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MARCH 5, 1991
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was
called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Dabbs in the commission
chambers. Commissioner Foster led in the prayer and pledge of
allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Combs, Foster, Johnson, and
Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney
Rosenthal, Public Works Director Brenner, Planning Director
Behrens, and City Clerk Grafton. Mr. Craig Hunter, First vice
President of Wm. C. Hough & Co., was present to answer questions
regarding the Bond Issue.
Mayor Dabbs presented City of Ocoee watches to guests from Great
Britain: Mrs. Angela Perlmutter, Mrs. Janice Norman, Mr. Ronald
Austin, and Mr. Peter Hore, who are Headmasters in Great Britain
and visiting in this country. Each expressed appreciation for the
hospitality enjoyed while here.
The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A and B.
~ Approval and Acceptance of ~ommission Reqular Meeting Minutes
of February ~ 1991;
~ Approval and Authorization for Attornev Fishman to Proceed and
Request Appellate Review of Order Denying Motion to Dismiss Second
Amended Complaint in City of Ocoee ~ Stucki, Case No CI 89-9604
(Stucki ll.
Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to
approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
There were no citizens comments at this time.
RESOLUTION NO. 91-05, "providing for the acquisition,
construction, expansion, renovation, installation and equipping of
the City of Ocoee's City Hall and Police Station; authorizing the
issuance by the City of not exceeding $2,600,000 Capital
Improvement Revenue Bonds to finance the cost thereof;
convenanting to budget and appropriate certain funds for the
payment of the Bonds and pledging all moneys on deposit to the
credit of the Sinking Fund and the Revenue Fund created hereunder
and the earnings on the investment thereof to secure payment of
the principal of and interest on the Bonds; making certain
Covenants and Agreements for the benefit of the owners of the
Bonds; authorizing a negotiated sale of the Bonds; appointing the
~ registrar and paying agent for the Bonds; and providing an
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
March 5, 1991
effective date." was presented by title. City Manager Shapiro
explained that a study was done regarding where to build and how
to fund the project, that at the last meeting he had explained the
differences and advantages of using the existing sites over the
other sites which were available, and also that in using this
method to pay for the construction of the new city hall and police
station the cost will be paid by new growth rather than by
taxpayers. Mr. Shapiro stated for the record that the paying agent
is Citizens and Southern Bank and that information will be
inserted in the document in the blank space provided. Mr. Shapiro
stated further that Wm. R. Hough & Co. had put this to bid and
Citizens and Southern Bank had tied with Barnett Bank. Citizens
and Southern Bank was chosen because they had done our last paying
agent job in a very satisfactory manner. City Attorney Rosenthal
announced that this is an advertised public hearing which is being
held pursuant to the provision in the Ocoee City Charter which
requires that such a hearing be held for the issuance of bonds.
The public hearing was opened. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie
Lake Boulevard, asked several questions about the cost of the
bonds, the rate on interest paid, and the location of the
buildings. Mr. Shapiro, Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Hunter responded.
Mr. Craig Hunter, Wm. R. Hough & Co., described the preliminary
official statement which he has made available tonight and
explained that, although they had thought this issue might not be
rateable, in their Credit Committee review they had determined
that they could get it rated, although not insured, which would
make a difference of 25-35 basis points in the interest rate. If
it is cost effective they will proceed that way. As no one else
wished to speak the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Combs,
seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to adopt Resolution 91-05.
On roll call Commissioner Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster
"aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and
Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
City Manager Shapiro explained that it is necessary to hire
Issuer's Counsel as well as Bond Counsel for this Bond Issue and
recommended hiring Grace Dunlap, with the Foley & Lardner Tampa
office, for an additional amount of $2,500. Such action will save
approximately $10,000 and will not represent a conflict of
interest. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that his firm will
not be providing an independent review as City Attorney as they
will be using Florida League of Cities forms, otherwise he would
not recommend this action. Commissioner Foster, seconded by
Commissioner Johnson, moved to appoint Foley & Lardner of Tampa as
Issuer's Counsel. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
'-- March 5, 1991
ORDINANCE NO. 91-02, "relating to Garbage and Refuse Collection;
establishing time for placement at and removal from curbline of
solid waste or recyclable material containers for collection;
providing for severability; providing an effective date." was
presented by title for the second reading and public hearing. City
Manager Shapiro explained that the majority of complaints that
have been received at City Hall are from citizens complaining
about garbage cans and refuse remaining curbside for long periods
of time. In enforcing this ordinance he plans to have collectors
red tag cans in violation, and only chronic violators will go to
Code Enforcement. The public hearing was opened. Mr. R.P.
Mohnacky pointed out that people who work at night might not be
able to bring in their cans according to the schedule and would be
in violation and he also asked about grass clippings collected
over the weekend. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner
Woodson agreed with Mr. Mohnacky and said that we are getting too
many ordinances. Mr. Shapiro explained that he needs a legal basis
in order for the sanitation crews to red tag the cans left out.
