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Mayor Dabbs called the regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City
Commissioners to order at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers and
then led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. Upon roll call a
quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster,
Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro,
Rosenthal, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira,
Director Brenner, and City Clerk Grafton
Johnson, and
City Attorney
Public Works
Mayor Dabbs announced that this is the second anniversary of the
employment of City Manager Shapiro and that the efficacy and the
intelligence of the Commission for this action has not been called
into question. City Manager Shapiro said that he has enjoyed the
two years working with the leadership of a forward moving
community and that he appreciates the way the residents and
employees have made his family feel a part of home.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F,
and G.
~ Approval and Acceptance of Commission Reqular Meetinq Minutes
of February ~ 1991
~ Approval and Acceptance of Request from Steve Feinstein for Time
Extension for preconstruction Conference-Silver Bend Subdivision
~ Approval and Authorization to Purchase Surplus Government
~ Approval and Authorization to Execute Developer Agreement for
Water/Sewer Capacity = Oranqe Bank
~ Aporoval and Authorization to Purchase Teletype Terminal and
Printer for Use Qy the Police Department Usinq Law Enforcement
Trust Fund Money
~ Appointment of Planning Director Bruce Behrens to Replace
Associate Planner Lisa Claman on CARL Committee
~ Approval and Authorization to Execute Contract for Landscape
Architectural Services with Glattinq Lopez Kercher & Anqlin
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to
approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked that consent
agenda item C regarding surplus equipment be clarified. City
Manager Shapiro explained that in Starke, Florida, there is a
warehouse for military, federal and state surplus equipment that
is made available for governmental agencies to purchase at
approximately 1/50th of cost, i.e., a generator, trucks, etc. Mr.
Mohnacky then expressed concern regarding the over-use of water
from the aquifer.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
February 19, 1991
City Manager Shapiro advised that both the property offered by Tom
West and another parcel outside the City limits had been found to
be either inadequate or inappropriate for the site for the new
City Hall and Police Station. The Piggly Wiggly property, although
a good location having other benefits as well, did not compare
well when the cost per square foot was compared to the cost per
square foot of using land fronting Starke Lake which is already
owned. The cost of renovation of 25,000 square feet on the
Piggly Wiggly property would equal $166.00 per square foot, while
the cost of bUilding three stories for the City Hall (40,000
square feet) attached to the eXisting building and two stories for
the Police Station (18,800 square feet) would equal $115.00 per
square foot. The overall cost for both facilities would be $6.53
million. The debt service for that amount would be $633,000.00 per
year and not feasible at this time without raising taxes. As an
option, City Manager Shapiro recommended hiring an architect,
designing the full building (two and three stories), and building
in phases, paying as we go, using the Florida League of Cities
Capital Financing Assistance Program and repaying with growth
revenue (no ad valorem taxes) for City Hall and Police Impact Fee
for the Police Station. Mr. Shapiro said that he had inquired of
Orange Bank, Barnett Bank, and Sun Banks and they could not
finance over ten years and this debt requires twenty years. Mr.
Craig Hunter, First Vice President, Wm. R. Hough & Co.,
representing the underwriters, summarized the CFAP program and
advised that if the bonds were marketed today the interest rate
would average 7.29%. Attorney Rosenthal advised that Commission
can give direction tonight but as this is over $100,000.00 it will
be necessary to advertise a public hearing. The date for the
public hearing and resolution was tentatively set for March 5.
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to
authorize staff to proceed with the sCheduling of the public
hearing and to bring an authorizing resolution to the City
Commission at the March 5 meeting (or the fOllowing meeting).
Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
Expired October 1990
The members of the Recreation Advisory Board whose terms expired
October 1990 were: William Chambers, Craig Martin, Terry Best,
John Boston and Gordon Applegate. Commissioner Johnson, seconded
by Commissioner Foster, moved to reappoint those same members for
another two year term, said terms to expire October 1992. Motion
carried with unanimous vote in favor.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ February 19, 1991
ORDINANCE 91-02, "relating to Garbage and Refuse Collection;
establishing time for placement at and removal from curbline of
solid waste or recyclable material containers for collection;
providing for severability; providing an effective date." was
presented by title for the first reading. Commissioner Combs
commented that he agrees with the contents and purpose of the
ordinance but he feels that we are getting too restrictive, as the
older citizens and employees who work long shifts will have a
problem complying. Commissioner Woodson concurred. Commissioner
Foster and Commissioner Johnson both felt that the ordinance
provides ample time.
