayor Dabbs As Mayor Dabbs stood to deliver the annual State of the City report, he called attention to the joint meeting just completed with Orange County Commission, saying that our Commission is looking after the interest of the taxpayers and cooperating with other government entities. The City's boundaries are expanding and developments are underway, indicating steady growth. Mayor Dabbs pointed out the location of proposed Clark Road on the map and noted that the City of Ocoee is moving forward and that employee morale is high. Mayor Dabbs said that, although revenues are down a little from projections, the City is still prudently moving toward its goals and in being cooperative with other governmental entities, is helping the growth of West Orange County. '-" Marketing Study: Maguire Road Corridor - Arvida, Huber/Allen Partnership {Westridge Subdivision} (Christiansen Property) Mr. David Guy, President and General Manager of Arvida Company, addressed Commission regarding a marketing study done on the Maguire Road Corridor, funded by Arvida, Pat Christiansen, Trustee, and Heller Bros. Community Development. Mr. Guy said that the study shows a decline in new jobs in the Orlando area since 1988 and a reduced need for homes in the $150,000-$250,00 price range, but a possible need for homes in the $100,000-$250,000 range. Mr. Guy showed designs of many different types of houses Arvida builds with different lot sizes creating an interesting high quality development. Mr. Steve Ruoff, President of RDL Consultants, 2251 Lucien Way, Maitland, pointed out facts significant to the growth of Ocoee and West Orange County. Mr. Ruoff said that 65% of the employment in Orange and Seminole Counties is concentrated in downtown Orlando and southwest Orange County and that the tremendous growth in Ocoee is due to the absorption of land moving west from the employment areas. The - '-' Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting January 15, 1991 opportunity to use the turnpike and expressway for commuting purposes contributes sUbstantially toward making Ocoee a logical place to build or buy a home and, due to the diverse range of buyers, a diverse range of prices for homes is needed. Mr. Ruoff explained that their projections showed that with a price range of $150,000-$250,000 there would be 56 closings in 1991 up to 105 closings in 1995. With a price range of $100,000-$250,000 there would be a projected 229 closings in 1991 up to 348 closings in 1995. Mr. Guy expressed his appreciation for being allowed to address Commission and asked that Commission go along with them in the proposed change in their approach to the market needs. Mr. Lou Roeder reinforced remarks made by both Mr. Guy and Mr. Ruoff regarding a need for reduced price range in homes due to the market. No action was taken by Commission at this time. Paul Lewis, Jr., Winter Garden District Manager, Florida Power Corporation Mr. Paul Lewis, Jr., 1030 Shady Maple Circle, Ocoee, advised Commission that he has taken Mrs. Lynette Vermillion's position as Winter Garden District Manager for Florida Power Corporation, coming here from a like post in Clermont. Mr. Lewis said that he is interested in becoming active and involved in community efforts. '-r CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Dabbs advised that item B. ADProval and Authorization to Execute Contract for Construction of South Water Plant Diversified Drillina Corporation had been pulled from the consent agenda by staff, leaving items A and C. ~ Approval and Acceptance of Commission Meetina Minutes of December ~ 1990 and January ~ 1991 ~ ApDroval and Authorization to Execute Aareement with David ~ Milton and Ellen ~ Milton ~ Reimbursement for Improvements Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, cautioned Commission to pay attention in the future to previous problems the City has had to deal with because developers built too close to the 100 year flood plan and he suggested that a drainage program be instituted so that further problems can be averted. Mr. Mohnacky also asked how close together the Arvida houses would be with their new proposal. Mr. Guy, Arvida, said that they would honor the City's setbacks where ever they were. PUBLIC HEARINGS Milton Subdivision - Preliminary and Final Engineering '- Senior Planner Harper pointed out that the development is located on South Bluford Avenue on the west side, that the parcel is a Page 3 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting ~ January 15, 1991 2.13 acre tract containing 6 single family lots, zoned R-1-AA and he advised that staff recommends approval of the plan. The public hearing was opened. Mr. David W. Milton, 21 W. Ohio Street, developer of the property, said that on page 3 of the plan there is a large retention pond area that will never hold water and he expressed concern with the outfall structure to the west. Mr. Milton asked that someone take the money it would take for that portion of the plan and use it somewhere else in the City. City Engineer Shira advised that the engineers had followed the required drainage criteria set by the St. Johns River Water Management District. Mr. Milton said that he understood that he would have to contact that agency for any waiver to the requirement concerning the retention pond. As no one else wished to speak the public hearing was closed. City Manager Shapiro stated for the record that he appreciated staff's work on this with Mr. Milton because there were a lot of restrictions that prevented Mr. Milton, as a small developer, from going forward with his project several years ago. But, now, with the efforts of staff and Commission, Mr. Milton's patience has paid off. City Engineer Shira said that what is on the plan now meets the City's criteria and gives Mr. Milton one more lot than he had originally. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to approve the Milton Subdivision Preliminary and Final Engineering Plan. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. '-' SECOND READING ORDINANCE NO. 91-01, "amending Chapter 10 of the Ocoee City Code relating to Sprinkler, Standpipe and Fire Protection Systems by the adoption of a new Section 10-47 requiring a secured key access system; providing for severability; providing for an effective date." was presented by title for the second reading and pUblic hearing. Mr. Shapiro explained that this pertains to businesses only and Chief Strosnider said that it will be required on older buildings only when retrofitting over 50%. The public hearing was opened and, as no one wished to speak, the hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to enact Ordinance No. 91-01 as presented. On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS Discussion re: Hiring LaRue Planning and Management Services for Land Use Regulations City Manager Shapiro explained that Associate Planner Claman is leaving and, as she has completed the majority of the Comprehensive Plan process, her position should not be filled until next budget year when a planning technician can be hired. However, the Land Use Regulations must be done in a timely manner and Mr. Shapiro proposes to use the balance of Ms. Clamans' salary \..- '-' Page 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting January 15, 1991 to hire LaRue Planning and Management Consultants to complete that project, as their quote was $6,000 less than any other received for this and they are familiar with the material as well. Mr. Shapiro said that we will be receiving state funds next year on the third round of the Comprehensive Plan replacing these funds which can then be applied toward G.I.S. and other office expenses. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve staff request to use the remainder of the associate planner's budgeted salary to hire LaRue Planning and Managment Consultants to complete the Land Use Regulations, and to authorize execution of the agreement to do so. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Quarterly Finance Report - Finance Director Poston Finance Director Poston reported the following figures and stated that the budget is normal with the exception of ad valorem taxes which normally come in during the first quarter of the calendar year. '-' General Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Water Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Sanitation Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance Waste Water Fund Revenues Expenditures Balance First Quarter Budqet Review ~ of Budqet 24.0 26.1 $1,400,850.49 1.482.624.25 $ ( 81,727.47) $ 257,696.16 264.891.15 $ 7,194.99) $ 169,185.50 147,042.79 $ 22,142.71 $ 377,059.48 315,822.69 $ 61,236.79 ~ of Budqet 23.4 26.7 ~ of Budqet 23.7 21.1 ~ of Budaet 30.1 26.0 STAFF REPORTS City Manager Shapiro said that the loss of lives last week in the fire possibly could have been avoided if smoke detectors had been in use and he asked for authorization to approach the business community to solicit funds to buy 300 smoke deteors to install in the homes of the less fortunate. Commissioner Woodson, seconded '-" '- page 5c. C . . R 1 . Dc ee 1ty omm1SS10n egu ar Meet1ng January 15, 1991 by Commissioner Combs, moved to approve the request. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Commissioner Johnson asked if these would be put in rental homes also and Mr. Shapiro said these will be put in the homes of owners and the code will be inforced for rental property. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Combs 1. Said that something should be done about the Public Works Department telephone system as he has had difficulty reaching them when he wished to report a problem. 2. Noted that other cities have recycled their christmas trees in constructive ways and asked that our chipper be repaired or replaced. Public Works Director Brenner said the chipper is not safe to use but that something must be done this year as Orange County will no longer accept yard waste beginning January 1, 1992. Commissioner Johnson said that there is a place in Apopka that burns yard waste. 3. Thanked City Engineer Shira for the turn left lane/light on McKey Street. 4. Noted that the crew installing the natural gas lines to the crematory should be advised that they are required to replace the sod in the right-of-way. "'-'" Commissioner Foster 1. Asked if there is anything we can do about Pioneer Key Park as it is far below standard and looks like a garbage dump. 2. Asked that the citizens be informed that their garbage cans should be curbside only on the pickup day. City Manager Shapiro said that a notice will be put in the next water bills. Commissioner Johnson 1. Advised that the crews replacing sod in the rights-of-way are using Bahia grass to replace st. Augustine grass and that causes a problem with homeowners and their investment. 2. Asked that a way be found to deal with fire hazards in rental property. Mayor Dabbs 1. Reported that he has received a thankyou card from the Home Rule Committee for our resolution regarding Amendment #3. 2. Advised that former Mayor Cliff Freeman returned his Over 65 tax refund to the City and requested that the funds be used for landscaping. 3. Announced that a City Commission Workshop for the purpose of receiving a report on the status of Clark Road is scheduled for January 23 at 7:30 p.m. 4. Acknowledged with appreciation the successful efforts of City '- Manager Shapiro and City Attorney Rosenthal in the settlement reached with Orange County regarding the City's planning area. '--' Page 6 Ocoee city Commission Regular Meeting January 15, 1991 Commissioner Woodson 1. Thanked City Engineer Shira for the letter from Florida Department of Transportation advising that the speed limit on Silver Star Road will be reduced from 50 mph to 45 mph. 2. Announced that he had 10 tickets at $50.00 each for the YMCA Walk Down Memory Lane Dinner scheduled for February 15. After a brief discussion Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to buy the tickets. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Before adjournment Commissioner Johnson expressed concern for the condition overseas and asked that all say a prayer for our service men and their families. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m. Approved: Cit qf Ocoee '-'" J ~