HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-16-91 '--' MINUTES OF THE OCOEE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 16, 1991 The regular meeting of the Ocoee Board of City CommIssioners was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Dabbs in the commission chambers. Commissioner Foster led in the prayer and pledge of allegiance. The roll was called and a quorum declared present. PRESENT: Mayor Dabbs, Commissioners Foster, Johnson, and Woodson. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Engineer !Utili tles Director Shira, Administra ti ve Services Director Beamer, Planning Dj.rector Behrens, and City Clerk Grafton. ABSENT: Commissioner Combs (ill; PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS None CONSENT AGENDA The proposed consent agenda consisted of items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. A" 1\,~cepJ~ll<<::e.~.~(L1\,PP:rov~JQJ !1).ntl.tes oJBeguJ~:r<;:9ml1l;i.~~JollM~~ttJlg of .July) 1-1991 B .A<::cepta~<::e..andAu thor:;L za, U91Lt():EXecllte Amel1dmen.! .... tgJhe 1\,Q:rE?ement hetweenQra.nQ~ ..<:OUI1 t Y .~~.ct .<;:itY.9t.. Qc:gee..Sa,11.Ha,ry.Sewer . Jmp:r9Yl:lTlent s , M &M Ut il Hie.s_(C9mm\l~itY_J)eve.19Prnen tBlock<;:r?-nt) C. . Apprgy~l.9-!lg Autl1oriz;~tioll.t():Ex~<::\lte1\,ddel1dum )'J9 .9J__~ .t9 t.E. C ..'s Agreement for Consl,lHing Engi:n~e[ing~erv~ces re: SouthWat~r Plant 16UWater-Matl1 Desi.gI1.tn__ngt...t()...~xceeda.moul1 t. of $27 , 075 ..00 ~ D. Approval and AuthorizationtgExecuteAmendIT\ent No..lto1\,gdendum No. 99...0L to P.:E.C ~.'.s Agre_~f!lel1Lfor _C()!lsl,lJUng.:Engineering Serv.ice.s re: WWTP #2 Expansion - PhCl.s~IIjn n()t-Jo...exceeo,.amountof $172,679.00 E . ~PP,~_9Y ~ 1_._~J1cl ,~~_~~t49_r1 ~ ~t!.91l___t_9___Ex~~,u" t_~___.GC?J~,t~ ~~ J~___, Agr~.elll.~n~, _ ,w_~t It__ .B~mDY & Stimpson, Inc. as Low Bidder for Construction of M & M Utilities Project ill am9untof $19?,.9QI.OO. (CornI1l1.lnhtyDevelopmen!Bl.9ck Grant) F. Approval and Acceptance of Transfer of Water and Sewer Capacity from Hawthorne Properties, . Ltd. to Centex Real Estace Corporation G. Approval of Settlement Agree.ment and Stipulation re: Wagner v. PyJant, et al.and Authorization for City Attorney to Implement the Settlement H. Apprgyal and Atlthorization to Execute Lake. Olympia SquareFinal Plat Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC There were no comments from the public at this time. ~ PUBLIC HEARINGS Second Reading of Ordinance Ordinance No. 91-18, relating to Florida Power Franchise, "granting Florida Power Corporation, its successors and assigns, an exclusive electric utility franchise for a term of thirty (30) years; providing for certain conditions relating thereto; establishing a franchise fee; providing for indemnification of the City; providing for inclusion of lands which may hereafter he annexed into the City of Ocoee; repealing Ordinance No. 5:,~. subject to certaln transition provisions; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; confirming compliance with Charter requirements; providing an effective date. II was presented by title only for the second reading and public hearing. The pUblic hearing was opened. City Attorney Rosenthal advised that this public hearing as required by Florida Statutes and the City Charter has been properly advertised for four consecutive weeks (June 16, 23, 30, and July 7, 1991) in the Orlando Sentinel, which is a newspaper of local circulation. Page 2 Ocoee City Commission Regular Session ~ July 16, 1991 Mr. R.P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, asked several questions which were answered by Mr. Paul Lewis, District Manager of Florida Power Corporation. As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to enact Ordinance No. 91-18, granting an exclusive electric utility franchise for thirty (30) years to ?lorida Power Corporation. On roll call Commissioner Foster voted "aye," Commissioner Johnson "aye," Commissioner Woodson "aye," and Mayor Dabbs "aye." (Commissioner Combs was not present.) Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. OTHER BUSINESS Establish Budget Meetings Schedule Tentative Millage Rate Set at 4 Mills City Manager Shapiro advised that it is necessary to determine the proposed millage rate for the fiscal year 1991-92 and set the dates for the budget workshops and public hearings so that the information can be sent to the Orange County Property Appraiser by August 4. Mr. Shapiro explained that keeping the rate at the present 4 mills would allow the existing programs to continue at the current staffing level, increasing to 5 mills would provide an increase in the current staffing levels for fire and police, increasing to 6 mills would do likewise and also make it possible to purchase many of the items in the capital improvement plan recently approved by Commission. After a brief discussion Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to authorize City Manager Shapiro to advise Property Appraiser to place 4 mills on the tax ~ advisory. Dates Set for Budget Work Sessions and Public Hearings City Manager Shapiro advised that the tentative bUdget will be sent to Commission on July 31. A budget worksession was scheduled for August 15 at 6:30 p.m. to carryover to August 20 at 7:30 p.m. if needed. Non-profit organizations are to appear before Commission for presentations only at the August 20th meeting. Decisions regarding the allocation of the funds for these organizations will be made at another time. Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to set the meeting to adopt the Tentative Millage Rate and the Tentative Budget for FY 91-92 on September 3 and the meeting to adopt the Final Millage Rate and Final Budget for FY 91-92 on September 17, both meetings to begin at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Resolution No. 91-13, "adopting and approving job descriptions setting forth the duties and responsibilities of each employment position in the Police Department of the City of Ocoee; adopting and approving a job description for the position of Athletic Groundskeeper for the Recreation Department of the City of Ocoee; providing for severability; providing an effective date." was presented by title only. Commissioner Foster, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 91-13. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. Resolution No. 91-14, relating to clean water in Lake Apopka by the Year 2000 and urging the St. Johns River Water Management District to strengthen its rule on discharge into Lake Apopka was presented for consideration. Mr. R. P. Mohnacky asked several questions. Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Mayor Dabbs, moved ~ to adopt Resolution No. 91-14. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. ~ Page 3 Ocoee city Commission Regular Meeting July 16, 1991 Approval of Staff Recommendation re: Loan from Water Fund (401) to General Fund (001) in amount of $30,000 for Purchase of Ben Griffin Property Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Woodson, moved to approve the loan from the Water Fund (401) to the General Fund (001) in the amount of $30,000 for the purchase of the two lots adjacent to the Ocoee Woman's Club and to authorize the schedule of repayment as outlined over three fiscal years at 8% simple interest per annum. Motion carried with unanimous vote in favor. (Clerk's note for clarification: these lots are located on the north side of the building, fronting on N. Lakewood Avenue and E. Oakland Street.) STAFF REPORTS City Manager Shapiro explained that during a severe electrical storm two of the three high-service pump motors and both of the well pump motors at the Forest Oaks water plant were damaged by lightning strike, necessitating repair and replacement costs of approximately $8,000.00. This was declared to be an emergency item and Commissioner Woodson, seconded by Commissioner Foster, moved to authorize the transfer of $8,000 from the water contingency account to pay for the expenses not covered by insurance. '-" COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Foster: 1) Said that the recent daily ralns make it clear that the City needs to start working on storm water drainage as a priority item. 2) Reported that there are several street lights out on Starke Lake Circle. Commissioner Johnson: Said that, due to the discontinuing of the school bus service within two miles of the schools, sidewalks along the routes walked by school children are of prime importance. City Manager Shapiro said that he would be sure to provide the cost for those sidewalks at the budget sessions. Mayor Dabbs said that he attended school board meetings re: this and many of those routes were kept in the bus service. Commissioner Woodson: Announced the World War II Memorial fund raiser scheduled for July 19 with food from noon to 8:00 p.m. and a dance beginning at 8:00 p.m. Kayor Dabbs: 1) Announced that Chief Boyd had received an award concerning the school crossing guard program involved with the safe transporting of children to school. 2} Reported that he had attended the meeting on Sunday when the M & M Utilities situation was being explained to the citizens and he commended City Engineer Shira and Administrative Services Director Beamer for their presentation. 3) Reported he has received a letter from the Department of Environmental Regulations to Mr. Gerald Sims regarding his questions concerning "Pond B" advising him that they cannot force the City to do or not do as he asks. 4) Wished Judy Henry happy birthday. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ~