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JUNE 18, 1991
The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City Commissioners was called
to order by Mayor Pro Tern Johnson at 7:30 p.m. in the commission chambers.
Commissioner Woodson led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. The roll
was called and a quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tern Johnson, Commissioners Foster and Woodson. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shira, Planning Director Behrens, Director of
Administrative Services Beamer, Building Official Flippen, and City Clerk
ABSENT: Mayor Dabbs (out of town) and Commissioner Combs (ill)
Mrs. Mary Anne Swickerath, representing the Citizen Recognition Committee,
spoke briefly, but in glowing terms, about the scholastic accomplishments
of the two valedictorians of West Orange High School, Deron Berwager and
Thornton Eastham. Mayor Pro Tern Johnson presented each of the young men
a plaque for outstanding scholastic achievement.
Mayor Pro Tem Johnson read a Proclamation in support of the Florida
Freedom Festival July 4.
Recreation Director Jim Beech presented a plaque to the City of Ocoee for
backing the Big Orange Games for physically impaired students.
The proposed consent agenda consists of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H.
City Attorney Rosenthal pulled item E. Approval and Authorization to
Execute aJnendmenJ;_~_ky'eloper_ Aareement wi th_ Silver Ark Limi t~ Inc_~
(Clark Road) until the next meeting, saying that there may be additional
right-of-way needed. Commissioner Woodson asked that item C be explained
as he had observed that the deck was in place already and granting an
easement after the fact did not appear to be the proper order. City
Manager Shapiro explained that the concrete deck had been placed over the
easement and that the City has required that it be replaced with a wooden
deck in order to provide a more reasonable access when/if needed by
utility crews. City Engineer Shira explained that there were a half-dozen
easements behind the building and the original plat showed two distinct
easements located on the plat. When the building was actually constructed
the location of the lines did not fall within the easements and so they
have been required to resurvey.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Commission Reaular Meetina Minutes of June
!!~l~I~!:oval and AcceptaI!ce_ of Temporary ~ssianment of _ Wastewater
Capacity and Potable Water Connections from RCA to Hawthorne Properties,
~_.~__~~rova!. and_.-!uthorization to Execute Good JI-91!l~s_ Plaza-Utility
Easement Aareement
)2~_~j)prova:L~(LAuthorizati~n to Execute A!ITeement Reaardina Clark Road
with Methodist Church District Board of Missions and Church Extension of
Q.!"Ja!ldo J~.!.~!!".tct !__I~~~
[!....-.m!:~y_al__~~<!_Autho!"i_za tion to E~ecut~L1LeVel.9~!"._~greelllenJ_tQL~ewe!"
Service with First Equity Development ~roup, Inc. (Lake Lilly)
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
June 18, 1991
~~~Hroval and Authorization to Execute Developer Agreement for Water
Service with First Equity Development Group, Inc. (Lake Lilly)
~~yal_of_?taff Recgmmendation ~warding contract for Constructi~~
of South Water Plant
Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to approve
the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in
Kr. Buford Blizzard spoke against the chain link fence at Wal-Mart and
City Manager Shapiro explained that it is temporary while the store is
being enlarged.
Ordinance No. 91-15, Case No. 1-4AR-91:Grimes, "annexing into the
corpora te limits of the Ci ty of Ocoee, Florida, certain real property
located 230' north of the northwest corner of Maguire and Roberson Roads,
as petitioned by the property owners; providing for and authorizing the
updating of official City maps; providing direction to the City Clerk;
providing for severability; providing for an effective date." was
presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing. City
Planning Director Behrens explained that this is a correction to the
annexation and rezoning cycle last November that includes three-quarters
of an acre of land that had been inadvertantly left out of a legal
description. Mr. Mark Grimes distributed diagrams showing the site plan
to Commission. The public hearing was opened and, no one wishing to speak,
was closed. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved
to enact Ordinance No. 91-15 annexing the property described in Case No.
1-4AR-91 :Grimes. On roll call Commissioner Foster voted "aye,"
Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Pro Tem Johnson "aye." Motion
Ordinance No. 91-16, Case No. 1-4AR-91:Grimes, "changing the zoning
classification from Orange County A-1, Agricultural to P-S, Professional
Offices and Services District on certain real property located 230' north
of the northwest corner of Maguire and Roberson Roads as petitioned by the
property owners; providing for and authorizing the revision of the
Official City Zoning Map; repealing inconsistent ordinances; providing
severability; providing an effective date." was presented by title only
for the second reading and public hearing. Mr. Mark Grimes explained that
the developer plans to construct five two-story office buildings at this
location. The public hearing was opened and, no one wishing to speak, was
closed. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to
enact Ordinance No. 91-16 rezoning to P-S, Professional Offices and
Services District, the property described in Case No. 1-4AR-91:Grimes. On
roll call Commissioner Foster voted "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and
Mayor Pro Tem Johnson "aye." Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 91-17, Case Be. 1 tAR 911Criaes "relating to confinement of
animals and fowl; repealing Section 4-31 of Article III of Chapter 4 of
the Code of Ordinances of the City; adopting a new Section 4-31 of Article
III of Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinances which prohibits fowl within
the City; providing for a caretaker for certain animals in confined area;
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 18, 1991
providing for special permits; providing for severability; providing an
effective date." was presented by title only for the second reading and
public hearing. City Manager Shapiro pointed out that in order to avoid
conflicting rules an amendment should be made to this ordinance as
presented as there is an existing ordinance permitting the keeping of fowl
in A-1 and A-2 zoning. The public hearing was opened. Mr. R.P. Mohnacky,
1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked for further clarification and Mr.