Commissioner Combs said that he does not want harrassment from
Code Enforcement officers. Commissioner Johnson relayed a message
he had just received by telephone from Mrs. Pollack, 613 Spring
Lake Circle, who said that she lives alone and has a problem
getting her cans curbside and back to the house. There was further
~ discussion regarding the assistance that the sanitation crews give
to citizens who need help. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Mayor
Dabbs, moved to enact Ordinance 91-02. On roll call Commissioner
Combs voted "aye," Commissioner Foster "aye," Commissioner Johnson
"aye," Commissioner Woodson "no," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." Motion
carried with 4-1 vote in favor.
Board Appointments
Police Citizens Advisory Council-10 Members (Three Year) Terms
Expire February 1991
Commissioner Combs, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to
reappoint the following for a three year term to the Police
Advisory Council: David Aho, Sherrall Applegate, Ruth Aycock,
Betty Hager, Nell Minor, Mel Shaner, Jim Sills, Tom Slimick, Gene
Snow, Mary Anne Swickerath. Motion carried with unanimous vote in
Planning and Zoning Commission
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Combs, moved to
reappoint both Pat Bond and John Linebarier for three year terms
to the Planning and Zoning Commission as their terms expire April
1991. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ March 5, 1991
City Attorney Rosenthal advised that the response from the Ethics
Committee regarding his question about the lobbyist registration
is as follows: Elected Officials must register but do not have to
pay the fee. Everyone else in the City who does any kind of
lobbying or communication on behalf of the City with the
Legislators will need to register and pay the fee. He has asked
that a written opinion be sent to him for confirmation.
City Manager Shapiro introduced our new Director of Administrative
Services Montye Beamer.
Commissioner Combs
1. Said he's proud to be an American this week (referring to the
end of the Persian Gulf war).
2. Expressed concern about the districting coming up this year per
City Charter. City Attorney Rosenthal explained that during
November 1991 Commission must appoint a five member commission
which will serve one year and that commission will divide the City
into four districts geographically by population rather than voter
registration, using the census report. After further explanation
Mr. Rosenthal said that during the transition period it would be
possible for one Commissioner to live in another Commissioner's
~ district, but that ultimately the Commissioner must live in the
district he represents. And, also, that during an election not all
registered voters would be voting, as the districts will have
alternating election years for Commissioners. The Mayor will
continue to be elected by City-wide vote.
3. Advised that he had interrupted two burglars in his house on
Friday and held them at knifepoint until the police arrived.
During the time the police were there they received two other
urgent calls and he feels that next year's budget should include
additional positions for police officers.
Commissioner Foster
1. Reported complaints on dead landscaping trees at Good Homes
Plaza and asked that Planning Director Behrens look into it.
2. Asked that Commissioners send letters regarding the Withers-
Maguire House Grant if they have not already done so.
3. Commended Recreation Director Beech and Public Works Department
for the condition of the playing fields.
4. Commended Commissioner Woodson and the Ocoee Lions Club for the
outstanding Ocoee exhibit at the fair.
Commissioner Johnson
1. Reported that the trucks at 702 Silver Star Road are still
presenting a traffic hazard.
2. Announced that the Girls' Club games will be going on for
another month.
3. Asked for a work session to deal with the selection of the
districting commission.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
~ March 5, 1991
Mayor Dabbs
1. Announced that March 22 the East
Council Awards program will be held and
Manager be present because we have two
Oak Forest.
2. Announced the opening of the new Publix at Good Homes Plaza at
9:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 7.
3. Reported that he has received a request for funds from the YMCA
and he recommended that anyone who wishes to donate do so.
4. Reported that he has been nominated for President-Elect of
Florida Association of Secondary Schools Principals.
5. Said that he was overwhelmed by the support from this staff
and friends during the recent death in his family.
6. Said that his older nephew has been accepted as the Assistant
Secretary of the u.s. Treasury for Tax Policy.
7. Advised that he received a note from Commissioner Woodson
apologizing for the incident at a recent meeting when a motion was
made and the question called for in a manner which prevented Mayor
Dabbs from making a comment about the issue.
Central Florida Regional
requested that Ocoee City
entries: The Hammocks and
Commissioner Woodson
1. Apologized again, saying it was certainly not his intent to
keep anyone from saying anything at that point in the meeting.
2. Reported that the Asplundth tree trimmers are butchering the
~ trees throughout the town.
3. Asked City Attorney Rosenthal for a report on progress with the
Post Office delivering mail to our annexed properties, noting that
the census is done and the count is 12,775 population. City
Manager Shapiro advised that there is a difference in feeling at
the Federal level and they may be ready to talk to us now.
4. Reported that the Ocoee exhibit received third place at the
5. Asked whether the April 2 Commission meeting will be changed.
City Attorney Rosenthal advised that it would be possible for the
Commission to vote to cancel the regular meeting and call a
special session on another date. No action was taken at this time.
6. Said he was proud the service men are corning back so soon.
The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.