City Manager Shapiro explained that a past due water/sewer bill in
the amount of $1,535.02 for utility service since September 1989
to West Orange Girls Club is at issue and, as the bonding company
requires that all water fees must be accounted for, he requested
direction of Commission. Representatives of the Girls Club claim
that there was a verbal agreement that the City would absorb the
cost of the utilities to the Girls Club and they believe that the
Girls Club should not be required to pay this bill. A vigorous
discussion ensued, as both Commissioner Woodson and Commissioner
Foster felt that this was a money making operation and able to
take care of its own bills. During the discussion it was
established that the grounds have grown from one ball park with a
trailer to a huge operation with many fields, a large building
which is rented out, and an occupied security trailer. Interested
citizens have put in many hours rehabilitating the area which had
deteriorated to an eyesore. City Recreation Director Jim Beech,
speaking as a citizen, pointed out that the City has been involved
for a long time and the people who put in the hours and the labor
should not be penalized for their efforts to put the project on
its feet. City Manager Shapiro pointed out that there are
irrigation wells for the fields and the only water the City would
be paying for would be to the building and the trailer. Mr.
Shapiro stated for the record that it has been the custom to
provide water service and staff has followed custom in continuing
to provide the water until Commission could give direction to
either continue the custom or to stop it. Attorney Rosenthal
explained that there are two issues: 1) the past due bill, and 2)
how to deal with current and future needs. Reqarding Issue No. ~
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to pay
the outstanding bill of $1,535.02 from General Fund Contingency.
Motion carried with 4-1 vote with Commissioner Foster voting
"nay." Regarding Issue No. ~ Commissioner Woodson, seconded by
Commissioner Johnson, moved to separate the trailer water supply
from the building water line, have the Girls Club or trailer
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
February 19, 1991
occupants pay for the trailer water and sewer, and have the City
pay for the building (club house) water and sewer out of General
Fund. Before there was an opportunity for discussion, Commissioner
Combs called for the question and the vote for the call was 3-2
in favor, with Commissioner Foster and Mayor Dabbs voting "nay."
The motion carried with 3-2 vote in favor with Commissioner Foster
and Mayor Dabbs voting "nay."
PUBLIC HEARINGS ( both continued from February 5, 1991)
City Attorney Rosenthal advised that the Prairie Lake Developer
Agreement is not yet ready and suggested continuing these public
hearings until March 19, 1991.
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to
continue this public hearing until March 19, 1991. Motion carried
with unanimous vote in favor.
Case No. 1-15 R-90:Silvestri Rezoning (Deferred from November 21,
1990 at request of Applicant)
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to
continue this public hearing until March 19, 1991. Moton carried
with unanimous vote in favor.
City Manager Shapiro advised that
golf course will be coming up soon,
today, and he will give all parties
information on the municipal
that he interviewed one party
an opportunity to come back.
City Attorney Rosenthal advised that his staff is preparing a
memo regarding the new law regarding ethics and lobbyists and
requested that an extra meeting be scheduled for in-depth briefing
of Commission, Board Members, and City Staff.
Commissioner Woodson:
1. Thanked Auto Auction for $3,600 check to the City to share in
road expense.
2. Reported receiving a letter from citizens who are not pleased
that they have been requested to stop parking a truck/trailer in a
particular place when they have parked it in the same place for 18
years .
Commissioner Combs:
1. Commented that the Operation Ocoee Parade on Saturday was
2. Challenged Clermnis Club to join in the WalkAmerica for
~ the March of Dimes on April 27.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ February 19, 1991
Commissioner Foster:
1. Congratulated City Manager Shapiro on his 2nd anniversary with
the City.
2. Commended staff for the flower beds and the general appearance
of the City.
3. Requested follow-up report from Staff on items he reports
(especially Code Enforcement).
4. Proposed moving the first meeting in April, as that is Easter
weekend and he will be out of town.
Commissioner Johnson:
1. Reported that a trucking business at 702 Silver Star Road is
causing a traffic problem by backing dump trucks into the road.
2. Advised that Winter Garden Commissioners wish to have a joint
meeting and suggested that Apopka and Windermere may be
interested in rotating meetings quarterly.
Mayor Dabbs:
1. Invited Commission and others to the Girls Club "Opening of the
Games" to be held Sunday, March 2, at 9:30 a.m.
2. Reported the movie being filmed in downtown Ocoee with Jamie
Lee Curtis and Dan Akroyd.
~ The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.