Shapiro explained the need for this Ordinance. Mr. Grover Voss, 6648
Christina Marie Drive, Orlando, spoke in favor of the Ordinance. The
public hearing was closed. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson, seconded by Commissioner
Foster, moved to amend the proposed Ordinance No. 91-17 by inserting into
Section 4-31 (a) the phrase Except as expressly authorized in A-1 and A-
~_!.()ning distri~t~_ before "no person shall keep upon any property located
within the City any chickens, turkeys or other fowl." Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner
Foster, moved to enact Ordinance No. 91-17 as amended. On roll call
Commissioner Foster voted "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Pro
Tem Johnson "aye." Motion carried.
Resolution No. 91-11, "authorizing the City of Ocoee to become a lIember
of the Cooperative Agency of Municipal Planning; authorizing execution of
that certain City of Apopka/Ocoee/Winter Garden/Windermere Joint
Planning/Reserve Area Agreement; providing for severability; providing for
an effective date." was presented by title only. City Manager Shapiro
explained that this agreement provides that these cities mutually agree
that where the planning of a particular area affects a neighboring city,
that city will have an opportunity to talk about it. And also in areas of
mutual planning concern the cities will all get together to work it out.
Mayor Pro Tem Johnson asked for comments from the public and Mr. Mohnacky
asked for more explanation. City Planning Director Behrens explained that
the Comprehensive Plan laws call for communication between government
entities regarding planning and this document provides a vehicle for that
communication. There were no further questions/comments from the audience.
Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to adopt
Resolution No. 91-11, the C.A.M.P. Agreement. Motion carried with
unanimous vote in favor.
First Reading of Ordinance - Second Reading and Public Hearing is
Scheduled for July 2, 1991
Ordinance No. 91-19, "repealing Ordinance Number 89-47 which established
a Fire Impact Fee; enacting a new Fire Impact Fee; adopting a fee
schedule; providing for time of payment; providing definitions; providing
for an annual review; providing for credits; providing for exemptions;
providing for vested rights determintation; providing for a trust fund;
providing for a penalty; providing for severability; providing an
effective date." was presented by title for the first reading. Mayor Pro
Tem Johnson announced that the second reading and public hearing will be
July 2, 1991.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 18, 1991
Replacement for John Linebarier - Resignation from P , Z Commission and
Code Enforcement Board effective July 1, 1991
Mayor Pro Tem Johnson pulled this item from the agenda and asked that it
be brought back before Commission on July 16, 1991. Commissioner Woodson
requested that a letter of appreciation for Mr. Linebarier's fifteen years
of service on the boards be sent.
Clark Road Update - Presentation by PEC
City Engineer Shira said that the estimate for the total construction cost
of Clark Road was made last year with no experience and that it appears
that the cost will be 10% less than anticipated. After
distributing charts showing comparison of estimated engineering,
construction, and right-of-way acquisition costs between the Engineering
Report dated August 1990 and the Latest Cost Estimate dated May 1991, Mr.
Bob Campbell, PEC, reported that the construction plans for Sections A,
B, and C are being reviewed, that the three plans will be merged into one
plan and ready to advertise for bids by June 28. The driveway, drainage
connection, stormwater, and other permits are being reviewed by the
appropriate agencies and are on schedule. Mr. Campbell went over the
schedule for advertising and noted that the bid opening will be July 22.
In reviewing the total anticipated cost for the project, Mr. Campbell said
that the right-of-way acquisitions appear to be coming in at considerably
less than estimated, causing the total cost of the project to be reduced
by $680,000. City Attorney Rosenthal said that most of the appraisals are
in on the rights-of-way, that there are several offers pending, and the
actual total right-of-way cost may not be as high as estimated. The July
16 date for the consideration of eminent domain resolutions may be pushed
into August because the appraisals have been late coming in, but this will
not adversely affect the time schedule.
City Attorney Rosenthal advised that Maguire Road Corporation is suing and
asked that Commissioners give the papers to City Clerk when they are
Commissioner Woodson:
1) Asked if Bell South got a permit for the tower behind Scotty's and was
advised that they got it a long time ago.
2) Said that the trailer courts need to be cleaned up and that skirts
should be required.
3) Advised that "Doc." Ed Pounds wishes to have his water service changed
over to the new line.
4) Reported the railroad crossings are bad again.
5) Reported that some Robert's Rise residents are pushing grass clippings
into the sewer drain.
6) Announced that a World War II Memorial Fund Raiser (dance/BBQ) will
be held on July 19 in the Community Center.
7) Reported that he has received a letter regarding enclaves and City
Manager Shapiro explained.
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Ocoee City Commission Regular Keeting
June 18, 1991
Commissioner Foster:
1) Noted that everything ran smoothly in the Mayor's absence.
2) Asked who is Mayor Pro Tern Tern when Mayor and Mayor Pro Tern are away.
3) Commended Staff and PEC for reduced price on Clark Road.
Kayor Pro Tem Johnson said he has had a bad day.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.